482 research outputs found

    Spectrum of Radiation from Rough Surfaces

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    Radiation from a charged particle travelling parallel to a rough surface has been considered. Spectral-angular intensity is calculated in the weak scattering regime. It is shown that the main contribution to the radiation intensity is determined by the multiple scattering of polaritons induced by a charge on the surface. Multiple scattering effects lead to strong frequency dependence of radiation intensity. Possible applications in beam and surface diagnostics are discussed.Comment: submitted to Europhys.Let

    Exclusive W + photon production in proton-antiproton collisions I: general formalism

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    We present a detailed computation of the fully exclusive cross section of p + antip --> W + photon + X with X = 0 and 1 jet in the framework of the factorization theorem and dimensional regularization. Order alpha-strong and photon bremsstrahlung contributions are discussed in the MS-bar mass factorization scheme. The resulting expressions are ready to be implemented numerically using Monte Carlo techniques to compute single and double differential cross sections and correlations between outgoing pairs of particles.Comment: ITP-SB-93-72, 40 pages, LateX. 3*4 figures in separate file. ([email protected]) ([email protected]

    Abelian Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effects

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    It is shown that the high-energy expansion of the scattering amplitude calculated from Feynman diagrams factorizes in such a way that it can be reduced to the eikonalized form up to the terms of inverse power in energy in accordance with results obtained by solving the Klein-Gordon equation. Therefore the two approaches when applied to the suppression of the emission of soft photons by fast charged particles in dense matter should give rise to the same results. A particular limit of thin targets is briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, LATEX, 1 Fig. ps, submitted to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Coherent Bremsstrahlung in Imperfect Periodic Atomic Structures

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    Coherent bremsstrahlung of high energy electrons moving in a three-dimensional imperfect periodic lattice consisting of a complicated system of atoms is considered. On the basis of the normalized probability density function of the distribution of atomic centers in the fundamental cell the relations describing coherent and incoherent contributions into cross sections are obtained. In particular, the cross section of coherent bremsstrahlung in complex polyatomic single crystals is found. The peculiarities of formation and possibilities of utilization of coherent processes are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Radiative energy loss of high energy quarks and gluons in a finite volume quark-gluon plasma

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    The medium induced energy loss spectrum of a high energy quark or gluon traversing a hot QCD medium of finite volume is studied. We model the interaction by a simple picture of static scattering centres. The total induced energy loss is found to grow as L2L^2, where LL is the extent of the medium. The solution of the energy loss problem is reduced to the solution of a Schr\"odinger-like equation whose ``potential'' is given by the single-scattering cross section of the high energy parton in the medium. These resuls should be directly applicable to a quark-gluon plasma.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX2e, 43 figure

    Coherent pair production in deformed crystals with a complex base

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    We investigate the coherent electron-positron pair creation by high-energy photons in a periodically deformed single crystal with a complex base. The formula for the corresponding differential cross-section is derived for an arbitrary deformation field. The conditions are specified under which the influence of the deformation is considerable. The case is considered in detail when the photon enters into the crystal at small angles with respect to a crystallographic axis. The results of the numerical calculations are presented for SiO2\mathrm{SiO}_{2} single crystal and Moliere parametrization of the screened atomic potentials in the case of the deformation field generated by the acoustic wave of SS type. In dependence of the parameters, the presence of deformation can either enhance or reduce the pair creation cross-section. This can be used to control the parameters of the positron sources for storage rings and colliders.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, misprint in the numerical coefficients in figure captions is correcte

    SUSY Magnetic Moments Sum Rules and Supersymmetry Breaking

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    It was recently shown that unbroken N=1 Susy relates, in a model independent way, the magnetic transitions between states of different spin within a given charged massive supermultiplet. We verify explicitly these sum rules for a vector multiplet in the case of massless and massive fermions. The purpose of this analysis is to provide the ground for the broken susy case. We study the modifications of these results when an explicit soft Susy breaking realized through a universal mass for all scalars is present. As a by-product we provide a computation of the g2g-2 of the WW boson in the standard model which corrects previous evaluations in the literature.Comment: 16+5 pages, Latex,(feynman.tex to print the figures), DFPD 94/TH/2

    Observation of Resonant Diffusive Radiation in Random Multilayered Systems

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    Diffusive Radiation is a new type of radiation predicted to occur in randomly inhomogeneous media due to the multiple scattering of pseudophotons. This theoretical effect is now observed experimentally. The radiation is generated by the passage of electrons of energy 200KeV-2.2MeV through a random stack of films in the visible light region. The radiation intensity increases resonantly provided the Cherenkov condition is satisfied for the average dielectric constant of the medium. The observed angular dependence and electron resonance energy are in agreement with the theoretical predictions. These observations open a road to application of diffusive radiation in particle detection, astrophysics, soft X-ray generation and etc.. `Comment: 4pages, 4figure

    Reactor monitoring and safeguards using antineutrino detectors

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    Nuclear reactors have served as the antineutrino source for many fundamental physics experiments. The techniques developed by these experiments make it possible to use these very weakly interacting particles for a practical purpose. The large flux of antineutrinos that leaves a reactor carries information about two quantities of interest for safeguards: the reactor power and fissile inventory. Measurements made with antineutrino detectors could therefore offer an alternative means for verifying the power history and fissile inventory of a reactors, as part of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other reactor safeguards regimes. Several efforts to develop this monitoring technique are underway across the globe.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of XXIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2008); v2: minor additions to reference

    Experimental Observation of Energy Modulation in Electron Beams Passing Through Terahertz Dielectric Wakefield Structures

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    We report observation of a strong wakefield induced energy modulation in an energy-chirped electron bunch passing through a dielectric-lined waveguide. This modulation can be effectively converted into a spatial modulation forming micro-bunches with a periodicity of 0.5 - 1 picosecond, hence capable of driving coherent THz radiation. The experimental results agree well with theoretical predictions.Comment: v3. Reviewers' suggestions incorporated. Accepted by PR