15 research outputs found


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    In South America, moderate to severe anemia is a relatively common problem in alpacas presented to referral institutions and in those seen in private practices. The anemia is, at times, unexplained, and can be very debilitating. Possible causes of anemia in alpacas are parasitic gastroenteritis, Mycoplasma haemolamae, gastric ulcers, iron deficiency in the diet. Fe deficiency anemia is due to different causes, which lead to too low concentration of Fe in the body and impossibility of heme synthesis.A case reportAlpaca herd examined which were located near Lublin. The herd numbered 12 animals. Alpacas stayed for two months in the owner. In 7 animals we observed apathy, they became sad with reduced or lack of appetite, thirst reduced or normal. One out of seven alpacas was debilitated, lying, poorly responsive to the environment. We observed sick animals pale mucous membranes in a clinical study. Blood samples and faeces for laboratory animals from the healthy and the sick animals. We drew blood counts and biochemical: concentration of iron and selenium and the Mycoplasma haemolamae. We carried out a study of parasitological of faeces.Alpacas did not show symptoms, they had all parameters in reference interval. Result selenium concentration in the serum was correct in all exanimated animals. Testing for Mycoplasma haemolamae was negative. The study revealed single eggs gastrointestinal parasites in study of parasitological of faeces.In sick animals there was observed anemia, microcytic, hypochromic. This indicated iron deficiency. In these cases, iron concentration, ranged from 3.13 to 9.75 mmol / L. However, in other animals, concentration of this element is in the range reference standards (11-29 mmol / L) for adult alpacas. An effective iron dextran  treatment to even out the level of serum Fe.ConclusionsIn our case, anemia was caused by nutritional deficiencies of iron, which gave way to the long-term supplementation of this element


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    Objectives: A correlation between blood type and the incidence of certain diseases in humans was established many years ago. It may be assumed that similar correlations could occur in dogs. Therefore, establishing the geographical and breed distribution of erythrocyte surface antigens in dogs may be of academic interest and useful in practice too. The aim of the study was the assessment of DEA 1.1 frequency among German Shepherds in the Lublin region of Poland.Material and methods: Our study involved 20 German Shepherds from Eastern Poland. The presence of blood antigen was detected using a quick immunochromatographic test. In 9 cases a donor–recipient compatibility test was also performed.Results: The antigen DEA 1.1 was detected in 15% of dogs. A clear, macroscopically visible agglutination did not occur in any of the donor–recipient compatibility tests.Conclusion: The breed studied may therefore be recognised as a suitable blood donor.


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    The Polish Hound (ogar polski) is a small, old breed of hunting dogs.The breed was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1966.A three–year–old Polish Hound male, was admitted to the Clinic of Internal Diseases of Companion Animals of Life Science University in Lublin because of signs of haemorhagic diathesis. There was no preceding history of trauma. General clinical examination was unremarkable. On initial diagnostic testing prothrombin time (PT)of the patient was prolonged nearly by three times. To characterize the dog’s coagulopathy further, samples were collected for coagulation screening tests, mixing studies and factor analyses. Investigations revealed factor VII activity below 2%.Unfortunately we had been unable to determine whether the disorder is inherited or is the result of a spontaneous mutation. It is very likely that the nature of described deficit is inherited. Canine hereditary FVII deficiency was first described in 1962 as an incidental finding in Beagles. Later, the defect was identified in another breeds, such as: English Bulldogs, Alaskan Malamutes, Miniature Schnauzers, Boxers, Scottish Deerhounds, Alaskan Klee Kai Dog and mixed–breed dogs. In 2005 a molecular characterization of FVII deficiency in Beagles was described. Unfortunately we had been unable to determine whether the disorder is inherited or is the result of a spontaneous mutation. To our knowledge this case is the first to report of isolated factor VII deficiency in Polish Hound


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    Cattle babesiosis is a dangerous and economically important tick–borne disease caused by hemoprotozoan parasites of the genus Babesia. The vector of the disease are ticks from Ixodidae family. Symptoms of disease are fever, anorexia, lethargy, anemia, jaundice and hemoglobinuria.The purpose of this study was to investigate prevalence of Babesia spp. in cattle in Lublin region. The PCR technique revealed the presence of 18S RNA Babesia spp. genetic material in the blood of 20 from 192 examined animals (10.4%). Our study showed that the bovine babesiosis occur in Poland with asymptomatic form and does not reduce milk production significantly. The diagnosis depends only on the basis of detection of the genetic material of parasite, and the direct microscopic examination of blood smears is not useful in the identification of Babesia spp. in erythrocytes.The comparison of PCR products showed low homology level between isolates with present study and other Babesia sequences obtained around the world.Moreover, the study showed the prevalence of piroplasms in ticks from Lublin region is low (0,63%).

    Yielding of hop on light soils in the region of Towy Tomyśl

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    Соответствующие исследования проводились в 1982 - 1985 гг. в местности Циха Гура около г. Новы Томысль на обводненной песчаной почве причисленной к V-ому бонитационному классу. Участие фракции песка (1,0 - 0,1 мм) в слое 0 - 45 см удерживалось в пределах 82%. Анализ охватывал 4 сорта хмеля и 8 селекционных клонов. Полученные результаты показали, что в данных средовых условиях можно получать высокие урожаи хмеля (около 3,0 т/га) с условием подбора соответствующих сортов. Стандартный сорт Любельски давал самые низкие урожаи среди всех испытуемых сортов. Первые два места с урожаем на около 100% выше стандартного сорта заняли клоны обозначенные как PCU 180 и LGR 380. Дополнительным преимуществом указанных клонов является хорошее технологическое качество сырья, что установлено в сенсорной оценке пива.The respective studies were carried out in 1982 - 1985 at Cicha Góra near Nowy Tomyśl on the sandy water-abundant soil of the 5th valuation class. The share of sand (1 - 0,1 mm) on the level of 0 - 45 cm was within 82%. Four varieties and 8 clones of hop were analysed. The results have proved that in these site conditions high yield of hop can be obtained (about 3,0 t/ha) provided suitable varieties would be chosen. The standard variety - Lubelski - gave the lowest yield of all the varieties. Clones PCU 180 and LGR 380 took the first two places, as their yield was 100% higher than that of the standard variety. An additional value of these clones is the good technological value of cones, which was confirmed by organoleptic estimation of beer


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    Background: The Family Camelidae contains three genera: Camelus, Lama and Vicugna. New world camelids (llama and alpaca) are growing in numbers and popularity in Poland. Alpacas are thought to have fewer health problems than most farmed animals, but like most of them they may be susceptible to some conditions. Haematological tests are very important for assessment of animal health status. Counting of red blood cell (RBC) using traditional chamber method is inappropriate for everyday practice. It seem to be that particle counters can be accurate for RBCs counting, but results of cell count will be incorrect if improper threshold settings are used. Most of analyzers  available on Polish market do not offer species setting for camelids and for alpacas in particular. Methods: There are no published studies validating optimal settings of hematology analyzers for camelids. The aims of this study were to check for dimensions of red blood cell of alpacas with comparisons to llama’s and bactrian’s RBCs. Methods: EDTA blood was collected from 7 alpacas, 2 bactrians and 1 llama. Hematocrit (PCV), RBC count and hemoglobin were measured by manual methods. From each sample one blood smear was made. Blood smears stained with May- Grunwald-Giemsa stain were evaluated under a microscope. The dimensions of red blood cells were measured using Digimizer Version 5.3.4. software. RBCs mean volume (MCV) was calculated. Results from different species have been compared using U Whitney-Mann test. Results: The PCV, Hb and RBCs count values obtained for almost all were within reference intervals. Only one alpaca was anemic (PCV 15%) and presents anisocytosis and dacryocytosis. Our studies showed major differences between healthy bactrian and alpaca concerning RBCs morphometric indices. Mean values of long axis and surface area of RBCs were greater (p<0,05) in bactrians (7,42±0,61µm and 22,28±2,93µm2) than in alpacas  (6,49±0,66 µm 18,79±3,48µm2). Also llama's RBCs were longer (p<0,05;  7,13±0,7µm) than alpaca's. Conclusion: Due to presence of  variances between RBCs of different species of Camelidae family  it is unclear whether  llama, or camel settings can be used to accurately determine erythrocyte values from alpacas blood using hematology analyzers. Above results will be useful guides for establishing automated analyzers settings.Background: The Family Camelidae contains three genera: Camelus, Lama and Vicugna. New world camelids (llama and alpaca) are growing in numbers and popularity in Poland. Alpacas are thought to have fewer health problems than most farmed animals, but like most of them they may be susceptible to some conditions. Haematological tests are very important for assessment of animal health status. Counting of red blood cell (RBC) using traditional chamber method is inappropriate for everyday practice. It seem to be that particle counters can be accurate for RBCs counting, but results of cell count will be incorrect if improper threshold settings are used. Most of analyzers  available on Polish market do not offer species setting for camelids and for alpacas in particular. Methods: There are no published studies validating optimal settings of hematology analyzers for camelids. The aims of this study were to check for dimensions of red blood cell of alpacas with comparisons to llama’s and bactrian’s RBCs. Methods: EDTA blood was collected from 7 alpacas, 2 bactrians and 1 llama. Hematocrit (PCV), RBC count and hemoglobin were measured by manual methods. From each sample one blood smear was made. Blood smears stained with May- Grunwald-Giemsa stain were evaluated under a microscope. The dimensions of red blood cells were measured using Digimizer Version 5.3.4. software. RBCs mean volume (MCV) was calculated. Results from different species have been compared using U Whitney-Mann test. Results: The PCV, Hb and RBCs count values obtained for almost all were within reference intervals. Only one alpaca was anemic (PCV 15%) and presents anisocytosis and dacryocytosis. Our studies showed major differences between healthy bactrian and alpaca concerning RBCs morphometric indices. Mean values of long axis and surface area of RBCs were greater (p<0,05) in bactrians (7,42±0,61µm and 22,28±2,93µm2) than in alpacas  (6,49±0,66 µm 18,79±3,48µm2). Also llama's RBCs were longer (p<0,05;  7,13±0,7µm) than alpaca's. Conclusion: Due to presence of  variances between RBCs of different species of Camelidae family  it is unclear whether  llama, or camel settings can be used to accurately determine erythrocyte values from alpacas blood using hematology analyzers. Above results will be useful guides for establishing automated analyzers settings

    Antinutritional substances in lentil [Lens culinaris] and everlasting pea [Lathyrus sativus] seeds

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    Risk factors for the spread of parasitic zoonoses among dog owners and their families in rural areas

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    Introduction. Close animal-human contacts are risky for people, especially in cases of any negligence towards proper veterinary care, deworming procedures, as well as human and dog hygiene. Among possible risks there are parasite zoonoses threats. Material and methods. The study involved 176 dog owners from rural regions in Lublin province. The original Parasitic Zoonoses Transmission Risk Score (PZTRS) method was used to determine the risk for humans, a method based on the analysis of such criteria as animal-human coexistence conditions and dog hygiene, as well as dewormings negligence. The resulting score ranges from 0–8, where. ‘0’ is a perfect score, ‘8’ is the lowest and means high health risks for humans. Results. Obtained PZTRS values were in the 1-6 range. Median as well as modal values were equal to 4, which means the presence of significant risk of parasitic zoonoses transmission to dog owners and members of their families. Conclusions. In Polish rural areas, negligence of dog owners’ duties, including improper hygiene and dewormings, as well as risky conditions of human-dog coexistence, increase the potential risk of zoonotic parasite diseases spreading. Nowadays, veterinary practices and media have the important responsibility of educating dog owners about the potential risk of zoonotic parasites