5 research outputs found

    Early feeding to modify digestive enzyme activity in broiler chickens

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    Objective. To evaluate the effect on digestive enzyme activity in broiler chickens by providing food in the first 48 hrs. after birth. Materials and methods. After incubating 300 fertile eggs from Hubbard breeding and immediately after hatching, the chicks were randomly assigned to treatments: fasting (from hatching to 48 hrs.); Hydrated Balanced Food (HBF) from birth to 48 hrs.; commercial hydrating supplement (CHS) from birth to 48 hrs. The diets were provided ad libitum. After 48 hrs. a commercial diet was fed. At birth and at 48 and 72 hrs. of age 30 chicks/treatment were sacrificed to determine the enzyme activity of maltase, sucrase, alkaline phosphatase, phytase, a-amylase, trypsin and lipase in samples of duodenal or pancreatic homogenate. Results. The supply of HBF or CHS during the first 48 hrs. of life increased the activity of maltase, sucrase and phytase in the first 3 days of life, with values between 1.2 and up to 4-fold compared to the control (p<0.05). Chickens that fasted for the first 48 hrs. had higher activity of the pancreatic enzymes a-amylase, trypsin, and lipase at 72 hrs. of life (p<0.05). Conclusions. The food supply in the first 48 hrs. after hatching increases the duodenal enzyme activity in the intestinal brush border during the first 3 days of age in broiler chickens

    Lípidos sanguíneos en cerdos alimentados con pijiguao (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) y lisina sintética

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    RESUMENObjetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la harina de pijiguao y lisina sintética sobre los lípidossanguíneos de cerdos en crecimiento y engorde. Materiales y métodos. El estudio serealizó en dos etapas. En la primera etapa se utilizaron 72 cerdos castrados en crecimientode 30 ± 0.5 kg, en un arreglo factorial 2x3: dos niveles de lisina sintética (0 y 2.70 g/kg)y tres niveles de harina de pijiguao (0, 160 y 320 g/kg). En la segunda etapa se utilizaron16 cerdos en engorde de 67.25 ± 1.17 kg, en un arreglo factorial 2x2: dos niveles de lisinasintética (0 y 2.70 g/kg) y dos niveles de pijiguao (0 y 175 g/kg). Se determinaron lasconcentraciones séricas de triacilgliceroles, colesterol total y ácidos grasos. Resultados.Los cerdos en crecimiento que consumieron pijiguao presentaron menores (p&lt;0.001)concentraciones de colesterol que el grupo control (2.27 y 2.23 mmol/l vs 2.56 mmol/l) ytriacilgliceroles (0.34 y 0.28 mmol/l vs 0.42 mmol/l). El ácido oleico incrementó (p&lt;0.01)con el mayor nivel de pijiguao (20.78% a 28.84%), y la lisina aumentó (p&lt;0.05) el ácidolinoleico (27.83% a 31.29%). Los cerdos alimentados con pijiguao y lisina mostraronmenor (p&lt;0.001) ácido palmítico que el grupo con pijiguao sin lisina (0.23 y 0.19% vs0.45 y 0.62%, respectivamente). En la etapa de engorde los triacilgliceroles disminuyeron(p&lt;0.05) en los cerdos alimentados con pijiguao y lisina (0.46 a 0.36 mmol/l). Los cerdosalimentados con pijiguao mostraron menor ácido linoleico y mayor ácido oleico (p&lt;0.001).Conclusiones. Las dietas con pijiguao y lisina sintética no causaron efectos negativossobre los lípidos sanguíneos de cerdos

    A search for dark matter in the Galactic halo with HAWC

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    Current review of genetics of human obesity: from molecular mechanisms to an evolutionary perspective

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