28 research outputs found

    Sustainable peeling of Kapok Tree (Ceiba pentandra) bark by the chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast

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    Primates often consume either bark or cambium (inner bark) as a fallback food to complete their diet during periods of food scarcity. Wild chimpanzees exhibit great behavioral diversity across Africa, as studies of new populations frequently reveal. Since 2014, we have been using a combination of camera traps and indirect signs to study the ecology and behavior of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in ComoĂ© National Park, Ivory Coast, to document and understand the behavioral adaptations that help them to survive in a savanna–forest mosaic landscape. We found that ComoĂ© chimpanzees peel the bark of the buttresses of kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) trees to eat the cambium underneath. Individuals of all sex/age classes across at least six neighboring communities peeled the bark, but only during the late rainy season and beginning of the dry season, when cambium may represent an important fallback food. Baboons (Papio anubis) also target the same trees but mainly eat the bark itself. Most of the bark-peeling wounds on Ceiba trees healed completely within 2 years, seemingly without any permanent damage. We recorded chimpanzees visiting trees in early stages of wound recovery but leaving them unpeeled. Only 6% of peeled trees (N = 53) were reexploited after a year, suggesting that chimpanzees waited for the rest of the trees to regrow the bark fully before peeling them again, thus using them sustainably. Many human groups of hunter-gatherers and herders exploited cambium sustainably in the past. The observation that similar sustainable bark-peeling behavior evolved in both chimpanzees and humans suggests that it has an important adaptive value in harsh environments when other food sources become seasonally scarce, by avoiding the depletion of the resource and keeping it available for periods of scarcity

    Interspecific and intraspecific variation in diet preference in five Atlantic forest dung beetle species

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    1. Dung beetles are commonly assumed to be generalist feeders, but there has been limited work in identifying whether there is interspecific variation in feeding preference. Equally, there has been no work exploring whether generalist feeding behaviour in a species is a result of within-species specialisation. 2. This study identified the individual and species-level feeding preferences of five dung beetle species towards human, jaguar and pig dung using a choice experiment. 3. It was found that species varied in their preference for the dung types, but there was no evidence that within a species, individual beetles varied in their dung choice. These findings were similar to results from field experiments that are more typically used to assess feeding preferences in dung beetles. 4. The results suggest that individual specialism in feeding may not be common in dung beetles. However, there is variation in feeding preferences among species, which is often overlooked and can have implications for the ecosystem functions they provide. It is suggested that choice arenas can be used to assess feeding preferences in dung beetle species that are not abundant enough to reliably estimate dietary choice from field studies

    Linking dung beetle‐mediated functions to interactions in the Atlantic Forest: Sampling design matters

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    Interactions between dung beetles and vertebrate dung are intimately linked to a suite of ecosystem functions in tropical forests. We show that the trapping method and the type of dung used affect the suite of beetles captured, with the potential to influence the outcome of experiments linking functions to interactions