72 research outputs found

    Measuring cross-ownership and its effects in newspaper publishing industry

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    Cross-ownership has gained more attention since the Millennium. The effects of cross-ownership have been incorporated into standard game theoretical models, altering the traditional concentration measures and hence also the relationship between concentration and profitability. Empirical research on the effects of crossownership on concentration and profitability is limited. This article compares the traditional concentration index with the one modified for cross-ownership in the Finnish newspaper publishing industry. With a dataset that covers all daily newspaper publishers between years 1950 and 2016, we show that cross-ownership is reflected in the modified empirical concentration measures. We also show how acknowledging the two-sidedness of a market affects the profitability measures originally developed for traditional market

    Paikallis- ja kaupunkilehtien uudet liiketoimintamallit Pohjoimaissa

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    Uutismedian uudet liiketoimintamallit Pohjoismaissa -tutkimuksessa keväällä 2016 havaittiin, että digitaalinen siirtymä tuo paljon haasteita sanomalehtijulkaisijoille Ruotsissa, Norjassa ja Tanskassa. Kehitystyössä vaikuttavat "kaksikätisyyden" (ambidexterity) tai kaksilla markkinoilla toimimisen haasteet, kun toisella kädellä täytyy pitää huolta printtitoiminnasta ja toisella kehittää uusia digitaalisia tuotteita ja palveluita. Tässä jatkotutkimuksessa tarkastelemme, miten nämä haasteet näkyvät erityisesti paikallis- ja kaupunkilehdissä1, ja minkälaisia konkreettisia kokeiluja uusista liiketoimintamalleista on meneillään. Uskomme että nämä kokeilut ovat luonteva vertailukohta myös suomalaisille paikallis- ja kaupunkilehdille: Onko Ruotsissa, Norjassa ja Tanskassa jo kenties löydetty ratkaisuja niihin keskeisiin ongelmiin, joiden kanssa paikallinen uutismedia painii? Tai onko pinnalla muita ilmiöitä, joihin Pohjoismaissa jo kehitellään ratkaisuja? Tutkimusraportti koostuu selvityksestä media-alan yleisestä tilanteesta Norjassa, Ruotsissa ja Tanskassa, verraten sitä Suomeen sekä haastattelututkimuksesta Norjassa, Ruotsissa ja Tanskassa. Tutkimuksen on rahoittanut Sanomalehtien Liitto. Tutkimuksen toteuttajina ovat Viestinnän tutkimuskeskus CRC (Helsingin yliopisto), Brahea-keskus (Turun yliopisto) ja Jyväskylän yliopisto. Hankkeeseen osallistuvat tutkijat ovat Katja Lehtisaari (HY), Mikko Grönlund (TY), Carl-Gustav Lindén (HY) ja Mikko Villi (JY).</p

    Journalistic Passion as Commodity: A Managerial Perspective

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    This article focuses on the role of passion in news journalism from a managerial perspective. The analysis is based on a data set of 40,621 web-based job advertisements obtained from Journalismjobs.com, from the year 2002 to 2017. The quantitative analysis shows that passion has been on the rise as only 4% of the job advertisements in 2002 asked for "passionate" journalists, increasing to almost 16% in 2013. The authors also performed a qualitative analysis of job advertisements mentioning the word "passion" for the periods 2002-2003 and 2017. These advertisements express a shift from a normative role of journalists to journalism as an activity: when mentioned within the context of personal character, the desired temperament of journalists has given way to descriptions of desired behaviour. The normative focus on journalism as an ideal has decreased while the focus on performance-that journalists should feel passionate about reporting and storytelling-has risen dramatically. In the texts, passion emerges as something that can be applied in a range of contexts as a strategic resource. The findings point to commodification of feelings and exploitation of emotional labour in journalism

    Turun telakan ja sen verkoston aluetaloudelliset vaikutukset 2019

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    New business models of Nordic news media

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    Comparing Innovation and Social Media Strategies in Scandinavian and US Newspapers

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    The article focuses on innovation and social media strategies in newspaper companies in the US and three Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway and Denmark). Many previous studies have focused on the state of journalism and media industry in single countries, although media have distinct features in different countries. Through the comparative setting, it is possible to examine the differences in media innovation strategies and study what factors affect innovation in media production, business models, sources of funding, and social media strategies. The qualitative part of the paper consists of semi-structured in-depth interviews (N = 65) with media managers and experts, which were carried out in Scandinavia in 2016 and in the US in 2017. The quantitative market data covers the years 2006–2016; this timespan corresponds well with the accelerating digital transition in the newspaper business. According to the results, new business models are mostly new combinations of existing revenue streams, while adaptation of new technology is slow, with few exceptions.Peer reviewe
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