3,927 research outputs found
Clackamas County - City of Milwaukie Urban Services Study: Financial Analysis
The provision of local government services within the urbanizing area of northwest Clackamas County has posed a difficult challenge for a number of years. This report examines the financial aspects of providing urban services to a study area with the following boundaries: the Clackamas County/Multnomah County line to the north, Interstate 205 to the east, highway 224 to the south, and the City of Milwaukie to the west
Crystallization-based downstream processing of ω-transaminase- and amine dehydrogenase-catalyzed reactions
Biocatalytic synthesis is a powerful and frequently chosen method for the production of chiral amines. Unfortunately, these biocatalytic reactions often result in complex mixtures, bearing many components aside from the main product amine such as residual co-substrates, co-products, cofactors and buffer salts. This issue typically requires an additional effort during downstream processing towards the isolation of the desired chiral amine. For instance, transaminase- and amine dehydrogenase-catalyzed reactions, which often use high surpluses of amine or ammonia co-substrates, face complications in removing the residual amine donor or unreacted substrate and salts from the isolated amine products, thus complicating and increasing the costs of the process of product isolation and purification. This study explores the selective removal of chiral amines from model amine transaminase and amine dehydrogenase-catalyzed reactions via a salt-based specific crystallization step. The product amine is precipitated directly in one step from the reaction mixture as a product ammonium salt, which can easily be filtered from the reaction mixture, while the other reactants remain unchanged in solution for potential re-use.</p
Good things come in threes
Ectopic expression of PU.1, IRF8, and BATF3 reprograms mouse and human fibroblasts into dendritic cells. See related Research Article by Rosa et al
Good things come in threes
Ectopic expression of PU.1, IRF8, and BATF3 reprograms mouse and human fibroblasts into dendritic cells. See related Research Article by Rosa et al
Affordable Housing Needs Study for the Portland Metropolitan Area Draft Final Report
The purpose of this report is to respond to the recommendations of the Regional Housing Choice Task Force by providing information to guide housing choice policy for the Metro Council. In particular, the objectives of this project were to: estimate current and future affordable housing need for the Metro region; describe the distribution of households by income, age, and size across the metro region; describe the tenure of these households and the type of housing they will choose; identify and describe those household types that are most likely to struggle to meet the cost of housing based on their income; and make recommendations for improving analysis of affordable housing need in the future. Our approach to this task was to use output from the Metroscope model, using the base case scenario, to forecast the housing consumption decisions of households from 2005 to 2035. We chose the Metroscope model after also considering the State of Oregon?s Housing/Land Needs model. We concluded from examining the assumptions and abilities of each model that Metroscope is better able to offer the Metro Council the insight into the housing market required to inform housing choice policy. The Metroscope model incorporates housing supply and demand for the entire four-county metropolitan region (Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas, and Clark counties). The region comprises a single housing market; residents travel throughout the region to work, shop, and socialize. Thus, it makes little sense to examine any one county in isolation. While this report does not include the results for Clark County, its impact on demand and supply of housing in the rest of the region is taken into account in the Metroscope model and is reflected in the results presented here. Given the assumptions of the Metroscope model (described in Section 2), we address several questions, including: Where will household growth occur? What kinds of households will grow? What kinds of housing will these households live in? What percentage of their income will they pay for housing? What demographic groups are most cost-burdened and where do those households reside? This report offers a summary of the findings regarding each of these questions
Global Economic Governance - das Management der Weltwirtschaft ein Jahr nach dem G-8-Gipfel von Heiligendamm
Am 11. und 12. Juli 2008 fand unter der Leitung von Saskia Hieber und Wolfgang Quaisser, Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, sowie Stefan A. Schirm, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, die Tagung »Global Economic Governance – das Management der Weltwirtschaft ein Jahr nach dem G-8-Gipfel von Heiligendamm« statt. Die Veranstaltung nahm ein Jahr nach dem G-8-Gipfel die Diskussion um ein besseres Management der Weltwirtschaft wieder auf und fragte – nach einer Bestandsaufnahme der Globalisierung der Finanzmärkte und des Welthandels – nach Möglichkeiten für ihre Governance durch die Staatengemeinschaft. Im Vordergrund standen die Analyse der Chancen und Risiken internationaler Handels- und Kapitalbewegungen, ihre Auswirkungen auf nationale Gesellschaften und die Strategien für ein effizienteres, aber auch legitimeres Management durch internationale Organisationen. Zur Einführung in das Thema unterstrich Stefan A. Schirm, Universität Bochum, die Notwendigkeit, bei der Analyse der Global-Economic-Governance-Debatte nach den handelnden Akteuren und ihren spezifischen Motiven zu suchen. Martin Hüfner, HF Economics Ltd., analysierte Chancen und Risiken globaler Finanzmärkte, Karlhans Sauernheimer, Universität Mainz, die Chancen und Risiken einer Liberalisierung des Welthandels. Alexander Lau, Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag, befasste sich mit dem Erfolg der deutschen Unternehmen im Ausland und zeigte, dass der Standort Deutschland vom zunehmenden Auslandsengagement der deutschen Unternehmen profitiert. Isabella Timm-Guri, Bayerischer Bauernverband, stellte die Auswirkungen der Handelsliberalisierung auf die europäische Agrarwirtschaft und ihre Anliegen für die Gestaltung internationaler Handelsregeln dar. Stormy Mildner, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, stellte die Gründe vor, die aus ihrer Sicht zum Scheitern der Doha-Runde führten. Und Laura Carsten, Universität Bochum, analysierte den Einfluss der Schwellenländer auf den IWF und die WTO
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