139 research outputs found

    Eicosapentaenoic Acid Intake Associated with Reduced Risk of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition characterized by intrusion, avoidance, hyperarousal symptoms after exposure to traumatic events. Since polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been implicated, we examined the possible association of PTSD with plasma PUFA level and dietary fish intake in 563 women who was struck by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The impact event scale-revised (IES-R) was used to assess PTSD symptoms. Dietary intake was estimated by a self-report questionnaire. Multivariate analysis controlling for age, body mass index, and stress revealed that PTSD status (IES-R ≥ 25) was associated with plasma eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) level (P = 0.039). In the high-stress group, there were significantly inverse correlations of plasma EPA with IES-R total (r = −0.389, P = 0.031), intrusion (r = −0.370, P = 0.04), and hyperarousal scores (r = −0.480, P = 0.006), although such correlations were not found in the moderate-stress group. Fish intake that increased plasma EPA showed similar correlations with IES-R scores in the severely stressed group. Our results suggest that higher plasma EPA level and EPA-increasing fish intake are associated with a lower risk for PTSD in individuals who have suffered severe stress in a natural disaster


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    Tooth development is controlled by body plan during the fetal period, the generation of teeth from tooth germ is induced by the epithelial-mesenchymal interaction. Spatiotemporal regulation of tooth morphogenesis is supported by gene expression. Although many of the genes involved in tooth development are known, the molecular mechanism underlying tooth morphogenesis is not completely understood. For a comprehensive understanding of tooth development, the elucidation of unknown genes is necessary. In this study, to identify unknown genes involved in tooth development, we performed genome-wide analysis at each stage of tooth development and identified 17 genes with high levels of expression and large changes in expression. In addition, we performed qPCR and in situ hybridization analyses to elucidate the spatiotemporal regulation, such as the regulation that occurs around or in the entire tooth germ, enamel knots, epithelium, and mesenchyme. These results show that these characteristic genes may play important roles in each time period or region of tooth development, and the elucidation of the functions of these genes will lead to an integrated understanding of the process of tooth development.博士(医学)・甲第790号・令和3年3月15日発行元である日本再生歯科医学会の許諾を得て登録(2021年6月29日付)ジャーナル公式サイト(日本再生歯科医学会HP内):http://www.jarde.jp/zasshi/e/18-2-1.htm

    Marbles from Tokushima Prefecture, used in the National Diet Building : Part 1: locality and geological framework

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    The quarries of marbles for the construction of the National Diet Building (Nagata-cho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo) were identified in Tokushima Prefecture. The geological setting and microfossil age of the marbles were studied. Seven brands, "Akebono", "Kito-ishi ", "Hototogisu", "Kamo-sarasa", "Awayuki ", "Kotajima" and "Shin-awayuki" were used in the House of Councilors and the Central part of the building. The "Akebono", used for the wall along the Councilor's Second Stairway, is Silurian limestone from the Hiakari-yama lenticular body of the Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone in the Koyama-daira area (Kisawa Village). The "Kito-ishi" from the Misago-yama area (Kisawa Village), used for the fireplace in the reception room of the Vice-president of the House of Councilors, is the limestone and greenstone breccia intercalated in the Upper Carboniferous alternation of chert and pelagic limestone in the Permian accretion terrene (Masaki Belt of the Kurosegawa Terrane). The "Hototogisu", used for the well-ornamented entrance gate of the Emperor's room "Gokyujo", is the Upper Triassic dolimitic limestone in the Late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous accretion mélange of the South Chichibu Terrane (Tsunomine Subbelt) from the Arida area (Asebi-cho, Anan City). The "Kamo-sarasa", used for the inside wall of the central entrance of the building, is the Upper Triassic limestone with some green reticulation in Late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous accretion mélange of the South Chichibu Terrane (Tsunomine Subbelt) from the Oji area (Kuwano-cho, Anan City). The "Awayuki", used for the lower part of the wall along the square in front of the Emperor's room, and the lower part of the wall around the assembly hall of the House of Councilors, presumed to be a kind of "Kamo-sarasa", is proved to be the Upper Triassic Megalodon limestone with hexacoral-bearing dark limestone blocks in the accretion mélange of the South Chichibu Terrane (Tsunomine Subbelt) from the Kurogo area (Kamo-cho, Anan City). The "Kotajima", used for the lower part of the wall along the passage of the second floor, and the wall along the "Kisha Kaidan" stairway, is proved to be the Upper Triassic limestone with reticulation of black cleavages in Late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous accretion mélange of the South Chichibu Terrane (Tsunomine Subbelt) from the Higashibun area (Tsunomine-cho, Anan City). The "Shin-awayuki", used for the mosaic on the floor of the Central Hall and the lower part of the wall along the passage of the southern central part of the first floor, is the Upper Carboniferous limestone in Jurassic accretion mélange of the South Chichibu Belt (Hosono Subbelt) from the Izeki area (Takarada-cho, Anan City)

    Medical Treatment of Echinococcus multilocularis and New Horizons for Drug Discovery: Characterization of Mitochondrial Complex II as a Potential Drug Target

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    As an efficient drug for alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is still not available, new chemotherapy targets are necessary. The mitochondrial respiratory chain may be a good drug candidate because parasite respiratory chains are quite different from those of mammalian hosts. For example, Ascaris suum possesses an NADH‐fumarate reductase system (fumarate respiration) that is highly adapted to anaerobic environments such as the small intestine. It is composed of mitochondrial complex I (NADH‐ubiquinone reductase), complex II (succinate‐ubiquinone reductase), and rhodoquinone. We previously demonstrated that fumarate respiration is also essential in E. multilocularis. Quinazoline, a complex I inhibitor, inhibited growth of E. multilocularis larvae in vitro. These results indicate that fumarate respiration could be a target for E. multilocularis therapy. In the current chapter, we focused on complex II, which is another component of this system, because quinazoline exhibited strong toxicity to mammalian mitochondria. We evaluated the molecular and biochemical characterization of E. multilocularis complex II as a potential drug target. In addition, we found that ascofuranone, a trypanosome cyanide‐insensitive alternative oxidase inhibitor, inhibited E. multilocularis complex II at the nanomolar order. Our findings demonstrate the potential development of targeted therapy against Echinococcus complex II

    Analysis of genetic variability in Turner syndrome linked to long-term clinical features

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    Background: Women with Turner syndrome (TS) (45,X and related karyotypes) have an increased prevalence of conditions such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypothyroidism, autoimmunity, hypertension, and congenital cardiovascular anomalies (CCA). Whilst the risk of developing these co-morbidities may be partly related to haploinsufficiency of key genes on the X chromosome, other mechanisms may be involved. Improving our understanding of underlying processes is important to develop personalized approaches to management. // Objective: We investigated whether: 1) global genetic variability differs in women with TS, which might contribute to co-morbidities; 2) common variants in X genes - on the background of haploinsufficiency - are associated with phenotype (a “two-hit” hypothesis); 3) the previously reported association of autosomal TIMP3 variants with CCA can be replicated. // Methods: Whole exome sequencing was undertaken in leukocyte DNA from 134 adult women with TS and compared to 46,XX controls (n=23), 46,XX women with primary ovarian insufficiency (n=101), and 46,XY controls (n=11). 1) Variability in autosomal and X chromosome genes was analyzed for all individuals; 2) the relation between common X chromosome variants and the long-term phenotypes listed above was investigated in a subgroup of women with monosomy X; 3) TIMP3 variance was investigated in relation to CCA. // Results: Standard filtering identified 6,457,085 autosomal variants and 126,335 X chromosome variants for the entire cohort, whereas a somatic variant pipeline identified 16,223 autosomal and 477 X chromosome changes. 1) Overall exome variability of autosomal genes was similar in women with TS and control/comparison groups, whereas X chromosome variants were proportionate to the complement of X chromosome material; 2) when adjusted for multiple comparisons, no X chromosome gene/variants were strongly enriched in monosomy X women with key phenotypes compared to monosomy X women without these conditions, although several variants of interest emerged; 3) an association between TIMP3 22:32857305:C-T and CCA was found (CCA 13.6%; non-CCA 3.4%, p<0.02). // Conclusions: Women with TS do not have an excess of genetic variability in exome analysis. No obvious X-chromosome variants driving phenotype were found, but several possible genes/variants of interest emerged. A reported association between autosomal TIMP3 variance and congenital cardiac anomalies was replicated

    A Study of Cooperation of a Kindergarten and an Elementary School for Through Practice Teaching Guidance In Kindergarten : Attention to the Relation of a Teacher Bringing up Will to Learn by Voluntarily

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    本研究は,初等教育教員養成コースに所属している学生による幼稚園教育実習生が,幼小連携という観点から実習を行うことによる効果を考察することを目的とする。特に,今年度は幼稚園・小学校共通に求められる“自ら学ぶ意欲を育む”教師の支援のあり方に着目し,指導教員の指導のあり方を追究する。研究の方法としては,大学4年生の教育実習生と幼稚園指導教員を対象に質問紙調査を実施し,比較検討を行った。結果としては次の2点である。1点目の幼小の共通点としては,自ら学ぶ意欲を育むために,子どもに対する肯定的な声かけや,子どもの思いを丁寧に見取ろうとする真摯な姿勢などが大切であることが分かった。2点目の幼小の差異点としては,自ら学ぶ意欲を育むために,子どもの興味・関心を生かすことが大切だが,その生かし方に関しては,生かす場面やタイミングの違いなどがあるということが分かった。今後も子どもの興味を引き出す学習スタイルや指導方法に関しての研究を進めていくことが期待される。This study investigated changes of kindergarten teacher student teachers during teaching practice at the affiliated kindergarten. This report focused on the teachers’ support, which fostered children’s motivation to learn by themselves. Self-learning motivation is required even at elementary schools. Fourth grade university student answered some open-ended questions. The main findings are as follows: (1) It is important to observe and understand carefully what a child feels and thinks; (2) There are differences between kindergartens and elementary schools in the situation and timing of intervention for fostering children’s motivation to do something by themselves

    Immunomodulation effect of liposomal oxaliplatin

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    Immune modulation of the tumor microenvironment has been reported to participate in the therapeutic efficacy of many chemotherapeutic agents. Recently, we reported that liposomal encapsulation of oxaliplatin (l-OHP) within PEGylated liposomes conferred a superior antitumor efficacy to free l-OHP in murine colorectal carcinoma-bearing mice through permitting preferential accumulation of the encapsulated drug within tumor tissue. However, the contribution of the immune-modulatory properties of liposomal l-OHP and/or free l-OHP to the overall antitumor efficacy was not elucidated. In the present study, therefore, we investigated the effect of liposomal encapsulation of l-OHP within PEGylated liposomes on the antitumor immunity in both immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice. Liposomal l-OHP significantly suppressed the growth of tumors implanted in immunocompetent mice, but not in immunodeficient mice. In immunocompetent mice, liposomal l-OHP increased the tumor MHC-1 level and preserved antitumor immunity through decreasing the number of immune suppressor cells, including regulatory T cells, myeloid-derived suppressor cells, and tumor-associated macrophages, which collectively suppress CD8+ T cell-mediated tumor cells killing. In contrast, free l-OHP ruined antitumor immunity. These results suggest that the antitumor efficacy of liposomal l-OHP is attributed, on the one hand, to its immunomodulatory effect on tumor immune microenvironment that is superior to that of free l-OHP, and on the other hand, to its direct cytotoxic effect on tumor cells

    Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to the Left Sphenoid Sinus: A Case Report in Light of the Literature

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    A 79-year-old Japanese woman presented with a rare case of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the left sphenoid sinus with left nasal bleeding. She had previously had right radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma at the age of 64 years and brain and spinal cord infarction at 74 years. Endoscopic examination revealed no mass in the nasal cavity. CT and MRI revealed a tumor in the left sphenoid sinus. The size of the tumor increased gradually from 12 to 15 years after the radical nephrectomy. Complete resection with endoscopic surgery was performed without preoperative embolization. The tumor cells had clear cytoplasm and were arranged in a trabecular pattern lined by a layer of endothelial cells. These findings were identical to the pathological findings of the surgical specimen of the renal cell carcinoma from 15 years previous. A pathological diagnosis of metastatic renal cell carcinoma of clear cell type (grade 1) was made. PET-CT demonstrated no metastasis. The patient’s condition was successfully managed with excision of the tumor, and she remains well with no evidence of recurrence and metastasis 36 months after treatment. Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the sphenoid sinus is rare, but it might be considered in the differential diagnosis of masses in the paranasal sinus even long after initial treatment of renal cancer