2,084 research outputs found

    Cardinal p and a theorem of Pelczynski

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    We show that it is consistent that for some uncountable cardinal k, all compactifications of the countable discrete space with remainders homeomorphic to DkD^k are homeomorphic to each other. On the other hand, there are 2c2^c pairwise non-homeomorphic compactifications of the countable discrete space with remainders homeomorphic to DcD^c (where c is the cardinality of the continuum)

    On spaces in countable web

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    We show that a Tychonoff discretely star-Lindelof space can have arbitrarily big extent and note that there are consistent examples of normal discretely star-Lindelof spaces with uncountable extent

    Bulgarian Youth and Europe. Multivariate Psycho-cultural Study of the Mobility Attitudes

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    The objective of this study is to examine the Bulgarian youths' mobility towards Europe. The investigation was carried out with 570 Bulgarian students. The data are presented as a questionnaire consisting of five parts. The first one deals with the motivations and is based on the Reversal Theory - predicting eight motivational states. The second part is based on the 2PAP theoretical model structuring the attitudes around four factors: Push, Pull, Anti Push and Anti Pull. The third one falls back on the Big Five Personality Test measuring five personality dimensions. And the concluding two parts are designed to obtain information about the degree of attraction and the intentions for mobility to the 25 destination countries of the European Union (EU). This has led to the hypothesis that a model of mobility exists based on these three theoretical models, as well as on emotional factors like attraction-repulsion to the country referred to. The hypothesis that was strongly supported by the statistical processing of the data will broaden our understanding of the youth's mobility. The present research is a part of a longitudinal study of the mobility intentions among young people. The investigation is of great interest from an educational, political and social point of vie

    Screening Models for Cardiac Risk Evaluation in Emergency Abdominal Surgery. II. Evaluation of the Postoperative Period Risk based on Data from the Pre- and Intraoperative Period

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    A classification of intraoperative (IO) and postoperative (PO) cardio-vascular complications (CVC) was performed, based on data from 466 patients subjected to emergency surgery, due to severe abdominal surgical diseases or traumas, in accordance with the severe criteria of ACC/AHA in CVC for non-cardiac surgery. There were 370 intra and 405 postoperative (IO; PO) CVC registered, distributed as follows: groups with low risk (IO: 148; PO: 87), moderate risk (IO: 200; PO: 225), and high risk (IO: 22; PO: 93). Patient groups were formed, according to the CVC risk level, during the intra- and postoperative periods, for which the determinant factor for the group distribution of patients was the complication with the highest risk. Individual data was collected for each patient, based on 65 indices: age, physical status, diseases, surgical interventions, anaesthesiological information, intra and postoperative cardio-vascular complications, disease outcome, causes of death, cardio-vascular disease anamnesis, anamnesis of all other nonsurgical diseases present, laboratory results, results from all imaging and instrumental examinations, etc. The trend toward increase or decrease of the CVC risk was studied during the transition from intra- to the postoperative period. On the basis of these indices, a new distribution of the patients was implemented, into groups with different levels of risk of CVC during intra- and postoperative. This result is a solid argument, substantiating the proposal to introduce these adjustments to the ACC/AHA criteria for determining the severity of CVC in the specific conditions of emergency abdominal surgery

    Some more examples of monotonically Lindelöf and not monotonically Lindelöf spaces

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    AbstractA space is monotonically Lindelöf (mL) if one can assign to every open cover U a countable open refinement r(U) (still covering the space) so that r(U) refines r(V) whenever U refines V. Some examples of mL and non-mL spaces are considered. In particular, it is shown that the product of a mL space and the convergent sequence need not be mL, that some L-spaces are mL, and that Cp(X) is mL only for countable X

    Screening Models for Cardiac Risk Evaluation in Emergency Abdominal Surgery. I. Evaluation of the Intraoperative Period Risk based on Data from the Preoperative Period

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    A classification of intraoperative cardio-vascular complications (CVC) was performed, based on data from 466 patients subjected to emergency surgery, due to severe abdominal surgical diseases or traumas, in accordance with the severe criteria of ACC/AHA for CVC in noncardiac surgery. There were 370 intraoperative CVC registered, distributed as follows: groups with low risk (148), moderate risk (200), and high risk (22). Patient groups were formed, according to the CVC risk level, during the intraoperative period, for which the determinant factor for the group distribution of patients was the complication with the highest risk. Individual data was collected for each patient, based on 65 indices: age, physical status, diseases, surgical interventions, anaesthesiological information, intra and postoperative cardio-vascular complications, disease outcome, causes of death, cardiovascular disease anamnesis, anamnesis of all other nonsurgical diseases present, laboratory results, results from all imaging and instrumental examinations, etc. On the basis of these indices, a new distribution of the risk factors was implemented, into groups with different levels of risk of CVC during intraoperative period. This result is a solid argument, substantiating the proposal to introduce these adjustments for determining the severity of CVC in the specific conditions of emergency abdominal surgery

    Weak extent in normal spaces

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    summary:If XX is a space, then the {\it weak extent\/} we(X)\operatorname{we}(X) of XX is the cardinal min{α:\min \{\alpha : If \Cal U is an open cover of XX, then there exists AXA\subseteq X such that A=α|A| = \alpha and \operatorname{St}(A,\Cal U)=X\}. In this note, we show that if XX is a normal space such that X=c|X| = \frak c and we(X)=ω\operatorname{we}(X) = \omega , then XX does not have a closed discrete subset of cardinality c\frak c. We show that this result cannot be strengthened in ZFC to get that the extent of XX is smaller than c\frak c, even if the condition that we(X)=ω\operatorname{we}(X) = \omega is replaced by the stronger condition that XX is separable

    Variations of selective separability

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    AbstractA space X is selectively separable if for every sequence (Dn:n∈ω) of dense subspaces of X one can select finite Fn⊂Dn so that ⋃{Fn:n∈ω} is dense in X. In this paper selective separability and variations of this property are considered in two special cases: Cp spaces and dense countable subspaces in 2κ

    Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Patients with Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

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    Objective. The aim of the present study is to typify BAEPs configurations of patients with different location of lesions caused by subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) and the ensuing complications, in view of assessing the auditory-brainstem system disturbance.Methods. The typization was performed by comparing BAEPs with standard patterns from two sets of types of BAEPs by ipsilateral and binaural stimulation and by cross-stimulation.Results. 94 BAEPs were used for collection of normal referential values: for the absolute latencies and the absolute amplitudes of waves I, II, III, IV and V; for inter-peak latencies I-III, II-III, III-V, I-V and II-V; for amplitude ratios I/V and III/V. 146 BAEPs of patients with mild SAH and 55 from patients with severe SAH, were typified. In 5 types of BAEPs out of a total of 11, the percentage of the potentials in patients with mild SAH and severe SAH differed significantly (p<0.01).Conclusions. The use of sets of types of BAEPs by ipsilateral, binaural and cross-stimulation correctly classifies the potentials in patients with mild and severe SAH