12 research outputs found


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    Nowadays microprocessors are among the most complex electronic systems that man has ever designed. One small silicon chip can contain the complete processor, large memory and logic needed to connect it to the input-output devices. The performance of today's processors implemented on a single chip surpasses the performance of a room-sized supercomputer from just 50 years ago, which cost over $ 10 million [1]. Even the embedded processors found in everyday devices such as mobile phones are far more powerful than computer developers once imagined. The main components of a modern microprocessor are a number of general-purpose cores, a graphics processing unit, a shared cache, memory and input-output interface and a network on a chip to interconnect all these components [2]. The speed of the microprocessor is determined by its clock frequency and cannot exceed a certain limit. Namely, as the frequency increases, the power dissipation increases too, and consequently the amount of heating becomes critical. So, silicon manufacturers decided to design new processor architecture, called multicore processors [3]. With aim to increase performance and efficiency these multiple cores execute multiple instructions simultaneously. In this way, the amount of parallel computing or parallelism is increased [4]. In spite of mentioned advantages, numerous challenges must be addressed carefully when more cores and parallelism are used.This paper presents a review of microprocessor microarchitectures, discussing their generations over the past 50 years. Then, it describes the currently used implementations of the microarchitecture of modern microprocessors, pointing out the specifics of parallel computing in heterogeneous microprocessor systems. To use efficiently the possibility of multi-core technology, software applications must be multithreaded. The program execution must be distributed among the multi-core processors so they can operate simultaneously. To use multi-threading, it is imperative for programmer to understand the basic principles of parallel computing and parallel hardware. Finally, the paper provides details how to implement hardware parallelism in multicore systems

    Razumevanje i iskoriŔćavanje GxE interakcije u oplemenjivanju kukuruza

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    Due to the interaction and noise in the experiments, yield trails for studying varieties are carried out in numerous locations and in the course of several years. Data of such trials have three principle tasks: to evaluate precisely and to predict the yield on the basis of limited experimental data; to determine stability and explain variability in the response of genotypes across locations; and to be a good guide for the selection of the best genotype for sowing under new agroecological conditions. The yield prediction without the inclusion of the interaction with the environments is incomplete and imprecise. Therefore, a great deal of breeding and agronomic studies are devoted to observing of the interaction via multilocation trials with replicates with the aim to use the interaction to obtain the maximum yield in any environment. Fifteen maize hybrids were analyzed in 24 environments. As the interaction participates in the total sum of squares with 6%, and genotypes with 2%, the interaction deserves observations more detailed than the classical analysis of variance (ANOVA) provides it. With a view to observe the interaction effect in detail in order to prove better understanding of genotypes, environments and their interactions AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) and the cluster analysis were applied. The partition of the interaction into the principal components by the PCA analysis (Principal Components Analysis) revealed a part of systematic variations in the interaction. These variations are attributed to the length of the growing season in genotypes and to the precipitation sum during the growing season in environments. Results of grouping by the cluster analysis are in high accordance with grouping observed in the biplot of the AMMI1 model.Ogledi za ispitivanje varijeteta se izvode u brojnim lokacijama i u toku viÅ”e godina i u osnovi imaju tri glavna zadatka: da precizno procene i predvide prinos na osnovu ograničenih eksperimentalnih podataka; da determiniÅ”u stabilnost i objaÅ”njivu varijabilnost u odgovoru genotipova kroz lokacije; i da budu kvalitetan vodič za odabir najboljeg genotipa za setvu u novim agro-ekoloÅ”kim uslovima. Procena prinosa bez uključivanja interakcije sa spoljnom sredinom je nekompletna i neprecizna. Zbog toga je značajan deo oplemenjivačkih i agronomskih istraživanja posvećen istraživanju interakcije, kroz viÅ”elokacijske oglede sa ponavljanjima, u cilju iskoriŔćavanja interakcije za dobijanje maksimalnog prinosa u svakoj sredini. U radu je analizirano 15 hibrida kukuruza u 24 spoljne sredine. Obzirom da interakcija učestvuje u ukupnoj sumi kvadrata sa 6%, a sami genotipovi sa 2% ona zaslužuje detaljnije razmatranje nego Å”to nam to nudi klasična analiza varijanse (ANOVA). Sa ciljem da se detaljnijim uvidom u interakcijski efekat omogući bolje razumevanje genotipova, spoljnih sredina i njihovih interakcija primenjene su AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) i klaster analiza. RaŔčlanjujući interakciju na glavne komponente PCA (Principal Components Analzsis) analizom, otkriva se deo sistematskog variranja koji se nalazi u interakciji, a koji je kod genotipova vezan za dužinu vegetacije, a kod spoljnih sredina za količinu padavina u toku vegetacije. Rezultati grupisanja klaster analizom su u visokoj saglasnosti sa grupisanjem koje se uočava na biplotu AMMI1 modela

    Copper extraction from copper smelter slag with pyrite or flotation tailings followed by water leaching

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    This work presents the study of copper extraction from smelter slag, which is subjected to sulphating. Sulphating of slag was performed by pyrite concentrate or flotation tailings at temperatures from 500 to 650Ā°C, and the resulting calcine was leached with water. The results showed that maximum copper leaching (70-73%) is obtained from calcine, obtained by two - and three hour sulphating at 550oC. The process is selective since only 3-5% of iron is leached. In addition to sulphating temperature, it was found that a great effect on copper leaching has the pyrite/flotation tailings: ratio. The best results were achieved by sulphating of 5.00 g slag with 2.00 g of pyrite or 3.00 g of tailings

    The state of organic barley production in Serbia

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    In Serbia, in 2021, organic crop production was performed on the area of 23,527 ha. The organic cereal production was carried out on the area of 4.458,69 ha - the dominant role belonged to wheat, which was grown on the area of 1.581,18 ha, and was followed by rye (879,08 h), spelt wheat (491,79 ha) and barley (398,52 ha). The aim of this study was to show the range of areas under organic barley production in Serbia and to show the regional distribution for the 2011-2021 period. Data were obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia. The following methods were used in the study: desk research, content analysis, comparative analyses and analyses of base and chain indices. The largest production of barley in 2021 was recorded in the region of Vojvodina (358.09 ha). Although natural conditions for barley production in Serbia are exceptionally favourable, natural potentials have not been sufficiently used

    The state of organic barley production in Serbia

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    In Serbia, in 2021, organic crop production was performed on the area of 23,527 ha. The organic cereal production was carried out on the area of 4.458,69 ha - the dominant role belonged to wheat, which was grown on the area of 1.581,18 ha, and was followed by rye (879,08 h), spelt wheat (491,79 ha) and barley (398,52 ha). The aim of this study was to show the range of areas under organic barley production in Serbia and to show the regional distribution for the 2011-2021 period. Data were obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia. The following methods were used in the study: desk research, content analysis, comparative analyses and analyses of base and chain indices. The largest production of barley in 2021 was recorded in the region of Vojvodina (358.09 ha). Although natural conditions for barley production in Serbia are exceptionally favourable, natural potentials have not been sufficiently used

    Organic soya bean production in Serbia

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    In Serbia during 2021, organic crop production was performed on the area of 23,527 ha. The area of 2121.6 ha on which industrial crops were grown ranked fourth comparing to the total arable area sown with organic crops. Soya bean is one of the most important legumes, primarily because of the exceptional chemical composition of the grain (40% proteins and 20% oil). This manuscript reveals the analyses and graphic presentation of the area trends and the regional distribution of organic soya bean production in Serbia in the 2011-2021 period. The desk research was applied. Organic farming of soya bean is carried out on the area of 481 ha, right behind the leading sunflower (1,165 ha). In the region of Vojvodina, there are the largest areas on which organic growth of soya bean is performed. However, the organic soya bean production in Serbia is still insignificant, despite favourable agroecological conditions and market demands


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    The samples of fruits of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera, cultivar Tamjanika) and the peach tree (Prunus persica L. Batech) from the Bor region were analyzed using an ICP-OES to determine the content of iron (Fe). This was done in order to assess possible health risks related to this essential element; the region of Borā€™s municipality is known as one of the most polluted areas in Serbia. The content of Fe in unwashed grapes seems not to be affected by the mining/metallurgical activities, as it was either in the normal concentration range or was at even lower than critical deficiency concentration in plants (21.8-98 mg/kg). The level of Fe in the samples of peaches ranged from 62.4 to 1418 mg/kg, which is much higher than that in grape samples and in one case, even higher than the phytotoxic threshold. The values of the enrichment factor (EF) were lower than 2 in the case of grape samples, while for peach samples, these values ranged from rather low (0.99) to extremely high (22.66). Based on the herein obtained results, in the region of Bor, it seems that the cultivation of grapevine should be favored over the cultivation of peach trees.SADRŽAJ GVOŽĐA U PLODOVIMA VINOVe LOZe I BRESKVE KOJE RASTU U BLIZINI RUDARSKO-TOPIONIČARSKOG KOMPLEKSA BOR, ISTOČNA SRBIJAUzorci plodova vinove loze (Vitis vinifera, sorta Tamjanika) i vinogradarske breskve (Prunus persica L. Batech) iz regiona Bora su analizirani metodom ICP-OES, kako bi se odredio sadržaj gvožđa (Fe). Analize su vrÅ”ene da bi se procenio mogući zdravstveni rizik povezan sa ovim esencijalnim elementom; poznato je da je region Borske opÅ”tine jedan od najzagađenijih predela u Srbiji. Čini se da rudarsko-metalurÅ”ke aktivnosti ne utiču na sadržaj Fe kod vinove loze, jer je isti bio ili u okviru koncentracija normalnih za većinu biljaka ili čak niži od kritične koncentracije deficijencije (21.8-98 mg/kg). Koncentracija Fe u uzorcima breskve je bila u opsegu od 62.4-1418 mg/kg, Å”to je mnogo viÅ”e nego u uzorcima grožđa i u jednom slučaju čak iznad granice fitotoksičnosti. Vrednosti faktora obogaćenja bile su manje od 2 u slučaju uzoraka grožđa, dok su se kod uzoraka breskve ove vrednosti kretale od niskih (0,99) do ekstremno visokih (22,66). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, u borskom regionu, čini se da bi se trebalo forsirati uzgoj grožđa u odnosu na uzgoj breskve.Ā HIGHLIGHTSĀ Iron (Fe) represents one of the key constituents of particulate matter originating from the copper smelter plant in Bor.The influence of anthropogenic activities on the Fe content in the investigated fruits was more obvious and more considerable in the case of peach samples.The concentration of Fe in peach samples was much higher than in grapes, and in one case even higher than the phytotoxic threshold.The content of Fe in grapes was in the range of normal concentrations in plants or, in many cases, lower than the critical deficiency concentration

    Oxidation of pyrite: Consequences and significance

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    This paper presents the most important studies on the oxidation of pyrite particularly in aqueous solutions. The consequences of pyrite oxidation was examined, as well as its importance, from both the technical-technological and environmental points of view. The oxidation of pyrite was considered in two parts. The spontaneous oxidation of pyrite in nature was described in the first part, with this part comprising pyrite oxidation in deposits depots and mines. It is explained how way natural electrochemical processes lead to the decomposition of pyrite and other minerals associated with pyrite. The oxidation of pyrite occurring during technological processes such as grinding, flotation and leaching, was shown in the second part. Particular emphasis was placed on the oxidation of pyrite during leaching. This part includes the leaching of sulphide and oxide ores, the leaching of pyrite coal and the leaching of refractory gold-bearing ores (pressure oxidation, bacterial oxidation, oxidation by means of strong oxidants and the electrolysis of pyrite suspensions). Various mechanisms of pyrite oxidation and of the galvanic interaction of pyrite with other sulphide minerals are shown

    Indicative levels of PM in the ambient air in the surrounding villages of the copper smelter complex Bor, Serbia

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    While information on air pollution in the form of particulate matter (PM) has been monitored for longer period for EU countries, availability of PM data sets in the Western Balkan countries including the Republic of Serbia are still limited. Studies, related to the particulate pollution research, have been only carried out in the past several years. The main objective of this paper is to present PM levels measured in the ambient air in the surrounding settlements of the Copper Smelter Complex Bor. Also, one of the goals is a comparison of PM levels in the surrounding settlements with those measured in Bor town. The ambient levels of PM particles (PM10, PM2.5) were measured by automatic PM monitors at 4 nearby settlements: Slatina, OÅ”trelj, Krivelj and Brezonik in the time interval from 2005 to 2010. According to the measurement results, PM10 and PM2.5 levels in the ambient air were higher in the cold, heating, (October-March) than in the warm no heating period (April-September). The exceeding of the daily limit of PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentration levels was observed at all measuring points. A higher number of exceedances were detected in the cold period. The results indicate that there is a significant seasonal change in the level of fine particles at all measuring places in surroundings. In addition, the PM levels in Bor town are more influenced by the air pollution from the Copper Smelter Complex than settlements in the vicinity, where the PM concentrations were greatly influenced by the presence of domestic heating in the cold period. [Projekat Ministarstva nauka Republike Srbije, br. III42008: Evaluation of Energy Performances and Indoor Environment Quality of Educational Buildings in Serbia with Impact to Health i br. III41028: ā€œAn Integral Study to Identify the Regional Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for the Common Noncommunicable Diseases in the Human Population of Serbia

    Phytoremediation potential of the grapevine in regard to lithium

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    ABSTRACT In this paper, the phytoremediation potential of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera