18 research outputs found

    Antidepresszáns vegyületek nem konvencionális hatásai: receptor ioncsatornák modifikációjának vizsgálata az ionáramok kinetikai elemzésével = Unconventional effects of antidepressants: Modification of receptor ion channel function studied by kinetic analysis of ionic currents

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    Hippokampális sejtek natív ioncsatornáin különböző monoamin visszavétel gátló vegyületek hatását vizsgáltuk. Terápiás koncentrációtartományon belül (IC50 10 microM) GABAA és AMPA receptorok esetében. A nátriumcsatornák esetében új mechanizmusát írtuk le a használatfüggő gátlásnak. Kimutattuk, hogy a desipramine és a fluoxetine ezzel az új mechanizmussal gátolja a nátriumcsatornákat: elsődleges hatásuk a lassú inaktivált állapot stabilizálása. Feltételezzük, hogy ez a hatás befolyásolhatja a neuronok integratív működését. Káliumcsatornák esetében a fluoxetine gátolja a „delayed rectifier”, és a „slow transient” áramokat, de nem módosítja a „fast transient” áramokat. A slow transient áramok gátlása feltételezésünk szerint az extracelluláris oldalról ható csatorna-blokk mechanizmussal történik. NMDA receptorok esetében kimutattuk, hogy a desipramine és a fluoxetine hasonló koncentrációban gátolja a receptorok által közvetített áramokat, a gátlás mechanizmusa azonban gyökeresen eltér. Míg a desipramine feszültségfüggő módon, csatorna-blokk mechanizmussal gátol, és kötőhelye valószínűleg a pórus belsejében található, a fluoxetine gátlása nem feszültségfüggő, és valószínűleg extracelluláris kötőhelye van. | We studied the effect of monoamine reuptake inhibitors on native ion channels of hippocampal neurons. Within the therapeutical concentration range (IC50 10 microM) GABAA and AMPA receptors were also affected. We have identified a novel mechanism of use-dependent sodium channel inhibition using the dopamine reuptake blocker GBR 12909. We have proven that the antidepressants desipramine and fluoxetine causes inhibition of sodium channels by this novel mechanism: stabilization of slow inactivated conformation. We suppose that inhibition by this mechanism may affect the integrative function of neurons. Fluoxetine inhibited delayed rectifier and slow transient types of potassium channels, while not affecting fast transient channels. Inhibition of slow transient channels is probably due to ion channel block mechanism with extracellular access to the binding site. Desipramine and fluoxetine inhibited NMDA receptors with similar potency, but by a fundamentally different mechanism. While desipramine causes a voltage-dependent inhibition by a channel block mechanism having its binding site within the pore, the inhibition by fluoxetine is voltage-independent, with a binding site located extracellularly

    Kinetic properties and open probability of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

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    The alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) has some peculiar kinetic properties. From the literature of alpha7 nAChR-mediated currents we concluded that experimentally measured kinetic properties reflected properties of the solution exchange system, rather than genuine kinetic properties of the receptors. We also concluded that all experimentally measured EC50 values for agonists must inherently be inaccurate. The aim of this study was to assess the undistorted kinetic properties of alpha7 nAChRs, and to construct an improved kinetic model, which can also serve as a basis of modeling the effect of the positive allosteric modulator PNU-120596, as it is described in the accompanying paper. Agonist-evoked currents were recorded from GH4C1 cells stably transfected with pCEP4/rat alpha7 nAChR using patch-clamp and fast solution exchange. We used two approaches to circumvent the problem of insufficient solution exchange rate: extrapolation and kinetic modeling. First, using different solution exchange rates we recorded evoked currents, and extrapolated their amplitude and kinetics to instantaneous solution exchange. Second, we constructed a kinetic model that reproduced concentration-dependence and solution exchange rate-dependence of receptors, and then we simulated receptor behavior at experimentally unattainably fast solution exchange. We also determined open probabilities during choline-evoked unmodulated and modulated currents using nonstationary fluctuation analysis. The peak open probability of 10 mM choline-evoked currents was 0.033 +/- 0.006, while in the presence of choline (10 mM) and PNU-120596 (10 muM), it was increased to 0.599 +/- 0.058. Our kinetic model could adequately reproduce low open probability, fast kinetics, fast recovery and solution exchange rate-dependent kinetics

    Mode of action of the positive modulator PNU-120596 on alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

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    We investigated the mode of action of PNU-120596, a type II positive allosteric modulator of the rat alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expressed by GH4C1 cells, using patch-clamp and fast solution exchange. We made two important observations: first, while PNU-120596 rapidly associated to desensitized receptors, it had at least hundredfold lower affinity to resting conformation, therefore at 10 muM concentration it dissociated from resting receptors; and second, binding of PNU-120596 slowed down dissociation of choline molecules from the receptor radically. We propose that when agonist concentration is transiently elevated in the continuous presence of the modulator (as upon the neuronal release of acetylcholine in a modulator-treated animal) these two elements together cause occurrence of a cycle of events: Binding of the modulator is limited in the absence of the agonist. When the agonist is released, it binds to the receptor, and induces desensitization, thereby enabling modulator binding. Modulator binding in turn traps the agonist within its binding site for a prolonged period of time. Once the agonist finally dissociated, the modulator can also dissociate without re-binding, and the receptor assumes its original resting conformation. In kinetic simulations this "trapped agonist cycle" mechanism did not require that the orthosteric and allosteric ligands symmetrically modify each other's affinity, only the modulator must decrease agonist accessibility, and the agonist must induce a conformation that is accessible to the modulator. This mechanism effectively prolongs and amplifies the effect of the agonist

    Type I like behavior of the type II alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor positive allosteric modulator A-867744

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    Cognitive impairment often involves the decreased expression or hypofunction of alpha 7-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (alpha 7 nAChRs). Agonists or positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of alpha 7 nAChRs are known to be potential treatments for dementias, different neurodegenerative disorders, pain syndromes and conditions involving inflammation. In some of these conditions, it is desirable to maintain the temporal precision of fast cholinergic events, while in others, this temporal precision is unnecessary. For this reason, the optimal therapeutic effect for distinct indications may require PAMs with different mechanisms of action. The two major mechanisms are called "type I", which are compounds that augment alpha 7 nAChR-mediated currents but maintain their characteristic fast kinetics; and "type II", which are compounds that produce augmented and prolonged currents. In this study, we performed a kinetic analysis of two type II PAMs of the alpha 7 nAChR: PNU-120596 and A-867744, using a fast perfusion method that allowed high temporal resolution. We characterized the type of modulation produced by the two compounds, the state-dependence of the modulatory action, and the interaction between the two compounds. We found fundamental differences between the modulation mechanisms by PNU-120596 and A-867744. Most importantly, during brief agonist pulses, A-867744 caused a strikingly type I-like modulation, while PNU-120596 caused a type II-like prolonged activation. Our results demonstrate that specific compounds, even though all labeled as type II PAMs, can behave in completely different ways, including their onset and offset kinetics, state preference, and single channel open time. Our results emphasize that subtle details of the mechanism of action may be significant in assessing the therapeutic applicability of alpha 7 nAChR PAM compounds

    A depresszió neurokémiai hátterének vizsgálata = Study of the neurochemical background of depression

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    Kutatási projektünk elsődleges célja az volt, hogy megpróbáljuk felderíteni a depresszió hatterében álló neurokémiai történéseket. Munkánk során megállapítottuk, hogy a jelenleg használt antidepresszánsok a monoamin szintek befolyásolásán kívül egyéb mechanizmusokkal (a nikotinikus acetilkolin receptorok és az NMDA receptorok, valamint a feszültségfüggő Na+-csatornák gátlásán kesresztül) is módosíthatják a központi idegrendszer működését, mely hatások hozzájárulhatnak az antidepresszáns hatás kifejlődéséhez. Kidolgoztuk az antidepresszánsok egy új osztályának, az aktív antidepresszánsoknak az elméleti alapjait, valamint leírtuk a monoamin transzporterek egy érdekes tulajdonságát, a szerotonin transzporterek heterológ noradrenalin felvételi képességét. Ez a felismerésünk rávilágít az átfedő monoaminerg rendszerek közötti szoros együttműködésre és elősegítheti az szelektív szerotonin reuptake inhibítor vegyületek hatásmechanizmusának jobb megértését. Eredményeink felhasználásával közelebb kerülhetünk a depresszió kialakulához vezető folyamatok tisztázásához, és a potenciális új központi idegrendszeri célpontok azonosítása elősegítheti az eredményesebb kezelési módok kialakítását. | The major aim of our research project was the investigation of the neurochemical background of depression. We found that the currently used antidepressant drugs, beyond the regulation of the monoaminergic neurotransmission, are able to influence the function of the central nervous system through other mechanisms like the inhibition of nicotinic acetylchoine receptors, NMDA receptors and voltage sensitive Na+-channels. These interactions might contribute to the development of the antidepressant effect. We have elaborated the theoretical basis of a new class of antidepressant compounds, the so-called active antidepressants and have described an interesting new feature of the monoamine transporters, the heterologous NA reuptake through the serotonin transporters. This finding sheds light on the close interaction of overlapping monoaminergic systems and might help the better understanding of the mechanism of action of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Our results might help to elucidate the neurochemical background of depression and the identification of novel targets in the central nervous system might lead to the development of novel therapeutic strategies

    The tricyclic antidepressant desipramine inhibited the neurotoxic, kainate-induced [Ca] increases in CA1 pyramidal cells in acute hippocampal slices.

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    Kainate (KA), used for modelling neurodegenerative diseases, evokes excitotoxicity. However, the precise mechanism of KA-evoked [Ca2+]i increase is unexplored, especially in acute brain slice preparations. We used [Ca2+]i imaging and patch clamp electrophysiology to decipher the mechanism of KA-evoked [Ca2+]i rise and its inhibition by the tricyclic antidepressant desipramine (DMI) in CA1 pyramidal cells in rat hippocampal slices and in cultured hippocampal cells. The effect of KA was dose-dependent and relied totally on extracellular Ca2+. The lack of effect of dl-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP-5) and abolishment of the response by 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) suggested the involvement of non-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (non-NMDARs). The predominant role of the Ca2+-impermeable alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptors (AMPARs) in the initiation of the Ca2+ response was supported by the inhibitory effect of the selective AMPAR antagonist GYKI 53655 and the ineffectiveness of 1-naphthyl acetylspermine (NASPM), an inhibitor of the Ca2+-permeable AMPARs. The voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCC), blocked by omega-Conotoxin MVIIC+nifedipine+NiCl2, contributed to the [Ca2+]i rise. VGCCs were also involved, similarly to AMPAR current, in the KA-evoked depolarisation. Inhibition of voltage-gated Na+ channels (VGSCs; tetrodotoxin, TTX) did not affect the depolarisation of pyramidal cells but blocked the depolarisation-evoked action potential bursts and reduced the Ca2+ response. The tricyclic antidepressant DMI inhibited the KA-evoked [Ca2+]i rise in a dose-dependent manner. It directly attenuated the AMPA-/KAR current, but its more potent inhibition on the Ca2+ response supports additional effect on VGCCs, VGSCs and Na+/Ca2+ exchangers. The multitarget action on decisive players of excitotoxicity holds out more promise in clinical therapy of neurodegenerative diseases

    The mechanism of non-blocking inhibition of sodium channels revealed by conformation-selective photolabeling

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    Sodium channel inhibitors can be used to treat hyperexcitability-related diseases, including epilepsies, pain syndromes, neuromuscular disorders, and cardiac arrhythmias. The applicability of these drugs is limited by their nonspecific effect on physiological function. They act mainly by sodium channel block and in addition by modulation of channel kinetics. While channel block inhibits healthy and pathological tissue equally, modulation can preferentially inhibit pathological activity. An ideal drug designed to target the sodium channels of pathological tissue would act predominantly by modulation. Thus far, no such drug has been described.Patch-clamp experiments with ultra-fast solution exchange and photolabeling-coupled electrophysiology were applied to describe the unique mechanism of riluzole on Nav1.4 sodium channels. In silico docking experiments were used to study the molecular details of binding.We present evidence that riluzole acts predominantly by non-blocking modulation. We propose that, being a relatively small molecule, riluzole is able to stay bound to the binding site, but nonetheless stay off the conduction pathway, by residing in one of the fenestrations. We demonstrate how this mechanism can be recognized.Our results identify riluzole as the prototype of this new class of sodium channel inhibitors. Drugs of this class are expected to selectively prevent hyperexcitability, while having minimal effect on cells firing at a normal rate from a normal resting potential

    A nemszinaptikus nikotinikus acetilkolin és NMDA receptorok szerepe élettani körülmények között és pathológiás állapotokban = Role of nonsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and NMDA receptors in physiological and pathophysiological conditions

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    A szélütés (stroke) utáni neurodegeneráció a jelenlegi morbiditási és mortalitási mutatók egyik legfontosabb tényezője. Az iszkémiás stroke kezelésében számos ígéretes gyógyszerjelölt molekula vallott kudarcot a klinikai vizsgálatokban. Ennek valószínűleg az az oka, hogy hiányosak ismereteink az iszkémiás kórképek kialakulásának mechanizmusaira vonatkozólag. A legtöbb központi idegrendszerre ható gyógyszert szinaptikusan elhelyezkedő receptorokra vagy transzporterekre fejlesztik annak érdekében, hogy igazán hatékony gyógyszereket tudjunk fejleszteni, figyelembe kell venni, hogy az extraszinaptikus receptorok és transzporterek száma jóval meghaladja a szinaptikusakét, illetve hogy nagyon sok központi idegrendszeri megbetegedés alapja a nemszinaptikus rendszer malfunkciója. Például, a szinaptikus NMDA receptorok aktivációja neuroprotektív hatást fejt ki, míg az extraszinaptikus NMDA receptor aktiváció excitotoxikus hatású. Konkrét javaslataink a gyógyszerfejlesztést illetően: Az NR2B alegységet tartalmazó NMDA receptorok szelektív gátlói (mint például a fluoxetine), és a nátriumcsatorna gátlók egyes típusai; mint neuroprotektív szerek. A nikotinikus agonisták pozitív modulátorai, amelyek a kognitív problémák kezelésében, ill. a dohányzásról való leszokás segítésében lehetnek hasznosak. | Neurodegeneration after a stroke is one of the major causes of present-day morbidity and mortality. There is a long list of neuroprotective compounds that have failed to be clinically useful in the treatment of ischaemic stroke. This is likely due, at least in part, to our inadequate knowledge regarding the core mechanisms of ischaemic diseases. Most “novel” drugs that target the CNS are designed to act on neurotransmitter receptors or transporters that are localised within synapses. To develop the most effective drugs, it is important to remember that there are extrasynaptic receptors and transporters that may outnumber those located within synapses and that, when malfunctioning, may be responsible for several symptoms of CNS disorders. For example, activation of synaptic NMDA receptors is neuroprotective, whereas stimulation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors causes excitotoxicity. We suggest that future drug development research consider the following: Compounds that are able to selectively inhibit non-synaptic NR2B Glu receptors (such as Fluoxetine), and specific subtypes of sodium channel inhibitors as neuroprotective compounds. Positive modulators of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. They would be potential drugs in the treatment of memory problems and in smoking cessation

    Nemszinaptikus transmisszió: egy új megközelítés az alapvető agy funkciók megértéséhez = Nonsynaptic transmission: a new pathway to understand major brain functions

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    A két-foton mikroszkópia használata új információkat szolgáltatott a nemszinaptikus kölcsönhatásokról szubmikronos anatómiai struktúrákban. Feltérképeztük a technika felhasználásának lehetőségeit a különböző szövetpreparátumok, idegsejttípusok esetében. A membrán Na+/Ca2+ cserélő gátlása elsősorban a dendrittörzsben befolyásolja a szinaptikus Ca2+ tranzienseket, és szabályozza a tüske-dendrit kapcsolatot. A dendritikus Ca2+ válaszok szintjén a noradrenalin pozitív hatású a dendritikus integráció kapacitásaira nézve, elősegíti a dendritikus potenciálok keletkezését, előnyös a munkamemóriára nézve. Kísérleteink feltárták a nikotin sokrétű serkentő hatásait a dendritek funkcióira nézve, így az akciós potenciálok terjedésének erősítését, spontán válaszok kialakulását a piramissejtek tüskéiben, illetve az interneuronok dendrittörzsében. A farmakológiai alkalmazások közül az antidepresszánsok hatásait vizsgáltuk. Elképzelhető, hogy az antidepresszánsok a lassú inaktivált állapot stabilizálásának keresztül gátolják a Na+ csatorna funkciót úgy, hogy segítsék a depressziós neurális "körök" oldódását. A terápia során kialakuló koncentráció viszonyokban a fluoxetin és a dezipramin az NMDA receptorok működését hatékonyan gátolhatják, ami fontos eleme lehet a depresszió oldásának. | The use of two-photon microscopy yielded novel information about the nonsynaptic interactions in submicron anatomical structures. We mapped the applicational possibilities of this technique using various tissue preparations and neuron types. The inhibition of the membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger primarily influenced the synaptic Ca2+ transients in the dendrite shaft and regulate locally the dendrite/spine connectivity. At the level of the dendritic Ca2+ responses, noradrenaline has a positive effect on the capacity of dendritic integration, promotes the initiation of dendritic spikes, and enhances working memory. Our experiments revealed that nicotine has multiple effects on dendritic functions including the strengthening the propagation of action potentials in the dendrite and inducing spontaneous responses in dendritic spines of the pyramidal neurons and dendrites of interneurons. Among the pharmacological applications, we studied the effects of antidepressants. It is possible that the antidepressants block the function of the Na+ channel through the stabilization of the inactivated state in a way that helps unbound the depressive "circuits". At therapeutically relevant concentrations fluoxetine and desipramine can efficiently inhibit the function of the NMDA receptor that might be an important element of antidepressive mechanisms

    Non-blocking modulation contributes to sodium channel inhibition by a covalently attached photoreactive riluzole analog

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    Sodium channel inhibitor drugs decrease pathological hyperactivity in various diseases including pain syndromes, myotonia, arrhythmias, nerve injuries and epilepsies. Inhibiting pathological but not physiological activity, however, is a major challenge in drug development. Sodium channel inhibitors exert their effects by a dual action: they obstruct ion flow ("block"), and they alter the energetics of channel opening and closing ("modulation"). Ideal drugs would be modulators without blocking effect, because modulation is inherently activity-dependent, therefore selective for pathological hyperactivity. Can block and modulation be separated? It has been difficult to tell, because the effect of modulation is obscured by conformation-dependent association/dissociation of the drug. To eliminate dynamic association/dissociation, we used a photoreactive riluzole analog which could be covalently bound to the channel; and found, unexpectedly, that drug-bound channels could still conduct ions, although with modulated gating. The finding that non-blocking modulation is possible, may open a novel avenue for drug development because non-blocking modulators could be more specific in treating hyperactivity-linked diseases