30 research outputs found

    Caracterização de Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolados de ostras e mexilhões em São Paulo, Brasil

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium, responsible for gastroenteritis in humans. Most of the clinical isolates produce thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) encoded by tdh and trh genes respectively. In this study, twenty-three V. parahaemolyticus, previously isolated from oysters and mussels were analyzed by PCR using specific primers for the 16S rRNA and virulence genes (tdh, trh and tlh) and for resistance to different classes of antibiotics and PFGE. Nineteen isolates were confirmed by PCR as V. parahaemolyticus. The tlh gene was present in 100% of isolates, the tdh gene was identified in two (10.5%) isolates, whereas the gene trh was not detected. Each isolate was resistant to at least one of the nine antimicrobials tested. Additionally, all isolates possessed the blaTEM-116 gene. The presence of this gene in V. parahaemolyticus indicates the possibility of spreading this gene in the environment. Atypical strains of V. parahaemolyticus were also detected in this study.Vibrio parahaemolyticus é uma bactéria marinha, responsável por gastroenterite em humanos. A maioria dos isolados clínicos produzem hemolisina termoestável direta (TDH) e hemolisina TDH-relacionada (TRH) codificadas por genes tdh e trh, respectivamente. Neste estudo, vinte e três V. parahaemolyticus, previamente isolados de ostras e mexilhões foram analisados por PCR utilizando indicadores específicos para o gene 16S rRNA, genes de virulência (tdh, trh e tlh), resistência a diferentes classes de antibióticos, e PFGE. Dezenove isolados foram confirmados por PCR, como V. parahaemolyticus. O gene tlh estava presente em 100% dos isolados, o gene tdh foi identificado em dois (10,5%) dos isolados, enquanto que o gene trh não foi detectado. Cada isolado foi resistente a pelo menos um dos nove antibióticos testados. Além disso, todos os isolados apresentaram resultado positivo para o gene blaTEM-116. A presença deste gene em V. parahaemolyticus indica a possibilidade de propagação desse gene no ambiente. Cepas atípicas de V. parahaemolyticus foram também detectadas neste estudo

    Molecular and biochemical characterization of CTX-M-131, a natural Asp240Gly variant derived from CTX-M-2, produced by a Providencia rettgeri clinical strain in São Paulo, Brazil

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    CTX-M-131 is a natural Asp240Gly variant from the CTX-M-2 group detected in a Providencia rettgeri clinical strain from Brazil. Molecular analysis showed that blaCTX-M-131 was inserted in a complex class 1 integron harbored by a 112-kb plasmid, which has not been previously described as a platform for CTX-M-encoding genes with the Asp240Gly mutation. Steady-state kinetic parameters showed that the enzyme has a typical cefotaximase catalytic profile and an enhanced activity against ceftazidime.Fil: Dropa, Milena. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Ghiglione, Barbara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Matté, Maria Helena. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Balsalobre, Livia Carminato. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Lincopan, Nilton. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Matté, Glavur Rogério. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Gutkind, Gabriel Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Power, Pablo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Presence of 'BLA IND. TEM-116' gene in environmental isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas jandaei from Brazil

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    It is known that Aeromonas spp. possess different chromosomal beta-lactamase genes. Presence and phenotypic expression of bla(TEM), bla(SHV), and bla(CTX-M) ESBL-encoding genes were investigated in environmental water isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas jandaei. Presence of blaSHV and blaCTX-M genes was not observed, and blaTEM gene was verified in 91% of the isolates. Sequencing of 10 fragments showed the occurrence of bla(TEM-116)FAPESP n. 2007/02238-3 e 2007/02266-

    Quantification and characterization of Salmonella spp. isolates in sewage sludge with potential usage in agriculture

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud This study aims to scrutinize Salmonella spp. and its serotypes in sewage sludge samples from wastewater treatment plants, and assesses the presence of virulence genes and antibiotics resistant to the profile. Samples (n = 54) were collected and analyzed in accordance with the EPA Method 1682/2006. For positive serological reaction, 40 strains were selected for PCR analyses and detection of spvC, invA and sseL virulence genes, plasmid presence and resistance to antibiotics.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud Salmonella spp. was detected in 38.9% of the samples collected (<0.006473 to 12.19 MPN/gTS). The most prevalent serotype was Salmonella Infantis. All Salmonella spp. (n = 35) presented at least one of the three virulence genes mentioned above and 40% harboured plasmids. Salmonella Typhimurium strains were isolated harbouring at least one of the following virulence genes: spvC, invA or sseL. Four Salmonella spp. isolates were resistant to tetracycline; three were resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and one isolate was resistant to ciprofloxacin. Two Salmonella spp. strains presented multi resistance to antimicrobial agents.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud The results obtained demonstrated that Salmonella spp. have been found in sewage sludge, thus it is essential to set measures to mitigate human health risks when it is intended to be applied on agricultural soils.We would like to give thanks to the Coordination of Improvement of Higher\ud Education– CAPES– for providing us with scholarships and also to Fundação\ud de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo– FAPESP– for its financial\ud support (2010/05664-6)

    Whole genome sequencing identifies independent outbreaks of Shigellosis in 2010 and 2011 in La Pampa Province, Argentina

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    AbstractShigella sonnei is an emergent cause of diarrheal disease in middle-income countries. The organism causes endemic disease and is also associated with sporadic outbreaks in susceptible populations. In 2010 and 2011 there were two suspected outbreaks of diarrheal disease caused by S. sonnei in La Pampa province in central Argentina. Aiming to confirm these as outbreaks and provide insight into the relationship of the strains causing these infections we combined antimicrobial susceptibility testing and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with whole genome sequencing (WGS). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing suggested the two events were unrelated; organisms isolated in 2010 exhibited resistance to trimethoprim sulphate whereas the 2011 S. sonnei were non-susceptible against ampicillin, trimethoprim sulphate and cefpodoxime. PFGE profiling confirmed the likelihood of two independent outbreaks, separating the isolates into two main XbaI restriction profiles. We additionally performed WGS on 17 isolates associated with these outbreaks. The resulting phylogeny confirmed the PFGE structure and separated the organisms into two comparatively distantly related clones. Antimicrobial resistant genes were common, and the presence of an OXA-1 was likely associated with resistance to cefpodoxime in the second outbreak. We additionally identified novel horizontally transferred genetic material that may impinge on the pathogenic phenotype of the infecting strains. Our study shows that even with a lack of supporting routine data WGS is an indispensible method for the tracking and surveillance of bacterial pathogens during outbreaks and is becoming a vital tool for the monitoring of antimicrobial resistant strains of S. sonnei.</jats:p

    Genotypic characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae strains, isolated from patients of a public hospital in the city of São Paulo.

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    Introdução - A crescente resistência antimicrobiana em bactérias responsáveis por infecções hospitalares é um grande desafio à Saúde Pública. as B-lactamases de espectro estendido (ESBL), que hidrolisam a maioria dos compostos B-lactâmicos, são reconhecidas mundialmente como um grande problema para pacientes hospitalizados, devido à localização de seus genes em elementos transferíveis, facilitando sua disseminação. Objetivo - Caracterizar geneticamente cepas de Enterobactérias produtoras de ESBL isoladas de pacientes de um hospital público da cidade de São Paulo. Material e métodos - Todas as cepas de enterobactérias produtoras de ESBL isoladas em um ano foram submetidas a análises moleculares pela PCR, com iniciadores específicos para oito genes bla, e as cepas de Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL positivas (ESBL-Kp) identificadas nesse período foram comparadas pela técnica de PFGE.Resultados - Os genes, bla(tem), bla(shv), bla(ctx-m), bla(per-2) bla(veb) and bla(ges) foram identificados em 9 espécies: Klebsiella pneumoniae (71,5 por cento), Escherichia coli (13,5 por cento), Morganella morganii (6 por cento), Proteus mirabilis (3 por cento), Klebsiella oxytoca (1,5 por cento), Providencia rettgeri (1,5 por cento), Providencia stuartii (1,5 por cento), Enterobacter aerogenes (0,75 por cento). Os genes bla(per-1) e bla(oxa) não foram detectados. O PFGE revelou 8 perfis moleculares principais em 68,4 por cento das ESBL-Kp, e 31,6 por cento das cepas não estavam relacionadas. Conclusões - Os resultados de PCR revelaram uma grande variedade de grupos de ESBL, e aparentemente este é o primeiro relato de grupos GES e VEB em enterobactérias no Brasil.Introduction - The increasing antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic bacteria causing nosocomial infections is a major public health challenge. The extended-spectrum &#946;-lactamases (ESBL), which hydrolyze most of &#946;-lactams, are recognized worldwide as a great problem to hospitalized patients, due to the transferable location of their genes, which facilitates their spreading. Objective - Genetically characterize ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae strains isolated from patients of a Public Hospital in the city of São Paulo. Material and Methods - All Enterobacteriaceae ESBL-producing strains isolated in an 1-year period were submitted to molecular analysis by PCR with specific primers for eight bla genes, and all ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBL-Kp) identified in this period were compared by the PFGE technique. Results - Genes blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX-M, blaPER-2, blaVEB and blaGES were identified in 9 species: Klebsiella pneumoniae (71,5%), Escherichia coli (13,5%), Morganella morganii (6%), Proteus mirabilis (3%), Klebsiella oxytoca (1,5%), Providencia rettgeri (1,5%), Providencia stuartii (1,5%), Enterobacter aerogenes (0,75%) and Enterobacter cloacae (0,75%). Genes blaPER-1 and blaOXA were not detected in any strain. PFGE revealed 8 distinct main molecular patterns in 68,4% of ESBL-Kp, and 31,6% of the strains were totally unrelated. Conclusions - PCR results showed a great variety of ESBL groups in the institution, and apparently this is the first report of GES- and VEB-ESBL groups in enterobacteria in Brazil. The results suggest the spread of resistance genes in different strains of ESBL-Kp in some hospital wards, and also that some strongly related clones of these bacteria colonized patients from a neonatal ward in a 3-month period

    Spread of antimicrobial resistance in enterobacteriaceae clinical and environmental strains: identification and genetic environment mapping of ESBL encoding genes

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    Introdução. A resistência bacteriana é facilitada pela pressão seletiva do uso de antimicrobianos na clínica e em outras atividades, como a agricultura e pecuária, além de poder ser disseminada para a natureza por meio do lançamento inadequado do esgoto ou pela aplicação do lodo de esgoto na agricultura. As -lactamases de espectro estendido (ESBL) são uma das formas mais prevalentes de resistência em Gram negativos no mundo, e seus genes codificadores são disseminados por meio de diversos elementos genéticos, principalmente transposons e integrons mobilizados para plasmídios. Objetivo. Identificar e caracterizar genes codificadores de ESBL, bem como suas prováveis formas de mobilização, em enterobactérias isoladas de fontes ambientais e clínicas. Material e Métodos. Quarenta e cinco cepas isoladas de um hospital público em 2004 e 2005, responsáveis por infecções hospitalares (14), infecções comunitárias (7) e colonizações (24), e 7 isoladas de estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) em 2009, em São Paulo, geneticamente distintas e produtoras de ESBL da família Enterobacteriaceae, foram estudadas. A técnica de PCR seguida de sequenciamento foi utilizada para a identificação dos genes blaESBL, triagem de elementos móveis e mapeamento do ambiente genético de blaESBL. A identificação dos grupos de incompatibilidade plasmidial (Inc) foi realizada pela técnica de PBRT, e a determinação dos tamanhos dos plasmídios pela técnica de S1-PFGE. Resultados. Os genes blaESBL identificados foram: amostras clínicas - blaTEM-15, blaTEM-197, blaSHV-5, blaSHV-12, blaSHV-27, blaSHV-28, blaSHV-45, blaSHV-55, blaSHV-110, blaCTX-M-2, blaCTX-M-59 e blaCTX-M-131; amostras ambientais blaSHV-28, blaCTX-M-15 e blaCTX-M-8. Os genes blaTEM- 15 e blaTEM-197 estavam associados aos elementos Tn2* e Tn3, respectivamente. Os genes blaSHV-5 e blaSHV-12 estavam associados à IS26, e não foi possível determinar o ambiente genético dos demais genes blaSHV. Os genes blaCTX-M-2, blaCTX-M-59 e blaCTXM- 131 estavam inseridos em integrons de classe 1 complexos, blaCTX-M-15 estava associado à ISEcp1 interrompida pela IS26, e blaCTX-M-8 estava associado à IS10, também interrompida pela IS26. Os principais grupos Inc detectados foram IncA/C (37 por cento ) e IncF (30,4 por cento ). Exceto por 7 cepas clínicas, todas apresentavam plasmídios de alto peso molecular, entre 48,5kb e 388kb. Conclusões. Este estudo detectou 15 genes blaESBL diferentes, dos quais dois são genes novos (blaTEM-197 e blaCTX-M-131) e três são inéditos no Brasil (blaTEM-15, blaSHV-55 e blaSHV-110). A maioria das cepas deste estudo possuía genes blaESBL associados a elementos mobilizáveis, bem como continham plasmídios de grupos Inc envolvidos na disseminação da resistência antimicrobiana. Além disso, carreavam plasmídios provavelmente conjugativos. Os resultados deste estudo mostram genes de resistência associados a elementos mobilizáveis em cepas contendo elementos transferíveis. As cepas foram isoladas tanto em uma instituição de saúde como nas ETEs da Grande São Paulo, mostrando o potencial de disseminação da resistência da clínica para o ambiente em nossa região.Introduction. Bacterial resistance is facilitated by selective pressure of antimicrobial use in clinical and other activities, as agriculture and livestock, and can be spread to nature through the inadequate discharge of sewage or by the use of sludge in agriculture. Extended-spectrum -lactamases (ESBL) are the most prevalente forms of resistance in Gram-negative bacteria in the world, and their encoding genes are disseminated through several genetic elements, especially transposons and integrons mobilized to plasmids. Objective. To identify and characterize ESBL-encoding genes, as well as their probable mobilization pathways, in enterobacteria isolated from clinical and environmental sources. Material and Methods. Forty-five strains isolated from a public hospital in 2004 and 2005, responsible for hospital infections (14), community-acquired infections (7) and colonizations (24), and 7 isolated from sewage treatment plants (ETE) in 2009, in São Paulo, genetically distinct and ESBL producers from Enterobacteriaceae family, were studied. PCR technique followed by sequencing was used for blaESBL genes identification, mobile elements screening and blaESBL genetic environment mapping. Plasmid incompatibility groups (Inc) were identified by PBRT technique, and plasmid sizes were determined by S1-PFGE technique. Results. The blaESBL genes identified were: clinical samples - blaTEM-15, blaTEM-197, blaSHV-5, blaSHV-12, blaSHV-27, blaSHV-28, blaSHV-45, blaSHV-55, blaSHV-110, blaCTX-M-2, blaCTX-M-59 and blaCTX-M-131; environmental samples blaSHV-28, blaCTX-M-15 and blaCTX-M-8. Genes blaTEM-15 and blaTEM-197 were associated to the elements Tn2* and Tn3, respectivelly. Genes blaSHV-5 and blaSHV-12 were associated to IS26, and it was not possible to detect the genetic environment of the other blaSHV genes. Genes blaCTX-M-2, blaCTX-M-59 and blaCTX-M-131 were inserted in complex class 1 integrons, blaCTX-M-15 was associated to ISEcp1 interrupted by IS26, and blaCTX-M-8 was associated to IS10, also interrupted by IS26. The most common Inc grups detected were IncA/C (37 per cent ) and IncF (30,4 per cent ). Except for 7 clinical strains, all isolates showed high molecular weight plasmids, rangng from 48,5kb to 388kb. Conclusions. This study detected 15 different blaESBL genes, from which 2 are new genes (blaTEM-197 e blaCTX-M-131) and 3 are still unpublished in Brazil (blaTEM-15, blaSHV-55 and blaSHV-110). Most of the strains from this study had blaESBL genes associated to mobile elements, as well as they had plasmids from Inc groups involved in the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, the strains probably carried conjugative plasmids. Results from the present work show resistance genes associated to mobile elements in strains carrying transferable elements. The strains were isolated either from a healthcare institution or from ETEs in São Paulo, which shows the spread potential of resistance from the clinic to the environment in our region

    Genotypic characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae strains, isolated from patients of a public hospital in the city of São Paulo.

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    Introdução - A crescente resistência antimicrobiana em bactérias responsáveis por infecções hospitalares é um grande desafio à Saúde Pública. as B-lactamases de espectro estendido (ESBL), que hidrolisam a maioria dos compostos B-lactâmicos, são reconhecidas mundialmente como um grande problema para pacientes hospitalizados, devido à localização de seus genes em elementos transferíveis, facilitando sua disseminação. Objetivo - Caracterizar geneticamente cepas de Enterobactérias produtoras de ESBL isoladas de pacientes de um hospital público da cidade de São Paulo. Material e métodos - Todas as cepas de enterobactérias produtoras de ESBL isoladas em um ano foram submetidas a análises moleculares pela PCR, com iniciadores específicos para oito genes bla, e as cepas de Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL positivas (ESBL-Kp) identificadas nesse período foram comparadas pela técnica de PFGE.Resultados - Os genes, bla(tem), bla(shv), bla(ctx-m), bla(per-2) bla(veb) and bla(ges) foram identificados em 9 espécies: Klebsiella pneumoniae (71,5 por cento), Escherichia coli (13,5 por cento), Morganella morganii (6 por cento), Proteus mirabilis (3 por cento), Klebsiella oxytoca (1,5 por cento), Providencia rettgeri (1,5 por cento), Providencia stuartii (1,5 por cento), Enterobacter aerogenes (0,75 por cento). Os genes bla(per-1) e bla(oxa) não foram detectados. O PFGE revelou 8 perfis moleculares principais em 68,4 por cento das ESBL-Kp, e 31,6 por cento das cepas não estavam relacionadas. Conclusões - Os resultados de PCR revelaram uma grande variedade de grupos de ESBL, e aparentemente este é o primeiro relato de grupos GES e VEB em enterobactérias no Brasil.Introduction - The increasing antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic bacteria causing nosocomial infections is a major public health challenge. The extended-spectrum &#946;-lactamases (ESBL), which hydrolyze most of &#946;-lactams, are recognized worldwide as a great problem to hospitalized patients, due to the transferable location of their genes, which facilitates their spreading. Objective - Genetically characterize ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae strains isolated from patients of a Public Hospital in the city of São Paulo. Material and Methods - All Enterobacteriaceae ESBL-producing strains isolated in an 1-year period were submitted to molecular analysis by PCR with specific primers for eight bla genes, and all ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBL-Kp) identified in this period were compared by the PFGE technique. Results - Genes blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX-M, blaPER-2, blaVEB and blaGES were identified in 9 species: Klebsiella pneumoniae (71,5%), Escherichia coli (13,5%), Morganella morganii (6%), Proteus mirabilis (3%), Klebsiella oxytoca (1,5%), Providencia rettgeri (1,5%), Providencia stuartii (1,5%), Enterobacter aerogenes (0,75%) and Enterobacter cloacae (0,75%). Genes blaPER-1 and blaOXA were not detected in any strain. PFGE revealed 8 distinct main molecular patterns in 68,4% of ESBL-Kp, and 31,6% of the strains were totally unrelated. Conclusions - PCR results showed a great variety of ESBL groups in the institution, and apparently this is the first report of GES- and VEB-ESBL groups in enterobacteria in Brazil. The results suggest the spread of resistance genes in different strains of ESBL-Kp in some hospital wards, and also that some strongly related clones of these bacteria colonized patients from a neonatal ward in a 3-month period