6 research outputs found

    Anne Ormisson 60

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    Ettevõtlikust ja edasipürgivast noorest TRÜ arsti- teaduskonna 1967. aastal lõpetanud arstist sai pediaater, kes töötas esialgu Võru, siis Viljandi Rajooni Keskhaiglas. Alates 1971. a on A. Ormisson olnud seotud Tartuga: ta alustas jaoskonnapediaatrina ja osakonnajuhatajana lastepolikliinikus, 1975. a kaitses meditsiinikandidaadi kraadi teemal “Piimahappe- koormuse mõju happe-alustasakaalule pneumooniaga väikelastel”, seejärel töötas Tartu linna peapediaatrina

    Eradication of Salmonella Typhimurium infection in a murine model of typhoid fever with the combination of probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 and ofloxacin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the study was to detect whether in experimental <it>Salmonella enterica </it>Typhimurium infection the probiotic <it>Lactobacillus fermentum </it>ME-3 in combination with fluoroquinolone therapy would eradicate <it>S. </it>Typhimurium, prevent the development of liver and spleen granulomas and improve the indices of oxidative stress in the ileum mucosa.</p> <p>The selected bacteriological, histological and biochemical methods were applied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Combined treatment with <it>L. fermentum </it>ME-3 and ofloxacin eradicated <it>Salmonella </it>Typhimurium from blood, ileum and liver, decreased the number of animals with liver and spleen granulomas and reduced the value of lipid peroxides in the ileum mucosa. Higher total counts of intestinal lactobacilli in all experimental groups were associated with the absence of liver granulomas.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic <it>L. fermentum </it>ME-3 combined with ofloxacin enhances the eradication of experimental <it>S</it>. Typhimurium infection. These observations on probiotic and antimicrobial co-action may serve as basis to develop new strategies for treatment of invasive bacterial infections of the gut.</p

    220 years from the birth of the medical and natural scientist Karl Ernst von Baer

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    220 years from the birth of the medical andnatural scientist Karl Ernst von Bae

    Tartu atomaar-molekulaarsed plastmudelid ületavad kvaliteedilt välismaiseid analooge: Tartu's plastic atomic-molecular models have sevaral advantages

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    Plastic atomic-molecular models represent various geometric formsvisualizing chemical compounds in 3D for the demonstration andscientific investigation of stereochemical structures. From 1978 to1991 plastic models were elaborated in the molecular modelling laboratoryof the University of Tartu in collaboration with the Instituteof Biological Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences under thedirection of Raik-Hiio Mikelsaar. The results were patented in 13countries. In 1984 the trial production of the devices was started inthe Department of Experimental Design of the University of Tartu.Tartu plastic models have the following advantages: 1) advanced connectorsfirmly link the plastic units; 2) special connectors reproducehydrogen bonds; 3) improved simulation of bond angles, atomic radiiand interatomic distances; 4) new units have been added; 5) newmodels provide the measuring of conformational angles and atomiccoordinates; 6) a handy and simple nomenclature. Tartu models aremost suitable for modelling polymeric structures and macromolecules.New scientific ideas have been generated on the basis of the molecularmodelling of tRNA nonstandard nucleic pairs, biomembranelipid bilayer, zinc finger proteins, cellulose and hyaluronan tertiarymolecular structures, protamine-DNA complexes etc. Today, Tartuplastic models are used in a number of universities in the Baltic states,Russia, England, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, Sweden,the Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Singapore, USA etc

    220 years from the birth of the medical and natural scientist Karl Ernst von Baer

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    220 years from the birth of the medical andnatural scientist Karl Ernst von Bae