2,099 research outputs found

    Озеленение нижних поверхностей городских сооружений

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    Города являются трехмерными системами. В настоящее время для озеленения используются преимущественно освещаемые солнцем горизонтальные поверхности. Большие площади, пригодные для озеленения, не используются. Это поверхности, обращенные вниз, к земле. Перевернутое (инвертированное) озеленение способно изменить ситуацию. Целесообразность применения этого метода озеленения подтверждается расчетами доступной площади

    Multiboson effects in multiparticle production

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    The influence of multiboson effects on pion multiplicities, single-pion spectra and two-pion correlation functions is discussed in terms of an analytically solvable model. The applicability of its basic factorization assumption is clarified. An approximate scaling of the basic observables with the phase space density is demonstrated in the low density (gas) limit. This scaling and also its violation at high densities due to the condensate formation is described by approximate analytical formulae which allow, in principle, for the identification of the multiboson effects among others. For moderate densities indicated by the experimental data, a fast saturation of multiboson effects with the number of contributing cumulants is obtained, allowing for the account of these effects in realistic transport code simulations. At high densities, the spectra are mainly determined by the universal condensate term and the initially narrow Poisson multiplicity distribution approaches a wide Bose-Einstein one. As a result, the intercepts of the inclusive and fixed-nn correlation functions (properly normalized to 1 at large relative momenta) approach 2 and 1, respectively and their widths logarithmically increase with the increasing phase space density. It is shown that the neglect of energy-momentum constraints in the model is justified except near a multipion threshold, where these constraints practically exclude the possibility of a very cold condensate production. It is argued that spectacular multiboson effects are likely to be observed only in the rare events containing sufficiently high density (speckle) fluctuations.Comment: 30 pages including 10 figures, LaTex, a revised version of SUBATECH 99-04 (aps1999_mar21_001) resubmitted to Phys. Rev. C; Chapter II made shorter, figure description made more clear, a comparison with most recent works added in Chapter V

    On bosonic limits of two recent supersymmetric extensions of the Harry Dym hierarchy

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    Two generalized Harry Dym equations, recently found by Brunelli, Das and Popowicz in the bosonic limit of new supersymmetric extensions of the Harry Dym hierarchy [J. Math. Phys. 44:4756--4767 (2003)], are transformed into previously known integrable systems: one--into a pair of decoupled KdV equations, the other one--into a pair of coupled mKdV equations from a bi-Hamiltonian hierarchy of Kupershmidt.Comment: 7 page

    Theoretical backgrounds of durability analysis by normalized equivalent stress functionals

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    Generalized durability diagrams and their properties are considered for a material under a multiaxial loading given by an arbitrary function of time. Material strength and durability under such loading are described in terms of durability, safety factor and normalized equivalent stress. Relations between these functionals are analysed. We discuss some material properties including time and load stability, self-degradation (ageing), and monotonic damaging. Phenomenological strength conditions are presented in terms of the normalized equivalent stress. It is shown that the damage based durability analysis is reduced to a particular case of such strength conditions. Examples of the reduction are presented for some known durability models. The approach is applicable to the strength and durability description at creep and impact loading and their combination

    Изучение пищевой ниши и фенотипической изменчивости в уральских популяциях лапландского листоеда

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    Целью работы было изучение пищевых предпочтений в популяциях лапландского листоеда (Chrysomela lapponica) в связи с особенностями их местообитаний. В лесопарках Екатеринбурга нами обнаружены колонии с низкой численностью, мономорфные по окраске и питающиеся только на одном виде ивы – иве козьей. Напротив, все выборки с горного массива Конжаковский Камень были многочисленными и изменчивыми по окраске. В качестве кормовых растений для горной популяции лапландского листоеда были отмечены 5 видов ив, среди которых ива мохнатая (Salix lanata) – наиболее предпочтительное кормовое растени

    Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons under incoherent pumping

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    Bose-Einstein condensation in a gas of magnons pumped by an incoherent pumping source is experimentally studied at room temperature. We demonstrate that the condensation can be achieved in a gas of bosons under conditions of incoherent pumping. Moreover, we show the critical transition point is almost independent of the frequency spectrum of the pumping source and is solely determined by the density of magnons. The electromagnetic power radiated by the magnon condensate was found to scale quadratically with the pumping power, which is in accordance with the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in magnon gases