46 research outputs found

    Romb Technologies – autonomous navigation in logistics sector

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    Romb Technologies is an academic spin-off company that commercializes autonomous navigation technologies in the logistics sector. Based on over 40 years of combined R&D experience in robotics and autonomous navigation, the company, founded in November 2018. as a spin-off of the Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems at the Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb and incubated at the Zagreb Innovation Centre (ZICER), develops software for accurate and efficient automated material handling activities

    Le ComunitĂ  greca e illirica di Trieste: dalla separazione ecclesiastica alla collaborazione economica (XVIII - XIX secolo)

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    2012/2013Nel XVIII secolo, in seguito alla dichiarazione del Porto franco, Trieste si trasformò in una città-porto cosmopolita. Le nuove comunità etnico-religiose, e in particolar modo i greci, gli illirici e gli ebrei usufruirono della favorevole politica economica, dei privilegi commerciali ma soprattutto dell’alto livello di tolleranza religiosa garantiti dal governo asburgico. Questo atteggiamento imperiale contribuì a consolidare la fiducia delle comunità immigrate nel governo centrale, e a diminuire la sensazione di estraneità favorendo la loro integrazione. I greci e gli illirici parteciparono attivamente allo sviluppo di tutti i rami dell’economia triestina. Si occuparono prevalentemente del commercio al minuto e all’ingrosso monopolizzando quasi esclusivamente il commercio con il Levante grazie alla creazione delle reti intra-famigliari basate sulla fiducia, reputazione e reciprocità. I greci furono più propensi verso il settore commerciale mentre il settore armatoriale rappresentava il punto di forza degli illirici. Come conseguenza diretta dell’aumento dei commerci marittimi con il Levante, dello sviluppo del settore armatoriale e dell’accumulo di capitale, sorsero le prime società assicurative. Anche in questo settore l’intensa collaborazione greco-illirica, condusse all’accentramento del potere nelle mani dell’élite commerciale ortodossa. Il benessere economico dei greci e degli illirici, risultato delle fiorenti attività imprenditoriali, si concretizzò anche in cultura, mecenatismo e possesso immobiliare.In the eighteenth century, following the declaration of the Free Port, Trieste became a cosmopolitan port-city. The new ethno-religious communities, and especially the Greeks, the Illyrians and the Jews took advantage of the favorable economic policy, trade privileges, and especially the high level of religious tolerance guaranteed by the Habsburg government. This imperial attitude helped to consolidate the trust of immigrant communities in the central government, and reduce the feeling of alienation by fostering their integration. The Greeks and Illyrians participated actively in the development of all branches of the economy of Trieste. They were involved mainly in retail trade and wholesale almost exclusively monopolizing trade with the Levant through the creation of intra-family networks based on trust, reputation and reciprocity. The Greeks were more prone to the commercial sector while the Illyrians were more prone to the shipping. As a direct result of increased maritime trade with the Levant, the development of the shipping sector and the accumulation of capital, first insurance companies were founded. The intense Greek-Illyrian collaboration, in this sector resulted with the centralization of power by the Orthodox commercial élite. The economic prosperity of the Greeks and Illyrians as result of the flourishing business activities, found its expression in culture, patronage and real estate possession.XXV Ciclo198

    The impact of agent definitions and interactions on multiagent learning for coordination

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    Intercarotid anastomosis with a vein graft in the rat: a model for microsurgical training

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    The common carotid arteries were anastomosed through a venous graft in a group of ten rats. The right common carotid artery was ligated below and the left above the anastomosis. In a control group both common carotid arteries (CCA) were ligated. While the animals of the experimental group survived without neurological deficit, those in the control group died 2 hours to 11 days after operation. The anastomoses and brains were studied by light microscopy. The model described is convenient for practising microsurgery, and should constitute part of the routine training program of young neurosurgeons

    Negotiating with the Japanese: an Eastern European perspective

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