7,154 research outputs found


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    International Relations/Trade,

    Suggestopedic mobile language learning

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    The use of suggestopedic teaching methods has been shown to be effective in the domain of language learning. Suggestopaedia is a classroom teaching method that employs certain strategies to enable learners to relax in order to enable more effective learning both consciously and subconsciously. The use of mobile technologies to support language learning has also become very useful and popular. This paper proposes the amalgamation of the two approaches to enable a mobile suggestopedic platform and demonstrates empirical evidence linked to the success of this approach on languge learning. The design of a Suggestopedic mobile language learning app is discussed together with different target groups of learners that can benefit from this type of teaching. Design, development and evaluation of this app forms our future work

    The Caddoan Ceramics from the Gray\u27s Pasture Site (41HS524), Harrison County, Texas

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    This paper discusses the Caddoan ceramics recovered during the 1992 Northeast Texas Archeological Society Field School at the Gray\u27s Pasture site (41HS524) on Clark\u27s Creek, a few miles south of Hallsville, Texas and about 2 miles from the Sabine River floodplain. During the course of the excavations, an extensive Caddoan settlement was documented on a series of knolls on a broad terrace landform overlooking the Clark\u27s Creek floodplain, and each of those areas contains Caddoan ceramics. Most notably, a dense concentration of Caddoan ceramics, as well as two burials with whole ceramic vessels, was encountered in the northwestern part of the site, and the majority of the ceramics are from this area. The four site areas include Areal (Unit 1) on a knoll at the northeastern part of the site, Area II on the terrace at the far eastern end of the site (Units 3 and 7), Area lll on the crest of the landform in the central and southwestern part of the site (Units 2, 5, and 6), and Area IV in the northwestern part of the site (Units 8, 8X, 10-16). Unit 4 belongs in Area III, and contained a number of sherds, but these artifacts are missing, except for one plain sherd. Unit 9, in the southeastern part of the site only had a few plain sherds. A total of 2352 sherds and four vessels comprise the Caddoan ceramic assemblage from Gray\u27s Pasture. This includes 1740 plain body and base sherds, 61 plain rims, and 551 decorated rim and body sherds. About 81% of the sherds are from ArealV, with 9.3% of the sherds from Area III. There are 71 decorated rim sherds and 480 decorated body sherds (not including 11 red slipped sherds). The plain/decorated sherd ratio is 3.27 for the site as a whole, and ranges from 3.21 to 3.69 by site area. This is consistent with other pre-A.D. 1200 Caddoan sites in the Red, middle Sabine, and Neches-Angelina river basins, where such sites have plain/decorated sherd ratios that range between 2.97-4.80. Thirteenth and 14th century sites in these areas have plain/decorated sherd ratios of 1.30- 1.61, and Late Caddoan sites dating between ca. A.D. 1450--1650 have ratios of 0.56- 1.03. Through time, more Caddoan vessels are decorated, and vessels are more completely covered with decoration, rather than having the decoration confined primarily to the rim

    Caddoan Archaeology in the Little Cypress Creek Valley: Recent Investigation at the Griffin Mound Site (41UR142), Upshur County, Texas

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    As part of the long-term study of the prehistoric archaeology of the Caddo peoples in Northeast Texas, we are currently focusing our investigations on the Little Cypress Creek valley in Upshur County. Although poorly known archaeologically, background research conducted to date, discussions with landowners, and selected survey-limited testing efforts over the last few years indicates that there are extensive Archaic and Caddoan archaeological remains preserved in the Little Cypress Creek valley. Caddoan period archaeologi cal sites (ca. A.O. 800-1600) are particularly common. The investigations of one of the more significant Caddoan sites found to date in the valley, the Griffin Mound site (41UR142), is the subject of this paper

    Radiocarbon and Oxidizable Carbon Ratio Dates From the Camp Joy Mound (41UR144) in Northeast Texas

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    The Camp Joy Mound (41UR144) is a looted Caddo mound on property owned by the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, at Lake o\u27 the Pines. Although only a small number of artifacts have been found in the mound deposits - principally a few brushed sherds - it appears to be a Late Caddoan period construction with two mound platforms, separated by extensive charcoal lenses from one ( or more) burned Caddoan structure e~posed in a larger looters trench. To ascertain the age of the burned Caddoan structure that stood on the main mound platform, we obtained two charcoal samples and two oxidizable carbon ratio (OCR) samples of sediments from the charcoal lens in our freshly cleaned profile of the trench cutting across the mound

    Supernovae Types Ia/II and Intracluster Medium Enrichment

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    We re-examine the respective roles played by supernovae (SNe) Types Ia and II in enriching the intracluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters, in light of the recent downward shift of the ASCA abundance ratios of alpha-elements to iron favoured by Ishimaru & Arimoto (1997, PASJ, 49, 1). Because of this shift, Ishimaru & Arimoto conclude that >50% of the ICM iron must have originated from within Type Ia SNe progenitors. A point not appreciated in their study, nor in most previous analyses, is the crucial dependence of such a conclusion upon the adopted massive star physics. Employing several alternative Type II SN yield compilations, we demonstrate how uncertainties in the treatment of convection and mass-loss can radically alter our perception of the relative importance of Type Ia and II SNe as ICM polluters. If mass-loss of the form favoured by Maeder (1992, A&A, 264, 105) or convection of the form favoured by Arnett (1996, Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis) is assumed, the effect upon the oxygen yields would lead us to conclude that Type Ia SNe play no part in polluting the ICM, in contradiction with Ishimaru & Arimoto. Apparent dichotomies still exist (e.g. the mean ICM neon-to-iron ratio implies a 100% Type II Fe origin, while the mean sulphur ratio indicates a 100% Type Ia origin) that cannot be reconciled with the currently available yield tables.Comment: 6 pages (incl 1 PostScript figure), LaTeX, also available at http://msowww.anu.edu.au/~gibson/publications.html, MNRAS, in pres

    An assessment of base load concentrating solar thermal power generation for New Zealand

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    With increasing pressure being placed on traditional energy sources, both in terms of supply and also regulatory, there is an increasing need to explore alternative generation technologies. In global terms, solar energy has the potential to make a significant contribution to worldwide energy demands in the future. This study examines recent developments in the emerging field of concentrating solar thermal power generation and explores the potential for base load electricity generation using this technology in New Zealand

    Performance of a building integrated solar combisystem

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    Solar combisystems providing both water and space heating to buildings are becoming commonplace in European and North American locations. However, the use of these systems in Australia and New Zealand is still in its infancy. While significant work has been undertaken to characterise the performance of these systems in northern hemisphere locations, this does not necessarily reflect their performance in Australia or New Zealand. This work examines the performance of solar combisystems utilising TRNSYS and F-chart simulations of an integrated solar thermal combisystem installed in a single storey detached dwelling under typical Australian and New Zealand climatic conditions. In doing this, it shows that there is significant scope for increased use of solar combisystems in the cooler climate regions of Australia and New Zealand

    Path methods for strong shift equivalence of positive matrices

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    In the early 1990's, Kim and Roush developed path methods for establishing strong shift equivalence (SSE) of positive matrices over a dense subring U of the real numbers R. This paper gives a detailed, unified and generalized presentation of these path methods. New arguments which address arbitrary dense subrings U of R are used to show that for any dense subring U of R, positive matrices over U which have just one nonzero eigenvalue and which are strong shift equivalent over U must be strong shift equivalent over U_+. In addition, we show positive real matrices on a path of shift equivalent positive real matrices are SSE over R_+; positive rational matrices which are SSE over R_+ must be SSE over Q_+; and for any dense subring U of R, within the set of positive matrices over U which are conjugate over U to a given matrix, there are only finitely many SSE-U_+ classes.Comment: This version adds a 3-part program for studying SEE over the reals. One part is handled by the arxiv post "Strong shift equivalence and algebraic K-theory". This version is the author version of the paper published in the Kim memorial volume. From that, my short lifestory of Kim (and more) is on my web page http://www.math.umd.edu/~mboyle/papers/index.htm
