24 research outputs found

    Lietuvos internetinių naujienų laikraščių vaidmuo covid-19 pandemijos metu

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    The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Strategic Analysis Model outlines areas where the role of the media is important during a pandemic, so these areas may be selected to examine how the Lithuanian media perform their public information function during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study of the content of the Lithuanian media clarifies whether the media take into account the areas that, according to the WEF strategic analysis model, the media has an impact during the COVID-19 outbreak. This should provide new insights into the priorities and communication strategies of the Lithuanian media, especially in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. The aim of the article is to present three Lithuanian online newspapers quantitative and qualitative research and, in the context of the WEF Strategic Analysis model and, based on the data obtained, to assess the role of the Lithuanian media during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been established that during the pandemic, Lithuanian online media pay sufficient attention to the topic of general governance: good and bad cases of health crisis management are shown to the public. However, during the research it became clear that international news on the topic of global governance dominates in Lithuanian news media: the media pay more attention to events in the international arena, and the challenges of Lithuania‘s internal management account for only a fifth of all information in the researched online newspapers. The article was prepared by Vilnius University journalism master students (2020).Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama iki šiol dėmesio nesusilaukusi problema – Lietuvos internetinių naujienų laikraščių vaidmuo COVID-19 pandemijos metu. Straipsnio tikslas – pateikti trijų Lietuvos internetinių laikraščių kiekybinį ir kokybinį tyrimą atsižvelgiant į Pasaulio ekonomikos forumo (toliau – PEF)1 strateginės analizės modelį ir, remiantis gautais duomenimis, įvertinti Lietuvos žiniasklaidos vaidmenį COVID-19 pandemijos metu. Tyrime buvo taikoma kiekybinė ir kokybinė žiniasklaidos turinio analizė. Tyrimo tikslai: 1) išsiaiškinti, ar pasirinkti Lietuvos internetiniai laikraščiai atskleidžia tas temas, kurioms, pagal PEF strateginės analizės modelį, žiniasklaida koronaviruso pandemijos metu turi poveikį ir su kuriomis yra glaudžiai susijusi; 2) palyginti, kokiu dažnumu internetiniuose laikraščiuose pasirodo su nagrinėjamomis temomis susijusios publikacijos ir kaip jų periodiškumas skiriasi tarp pačių internetinių laikraščių; 3) nustatyti pagrindines Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje aptariamas su COVID-19 susijusias potemes. Straipsnį sudaro dvi dalys: mokslinių šaltinių nagrinėjimas ir tiriamoji dalis. Pirmojoje dalyje aprašomas tyrimo metodas. Antrojoje dalyje pateikiamas aukščiau apibūdintas trijų Lietuvos žiniasklaidos priemonių kiekybinis ir kokybinis tyrimas. Apibendrinus galima teigti, kad Lietuvos internetinių naujienų laikraščiai atskleidė nurodytas temas COVID-19 pandemijos metu. Tyrimas parodė, kad daugiausiai publikacijų minėtomis temomis skelbė Delfi.lt, mažiau Lrt.lt, o mažiausiai 15min.lt. Daugiausia publikacijų buvo skirta visuotinės sveikatos temai, o mažiausiai – kultūros ir meno temai. Visuotinės sveikatos temos plotmėje daugiausia dėmesio buvo skiriama prevencinės pandemijos valdymo funkcijos potemei, visuotiniame valdyme – užsienio valstybių situacijos potemei, žmogaus teisių temoje - laisvės pažeidžiamumo potemei, o kultūroje ir mene – renginių saugumo potemei

    Eksperimentiniai ksenobiotikų genotoksiškumo ir citotoksiškumo tyrimai žuvų eritrocituose

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    The thesis addresses the problem of chemical mixtures and seeks to contextualise the work in real EU context. This thesis contributes with the new scientific information on tissue-specific, time-, concentration-dependent, multiple stressors influenced geno- and cytotoxicity responses and fluctuations during organism’s recovery. The effects of metal (Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cd) mixtures and CdSe/ZnS-COOH quantum dots (QDs) as multicomponent chemical stressors and oomycetes Saprolegnia parasitica as a biological stressor on the induction of cytogenetic lesions have been disclosed under controlled laboratory conditions. The measurement of cytogenetic effects in aquatic organisms in situ provided early warning signals on adverse effects of multiple stressors. Exposure to metal mixture at MPC causes time-dependent and tissue-specific responses of geno- and cytotoxicity in S. salar. Recovery of O. mykiss from cytogenetic damage is time-, tissue- and concentration-dependent; fluctuations of cytogenetic lesions is inherent to depuration period. Reduction of MPC of a certain metal in complex mixture markedly increases the levels of geno- and cytotoxicity in erythrocytes of S. salar and R. rutilus. DNA strand breaks in O. mykiss embryos and larvae following exposure to CdSe/ZnS-COOH QDs was indicated; genotoxic potential of S. parasitica in O. mykiss larvae was detected

    Swimming behaviour in two ecologically similar three-spined (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) and nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius L.): a comparative approach for modelling the toxicity of metal mixtures

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    Sticklebacks (Gasterosteiformes) are increasingly used in ecological and evolutionary research and have become well established as role model species for biologists. However, ecotoxicology studies concerning behavioural effects in sticklebacks regarding stress responses, mainly induced by chemical mixtures, have hardly been addressed. For this purpose, we investigated the swimming behaviour (including mortality rate based on 96-h LC50 values) of two ecologically similar three-spined (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) to short-term (up to 24 h) metal mixture (MIX) exposure. We evaluated the relevance and efficacy of behavioural responses of test species in the early toxicity assessment of chemical mixtures. Fish exposed to six (Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Cr) metals in the mixture were either singled out by the Water Framework Directive as priority or as relevant substances in surface water, which was prepared according to the environmental quality standards (EQSs) of these metals set for inland waters in the European Union (EU) (Directive 2013/39/EU). The performed behavioural analysis showed the main effect on the interaction between time, species, and treatment variables. Although both species exposed to MIX revealed a decreasing tendency in swimming activity, these species' responsiveness to MIX was somewhat different. Substantial changes in the activity of G. aculeatus were established after a 3-h exposure to MIX solutions, which was 1.43-fold lower, while in the case of P. pungitius, 1.96-fold higher than established 96-h LC50 values for each species. This study demonstrated species-specific differences in response sensitivity to metal-based water pollution, indicating behavioural insensitivity of P. pungitius as model species for aquatic biomonitoring and environmental risk assessments.