11 research outputs found


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    A tudományos felfedezések és a természettudományos kutatás lényegéhez tartozik, hogy a munka megkezdése időszakában még nem, vagy alig kiszámítható a végeredmény. Noha kutatásaim során mindvégig igyekeztem minden apró részletre figyelmet fordítani, magam sem gondoltam volna, hogy milyen különleges „kincsesbánya” áll előttem a ligeti zsálya (Salvia nemorosa L.) titkainak tanulmányozása témakörében. A Kováts Zoltán által gyermekkorában felfedezett ligeti zsálya lusus formák felkutatása és begyűjtése 2009-ben indult, két botanikai expedíció keretében. A ligeti zsálya rendkívül jól bírja a szélsőséges időjárási körülményeket és talajadottságokat. A változatok egymással és más egynyári, évelő dísznövénnyel is kombinálhatók. A Salvia nemorosa faj háromszori remontálása érhető el a virágzás után elvégzett metszés és tápoldatozás együttes alkalmazásával. A fitotechnikai beavatkozás egyúttal megmutatja a változatok virághozó képessége közötti eltérést, ami meghatározó a közparki kiültetésre való alkalmasság szempontjából. A fenntartási munka a virágzás utáni erős visszavágást és a nyári aszályos időszakban heti egyszeri vízpótló öntözést jelenti, ezért kiválóan alkalmas köztéri, ill. extenzív fenntartású (pl. autópályák melletti) területek virágosítására. ---------- The essence of the scientific discoveries and of the nature scientific research is that at the beginning of the work does not or, hardly predictable the output results. Although in my research I have always tried to pay great attention for each little detail, I had no idea that to study of the secrets of the wild sage (Salvia nemorosa L.) is how special „treasure trove”. The searching and collecting of these variants were launched in 2009, as part of two botanical expeditions. The wild sage tolerates extereme weather and soil conditions very well. The variations may combined with each other and with other annuals, perennials. Three times flowering of Salvia nemorosa species can be result ensemble application of the cutting and fertigation after the flowering. The phytotechnical intervention also shows the difference between flower bearing ability of the versions. It is important to determine eligibility for public parks and gardens planted terms. The maintenance works consist of the after flowering strong cutting and in the summer drought period weekly supplement irrigation water. Therefore it is well suitable for public spaces and extensive areas (eg. next to highways) for decorating

    Alternatives of the multiple use of Virginia mallow (Sida hermaphrodita L. Rusby) as a shrub-replacing mallow in the temperate climate zone

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    In the seventies of the previous century, Dr. Zoltán Kováts set two directions in the research of mallows. One of the directions was the biotechnology of the mallow species and the other direction is using the mallow species as biomass material. In order to do this he brought mallow mother spawns of ornamental and biomass sorts from botanical gardens abroad and tested many of them, including the a Sida hermaphrodita kind. Fourty years later, for the second time this plant, known as the „energy mallow” got back to Hungary again, right into the sight of hungarian biomass business with the help of László Balogh and his associates using help from Poland. This genus got into the center of our research, because of it’s valuable attributes. The latest experiments are about using it as an energy plant, without examining genetic details. The plant grows up to morethan 3 meters, has high growing rate and produces big amount of green mass. We don’t have any hungarian data about whether the plant continues the sufficient growing rate or not, after cutting it back.We have to explore the potentials in the Sida’s sublimation. The plant is mostly suitable for ornamental and energy utilization, so further sublimation should be aiming for these aspects. During my research period, we are willing to get to know these potentials and the best possible use of them

    Investigation of Content Parameters in Wet-Fractionated Fibre from Various Plants for Potential Use in Human Nutrition

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    Green biorefining uses fresh lignocellulosic biomass to produce green juice and pressed fibre fractions by wet fractionation. The latter is a byproduct, accounting for 25–32% of the starting material. In this study, the composition (glucan, xylan, arabinan, lignin, total phenol, flavonoid and protein) of pressed fibres obtained from four alfalfa, four soy and one broccoli varieties were determined at different harvest times. Statistical analyses were performed to determine the effects of harvest time and variety on the measured parameters. In most of the cases, there were interactions between the effects of harvest time and variety. Among alfalfa varieties, OLI1 had the highest carbohydrate (52.09 w/w%) and DIM3 had the lowest lignin (13.02 w/w%) content. In the case of soy, the ADV2 variety had the highest carbohydrate (53.47 w/w%) and PK1 had the lowest lignin (11.14 w/w%) content. Broccoli contained low amounts of carbohydrates (44.94 w/w%) and lignin (10.16 w/w%). The phenolic and flavonoid contents were similar for each species, but the protein content was the highest in alfalfa fibre. Based on these data, the most promising species, varieties and harvesting time can be selected in terms of a certain component that could be essential to produce functional foods with enhanced nutritional value

    Phytochemical evaluation of the fruits and green biomass of determinate-type sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. fasciculatum) grown in terrestrial bioregenerative life-support research facilities

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    ABSTRACTThis study explores the potential feasibility of cultivating two determinate-type bell peppers, i.e. Hungarian Enigma Hot (HEH) and Hungarian Enigma Sweet (HES), in a ground bioregenerative life-support device. Fruits of the Hugarian Engima Sweet (HES) variety is advantageous for digestion due to it has thin cuticle and collenchyma at the same time the parenchyma of mesocarp of it is thin. β-carotene and caspanthin were the dominant carotenoids in both fruit varieties. Up to 55 tentative phytochemicals were not only in fruits but also in green juice processed from green leafy shoots. The green juice was also a rich source of protein (24–27% w/w) and a source of macro- and microelements. The findings of this study could hold valuable insights for the advancement of sustainable food production and resource utilization in space environments, with potential applications for long-duration space missions and beyond.Key policy highlight Two determinate-growth green pepper varieties with specific characteristics were grown in ground bioregenerative life-support research deviceFruits of the Hugarian Engima Sweet (HES) variety is advantageous for digestion as it has thin cuticle and collenchyma at the same time the parenchyma of mesocarp is thinThe green juice processed from green leafy shoots is a rich source of protein (24–27% w/w), luteins, flavonoids, phenolic acids and derivatives.With the change in color of the fruits from green to red, β-carotene and capanthin as carotenoids showed the greatest increase.Content of flavonoids and phenolic components, i.e. quercetin-3-O-d-glucopyranoside, rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside), caffeic acid and ferulic acid showed a decreased trend during fruit ripening

    Új ligeti zsálya (Salvia nemorosa L.) színvál tozatok kiemelése és jellemzése

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    A klímaváltozás negatív hatásai a dísznövénytermesztésben isegy re súlyosabb károkat okoznak. A jelenlegi kiültetésekben megjelenő dísznövényfajok és -fajták mellett szükséges a hazai, változékonyklí mát jól tűrő növényfajok bevonása is. A ligeti zsálya természetespo pulációi számunkra még ismeretlen szín- és alakváltozatokat rej -te nek. A természetes vegetációból begyűjtött tövek és az ezekből ki -a lakult klónok értékelése során a három fő színváltozat mellettát meneti színváltozatok is megjelentek. A virágzati tengely hosszánál,szí nénél és a virágzat tömörségénél is jelentős különbségek mutat -koz tak. A botanikusok által eddig nem vizsgált csésze- és murvalevélszí ne felülről és alulról eltérhet. 2011-ben a tövek szabadföldi kiültetése további nemesítési módszerek elvégzésére ad lehetősége