8 research outputs found

    トクシマ ダイガク ビョウイン ガイライ カガク リョウホウシツ ニオケル チーム イリョウ ト カンゴシ ノ ヤクワリ

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    Recently, cancer chemotherapy in outpatient chemotherapy unit has been progressively promoted, which is affected by improvement of supportive therapy, shortening of hospital stay, induction of comprehensive medicine, and political necessity. Whereas chemotherapy in outpatient chemotherapy unit has expected benefit to advance the quality of life, cancer patients sometimes feel some anxiety about their daily life and adverse events induced by anticancer agents. Moreover, in the setting of out patient clinic, the delay of adequate response against adverse events might be a serious problem. For the safety administration of anticancer agents and the enhancement of patient satisfaction in outpatient chemotherapy unit, multidisciplinary team approach should be essential. In this chapter, we outline the role of multidisciplinary team including nursing staffs in the outpatient chemotherapy unit in Tokushima University Hospital


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    This study aimed to clarify recognition about the appearance of nurses in an acute stage hospital and contribute to effective spread and enlightenment for maintenance of the appearance support system. The authors performed a questionnaire survey with the items such as interest in appearance care, start period, participants for care, enforcers, support resource and so on for 183 nurses with cancer nursing experience who worked at hospitals in local cities that were bases for cancer treatment cooperation. The result revealed that a number of participants interested in appearance care and most of them recognized that appearance care should start at the time of cancer examination or before treatment. Moreover, it has been indicated that the nurses who were highly concerned with appearance care from a wider perspective including patients’ psychological conditions. The result has suggested that it is necessary to promote “care to prepare in anticipation of change in physical appearance” on the basis of the characteristic of acute stage hospitals and establish an individual support system in accordance with the conditions of the nurses’ interest in appearance for maintenance of the appearance support system

    The effects of chemotherapy-induced alopecic experience on daily living

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    がん化学療法に伴う脱毛体験が患者の日常生活にもたらす影響について明らかにすることを目的に,15名の患者に対して自由回答法による半構造化面接を実施した.同意を得て録音した面接内容の逐語録をデータとして,Krippendorff. Kの内容分析の手法を用いて分析を行った.分析の結果,がん化学療法に伴う脱毛体験が患者の日常生活にもたらす影響として,【脱毛した自分に違和感を感じながら人目を気にして生活する】【脱毛に備えて事前に準備する】【脱毛は仕方がないと捉え治療を受けることを優先させる】【予想以上の急速大量脱毛にがんであることの事実を突きつけられる】【時間をかけて脱毛の事実を受け入れ違う捉え方を見出す努力をする】【他者と距離を取りながら生活する】【立場,性差による脱毛の捉え方の違いを実感する】【脱毛した毛髪の処理を気にかけながら生活する】【脱毛のつらい経験から検診の啓蒙活動を行う】の9つが明らかとなった.脱毛に対して事前に十分な準備が行え,自分なりの対処法についてイメージできるよう具体的な情報提供を行うとともに,性差,治療効果や患者の治療への思いなどによって脱毛に対する捉え方はさまざまであることから,看護師はその人自身の脱毛の受け止め方や,脱毛が及ぼす生活への支障について把握し,必要な情報を提供することや患者の思いが表出しやすい環境を整えることが大切である.The present study aimed to clarify the effects of chemotherapy-induced alopecia on the daily lives of cancer patients. Semi-structured interviews comprising free-answer questions based on an interview guide were conducted on 15 cancer patients experiencing chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Analysis revealed the following 9 effects of chemotherapy-induced alopecia on patients’ daily lives : ‘self-consciousness accompanied by feeling strange about oneself due to hair loss’, ‘preparing for hair loss in advance’, ‘prioritizing treatment and perceiving hair loss as inevitable’, ‘come to terms with chemotherapy-induced alopecia gradually, make an effort to find out a different kind of ways for it’, ‘being hit by the reality of cancer due to greater than anticipated rapid loss of large quantities of hair’, ‘intentionally living daily life at a distance from others’, ‘recognizing the situation and the gender-based differences in perception of hair loss’, ‘worrying about disposing of the lost hair’, ‘becoming more informed about medical examinations due to the hard experience of hair loss’. The present findings indicated that chemotherapy-induced alopecia is perceived in various ways depending on gender, treatment effectiveness and patients’ feelings towards treatment. It is important for nurses to understand patients’ individual acceptance of alopecia and related difficulties in daily life while creating an environment that allows patients to express their feelings. Nurses should also provide specific information enabling patients to visualize personal coping techniques and sufficiently prepare for alopecia

    Investigation of the outpatient chemotherapy for lung cancer patients in Tokushima University Hospital

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    Platinum-doublet regimens and docetaxel as first- and second-line chemotherapy, respectively, are shown to prolong the survival of lung cancer patients in various randomized phase III studies. However, the evidence for the efficacy of chemotherapy for lung cancer in the clinical practice is still insufficient. In the present study, we investigated the effectiveness and safety of outpatient chemotherapy for lung cancer in the clinical practice. Ninety-four lung cancer cases were retrospectively analyzed. Among these cases, 67 (71.3%) were non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and 27 (28.7%) were small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The response rates in SCLC and NSCLC patients were 55.6% (15/27) and 16.9% (11/65), respectively. Objective tumor response rates for the patients were found to decrease substantially with each line of treatment as described previously. All adverse events were well tolerated and no treatment-related death was observed. Median time to treatment failures (TTFs) of first-line treatment were 10.1 months and 4.8 months in SCLC and NSCLC, respectively. These findings indicate that even in the setting of clinical practice, the efficacy and safety of chemotherapy is strictly insured by the appropriate therapeutic management


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    目的:急性期医療を受ける患者の地域での生活を視野に入れた看護を展開するために患者の情報と看護の視点について明らかにすることを目的とした. 方法:特定機能病院に勤務する中堅以上の看護師33名を対象に,地域での生活を視野に入れた患者の情報と看護の視点についてフォーカス・グループ・インタビューを行い分析した. 結果及び考察:急性期医療を受ける患者の地域での生活に必要な情報と看護の視点として,コアカテゴリー《地域での生活を可能にするニーズ》が抽出された.さらに地域での生活を可能にするための状態とニーズとして【身体・生理的な状態とニーズ】,【生活の自立と安全の状態とニーズ】,【病気の受け入れと心理的反応の状態とニーズ】,【社会的環境の状態とニーズ】,【医療・療養への自己決定の状態とニーズ】の5つのカテゴリーに分類された.これらより,患者の暮らしの希望,療養の目標,5つの視点の状態からニーズを導き看護を展開する看護の過程として,“Nursing Care for Patient Goals(” NCPG)を構造化した. 結論:地域包括ケアシステムの中において急性期医療を受ける患者の情報と看護の視点として地域での生活を可能にするための5つの状態とそのニーズが重視されていた.Objective : The aim of this study was to identify information and care perspectives of nurses for patients leaving an acute care hospital for life in the community, and to consider appropriate nursing care in the community-based integrated care system. Method : Focus group interviews were conducted with 33 nurses working in an acute care hospital. The data were analyzed using qualitative inductive analysis. Results & Discussion : The core category “Needs to enable patients to live in the community” was extracted as the information and care perspective necessary for patients receiving acute care to leave hospital for life in the community. The information and care perspectives were classified into five conditions : physical/physiological condition and needs, life independence and safety status and needs, acceptance of/emotions about illness and needs, social environment and needs, and decision-making and needs. “Nursing Care for Patient Goals” was structured as a nursing process. Conclusion : We identified five conditions and their needs that would enable patients receiving acute care to leave hospital for life in the community


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    目的:患者の地域での暮らしの希望と療養上の目標を中心に構造化した看護のプロセス”Nursing Care for Patient Goals”(NCPG)に患者の視点から示唆を得るため急性期医療を受ける患者が看護師に知ってほしい情報と療養の目標に対して求める看護を明らかにした. 方法:1特定機能病院において入院中または入院予定の20歳以上の患者を対象として質問紙調査を2回(2017年,2018年)に実施した.調査内容は基本属性,調査Ⅰ(2017年)は先行研究を基に抽出した患者情報23項目について看護師に知って欲しいと思う程度,最も大事と思う項目とその選択理由,調査Ⅱ(2018年)は自分の療養の目標について求める看護であった.統計分析は記述統計,因子分析,t 検定を用いた.自由記述によるデータは質的記述的分析を行った. 結果:調査Ⅰの有効回答数は448名で,看護師に知ってほしい自分の情報として【第1因子:社会的役割と環境】【第2因子:病気の理解・受け入れと心理】【第3因子:身体的状態と生活の仕方】【第4因子:暮らしの希望と自己決定】が抽出された.65歳未満と比較して65歳以上の対象者は第1因子が高い傾向にあった.また第4因子を最も大事と思う項目の選択理由について, “希望・目標がなきゃ生きていけない” という表現が特徴として出された.調査Ⅱの有効回答数は416名で,多数の対象者が自分の目標を医療者と共有することが重要だと感じており,受けたい看護として,傍にいて寄り添う看護,治療・症状への専門的な看護,地域での暮らしの自立への看護が抽出された. 結論:患者の視点から看護師に知ってほしい情報として4つの因子と自分の目標を分ってほしいとする対象者の願いは,希望と目標を基盤としたNCPG の考え方と一致しており,目標達成のために受けたい看護の3つの視点が示唆された.Objective : This study aimed to identify information on care of patients receiving acute care for life in community from the patientsʼ perspective and to obtain suggestions for “Nursing Care for Patient Goals”(NCPG). Method : The subjects were patients receiving acute care and aged 20 years and above. They were given self-administered questionnaires. Survey Ⅰ(2017)consisted of a questionnaire that was based on previously collected qualitative data and comprised 23 Likert-scale questions and free descriptive questions on the reasons for selecting the most important item. Survey Ⅱ(2018)consisted of questionnaire that was comprised of three Likert-scale questions on goals and a free descriptive question on care for the achievement of goals. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and t-test. Data from free-text descriptions were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Results : Survey Ⅰ : data from 448 valid responses were subjected to factor analysis to determine the factor structure. The following factors were identified from the patientsʼ perspectives: 1) social role and environment, 2) understanding/acceptance and psychological state, 3) physical condition and life, and 4) hope and decision-making for life. In addition, a qualitative and inductive approach was employed to analyze participantsʼ descriptive responses about the reason for selecting the most important item. The characteristic description of why participants selected “hope and decision-making of life” was “I cannot live without hope.” Survey Ⅱ : data from 416 valid responses were analyzed. The majority of participants felt it was important to share their goals with their healthcare professionals. A qualitative and inductive approach was employed to analyze the participantsʼ descriptive responses to care for goals achievement. The care desired by participants was categorized as “being with”, “professional care”, and “self-care support”. Conclusion : The factors that patients wanted nurses to know were consistent with the components of “NCPG.” The care that patients desire to achieve their goals was clarified

    Utility of NucleoCounter for the chondrocyte count in the collagenase digest of human native cartilage

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    In cartilage tissue engineering, viable cell numbers should be correctly counted in the collagenase digest of the biopsied cartilage. However, this is a difficult task due to the presence of matrix debris, cell ghosts and their aggregates. To search for the correct cell counting method in this situation, we evaluated the utility of an automatic cell counting device, the NucleoCounter, and compared it with conventional staining using the LIVE/DEAD® kit. We first measured the cell numbers of a standard chondrocyte sample by the NucleoCounter, which showed a high accuracy (R2 = 0.9999) and reproducibility (%CV: 2.00–8.66). We then calculated the cell numbers and viability in some collagenase digests of native cartilage using either the NucleoCounter or LIVE/DEAD® kit, revealing that the total cell numbers, viable ones and viability were highly correlated between them (R2 = 0.9601, 0.9638 and 0.917, respectively). However, both the intrapersonal and interpersonal variabilities in the NucleoCounter was significantly decreased to about 1/20–1/5, compared to that of the LIVE/DEAD® kit. The NucleoCounter was regarded as a useful tool for simple, rapid, and highly reproducible cell counts, which may not only provide constant experimental data in a certain laboratory, but also contribute to the high reproducibility of the clinical results of cartilage tissue engineering among multiple institutions