7 research outputs found

    Опорные регионы пространственного развития России: бюджетный аспект

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     The authors investigate the prospects for the spatial development of modern Russia highlighting the supporting regions considered in the budgetary aspect. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient evidence for the effectiveness of the current policy of “equalization”, as well as the need for breakthrough growth of the Russian economy within the framework of national development goals. The present paper aims to identify one of the key elements of the supporting framework of the spatial organization of Russia in terms of the level of fiscal capacity. The research methodology is based on the use of complex, statistical and comparative analyses. The authors used official data of Rosstat on the population, tax and non-tax revenues, gratuitous receipts in 2010 and 2019 by regions of Russia. The authors highlight the key aspects of the spatial development of the Russian economy in the regional context: human capital development, economic development, the functioning of spatial structures of various types, fiscal capacity, environmental component, location of information and communication infrastructure, and geopolitical position. The influence of the fiscal capacity parameter on the sustainable socio-economic development of the region is justified. The fiscal capacity index of the constituent entities of Russia is analyzed at the end of 2010 and 2019, the main trends are identified. The study presents a cartographic visualization of the Russian regions by per capita fiscal capacity for tax and non-tax revenues of the consolidated budgets in 2019. The authors carried out a comparative analysis of the revenues of consolidated regional budgets on the macro-regional level, as a result of which the leading regions were identified and their budget parameters described.The present paper outlines one of the key elements of the supporting framework of Russian spatial organization from the point of view of fiscal capacity and identifies potential regions supporting spatial development in the context of macro-regions. The authors conclude that the supporting framework of the spatial organization of Russia, formed by the level of fiscal capacity, characterizes the financial potential of the territories, which can contribute to the development of interregional cooperation, including through the use of mechanisms for ensuring “horizontal” inter-budgetary transfers and budget loans. The prospect for further research on this topic consists in assessing and shaping other elements of the spatial development of Russia and identifying, by uniting them, supporting regions that can stimulate the development of not only the semi-periphery and periphery of their macro-regions but also of the entire country.Авторы исследуют перспективы пространственного развития современной России посредством выделения опорных регионов через бюджетный аспект. Актуальность исследования обусловлена недостаточной эффективностью проводимой в настоящее время политики регионального «выравнивания», а также необходимостью осуществления прорывного роста экономики России в рамках достижения национальных целей развития. Цель исследования: выделить один из ключевых слоев опорного каркаса пространственной организации России по уровню бюджетной обеспеченности субъектов Российской Федерации. Методология исследования основана на использовании комплексного, статистического и сравнительного анализов официальных данных Федеральной службы государственной статистики о численности населения, налоговых и неналоговых доходах, безвозмездных поступлениях в 2010 и 2019 гг. по субъектам РФ. Авторы выделили ключевые аспекты пространственного развития экономики России в региональном разрезе: развитие человеческого капитала, экономическое развитие, функционирование пространственных структур различного типа, бюджетная обеспеченность, экологическая составляющая, размещение информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры, геополитическое положение. Обосновано влияние параметра бюджетной обеспеченности на устойчивое социально-экономическое развитие региона. Проанализирована бюджетная обеспеченность субъектов Российской Федерации по итогам 2010 и 2019 гг., выявлены основные тенденции. Проведена картографическая визуализация распределения субъектов РФ по уровню среднедушевой бюджетной обеспеченности по налоговым и неналоговым доходам консолидированных бюджетов в 2019 г. Проведен сравнительный анализ доходов консолидированных бюджетов субъектов РФ в разрезе макрорегионов, по итогам которого определены регионы-лидеры и охарактеризованы их бюджетные параметры. Сформирован один из ключевых слоев опорного каркаса пространственной организации России по уровню бюджетной обеспеченности, определены потенциальные опорные регионы пространственного развития России в разрезе макрорегионов. Авторы делают вывод: сформированный по уровню бюджетной обеспеченности опорный каркас пространственной организации России характеризует финансовый потенциал территорий, что может способствовать развитию межрегиональной кооперации, в том числе, за счет использования механизмов предоставления «горизонтальных» межбюджетных трансфертов и бюджетных кредитов. Перспектива дальнейшего исследования данной тематики состоит в оценке и формировании других слоев пространственного развития России и выделении посредством их совмещения опорных регионов, которые могут стать локомотивами развития не только для полупериферии и периферии своих макрорегионов, но и для всего пространства страны

    Fast high fidelity quantum non-demolition qubit readout via a non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling

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    Qubit readout is an indispensable element of any quantum information processor. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate a non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling between a transmon and a polariton mode which enables an improved quantum non-demolition (QND) readout for superconducting qubits. The new mechanism uses the same experimental techniques as the standard QND qubit readout in the dispersive approximation, but due to its non-perturbative nature, it maximizes the speed, the single-shot fidelity and the QND properties of the readout. In addition, it minimizes the effect of unwanted decay channels such as the Purcell effect. We observed a single-shot readout fidelity of 97.4% for short 50 ns pulses, and we quantified a QND-ness of 99% for long measurement pulses with repeated single-shot readouts

    Qubit readout using in-situ bifurcation of a nonlinear dissipative polariton in the mesoscopic regime

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    We explore the nonlinear response to a strong drive of polaritonic meters for superconducting qubit state readout. The two polaritonic meters result from the strong hybridization between a bosonic mode of a 3D microwave cavity and an anharmonic ancilla mode of the superconducting circuit. Both polaritons inherit a self-Kerr nonlinearity UU, and decay rate κ\kappa from the ancilla and cavity, respectively. They are coupled to a transmon qubit via a non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling resulting in a large cavity pull 2χ>κ, U2\chi > \kappa, ~U. By applying magnitic flux, the ancilla mode frequency varies modifying the hybridization conditions and thus the properties of the readout polariton modes. Using this, the hybridisation is tuned in the mesoscopic regime of the non-linear dissipative polariton where the self-Kerr and decay rates of one polariton are similar UκU\sim \kappa leading to bistability and bifurcation behavior at small photon number. This bistability and bifurcation behavior depends on the qubit state and we report qubit state readout in a latching-like manner thanks to the bifurcation of the upper polariton. Without any external quantum-limited amplifier, we obtain a single-shot fidelity of 98.6%98.6\% in a 500500 ns integration time

    Transmon-qubit readout using an in situ bifurcation amplification in the mesoscopic regime

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    International audienceWe demonstrate a transmon-qubit readout based on the nonlinear response to a drive of polaritonic meters in situ coupled to the qubit. Inside a three-dimensional readout cavity, we place a transmon molecule consisting of a transmon qubit and an ancilla mode interacting via nonperturbative cross-Kerr-coupling. The cavity couples strongly only to the ancilla mode, leading to hybridized lower and upper polaritonic meters. Both polaritons are anharmonic and dissipative, as they inherit a self-Kerr nonlinearity U from the ancilla and effective decay κ from the open cavity. Via the ancilla, the polariton meters also inherit the nonperturbative cross-Kerr-coupling to the qubit. This results in a high qubit-dependent displacement 2χ>κ,U that can be read out via the cavity without causing Purcell decay. Moreover, the polariton meters, being nonlinear resonators, present bistability, and bifurcation behavior when the probing power increases. In this work, we focus on the bifurcation at low power in the few-photon regime, called the mesoscopic regime, which is accessible when the self-Kerr and decay rates of the polariton meter are similar, U∼κ. Capitalizing on a latching mechanism by bifurcation, the readout is sensitive to transmon-qubit relaxation error only in the first tens of nanoseconds. We thus report a single-shot fidelity of 98.6% while having an integration time of 500 ns and no requirement for an external quantum-limited amplifier