483 research outputs found

    The personal belief in a just world and domain-specific beliefs about justice at school and in the family: A longitudinal study with adolescents

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    This article investigates the relationship between the personal belief in a just world (BJW) and domain-specific beliefs about justice and examines how justice cognitions impact on adolescents' development, particularly on their achievement at school and their subjective well-being. A longitudinal questionnaire study with German adolescents aged 14-19 years was conducted over a period of five to eight months. The pattern of results revealed that evaluations of the school climate and of the family climate as being just were two distinct phenomena, both of which impacted on the personal BJW, which in turn affected the domain-specific beliefs about justice. However, the domain-specific beliefs about justice did not impact on each other directly. Moreover, an evaluation of the family climate (but not of the school climate) as being just reduced depressive symptoms, whereas depressive symptoms did not weaken the evaluation of one's family as being just. The evaluation of the school climate as being just improved the grades received in the next school report, whereas the grades received did not affect the justice evaluation of the school climate. Finally, all relationships persisted when controlling for age and gender. In sum, the pattern of findings supports the notion that justice cognitions impact on development during adolescence

    The Effects of Small Metal Additions (Co,Cu,Ga,Mn,Al,Bi,Sn) on the Magnetocaloric Properties of the Gd5Ge2Si2 Alloy

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    The structural and magnetic properties of arc-melted and homogenized (1300 °C, 1 h) alloys of Gd5Ge1.9Si2X0.1 (X = Cu, Co, Ga, Mn, Al, Bi, or Sn) were investigated by powder x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and magnetometry. The addition of Cu, Ga, Mn, and Al completely eliminated the large hysteresis losses present in the undoped Gd5Ge2Si2 alloy between 270 and 330 K, broadened the magnetic entropy change ΔSm peak, and shifted its peak value from 275 to 305 K similar to that observed earlier for Gd5Ge1.9Si2Fe0.1. The addition of Bi or Sn had a negligible effect on either the alloy hysteresis losses or the characteristics of the ΔSm vs T peak. The microstructure of the alloy doped with Cu, Co, Ga, Mn, or Al consisted of a majority phase (depleted of silicon) and a minor intergranular phase (rich in silicon and of the corresponding metal additive). For Bi or Sn doping, the microstructure consisted of only the Gd5Ge2Si2 phase. Low temperature x-ray diffraction data on an Fe-doped sample showed the same spectra at 245 and 300 K, consistent with the majority phase possessing an orthorhombic structure. Refrigeration capacity calculations show that Gd5Ge1.9Si2X0.1 (X = Fe,Cu,Co,Ga,Mn, or Al) alloys are superior magnetic refrigerants compared to the undoped Gd5Ge2Si2 alloy

    Design Optimization of a Helical Coil Gas Cooler Based on the Results of CFD Modeling of Erosion Wear

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    Simulation of erosion wear and design optimization have been performed for a convective gas cooler with a helical coil. Based on the results of simulation of the standard gas cooler design with a flat baffle used in Shell gasification-based combined cycle unit, it is concluded that the particle impact angle is the main factor determining the erosion maximum. To reduce erosion, it is necessary to install a structural element instead of the flat baffle to align the flow path of ash particles at the inlet to the gas cooler. The results of simulation for various baffle shapes show that a hemispherical baffle is optimal. The use of a hemispherical baffle plate made it possible to align the ash particle flow path at the inlet to the gas cooler channels and reduce the maximum level of erosion by a factor of almost 4 compared to the standard geometry of the baffle plate. © 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Fertility Intentions and Their Realization in Couples : How the Division of Household Chores Matters

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    Most research on Europe indicates that a gender-balanced division of family work tends to increase childbearing probabilities, but empirical results vary substantially. The present article proposes explanations for this observed discrepancy. It develops prior research further by (1) studying short-term fertility intentions and their realization within the subsequent 4 years, (2) analyzing the role of the spouses’ satisfaction with the division for the effects that the division may have on childbearing, (3) proving a mediation by relationship satisfaction, and (4) considering gender as well as parity as moderators. Using data from two waves of the Generations and Gender Survey, we show that the division of work affects childbearing intentions. We find that the effect (a) depends on the spouses’ satisfaction with the division, (b) is partly moderated by relationship satisfaction, and (c) varies by parity. The division of household labor, however, seems of less importance for the realization of childbearing intentions

    The CFD Modeling of the Erosion Wear of the Gas Reversing Chamber of a Syngas Cooler for a IGCC Process

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    Numerical modeling of the gas reversing chamber of a convection gas cooler for the Shell integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) process is carried out using the CFD software. The main scope is the verification of the abrasive wear model, which is planned to be used for detailed simulation of erosion of syngas cooler surfaces. Comparing the results with the analogue, it is concluded that the verification of the model is not completed. The obtained erosion rates are underestimated by approximately 2 times. There is no erosion region at the opposite side of the gas reversing chamber. The next step is to complicate the model with a porous surface that specifies the pressure drop of the entire length of the gas cooler.В данной работе проводится численное моделирование поворотной камеры конвективного газоохладителя (ГО) парогазовой установки с внутрицикловой газификацией угля (ПГУ-ВЦГ) по схеме Shell с помощью программного пакета CFD. Основной целью является верификация модели эрозионного износа, которую в дальнейшем планируется использовать для детального расчета эрозии поверхностей ГО. Сравнивая полученные результаты с аналогом, делается вывод, что верификация модели не закончена: полученные скорости эрозии занижены приблизительно в 2 раза, отсутствует область эрозии у противоположной от входа стенки поворотной камеры. Далее планируется усложнить модель при помощи пористой поверхности, которая бы имитировала сопротивление всей длины ГО


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    Numerical modeling of the erosion wear of the input surfaces of a convection gas cooler for the Shell integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) process is carried out using the CFD software. There are 3 calculations with different configuration of the bluff body. Based on the results, it is concluded that it is advisable to install a fairing to reduce erosive wear of the heat exchanger surfaces of the gas cooler.В данной работе проводится CFD моделирование эрозионного износа входных поверхностей конвективного газоохладителя парогазовой установки с внутрицикловой газификацией угля (ПГУ-ВЦГ) по схеме Shell. Выполняются 3 расчета с различной конфигурацией обтекателя. По результатам делается вывод о целесообразности установки обтекателя для уменьшения эрозионного износа теплообменных поверхностей газоохладителя

    Measuring the health impact of human rights violations related to Australian asylum policies and practices: A mixed methods study

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copyright @ 2009 Johnston et al.BACKGROUND: Human rights violations have adverse consequences for health. However, to date, there remains little empirical evidence documenting this association, beyond the obvious physical and psychological effects of torture. The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether Australian asylum policies and practices, which arguably violate human rights, are associated with adverse health outcomes. METHODS: We designed a mixed methods study to address the study aim. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 71 Iraqi Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) refugees and 60 Iraqi Permanent Humanitarian Visa (PHV) refugees, residing in Melbourne, Australia. Prior to a recent policy amendment, TPV refugees were only given temporary residency status and had restricted access to a range of government funded benefits and services that permanent refugees are automatically entitled to. The quantitative results were triangulated with semi-structured interviews with TPV refugees and service providers. The main outcome measures were self-reported physical and psychological health. Standardised self-report instruments, validated in an Arabic population, were used to measure health and wellbeing outcomes. RESULTS: Forty-six percent of TPV refugees compared with 25% of PHV refugees reported symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of clinical depression (p = 0.003). After controlling for the effects of age, gender and marital status, TPV status made a statistically significant contribution to psychological distress (B = 0.5, 95% CI 0.3 to 0.71, p </= 0.001) amongst Iraqi refugees. Qualitative data revealed that TPV refugees generally felt socially isolated and lacking in control over their life circumstances, because of their experiences in detention and on a temporary visa. This sense of powerlessness and, for some, an implicit awareness they were being denied basic human rights, culminated in a strong sense of injustice. CONCLUSION: Government asylum policies and practices violating human rights norms are associated with demonstrable psychological health impacts. This link between policy, rights violations and health outcomes offers a framework for addressing the impact of socio-political structures on health.This research was supported by an Australian National and Medical Research Council PhD Scholarship (N. 251782) and a Victorian Health Promotion Foundation research grant (No. 2002-0280)