56 research outputs found

    Evaluation and Application of Current Methods Used to Estimate Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollutants at High Spatial or Temporal Resolutions.

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    Strategies for reducing exposure to ambient air pollution in urban areas may be less effective as pollutants and their sources have shifted from being dominated by large point sources to more complex mixtures that include a sizeable fraction of traffic-related air pollutants (TRAP). In past decades, urban air pollution management strategies were designed to control pollutant emissions from point sources, while traffic-related emissions primarily were controlled by federal regulations. This approach now may not address the exposures experienced by vulnerable individuals that can result in adverse health impacts and inequities in the distribution of health impacts. New tools and methods are needed to characterize exposures from emission sources including traffic. This dissertation aims to address this need by applying and evaluating several methods to estimate exposures, focusing on TRAP. The first aim examines trends in emissions, concentrations and source apportionments of fine particulate matter (PM2.5, particles with a diameter less than 2.5 µm) in two large Midwest U.S. cities, Detroit, Michigan, and Chicago, Illinois. The analysis reveals that the fraction of PM2.5 due to mobile sources and other local emissions have increased (Detroit) or stayed constant (Chicago), even as total PM2.5 concentrations have decreased in both cities. The methodology demonstrated in this aim could be used to compare trends in the share of PM2.5 contributed by vehicles across major cities; many cities have different local regulations and fleet mixes that may affect trends in vehicle-related PM2.5, and the methods in this aim could be used to identify potentially preferred pollution reduction strategies. The second aim provides an operational evaluation of RLINE, a research-level line-source dispersion model developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the near-road environment. Model performance was best at sites close to major roads, during downwind conditions, during weekdays, and during certain seasons. Implications for regulatory, health impact and epidemiologic applications include the importance of selecting appropriate pollutants, using appropriate monitoring approaches, considering prevailing wind directions during study design, and accounting for uncertainty. The third aim examines the sensitivity of exposure estimates produced by the RLINE model to the model’s meteorological, emission and traffic allocation data. The application focuses on health studies examining near-road exposures to TRAP. Overall, results highlight the need for appropriate model inputs, especially meteorological inputs, in dispersion model applications designed to estimate near-road concentrations and exposures to TRAPs. The fourth aim quantifies source contributions to individual exposures and provides an apportionment of exposures. Results show that most of the exposure was derived from background levels, although contributions from non-commercial traffic sources provided important contributions during the evening and early morning periods in the “indoor-at-home” micro-environment. Using the presented methodology for exposure apportionment, interventions incorporating the temporal and spatial nature of exposure could be applied to potentially lower the exposure of individuals in vulnerable groups. This dissertation identified results that emphasize the need to target mobile sources of air pollutants in policies and regulations intended to decrease pollutant concentrations in urban areas, and it provides methods to estimate exposures. Predicting exposures of vulnerable and susceptible populations, including low-income and minority individuals living near major roads, may be particularly challenging, but these populations also are likely to suffer a disproportionate share of vehicle-related health impacts. The modeling approaches examined in this dissertation can help characterize exposures and evaluate strategies that reduce adverse impacts.PHDEnvironmental Health SciencesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145852/1/cmilando_1.pd


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    The growth of street vendors as the informal sector is often negatively associated with the urban environment. But the need for street vendors by the community makes the existence of these street vendors more and more. Medan City Regional Government Regulation No. 31 of 1993 in conjunction with the Mayor's Letter of Medan No. 54/SK/1994 and Mayor Regulation No. 8 of 2009 concerning the prohibition of trading on road berms, sidewalks, and road shoulders is still not effective, marked by the number of street vendors violations. This study aims to determine the Process, Benefits and Constraints in Structuring the Empowerment of Street Vendors at Simpang Limun Market, Medan City. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques: observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the policy of structuring and empowering street vendors at Simpang Limun Market has not gone well. This is because many street vendors who join Seksama's new market feel they have not been served properly regarding the disposition of market managers and policy implementers. This causes traders to prefer not to sell again at Seksama's new market and choose to sell again along Jalan SM.Raja Simpang Limun Market, Medan City

    Águas que produzem gente como nós: desenvolvimento e mundivivências de Mayombe – Cabinda (Angola)

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    A mundivivência das sociedades africanas compreende uma multiplicidade de actores sociais que se mantêm invisíveis aos olhos dos «operadores de desenvolvimento». No caso dos bayombe, em Cabinda – Angola, figuram entre estes actores «invisíveis» as entidades espirituais que «povoam» as águas locais. O presente texto debruça-se sobre estas entidades sociais e o modo como elas condicionam as representações e práticas sociais das populações locais. A partir da observação destes actores «invisíveis», o texto explora vivências das referidas populações, confrontando-as implicitamente com algumas das lógicas subjacentes ao paradigma desenvolvimentista.African societies comprise a multiplicity of social actors who are still invisible to «development operators». In the case of the bayombe, in Cabinda, Angola, among these «invisible» actors appear spiritual entities that «populate» the local waters. The article deals with these social entities and the way they condition social representations and practices of local populations. Through the observation of these «invisible» actors, the text explores the ways of living of these populations, confronting them implicitly with some underlying logics of the developmentalist paradigm

    Determinants of Women’s Participation in Decision-Making on Household Income Allocation

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    In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as is the case in most sub-Saharan African countries, women make a significant contribution to household income. However, they are traditionally excluded from the decision-making process regarding the allocation of household income, as only the man is considered the head and decision-maker. With modernization, we increasingly observe another form of household organization that takes into consideration the participation of women in decision-making in African households. This article analyzes the determining factors that contribute dynamically to this change. Starting with qualitative analysis, the binary logistic method was used to highlight the variables that explain the probability of a woman participating in the decision-making process that affects the couple's income

    Actores «Invisíveis» do Desenvolvimento em África: o kindoki na racionalização de comportamentos no meio rural de Cabinda (Angola)

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    O desenvolvimento institucionalizado tem sido um fracasso em África. As causas desta situação são múltiplas e podem ser encontradas tanto no seio do complexo desen­volvimentista como no das populações-alvo das intervenções externamente induzidas. Proliferam os estudos sobre as adversidades do desenvolvimento no seio dos grupos-alvo dos projectos. Porém, estes estudos não têm conseguido elucidar adequadamente as carac­terísticas das paisagens organizacionais locais. O presente texto debruça-se sobre dinâ­micas sociais predominantes no espaço rural de Cabinda (Angola), que funcionam como instâncias de racionalização de comportamentos de diversos actores sociais. Mas têm sido ignoradas nos projectos de desenvolvimento localmente implementados. São dinâmicas sociais que contêm (e exprimem) tensões entre «tradição» e «modernidade», fornecendo elementos para uma melhor compreensão da complexidade dos processos de mudança so­cial externamente induzidos nestas sociedades.Institutionalized development has been a failure in Africa. The causes of this failure are manifold and can be found as much as within the development complex as inside the target populations of the externally induced interventions. The development adversities within the target groups of the projects have been subject to a great number of studies. However, these studies have not succeeded in explaining adequately the characteristics of the local organizational landscapes. The text deals with predominant social dynamics in the rural areas of Cabinda (Angola) that act as rationalization instances of the behaviors of diverse social actors. However these dynamics have been ignored in locally implemented development projects. They are social dynamics that comprise (and express) the tension between «tradition» and «modernity», providing analytical inputs for a better understanding of the complexity of externally induced social change in these societies

    Actores «Invisíveis» do Desenvolvimento em África: o kindoki na racionalização de comportamentos no meio rural de Cabinda (Angola)

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    O desenvolvimento institucionalizado tem sido um fracasso em África. As causas desta situação são múltiplas e podem ser encontradas tanto no seio do complexo desenvolvimentista como no das populações-alvo das intervenções externamente induzidas. Proliferam os estudos sobre as adversidades do desenvolvimento no seio dos grupos-alvo dos projectos. Porém, estes estudos não têm conseguido elucidar adequadamente as características das paisagens organizacionais locais. O presente texto debruça-se sobre dinâmicas sociais predominantes no espaço rural de Cabinda (Angola), que funcionam como instâncias de racionalização de comportamentos de diversos actores sociais. Mas têm sido ignoradas nos projectos de desenvolvimento localmente implementados. São dinâmicas sociais que contêm (e exprimem) tensões entre «tradição» e «modernidade», fornecendo elementos para uma melhor compreensão da complexidade dos processos de mudança social externamente induzidos nestas sociedades.Institutionalized development has been a failure in Africa. The causes of this failure are manifold and can be found as much as within the development complex as inside the target populations of the externally induced interventions. The development adversities within the target groups of the projects have been subject to a great number of studies. However, these studies have not succeeded in explaining adequately the characteristics of the local organizational landscapes. The text deals with predominant social dynamics in the rural areas of Cabinda (Angola) that act as rationalization instances of the behaviors of diverse social actors. However these dynamics have been ignored in locally implemented development projects. They are social dynamics that comprise (and express) the tension between «tradition» and «modernity», providing analytical inputs for a better understanding of the complexity of externally induced social change in these societies

    Águas que Produzem Gente como Nós: desenvolvimento e mundivivências de Mayombe – Cabinda (Angola)

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    A mundivivência das sociedades africanas compreende uma multiplicidade de actores sociais que se mantêm invisíveis aos olhos dos «operadores de desenvolvimento». No caso dos bayombe, em Cabinda – Angola, figuram entre estes actores «invisíveis» as entidades espirituais que «povoam» as águas locais. O presente texto debruça-se sobre estas entidades sociais e o modo como elas condicionam as representações e práticas sociais das populações locais. A partir da observação destes actores «invisíveis», o texto explora vivências das referidas populações, confrontando-as implicitamente com algumas das lógicas subjacentes ao paradigma desenvolvimentista.African societies comprise a multiplicity of social actors who are still invisible to «development operators». In the case of the bayombe, in Cabinda, Angola, among these «invisible» actors appear spiritual entities that «populate» the local waters. The article deals with these social entities and the way they condition social representations and practices of local populations. Through the observation of these «invisible» actors, the text explores the ways of living of these populations, confronting them implicitly with some underlying logics of the developmentalist paradigm

    Nota Prévia

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    ANALISIS PENGARUH WORLD COMODITY PRICE TERHADAP HARGA BITCOIN DENGAN INDEKS DOLLAR SEBAGAI VARIABEL Dehan Ocdi Milando 1, Rida Rahim2, Fajri Adrianto 3 123Magister Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia ABSTRAK Bitcoin merupakan salah satu instrumen investasi yang dapat memberikan keuntungan dan telah mendapatkan izin untuk diperdagangkan oleh Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi Indonesia. Keberadaan investasi mata uang digital kini semakin populer di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk di Indonesia, yang didorong oleh lonjakan harga yang signifikan.Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh World Comodity Priceterhadap harga bitcoin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Jenis datadalam penelitian ini adalah data time series yang diambil dari laporan transaksi bulanan bitcoin Januari 2016 sampai dengan Desember 2022, sehinggadidapatkan target populasi sebanyak 84 data bulanan untuk yang menjadi sampel penelitian.Metode analisis data dala penelitian ini menggunakan model regresiModerate Regression Analysis(MRA) dan analisis data menggunakan software statistik STATA. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan variabel harga emas dunia berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap harga bitcoin, sedangkan variabel harga minyak dunia (WTI) dan harga batu bara tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap harga bitcoin. Indeks dolar (dxy) memperkuat pengaruh positif kenaikan harga emas terhadapharga bitcoin. Kata Kunci: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, harga emas, harga minyak dunia, harga batu bar

    Enhancing models and measurements of traffic-related air pollutants for health studies using dispersion modeling and Bayesian data fusion

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    Research Report 202 describes a study led by Dr. Stuart Batterman at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and colleagues. The investigators evaluated the ability to predict traffic-related air pollution using a variety of methods and models, including a line source air pollution dispersion model and sophisticated spatiotemporal Bayesian data fusion methods. Exposure assessment for traffic-related air pollution is challenging because the pollutants are a complex mixture and vary greatly over space and time. Because extensive direct monitoring is difficult and expensive, a number of modeling approaches have been developed, but each model has its own limitations and errors. Dr. Batterman and colleagues sought to improve model estimations by applying and systematically comparing the performance of different statistical models. The study made extensive use of data collected in the Near-road EXposures and effects of Urban air pollutants Study (NEXUS), a cohort study designed to examine the relationship between near-roadway pollutant exposures and respiratory outcomes in children with asthma who live close to major roadways in Detroit, Michigan