149 research outputs found


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    Text mining to a great extent depends on the various text preprocessing techniques. The preprocessing methods and tools which are used to prepare texts for further mining can be divided into those which are and those which are not language-dependent. The subject matter of this research was the analysis of the influence of these methods and tools on further text mining. We first focused on the analysis of the influence on the reduction of the vector space model for the multidimensional represen-tation of text documents. We then analyzed the influence on calculating text similarity, which is the focus of this research. The conclusion we reached is that the implemen-tation of various text preprocessing methods in the Serbian language, which are used for the reduction of the vector space model for the multidimensional representation of text document, achieves the required results. But, the implementation of various text preprocessing methods specific to the Serbian language for the purpose of calculating text similarity can lead to great differences in the results


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    Air quality in urban environments are determined by the concentrations of pollutants in it. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is used for assessment of air quality. The aim of this paper is to presents the quality of ambient air in the surrounding of the measuring point the Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš, by using AQI and its comparation with the concentration of CO. Measurements of CO concentrations were performed in the period from April to June, and in the period from September to November by the automated measuring station "Airpointer".Key words: carbon monoxide; Air Quality Index; air quality; measuring station "Airpointer"


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    Abstract. Web Applications "Local Register of Pollution Sources" - (LRPS) is the result of research on the project "Improvement of the monitoring and evaluation of long-term exposure of the population pollutants in the environment by using neural networks". The structure and content of the application are made in accordance with the Regulations on the methodology for the development of national and local register of pollution sources ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 91/2010). Made in Joomla! Framework, using the programming language PHP/MySQL. For the management and review of electronic forms used is a software component Fabrik Joomla! Application Builder. Key words: local register of pollution sources, web application, databases, pollutant


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    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of blindness in children and one of the most important reasons of blindness in the perinatal period. The aim of the paper was to present a nine-month-old baby boy with esotropia, microphtalmos and completely detached retina in one eye, as the end stage of the disease, who had not been checked for ROP. The boy was born in the 32nd gestational week, with 1670 g birth weight. Indirect ophthalmoscope examination and ultrasonography of the left eye showed stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity. On the right eye, the finding was valid. Retinopathy of prematurity today needs recognition, understanding and awareness among ophthalmologists, pediatricians, neonatologists. Early diagnosis of damage is important in the treatment of ROP

    Variability in antioxidants in yellow, white, and red coloured maize grain in response to different fertilizers

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) grain is an important source of nutrients in human diet. The differences in content and relations between certain components of maize grain impact grain colour and its nutritional quality. The objective of the Study was to examine effects of different fertilization systems: mineral fertilizer (urea), organic fertilizer, and bio-fertilizer on white, yellow, and red coloured maize hybrids, regarding grain yield and variations in content of antioxidants: phytate, phenolic compounds, glutathione, carotenoids (yellow pigment), and reduction capacity of DPPH radical. Two-fold higher average grain yield and double fold lower concentration of phenols and carotenoids were present in 2018, in comparison to drier 2017. The lowest phytate content and the highest values of phenols and DPPH reduction capacity were present in red maize kernel, as a hybrid with the highest yield, while in yellow maize kernel, the highest values of yellow pigment and glutathione occurred. The bio-fertilizer expressed the positive impact on reduction of phytate concentration and increase of phenols concentration in maize grain, while urea increased concentration of yellow pigment and glutathione. Correlation analysis showed that reduction in phytate and carotenoids was significant and positive related with grain yield increase, while phenols showed positive correlation with reduction capacity of DPPH radical. Thus, it was shown that changes in fertilization methods could affect antioxidants status in maize grain, particularly in red coloured maize, which besides high yield potential, possess remarkable higher antioxidant capacity in regard to yellow and white coloured maize

    Variability in antioxidants in yellow, white, and red coloured maize grain in response to different fertilizers

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) grain is an important source of nutrients in human diet. The differences in content and relations between certain components of maize grain impact grain colour and its nutritional quality. The objective of the Study was to examine effects of different fertilization systems: mineral fertilizer (urea), organic fertilizer, and bio-fertilizer on white, yellow, and red coloured maize hybrids, regarding grain yield and variations in content of antioxidants: phytate, phenolic compounds, glutathione, carotenoids (yellow pigment), and reduction capacity of DPPH radical. Two-fold higher average grain yield and double fold lower concentration of phenols and carotenoids were present in 2018, in comparison to drier 2017. The lowest phytate content and the highest values of phenols and DPPH reduction capacity were present in red maize kernel, as a hybrid with the highest yield, while in yellow maize kernel, the highest values of yellow pigment and glutathione occurred. The bio-fertilizer expressed the positive impact on reduction of phytate concentration and increase of phenols concentration in maize grain, while urea increased concentration of yellow pigment and glutathione. Correlation analysis showed that reduction in phytate and carotenoids was significant and positive related with grain yield increase, while phenols showed positive correlation with reduction capacity of DPPH radical. Thus, it was shown that changes in fertilization methods could affect antioxidants status in maize grain, particularly in red coloured maize, which besides high yield potential, possess remarkable higher antioxidant capacity in regard to yellow and white coloured maize

    The importance of human reliability analysis in risk assessment process

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    Human factor has significant effects on risks that can occur in any system. Better understanding of these effects is of a great importance for system’s safety. The main purpose of this paper is to emphasize the role and importance of human reliability analysis in the risk assessment process. By giving an overview of historical development of human reliability analysis methods, with advantages and shortcoming for each generation of methods, this paper points out the need for further research in this area

    Comparison of the Influence of Different Normalization Methods on Tweet Sentiment Analysis in the Serbian language

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    Given the growing need to quickly process texts and extract information from the data for various purposes, correct normalization that will contribute to better and faster processing is of great importance. The paper presents the comparison of different methods of short text (tweet) normalization.  The comparison is illustrated by the example of text sentiment analysis.  The results of an application of different normalizations are presented, taking into account time complexity and sentiment algorithm classification accuracy. It has been shown that using cutting to n-gram normalization, better or similar results are obtained compared to language-dependent normalizations. Including the time complexity, it is concluded that the application of this language-independent normalization gives optimal results in the classification of short informal texts

    A simulation of free radicals induced oxidation of dopamine in aqueous solution

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    Understanding the basic chemistry between highly reactive free radicals and dopamine is an important step in characterizing the antioxidative activity of catecholamine neurotransmitters. In this work, we simulated the reactions between dopamine and hydroxyl, peroxyl and methoxy radicals in aqueous solution by employing first principle molecular dynamics based on density functional theory and the BLYP functional. The simulations provide mechanistic insight into the reaction mechanisms but underestimate reaction timescales. The failure of the BLYP functional to address the formal hydrogen atom transfer barriers between dopamine and free radicals is attributed to the self-interaction error.This is peer-reviewed version of the article: B. Milovanović, J. Ilić, I.M. Stanković, M. Popara, M. Petković, M. Etinski, Chemical Physics 524, (2019) 26-30, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphys.2019.05.001][http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2949