25 research outputs found


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    Field experiment was carry out at experimental farm Oponice (West Slovakia, 48° 28´N, 18° 9´E) ) in 2004-2007. The aim of the work was to evaluate the influence of nitrogen fertilization treatments on yield and yield component and selected quality parameters (proteins, oil, fibre, isoflavones) of soybeen seeds variety Korada, in agri-environmental condition of western part of Slovakia. The fertilization treatments were as follows: (I) unfertilized treatment; (II) application of nitrogen fertilizers LAV 27 % (ammonium nitrate with lime - 40 kg ha-1 nitrogen) in the vegetative stage V2; (III) Humix complet in split application of total dose 4 +4 L ha-1 applied in growth stage of V2 and in reproductive growth stage of R1 (beginning bloom). Humix complet contain bioactive ingredient and nutrients for plant nutrition with 2.5% of humic acids, 4.0% total N, 0.5 P2O5, 3% K2O, and micronutrients. Result showed the highest variation of pods per plant in dependence of year condition (range 17.8-24.7). No significant differences between numbers of seeds were noted (2.13-2.29). The split application of Humic complet significantly influence the higher number of pods per plant (24.8) while keeping the number of seeds per pod (2.13). The yield of seeds was significantly influenced by weather conditions (2.84 t ha-1 - 4.68 t ha-1) and by fertilization treatments. Supplemental ammonium nitrate with lime (treatments II) in the vegetative stage of V2 or Humix complet (treatment III) applied in V2 and R1 stages significantly increased yield of soybean seeds up to 3.91 t ha-1 and 4.27 t ha-1 with comparison to control treatment (3.49 t ha-1). Content of protein, oil and fibre was not significantly differing between fertilization treatments. In spite of significantly higher soybean yield in Humic complet treatment, content of protein (37.67%), oil (15.83%) and fibre (9.47%) was at the same level as lower yielded treatments. Soybean seeds from higher yielded fertilization treatments have significantly less content of isoflavones. Split application of Humic complet is effective method for improving yield of soybean seeds while maintaining the composition of protein oil and fibre


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    During 1998-2002, the application of different forms and doses of nitrogen on quantitative (polarised sugar production)and qualitative parameters (digestion, molasses forming components - potassium, sodium and α-amino nitrogen content) of sugar beet in vulnerable zones (Nitrate directive) was studied. Calculated input of nitrogen ranged from 12 kg up to 240 kg N.ha-1. By increasing input of N from FYM application into the soil causes an increases of α- amino nitrogen content in root, which in consequence causes a decreases the sugar content (negative correlation r= -0.8659+). The application of straw instead FYM of analogues treatments caused significant decrease (straw versus FYM) and highly significant decrease (straw plus N fertilizers versus FYM plus N fertilizers) of α-amino nitrogen content in sugar beet root living the productive parameters unchanged. The content of α-amino nitrogen in root of sugar beet indicate an environmentally friendly management practices with causal relation to water protection from nitrate


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    In the fi rst stage of research the 404 genotypes of poppy (Papaver) from World collection were evaluated during 1999. The fi eld trial was established on research base of SAU in Nitra. The aim of the study was to assess morphological characteristic and diversity of selected traits of poppy plants and create a digitalized visual documentation of studied traits of collection. 50-60 individuals for each accession were cultivated. During vegetation period 22 morphological traits have been assess and visual documentation of main fl ower, lower leaf, capsules and seed was made. During the phase of mature, 20 randomly selected plants were analyzed for 24 qualitative and quantitative traits. On the base of screening follow-up assessment of 94 genotypes was broadening of 8 morphometric analysis of plant during 2003. In present work variability of evaluated traits and morphometric analysis of 24 selected genotypes of poppy is discussed. On the base of morphometric analysis, the important diversity of observed traits have been recognized in agro-climatic conditions of Slovakia, documented by statistical characteristics and by digitalized documentation of accessions

    Možnosti hodnotenia úrodovej odozvy odrôd sladovníckeho jačmeňa na podmienky prostredia Slovenskej republiky

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    Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is the third most important grain crop after wheat and maize in Europe, but the average annual increase in barley yield was 37 kg/ha during period of 1970-2020. The aim of the study was to evaluate the expression of yield potential of eight malt barley genotypes under agro-climatic conditions of the Danubian Hills region in southwestern Slovakia. The effect of season had a decisive share (62.7%) in the total variability of yields. The contrasting nature of the evaluated years is documented by the differences in yields of the set of evaluated varieties in an ascending order: 4.23 t/ha, 6.10 t/ha up to 8.17 t/ha during 2012-2013-2014.The effects of site and genotypes were evident, but with a relatively low contribution of 14.13% and 1.03% of site and genotypes, respectively, to the total variability in grain yield of barley, which indicate the relative consistency of the set of genotypes evaluated. The environmental index (EI) of yields confirmed the different environmental conditions manifested by the expression of yield potential ranging from 5.17 t/ha to 7.31 t/ha. The EI expression of yields for individual years and locations can be considered as an important indicator, indicating a better interpretation of the suitability of the locality for the cultivation of a given crop. The above conclusions reached from the experimental results support the need for more detailed data analysis of varieties to given agro-climatic conditions in order to select suitable genotypes for sustainable farming systems.Jačmeň (Hordeum vulgare L.) je po pšenici a kukurici treťou najdôležitejšou obilninou v Európe, ale priemerný ročný nárast úrody jačmeňa v období 1970-2020 bol 37 kg/ha. Cieľom práce bolo zhodnotiť expresiu úrodového potenciálu ôsmich genotypov sladovníckeho jačmeňa v agroklimatických podmienkach Podunajskej pahorkatiny na juhozápadnom Slovensku. Na celkovej variabilite úrod mal rozhodujúci podiel (62,7%) vplyv ročníka. Kontrastný charakter hodnotených rokov dokumentujú rozdiely v úrodách súboru odrôd vo vzostupnom poradí: 4,23 t/ha, 6,10 t/ha až po 8,17 t/ha v rokoch 2012-2013-2014. Vplyv stanovišťa a genotypov bol evidentný, ale s relatívne nízkym podielom stanovišťa (14,13%) a genotypov (1,03%) na celkovej variabilite úrody zrna jačmeňa, čo svedčí o relatívnej vyrovnanosti súboru hodnotených genotypov. Environmentálny index (EI) úrody potvrdil rozdielne podmienky prostredia prejavujúce sa expresiou úrodového potenciálu v rozmedzí od 5,17 t/ha do 7,31 t/ha. Vyjadrenie EI úrod pre jednotlivé roky a lokality možno považovať za dôležitý ukazovateľ, ktorý naznačuje lepšiu interpretáciu vhodnosti lokality na pestovanie danej plodiny. Uvedené závery dosiahnuté na základe výsledkov experimentov podporujú potrebu podrobnejšej analýzy údajov o odrodách do daných agroklimatických podmienok s cieľom výberu vhodných genotypov pre udržateľné systémy hospodárenia

    Yield potential of Milk thistle production in south western Slovakia

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2015.18.04.79–82Received 28. August 2015 ǀ Accepted 9. October 2015 ǀ Available online 7. December 2015Milk thistle is annual to biennial medicinal plant from the Asteraceae family. Polyfactorial field experiment was establishedand investigated during the vegetation period of the years 2012–2014. The trial was arranged in one independent block.Plant material variety Silyb was harvested in the ontogenetic stage the achenes ripening. Three evaluated factors were asfollows: crop residues – intercrop – fertilization. Milk thistle was integrated to four crop rotation design with following orderof crops: common pea – winter wheat – milk thistle – maize. Average yield of milk thistle achenes significantly differ in therange from 479.6 kg ha-1 in 2012 up to 602.5 kg ha-1 in 2013. The highest yield of milk thistle was measured 745.0 kg ha-1(2013 treatment: no crop residues, with intercrop, with fertilization). The impact of growing year on yield milk thistle achenesconfirmed the high variability of yields. On output of yield milk thistle achenes we were confirmed highly significant effectof year and fertilization, and inconclusive impact of sowing intercrop and ploughing crop residues. In all evaluated years,significantly 20% higher average yield for treatments with mineral fertilization was confirmed. Based on the three-yearresults, it is recommended to continue the research of the production parameters of milk thistle yields in following growingseasons with focus to better used of yield potential of milk thistle in Slovak conditions.Keywords: Silybum marianum L., yield, intercrop, fertilization, crop residuesReferencesANDRZEJEWSKA, J., SADOWSKA, K. and MIELCAREK, S. (2011) Effect of sowing date and rateon the yield and flavolignan content of the fruits of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.) on light soil in a moderate climat. In Industiral Crops and Products, vol. 33, pp. 462-468. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2010.10.027ANDRZEJEWSKA, J. and SKINDER, Z. (2006) Yield and quality of raw material of milk thistle (Silybum marianum /L./ Gaertn.) grown in monoculture and in crop rotation. Part 1. Reaction of milk thistle to the sowing date. In Herba Pol., vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 11 - 17.BHATTYCHARYA, S. (2011) Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaert.) Seeds in Health. In Nuts & Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-375688-6.10090-8CWALINA-AMBROZIAK, B., et al. (2012) The effect of mineral fertilization on achenes yield and fungal cummunities isolated from the stems of milk thistle, Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. In Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 157–168. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/fhort-2013-0012GENEVA, M. et al. (2008) Improvement of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.) seed yield and quality with foliar fertilization and growth effector MD 148/II. In Gen. Appl. Plant Physiology, vol. 34, no. 3–4, pp. 309–318.HABÁNOVÁ, M. and HABÁN, M. (2009) Milk thistle. Available from: http://www.liecive.herba.sk/index.php/rok-2009/36-4-2009/213-pestrec-mariansky.html. [Accessed: 2015-05-14]HABÁN, M., GRANČAI, D. and LUŠČÁKOVÁ, D. (2015) Interesting and less well-known herbal drugs in the Pharmacopoeia and Pharmaceutical Codex (7). In Liečivé rastliny, vol. 1, pp. 29–30.HABÁN, M., OTEPKA, P. and BOKOR, P. (2007) Production of Milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.) cultivated in sustainable crop rotation. In 1st International Scientific Conference on Medicinal, Aromatic and Spice Plants : Book of scientific papers and abstracts. Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, pp. 98–99.HABÁN, M. et al. (2009) production and quality of milk thistle (Silybum marianum /L./ Gaertn.) cultivated in cultural conditions of warm agri-climatic macroregion. In Hort. Sci. (Prague), vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 25–30.HABÁN, M. et al. (2010) Milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. 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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.03.026TÝR, Š. and, VEREŠ, T. (2011) Weed infestation of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. canopies in the year 2008–2010. In Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, Sp. Num., 14, pp.46–48.WIERZBOWSKA, J., BOWSZYS, T. and STERNIK, P. (2012) Effect of a nitrogen fertilization rate on the yield and yield structure of milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. ). In Ecol Chem Eng A., vol. 19, no.3, pp. 295–300

    Productivity and macroelements content of cereal and legume crops

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    Productivity of ecological and conventional system at two fertilization level, and average content of N, P, K and Mg in grains was evaluated in a field trial at south–western Slovakia during 1999-2005. A six-crop rotation pattern was used as follows: common pea – winter wheat and catch crop, early potato, spring barley, red clover, and winter wheat and catch crop. The designed ecological system support the productivity of cereals and legumes comparable to conventional system. No differences between two levels of fertilization and productivity expressed in Cereal Units (CU) were recognized. Negative relationship between productivity expressed in CU and total content of macroelements was confirm. Significantly higher content of potassium and magnesium was detected in ecological system with comparison to conventional system with higher input of nitrogen.Keywords: ecological system, crop rotation, cereals, legumes, macroelements, productivit

    Yield and technological quality of ecological and low-input production of potatoes

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    The yield and other quantitative (number of plants, number of tubers, weight of tubers per 1 m2) and qualitative parameters (content of vitamin C, starch, nitrogen and dry matter) of the Solanum tuberosum L. early variety “Collete” have been studied in ecological and low-input farming systems with two levels of organic fertilization during 2003-2005. The experiment was situated in water-protected zone of western Slovakia on Luvi-Haplic Chernozem. After harvest of forecrop in higher level of organic fertilization treatment catch crop – phacelia and mustard was grown. Highly significant differences in each studied parameters of potato tubers between certain years were ascertained, thus great influence of weather conditions on quality and quantity of potatoes was confirmed. Yields was highly significantly influenced also by farming systems, when in low-input system the average yield was 21.38 t ha-1 and in ecological system 20.02 t ha-1. Green manure management did not influence yield significantly. In treatment without green manure the average yield 20.47 t ha-1 was reached with comparison to green manure application treatments 20.93 t ha-1. In low-input system significantly higher C vitamin content (4.23 mg 100g-1) was ascertained compared to ecological one 3.53 mg 100g-1. Other qualitative parameters were more or less on the same level. We recommended both farming system for growing potatoes in water vulnerable zones and for better fulfil the Good Agricultural Practices in Slovak conditions


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    The aim of this study was to characterize soil organic matter in the Nature Reserve Žitavský wetland. The area is located on a fluvial plain of Žitava River. Soil pits were trenched on Mollic Fluvisol, Eutric Fluvisol and Histi-Umbric Gleysol. Since the average CT pool in topsoil of Histi-Umbric Gleysols in Slovakia is around 15.8 g.kg-1, we assume, that high content of organic carbon in A horizon (72.54 g.kg-1) occur due to sedimentation of organic particles from water. Based on results of organic carbon content and its stability, but mainly on sharp increase of humus quality (HA : FA increased from 0.82 to 1.72) we concluded, that in depth of 0.6 m started A horizon of buried Mollic Fluvisol. The highest pool of hot water extractable carbon (Chws) and labile carbon (CL) in Histi-Umbric Gleysol indicate the great amount of organic matter available to microbial oxidation in this soil.Cieľom tejto práce bola charakteristika vlastností pôdnej organickej hmoty Prírodnej rezervácie Žitavský luh a pôdy z umelo zaplavovanej vodnej nádrže Žitavského luhu. Skúmaná lokalita sa nachádza v blízkosti obce Maňa, okres Nové Zámky (18o19´ v.d., 48o09´ s.š.). Klimaticky patrí do teplej suchej oblasti s miernou zimou a dlhým slnečným svitom. Územie sa rozprestiera v povodí rieky Žitava, ktorá ho rozdeľuje na časť prislúchajúcu k Hronskej sprašovej pahorkatine a k Žitavskej sprašovej pahorkatine. V južnej časti Žitavského luhu boli vykopané 3 sondy na rôznych pôdnych typoch: prvá na čiernici modálnej, druhá na fluvizemi kultizemnej a tretia na gleji močiarovom – táto po vypustení a vysušení vodnej nádrže v lete. V odobratých pôdnych vzorkách boli analyzované: obsah uhličitanov; obsah organického uhlíka (CT) - oxidimetricky; frakčné zloženie humusu; spektrofotometrické merania humusových látok a humínových kyselín; obsah ľahko oxidovateľného uhlíka (CL) a horúcou vodou rozpustného uhlíka (Chws); celkový obsah dusíka (NT). Každá analýza bola vykonaná v troch opakovaniach a v príspevku sú uvedené priemerné hodnoty. Zistili sme, že celkový obsah organického uhlíka (CT) v A horizonte bol najvyšší v gleji (72.54 g.kg-1), nižší v čiernici (19.10 g.kg-1) a najnižší vo fluvizemi (17.05 g.kg- 1) (Tabuľka 1). Keďže priemerný obsah CT v gleji na území Slovenska je 15,8 g.kg-1 predpokladáme, že veľmi vysoký obsah CT v A horizonte skúmaného gleja (72,54 g.kg-1) bol spôsobený sedimentáciou organických čiastočiek z vody počas obdobia zaplavenia pôdy vodou. Na základe výsledkov obsahu organického uhlíka a jeho stability (percento CNL vzrástlo z 90,8% na 94,6%), no najmä z výsledkov veľkého zvýšenia kvality humusu (HK : FK vzrástlo z 0,82 na 1,72, a QHS sa znížil z 4,38 na 2,95) predpokladáme, že v hĺbke 0,6 m sa začína humusový horizont pochovanej čiernice (Tabuľka 1,2). Najvyšší obsah v horúcej vode rozpustného uhlíka (Chws) a labilných foriem organického uhlíka (CL) v gleji indikuje, že takmer 11% organickej hmoty v A horizonte tejto pôdy je ľahko prístupným zdrojom živín a energie pre mikróby (Tabuľka 1). Zvýšené pomery uhlíka humínových kyselín k fulvokyselinám (HK:FK) a znížené pomery absorbancií (Q) potvrdili zvýšený stupeň humifikácie organickej hmoty v hlbších častiach profilov v porovnaní s humusovými horizontmi. Rovnako i percento stabilných foriem organickej hmoty pôdy (CNL) s hĺbkou vzrastalo. Výsledky nášho výskumu potvrdili negatívny vplyv ľudských aktivít v lokalite Žitavský luh na stav pôd, ich pokryv a vegetačnú štruktúru


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    During 1998-2002, the application of different forms and doses of nitrogen on quantitative (polarised sugar production)and qualitative parameters (digestion, molasses forming components - potassium, sodium and α-amino nitrogen content) of sugar beet in vulnerable zones (Nitrate directive) was studied. Calculated input of nitrogen ranged from 12 kg up to 240 kg N.ha-1. By increasing input of N from FYM application into the soil causes an increases of α- amino nitrogen content in root, which in consequence causes a decreases the sugar content (negative correlation r= -0.8659+). The application of straw instead FYM of analogues treatments caused significant decrease (straw versus FYM) and highly significant decrease (straw plus N fertilizers versus FYM plus N fertilizers) of α-amino nitrogen content in sugar beet root living the productive parameters unchanged. The content of α-amino nitrogen in root of sugar beet indicate an environmentally friendly management practices with causal relation to water protection from nitrate.V rokoch 1998-2002 bol sledovaný vplyv vstupov dusíka na kvantitatívne (polarizačného cukru) a kvalitatívne parametre (digescia, obsah melasotvorných látok - draslíka, sodíka a α- amino dusíka) repy cukrovej pestovanej v zraniteľnej oblasti vôd. Celkový vstup dusíka bol kalkulovaný v rozsahu 12 až 240 kg.ha-1 dusíka. V závislosti od rastu vstupov dusíka formou aplikácie maštaľného hnoja sa zvýšil obsah α-amino dusíka v buľvách, ktorý súčasne znižoval digesciu (negatívna korelácia r=-0,8659). Nahradenie maštaľného hnoja slamou predplodiny znížilo obsah amidického dusíka buliev. Došlo k preukaznému (slama - maštaľný hnoj) až k vysokopreukaznému zníženiu obsahu α-amino dusíka (slama + NPK - maštaľný hnoj + NPK) pri zachovaní produkčných parametrov. Obsah α-amino dusíka v buľvách repy indikoval ekologickú a produkčnú akceptovateľnosť environmentálne vhodných pestovateľských postupov vo vzťahu ochrane vôd v zraniteľných oblastiach


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    V roku 2005-2006 bol v repárskej výrobnej oblasti, skúmaný vplyv hnojenia na formovanie úrodotvorných prvkov a úrody pri troch odrodách sóje fazuľovej. Pri odrodách Korada, Supra a OAC Vision bol zisťovaný počet rastlín na m2, počet strukov na rastline, počet semien v struku, HTS, úroda semena, úroda stoniek a zberový index. Varianty hnojenia: I. nehnojená kontrola, II. LAV 27 % (40 kg ha-1 č.ž. N) v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov, III. Humix komplet (dávka 8 l.ha-1) aplikovaný v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov (4 l.ha-1) a pred kvitnutím (4 l.ha-1), IV. Humix komplet v dávke 8 l.ha-1 aplikovaný v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov. Úrodu semena a stoniek sóje vysokopreukazne ovplyvnila odroda, hnojenie a podmienky ročníka. Preukazne najvyššiu úrodu semena dosiahla odroda Korada (4,04 t.ha-1). Pri odrodách OAC Vision a Supra bola úroda v intervale 3,74-3,84 t.ha-1. Štatisticky preukazne úrodu semien a stoniek ovplyvnila delená dávka Humixu komplet (III. var.). Hnojením došlo k zvýšeniu podielu semien k nadzemnej fytomase, čo bolo vyjadrené zberovým indexom.In 2005 and 2006, the influence of fertilization was investigated on forming of yield components and yield of three soybean varieties in sugar beet growing area. Varieties Korada, Supra and OAC Vision were grown. Number of plants per m2, number of pods per plant, number of seeds in pod, thousand seeds weight, yield of seeds, yield of stems and harvest index were examined. Variants of fertilization: I. non-fertilized control, II. LAV 27 % (40 kg ha-1 net nutrient of N) in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded, III. Humix komplet (rate 8 l.ha-1) applied in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded (4 l.ha-1) and in growing stage of first flower buds visible (4 l.ha-1), IV. Humix komplet in rate 8 l.ha-1 applied in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded. The yields of seeds and stems were high significantly influenced by variety, fertilization and year. The significantly highest yield of seeds was achieved by Korada variety (4,04 t.ha-1). Varieties OAC Vision and Supra reached yields in interval 3,74-3,84 t.ha-1. Split rate of Humix komplet (III var) significantly influenced yield of seeds and stems. The fertilization have increased weight of seeds in proportion to aboveground phyto-mass weight, what was expressed by harvest index