115 research outputs found

    Diplomatic relations and their impact on development: the case of South Sudan and Uganda

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    Since Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed in 2005, its border with Uganda has become a hub of activities. These economic activities have been enhanced by ethnic and political relations, but also by diplomatic relations between the two countries. Contrasting developments on the Ugandan side of the border with those on the South Sudanese side, this research draws on empirical fieldwork to examine the impact of diplomatic relations on the development between both countries since 2005, with international trade as the main aspect of development. The study sets out to show how trade between both countries has been affected by the diplomatic relations between them. The post-CPA demand for goods and state-building processes created a range of economic opportunities for traders. This was particularly the case for Ugandan large-scale traders who, as a result, became an important and empowered group. These factors have further been enhanced by good diplomatic relations between both countries, and as a result South Sudan has become Uganda’s most important trading partner as well as a destination for many Ugandans to conduct their trade. Simultaneously, post-conflict problems have emerged in South Sudan such as insecurity, weak government institutions run by incompetent officials, corruption, high foreign exchange rate, cultural diversity, mistrust and poor infrastructure. These problems have emerged as major challenges to trade and investment by Ugandan traders in South Sudan with traders as well as government officials agreeing that these challenges present major setbacks to trade and investment in South Sudan. Ugandan small-scale traders in particular have become more vulnerable to expressions of authority on the part of South Sudan’s post-CPA state, in which state or individual military might is used effectively to control trade. The current conflict, which began in December 2013, has added a new dimension to the list of impediments to trade as insecurity and economic instability have precipitated an atmosphere of uncertainty among many traders and investors. Despite all those challenges, Ugandan traders as well as government officials still view South Sudan as a business destination of choice. Overall, the study confirms that diplomatic relations have enhanced international trade between South Sudan and Uganda by way of solving trade disputes, investment promotion and influencing leadership on policy matters

    The number of transmission channels through a single-molecule junction

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    We calculate transmission eigenvalue distributions for Pt-benzene-Pt and Pt-butadiene-Pt junctions using realistic state-of-the-art many-body techniques. An effective field theory of interacting π\pi-electrons is used to include screening and van der Waals interactions with the metal electrodes. We find that the number of dominant transmission channels in a molecular junction is equal to the degeneracy of the molecular orbital closest to the metal Fermi level.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure


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    Introduction. The main method of treatment of endometrial cancer, the most common oncological disease, is surgery. Introduction of high-tech operations into gynecological practice promoted active use of laparoscopy in treatment of malignant tumors of the endometrium.Objective. To evaluate effectiveness of video endoscopic surgery in treatment of endometrial cancer.Materials and methods. In the period from 2010 to 2016, 1127 patients with endometrial cancer underwent surgery using video endoscopic complex with high resolution cameras at the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Oncology Center, Ministry of Health of Russia.Results.  Using video endoscopic technology, excision of the uterus with appendages was performed in 588 (52.3 %) patients, excision of the uterus with appendages and pelvic lymph node dissection was performed in 523 (46.4 %) patients including 16 (1.4 %) patients with serous and papillary serous forms of endometrial cancer who also underwent omentectomy. No intraoperative complications were observed. In the majority of patients, postoperative period was characterized by early activization, satisfactory intestinal peristalsis on day 1, minimal complications, absence of contraindications for adjuvant beam therapy.Conclusion. Video endoscopic technology is a modern method of surgical treatment allowing to perform the full scope of planned radical surgical intervention in patients with endometrial cancer irrespectively of age and concomitant disorders with minimal traumatization, risk of intraand postoperative complications as well as favorable and fast rehabilitation period


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    The purpose of the study was to summarize the available data on etiology, diagnosis, clinical symptoms and signs as well as on various approaches to the treatment of neuroendocrine cervical tumors.Material and Methods. The relevant sources were searched in the PubMed and cochrane Library systems, and publications from 1980 to 2019 were analyzed, 53 of which were used to write this review. We also included 6 case reports from N.N. Petrov National Research Center of Oncology.Results. Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are extremely rare and aggressive malignancies of the female genital tract, among which NETs of the cervix are the most common. Due to the rarity of these tumors, there are currently no treatment standards based on prospective, well-planned clinical trials. For these reasons, NETs present a significant therapeutic challenge for clinicians. Case reports. Six patients ranged in age from 32 to 71 years, with a median age of 46 years, were diagnosed with large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (4 patients) and small-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (2 patients). One patient with stage IIIA dropped out of the follow-up schedule. Out of 5 followed up patients, 2 patients with stage IIIA and IIB died of disease progression after 6 and 11 months, respectively. One patient with stage IB1 is in remission for 16 months. Two patients with stage IIB continue to receive primary treatment.Conclusion. Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix is a rare variant of cervical cancer. The choice of treatment options is decided only by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, and further research is required. Цель исследования – обобщение имеющихся данных об особенности этиологии и диагностики, клинической картине и различных подходах в лечении нейроэндокринных опухолей шейки матки.Материал и методы. Поиск соответствующих источников производился в системах PubMed и cochrane Library, анализировались публикации с 1980 по 2019 г., 53 из которых были использованы для написания данного обзора. Также в публикации освещены 6 случаев собственных наблюдений в НМИЦ онкологии им. Н.Н. Петрова.Результаты. Нейроэндокринные опухоли (НЭО) являются крайне редкими и агрессивными злокачественными новообразованиями нижнего женского полового тракта, среди которых НЭО шейки матки встречаются чаще всего. Из-за редкости этих опухолей в настоящее время отсутствуют стандарты по лечению, основанные на проспективных, хорошо спланированных клинических исследованиях. По этим причинам НЭО представляют собой актуальную проблему для клиницистов. По данным собственных наблюдений, в НМИЦ онкологии им. Н.Н. Петрова средний возраст пациенток (n=6) составил 46 лет, возрастной диапазон 32–71 год; распределение по гистотипу: крупноклеточная нейроэндокринная карцинома – 4, мелкоклеточная нейроэндокринная карцинома – 2 пациентки. Одна пациентка с IIIA стадией выбыла из наблюдения; из 5 прослеженных 2 пациентки с IIIA и IIB стадией умерли от прогрессирования заболевания через 6 и 11 мес соответственно, 1 пациентка с IB1 стадией после комбинированного лечения находится в ремиссии 16 мес. Две пациентки со IIB стадией в настоящее время продолжают получать первичное лечение.Заключение. Основная клиническая проблема заключается в редкой встречаемости данного гистологического подтипа опухоли шейки матки. Выбор тактики лечения решается мультидисциплинарно и требует дальнейших исследований.

    Genetic analysis of changes in body length in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The regulation of the cell cycle is an essential process that contributes to the normal growth and division as well as the prevention of tumor formation. A cell’s progress through mitosis is regulated by a network of proteins that affect the cyclin B–Cdk1 complex. In C. elegans, there are 4 different cyclin B genes that partner with Cdk1: cyb-1, cyb-2.1, cyb-2.2, and cyb-3. Although all are required for completion of embryonic cell divisions, the detailed functions of some of these cyclins, including any contribution to the regulation of animal size, are still unknown. After noticing a potential increase in length of worms that combined a mutation in fbf-2 RNA regulator with a hyperactive Cyclin B (cyb-2.1(h)), we investigated the relationship between hyperactive cyb-2.1, worm length, and regulatory pathways affecting animal size. Documenting animal growth over time in wild type and mutant strains allowed us to identify a significant increase of worm length in fbf-2; cyb-2.1(h). To further determine CYB-2.1 role in length regulation, RNA interference assays are being conducted to inhibit protein expression of numerous genes known to affect C. elegans length, through the TGFβ signaling pathway. A knockdown of each protein will be performed in both wild-type and fbf-2; cyb-2.1(h) double mutant. Wild-type worms are expected to show short body size after a knockdown. No decrease in the length of double mutants will indicate that CYB-2.1 genetically functions downstream of the knocked-down protein. The implications of findings will be discussed to place cyb-2.1 regulation in an established signaling pathway regulating worm length. Understanding cell cycle regulators such as cyb-2.1 and how they contribute to the regulation of animal size are crucial because loss of strict control over cell division can lead to developmental abnormalities as well as cancerous growths