21 research outputs found

    The Impact of Gender and Personality in Human-AI Teaming: The Case of Collaborative Question Answering

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    This paper discusses the results of an exploratory study aimed at investigating the impact of conversational agents (CAs) and specifically their agential characteristics on collaborative decision-making processes. The study involved 29 participants divided into 8 small teams engaged in a question-and-answer trivia-style game with the support of a text-based CA, characterized by two independent binary variables: personality (gentle and cooperative vs blunt and uncooperative) and gender (female vs male). A semi-structured group interview was conducted at the end of the experimental sessions to investigate the perceived utility and level of satisfaction with the CAs. Our results show that when users interact with a gentle and cooperative CA, their user satisfaction is higher. Furthermore, female CAs are perceived as more useful and satisfying to interact with than male CAs. We show that group performance improves through interaction with the CAs, confirming that a stereotype favoring the female with a gentle and cooperative personality combination exists in regard to perceived satisfaction, even though this does not lead to greater perceived utility. Our study extends the current debate about the possible correlation between CA characteristics and human acceptance and suggests future research to investigate the role of gender bias and related biases in human-AI teaming

    COVIDIAGNOSTIX : health technology assessment of serological tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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    Abstract Objective In vitro diagnostic tests for SARS-COV-2, also known as serological tests, have rapidly spread. However, to date, mostly single-center technical and diagnostic performance's assessments have been carried out without an intralaboratory validation process and a health technology assessment (HTA) systematic approach. Therefore, the rapid HTA for evaluating antibody tests for SARS-COV-2 was applied. Methods The use of rapid HTA is an opportunity to test innovative technology. Unlike traditional HTA (which evaluates the benefits of new technologies after being tested in clinical trials or have been applied in practice for some time), the rapid HTA is performed during the early stages of developing new technology. A multidisciplinary team conducted the rapid HTA following the HTA Core Model® (version 3.0) developed by the European Network for Health Technology Assessment. Results The three methodological and analytical steps used in the HTA applied to the evaluation of antibody tests for SARS-COV-2 are reported: the selection of the tests to be evaluated; the research and collection of information to support the adoption and appropriateness of the technology; and the preparation of the final reports and their dissemination. Finally, the rapid HTA of serological tests for SARS-CoV-2 is summarized in a report that allows its dissemination and communication. Conclusions The rapid-HTA evaluation method, in addition to highlighting the characteristics that differentiate the tests from each other, guarantees a timely and appropriate evaluation, becoming a tool to create a direct link between science and health management

    La cronicità e l'evoluzione del modello di rimborso per le prestazioni

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    The Health Service has to undertake a deep re-establishment of the assistance network, tailored according to specific health requirements induced by chronic illnesses and by a population getting older and older, in order to redesign the service offer. The present article illustrates the response by Lombardy Region to such instances.Il Servizio Sanitario deve prepararsi a una profonda rifondazione della rete assistenziale, ritagliata sugli specifici bisogni di salute indotti dalle malattie croniche e da una popolazione sempre più anziana, in modo da ridisegnare l’offerta di servizi. Il presente contributo illustra la risposta di Regione Lombardia a tali istanze

    È ancora attuale il tema dell'appropriatezza prescrittiva nella gestione del paziente con infezione da HIV? = Is the topic of the therapy prescription appropriateness in the management of the patient with HIV infection still relevant?

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    Anche se l'accessibilità dei pazienti alla terapia antiretrovirale (HAART) non è ancora sovrapponibile in tutto il mondo, l'infezione da HIV è rapidamente diventata una malattia cronica che garantisce una elevata qualità di vita. Ciò nonostante la ricerca sia continuamente tesa all'obiettivo di proporre nuovi farmaci a partire dalle necessità legate alle caratteristiche del paziente. In Italia paziente "tipico" è di genere maschile e la sua infezione è databile nell'età adulta piuttosto che in quella giovanile; sempre più frequentemente presenta patologie croniche. I problemi che sorgono in una popolazione così composta riguardano la trattamento nel tempo, il monitoraggio del paziente e la definizione dell'organizzazione per assistere in modo efficace una coorte tendenzialmente in una fascia di età più avanzata. L'organizzazione del lavoro vede due modelli principali: assistenza attraverso un team multidisciplinare oppure attraverso un progressivo allargamento delle competenze dei medici che hanno in carico i pazienti. Nella discussione fra questi due modelli è necessario tenere in considerazione che nuovi tipi di trattamento saranno probabilmente rapidamente disponibili con l'intento di migliorare l'aderenza e la qualità di vita del paziente. La proposta delle nuove terapie dovrà però tenere conto ancora una volta della storia clinica e farmacologica del paziente. E' quindi verosimile che, come indicato anche dal piano nazionale, la presa in carico da parte di uno specialista e la personalizzazione del trattamento continueranno ad essere un elemento importante del modello di assistenza e del paziente con infezione da HIV.Although the accessibility of patients to antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is not yet overlapping worldwide, HIV infection has rapidly become a chronic disease that guarantees a high quality of life. The HIV therapy research is constantly aimed at proposing new drugs based on the needs related to the patient's characteristics. In Italy "typical" patient is male gender and its infection is datable in adulthood rather than in juvenile; more and more frequently it presents chronic pathologies. The problems that arise in such a composite population are related to time management, patient monitoring and organization definition to effectively assist a cohort tending to a more advanced age group. The organization of work presents two main models: assistance through a multidisciplinary team or through a progressive enlargement of the skills of the doctors who are in charge of the patient. To choose between these two models it is necessary to take into consideration that new types of treatment will probably be rapidly available with the aim of improving the patient's adherence and quality of life. The proposal of new therapies, however, will have to take account of the patient's clinical and pharmacological history once again. It is therefore likely that, as also indicated by the chronic diseases national plan, the taking charge by a specialist and the personalization of the treatment will continue to be an important element of the model of care and of the patient with HIV infection

    Università Cattaneo libri

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    Università Cattaneo libri

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    Antimicrobial stewardship: una prospettiva organizzativa

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    In Italia il dato relativo all’antibiotico-resistenza registra valori tendenzialmente sopra la media europea, con un carico sanitario tra i più alti, misurato in anni di vita corretti per le disabilità. La portata del fenomeno richiede una riflessione articolata, a partire dal tema dell’inappropriatezza d’uso dei farmaci antibiotici, accreditato come principale determinante dell’antibiotico-resistenza.In Italy, the datum concerning the antibiotic-resistance registers values that are generally above the European average, with one of the highest healthcare burdens, measured in life years corrected for disabilities. The scope of the phenomenon needs an in-depth reflection, starting from the issue of the use inadequacy of antibiotic medicines, identified as main determinant of the antibiotic-resistance

    Re-organisation of the management of patients affected with chronic pathologies in Lombardy Region: critical points associated with the management of HIV positive patients

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    The Regional Council of Lombardy Region published in 2017 two resolutions related to a re-organisation of the management pathway of patients affected with chronic pathologies, to meet the changing needs of the users. The objective of this document is to provide recommendations to the Regional Health Service of Lombardy Region to manage the implementation of the resolutions considering peculiar aspects related to the management of HIV positive patients. These resolutions are a concrete answer to the changing needs of health care users within the regional context. The design of the new approach is coherent with the objectives stated, allowing a tighter integration between hospital services, primary care services and social services, however it should be adapted to each of the 62 chronic pathologies considered. In the case of HIV, not considering antiretroviral treatments within the tariff might limit the cost management capability of the case manager. The full implementation of the resolutions with the inclusion of social services will allow a complete management of chronic patients with positive consequences on their quality of life