9 research outputs found


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    Salah satu cara terpenting untuk dapat menjamin agar biodiversitas tetap lestari sehingga dapat lebih memenuhi kebutuhan manusia sekarang dan masa yang akan datang adalah dengan menetapkan dan mengelola kawasan-kawasan yang dilindungi (Dunggio dan Gunawan, 2009). Hutan Lindung Sungai Merah yang berada di KPHP Unit IV Meranti Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, keberadaannya dekat dengan pemukiman. Saat ini sebagian besar kondisinya sudah dikelola atau dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sekitar sebagai hutan produksi dengan mengolahnya menjadi lahan usaha tani karet. Atas dasar tersebut agar fungsi ekologis dan ekonomis dari hutan lindung dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi dari biodiversitas pada Hutan lindung Sungai Merah, maka keberadaan HHK dan HHBK pada kawasan hutan lindung Sungai Merah harus terdata dengan jelas, sehingga diperlukan penelitian tentang “Analisis Vegetasi HHK dan HHBK di Hutan Lindung Sungai Merah  KPHP Unit IV Meranti Melalui Pendekatan National Forest Inventory. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi HHK dan HHBK di Hutan Lindung Sungai Merah yang berada di KPHP Unit IV Meranti. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Hutan Lindung Sungai Merah  KPHP Unit IV Meranti Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin selama 3 (tiga) bulan terhitung dari Mei 2016 sampai Agustus 2016. Metode pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan yaitu Systematic Sampling With Random Start (Kementerian Kehutanan, 2015) dengan bentuk plot dari NFI (National Forest Inventory) dengan bentuk plot persegi 100 m x 100 m, setiap plot terdiri dari 16 buah sub plot dengan ukuran setiap sub plot 25 m x 25 m. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian analisis vegetasi HHK dan HHBK di Hutan Lindung Sungai Merah KPHP Unit IV Meranti maka di peroleh jumlah jenis HHK yang terdapat di Hutan Lindung Sungai Merah terdiri dari 120 spesies, di perkebunan 11 spesies sedangkan di lahan terbuka terdapat 13 spesies

    Perhitungan Simpanan Karbon Atas Permukaan di Hutan Lindung KPHP Meranti untuk Mendukung Program Redd+

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    The Red River Protected Forest is close residential areas, resulting in intensive interactions between communities and protected forest. Directed on the management, extracting forest products not wood and services environment. One management services environments that are going to a business and can be administered in the forest are participating in the scheme incentives services mechanism store and carbon spare. When management will follow the incentives stock and absorb carbon REDD+, so then calculation carbon stock early to important and necessary. This study aims to calculate the amount of savings mobilized carbon the upper surface of the in a protected forest the red river KPHP Meranti. The value of the amount of savings mobilized carbon the above ground of them in the long term, can be used as a baseline to participate in the program REDD+. The data stands in the form of a stake through the stake, with a pole and trees in every type veils and the diameters of tree height measurement (DBH) taken from secondary data the results of previous studies that will be used as a means of calculation stands biomass. The result of this research is saving through the largest carbon in the field were in the protected land cover of secondary 259.3474 Ton/C, second largest carbon savings are covered land shrub with the saving of carbon stock 21.8023 T/c and the smallest carbon stock is in plantations by land cover the carbon stock of 6.2881 Ton/C.The Red River Protected Forest is close residential areas, resulting in intensive interactions between communities and protected forest. Directed on the management, extracting forest products not wood and services environment. One management services environments that are going to a business and can be administered in the forest are participating in the scheme incentives services mechanism store and carbon spare. When management will follow the incentives stock and absorb carbon REDD+, so then calculation carbon stock early to important and necessary. This study aims to calculate the amount of savings mobilized carbon the upper surface of the in a protected forest the red river KPHP Meranti. The value of the amount of savings mobilized carbon the above ground of them in the long term, can be used as a baseline to participate in the program REDD+. The data stands in the form of a stake through the stake, with a pole and trees in every type veils and the diameters of tree height measurement (DBH) taken from secondary data the results of previous studies that will be used as a means of calculation stands biomass. The result of this research is saving through the largest carbon in the field were in the protected land cover of secondary 259.3474 Ton/C, second largest carbon savings are covered land shrub with the saving of carbon stock 21.8023 T/c and the smallest carbon stock is in plantations by land cover the carbon stock of 6.2881 Ton/C

    Implementation of Social Forestry Policy Around the Meranti Sungai Merah Protection Forest Area

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    One of the concrete efforts made by the Indonesian government is through social forestry policy as a trigger for land conflicts. One area that has implemented a pattern of social forestry is a forest area located in the management area of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit(UPTD) KPHRegion I Meranti located in Musi Banyuasin Regency. Only 3 social forestry scheme permits have been issued. So the aims of this study was to find out and analyze the process of implementing social forestry policy and analyze the factors that influence. The study was conducted in Pangkalan Bulian and Lubuk Bintialo Villages, Batang Hari Leko District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province. Used descriptive method combined (mixed methods) from two different approaches namely quantitative or qualitative approaches. Funding and staff resources (human resources) are still lacking. The process of collective action between actors is running well with the existence of a committed PPS Working Group. Technical rules are clear with the existence of SOPs that are derived from the rules of government and local government.Communication goes well between communities (Forest farmer groups and cooperative members) - local government and facilitators, but not so well between government structures (village heads and apparatus and local government.The Social forestry policy in Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatra has been effectively implemented from the perspective of policy accuracy in resolving forestry problems and environmental accuracy in accepting policies


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    Oyster mushroom cultivation has been so widely practiced in Indonesia, both in areas where the climate is cool or rather hot. In general, the kumbung used is made in such a way as to resemble a bamboo hut and usually has a ground floor and a thatched roof. But the cultivation of Oyster mushrooms, which is carried out in the service activities of the Saiyo Jorong Hulu Aia Batu Badukuang Nagari Harau Farmers Group, Harau District, Fifty Cities Regency, uses a former house that is no longer used as an innovation for its kumbung The Women Farmers Group (KWT) is a partner of the Community Service Program by lecturers at the Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra. The people who have joined have inadequate income. While environmental conditions and cool climates support the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. The method in this service program has 3 stages, namely 1). Socialization, 2) Workshop, 3) Mentoring and 4) Monitoring and Evaluation. This Community Service Program lasts for 8 months, from July 2020 to March 2021. This Community Service Program can improve the economy of the surrounding community. Can increase public knowledge and expertise about oyster mushrooms and mushroom cultivation. Besides that, it can also form a clean environment by using the former house to become a mushroom barn

    Three Generations of Forest Peoples’ Empowerment in Indonesia: Process Towards Sustainable and Equitable Forest Management

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    Human activities that alter land cover have destroyed natural ecosystems and caused conflict. In Indonesia, community-based forest management (CBFM) policies implemented by the government seek to empower communities, ameliorate forest conversion, and reduce environmental conflict. This article critically assesses contemporary CBFM policy in Indonesia by analyzing its history and outcomes through policy analysis. To systematically review previous literature on CBFM, this research uses the PRISMA method. It finds that communities are often able to manage forest areas sustainably through sociocultural systems that combine management customs and culture. Empowerment through CBFM policy therefore promises to promote community subsistence, equity, and security regarding forest management. However, granting total resource rights to communities can result in land conversion unless managerial safeguards are in place. Many studies find that the clarity of land boundaries, the consistency of regulation, and the partiality of land governance drive CBFM program success. To facilitate land governance for the successful implementation of Indonesian social forestry, communities need access rights, authority to manage forests, and sufficient knowledge transfer to participate in formal forest management. In contrast to previous iterations of CBFM in Indonesia, current social forestry policy acknowledges these governance needs and seeks to implement them


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    Coffee was a plantation commodity that has quite high economic value among other plantation crops and plays an important role as a source of foreign exchange for the country, however, the pests and diseases that attack coffee plantations in HKM Solok Radjo are not yet known. This research aims to analyze pests and diseases of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) in HKm Solok Radjo, Aie Winter, Lembah Gumanti District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province. This research uses interview methods and field observations. The data analysis method in this research is descriptive analysis. The results of the research showed that the pests and diseases that were found in the coffee plantations were Hypothenemus hampei (fruit borer), coffee such as leaf rust disease (Hemilleia vastatrix), coffee fruit rot disease (Colletotrichum sp), coffee leaf spot disease (Cercospora coffeicola), upas fungus disease (Upasia salmonicolor). Pests and diseases in this plant are a nuisance because they can cause the plant to be damaged and even die. In handling it, a number of special steps are needed to eliminate pests and diseases in plants, including using pesticides or rotating crops


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    This research aims to inventory and identify the type of any species of non-timber forest products recorded (classification and nomenclature, morphology and value the benefits of species) timber forest in clear river protected forest. Research conducted at the Clear River Protected Forest Production Forest Management Unit (KPHP) Meranti Musi Banyuasin for 2 (two) months. Sampling method Sampling is done by sistematic. Selection of sample clusters based on the classification of types of land cover interpretation of the image by using GIS software. The intensity of sampling to be used is 0.025% with consideration of available medium resolution satellite imagery. Plots to be used refer to the manual survey natural forest and cultivated plants providing local communities with extensive plot of 0.1 ha plot with rectangular shape (20x50) meter. From the results, five classes of land cover in the Landsat 2015 ie dry land forests of primary, secondary dry land forests, plantations, Shrublands, Land open. Based on observations in the field of primary dry forest in protected forests KPHP Clear River Meranti is not a group but a primary dry forest secondary forest dry land. Type Timber Forest in protected forest Sungai Rotan Clear ie ants (Korthalsia echinometra Becc), Rattan dahanan (Korthalsia nets J. Dransf), Rotan Shrimp (Korthalsia robusta Blume), Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifoia), Samak Pandan (Pandanus tectorius), Palm Serdang (Livistona rotundifolia), Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis). Timber forest dominant type of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in the Primary forest land cover, Shrublands, Plantations with density values (K) at 55, 86, 280 trees / ha had the highest number compared to other types Timber Forest others. Potential Timber Forest largest in secondary forest land cover

    Assessing the Sustainability of NTFP-Based Community Enterprises: A Viable Business Model for Indonesian Rural Forested Areas

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    Indonesia’s vast forested areas have the potential to serve as a crucial source of livelihood for local communities. However, the current contributions of these forests to community livelihoods are significantly underutilized in comparison to their potential. This study evaluates the financial performance and sustainability of community forest-based businesses operating around the forest management area of the Lakitan-Bukit Cogong forest management unit (LBC FMU). Data were collected through semi-structured and in-depth interviews with the key informants through purposive sampling. Financial viability analysis and a qualitative approach were used to assess the feasibility of the businesses. The findings revealed that all businesses show positive values for all financial indicators. From profit estimation and value-added distribution, all products are shown to be feasible. Concerning the value and supply chain, the rubber-processing industry has a remarkable flow. Moreover, small forest enterprises (SFEs) highlight natural capital optimization through multitudinous derivatives of products that could support a substantial regenerative economy, including citronella essential oil, native honeybees, rubber-based product, biochar, skewers, and liquid smoke. In addition, the multidimensional scaling and rapid appraisal for forest (MDS-RAPForest) approach generates a result based on multiple dimensions (ecology, economics, social and human resources, and institutional and administrative dimensions) showing that overall, SFEs are categorized as sufficient/quite sustainable. Furthermore, mainstreaming adaptable forest-based enterprises, jurisdiction approaches, and cross-production system strategies are also discussed. Our findings suggest that sustainable NTFP-based activities within a community context can be facilitated through interconnected market systems, appropriate price regulations, and support from stakeholders and legal frameworks