14 research outputs found
Bio-ecological characteristics of dalmatian barbelgudgeon Aulopyge huegelii HECKEL, 1843 (Cyprinidae; Actinopterygii)
Slatkovodna riba oštrulj endem je jadranskog slijeva rasprostranjen u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je populacije iz jezera Visovac na Krki i jezera Torak na Čikoli te populaciju gornjeg toka Čikole u Hrvatskoj i kanala Ždralovac u BiH. Terenski dio istraživanja proveden je od prosinca 2013. godine do lipnja 2016. godine te su obrađene ukupno 264 jedinke. Jedinke iz različitih populacija međusobno su uspoređene na temelju morfologije (morfometrija, meristika i vanjski izgled) i ekologije (dužinsko-maseni odnosi, razmnožavanje, prehrana, starost, rast i smrtnost), a rezultati pokazuju da jedinke iz gornjeg toka rijeke Čikole dosežu manje duljine tijela i manju starost te imaju lošije kondicijsko stanje i manji reproduktivni uspjeh od jedinki iz jezerskih sustava. Dobivene razlike rezultat su različitih uvjeta staništa na kojem pojedine populacije žive. Također, rezultati ukazuju na važnost zaštite oštrulja i njegovog staništa, naročito povremenih vodotoka, koji predstavljaju njegovo primarno stanište.Dalmatian barbelgudgeon is a species of freshwater fish endemic to rivers of the Adriatic basin in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This research surveyed populations from Croatia (from lake Visovac on river Krka, lake Torak on river Čikola, and from upper river Čikola) and B&H (canal Ždralovac). The field work was carried out from December 2013 to June 2016 during which 264 specimens were caught. Individuals from different populations were compared based on morphology (morphometrics, meristics, external appearance) and ecology (length-weight relationships, reproduction, diet, age, growth, mortality). The results show that individuals from the upper part of river Čikola have smaller body size, shorter life-span, lower condition, and lower reproductive success than individuals from lake systems. Observed differences are the result of different habitats in which these populations live. Also, the results show the importance of protecting the barbelgudgeon and its habitat, especially temporary streams which are its primary habitat
Bio-ecological characteristics of dalmatian barbelgudgeon Aulopyge huegelii HECKEL, 1843 (Cyprinidae; Actinopterygii)
Slatkovodna riba oštrulj endem je jadranskog slijeva rasprostranjen u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je populacije iz jezera Visovac na Krki i jezera Torak na Čikoli te populaciju gornjeg toka Čikole u Hrvatskoj i kanala Ždralovac u BiH. Terenski dio istraživanja proveden je od prosinca 2013. godine do lipnja 2016. godine te su obrađene ukupno 264 jedinke. Jedinke iz različitih populacija međusobno su uspoređene na temelju morfologije (morfometrija, meristika i vanjski izgled) i ekologije (dužinsko-maseni odnosi, razmnožavanje, prehrana, starost, rast i smrtnost), a rezultati pokazuju da jedinke iz gornjeg toka rijeke Čikole dosežu manje duljine tijela i manju starost te imaju lošije kondicijsko stanje i manji reproduktivni uspjeh od jedinki iz jezerskih sustava. Dobivene razlike rezultat su različitih uvjeta staništa na kojem pojedine populacije žive. Također, rezultati ukazuju na važnost zaštite oštrulja i njegovog staništa, naročito povremenih vodotoka, koji predstavljaju njegovo primarno stanište.Dalmatian barbelgudgeon is a species of freshwater fish endemic to rivers of the Adriatic basin in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This research surveyed populations from Croatia (from lake Visovac on river Krka, lake Torak on river Čikola, and from upper river Čikola) and B&H (canal Ždralovac). The field work was carried out from December 2013 to June 2016 during which 264 specimens were caught. Individuals from different populations were compared based on morphology (morphometrics, meristics, external appearance) and ecology (length-weight relationships, reproduction, diet, age, growth, mortality). The results show that individuals from the upper part of river Čikola have smaller body size, shorter life-span, lower condition, and lower reproductive success than individuals from lake systems. Observed differences are the result of different habitats in which these populations live. Also, the results show the importance of protecting the barbelgudgeon and its habitat, especially temporary streams which are its primary habitat
Bio-ecological characteristics of dalmatian barbelgudgeon Aulopyge huegelii HECKEL, 1843 (Cyprinidae; Actinopterygii)
Slatkovodna riba oštrulj endem je jadranskog slijeva rasprostranjen u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je populacije iz jezera Visovac na Krki i jezera Torak na Čikoli te populaciju gornjeg toka Čikole u Hrvatskoj i kanala Ždralovac u BiH. Terenski dio istraživanja proveden je od prosinca 2013. godine do lipnja 2016. godine te su obrađene ukupno 264 jedinke. Jedinke iz različitih populacija međusobno su uspoređene na temelju morfologije (morfometrija, meristika i vanjski izgled) i ekologije (dužinsko-maseni odnosi, razmnožavanje, prehrana, starost, rast i smrtnost), a rezultati pokazuju da jedinke iz gornjeg toka rijeke Čikole dosežu manje duljine tijela i manju starost te imaju lošije kondicijsko stanje i manji reproduktivni uspjeh od jedinki iz jezerskih sustava. Dobivene razlike rezultat su različitih uvjeta staništa na kojem pojedine populacije žive. Također, rezultati ukazuju na važnost zaštite oštrulja i njegovog staništa, naročito povremenih vodotoka, koji predstavljaju njegovo primarno stanište.Dalmatian barbelgudgeon is a species of freshwater fish endemic to rivers of the Adriatic basin in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This research surveyed populations from Croatia (from lake Visovac on river Krka, lake Torak on river Čikola, and from upper river Čikola) and B&H (canal Ždralovac). The field work was carried out from December 2013 to June 2016 during which 264 specimens were caught. Individuals from different populations were compared based on morphology (morphometrics, meristics, external appearance) and ecology (length-weight relationships, reproduction, diet, age, growth, mortality). The results show that individuals from the upper part of river Čikola have smaller body size, shorter life-span, lower condition, and lower reproductive success than individuals from lake systems. Observed differences are the result of different habitats in which these populations live. Also, the results show the importance of protecting the barbelgudgeon and its habitat, especially temporary streams which are its primary habitat
UGROŽENE VRSTE RIBA U SVIJETU: Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus Bogutskaya & Zupančič, 2003 (Cyprinidae)
Mostar minnow, Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus, is a freshwater fish endemic to the Neretva River drainage. Present data suggest that species is restricted only to wetland of the Mostarsko Blato but it is considered to be distributed more widely in the River Neretva basin. It is threatened because of the extremely limited range of distribution, river regulation and influence of the non-indigenous species. Suggested conservation actions for Mostar minnow are habitat protection and establishing of the nature reserve in the area of the Mostarsko Blato. Stocking with translocated and non-native species should be also banned.Prikanac, Phoxinellus pseudalepidotus, je slatkovodna vrsta ribe endemična za slijev rijeke Neretve. Dostupni podaci govore da joj je rasprostranjenost ograničena na Mostarsko blato iako se smatra da naseljava i šire područje rijeke Neretve. Glavni uzroci ugroženosti ove vrste su ograničeno područje rasprostranjenosti, regulacija vodotoka i unos alohtonih vrsta. Predložene mjere zaštite za ovu vrstu su zaštita staništa i osnivanje rezervata prirode na području Mostarskog blata, kao i zabrana regulacije i pregradnje vodotoka te zabrana unosa alohtonih vrsta u vode koje naseljava ova vrsta
NOVI NALAZI OBRVANA, Aphanius fasciatus (Valenciennes, 1821), U HRVATSKOJ
Two new locations of Mediterranean toothcarp (Aphanius fasciatus) were confirmed along the eastern Adriatic coast: one on the island of Rab and the second near the small village of Zablaće, near Šibenik. At both locations, multiple individuals of both sexes were caught using a small hand net. Total length ranged from 12.4 to 39.4 mm and weight ranged from 0.1 to 0.8 g.Dva nova lokaliteta obrvana (Aphanius fasciatus) potvrđena su na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora. Prvi je lokalitet na otoku Rabu, a drugi je pokraj sela Zablaće u blizini Šibenika. Na obje lokacije malom ručnom mrežicom zabilježeno je više jedinki oba spola. U radu su prikazane glavne morfometrijske i merističke mjere. Totalna dužina (TL) zabilježenih jedinki obrvana varirala je od 12,4 do 39,4 mm, a masa od 0,1 do 0,8 g
UGROŽENE VRSTE RIBA U SVIJETU: Cobitis jadovaensis Mustafić & Mrakovčić, 2008 (Cyprinidae)
Cobitis jadovaensis is a stenoendemic freshwater fish species distributed only in the River Jadova, a small stream in the karst region of Lika in Croatia. Major threats for this fish species are: extremely limited distribution, water abstraction, introduction of alien fish species and increasing severity of droughts. Recommendations for conservation are: habitat protection, prevention of outspreading of alien species from the River Lika and bans on introduction of newalien fish species.Jadovski vijun je stenoendemska slatkovodna riba rasprostranjena samo u rijeci Jadovi, maloj rijeci u Lici, u Hrvatskoj. Glavni uzroci ugroženosti ove vrste su izrazito usko područje rasprostranjenosti, ekstrakcija vode, česte suše uzrokovane klimatskim promjenama i unos alohtonih vrsta riba. Za očuvanje ove vrste predlaže se zaštita staništa, sprječavanje širenja invazivnih vrsta riba iz rijeke Like te zabrana unosa novih alohtonih vrsta riba
Invazivne strane vrste koje izazivaju zabrinutost u Uniji (Uredba 1143/2014) prisutne u Hrvatskoj
Regulation 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species creates the framework for the prevention, minimization, and mitigation of the harmful effects of invasive alien species on biodiversity in the European Union. Commission Implementing Regulations 2016/1141 and 2017/1263 delivered the list of invasive alien species of Union concern (“the Union list”). Out of 49 species on the Union list, 17 species are present in Croatia. They include five plants (Plantae), three crustaceans (Crustacea), two freshwater fishes (Actinopterygii), one reptile (Reptilia), one bird (Aves), and five mammals (Mammalia). Their systematics and biology, native and introduced range, history of introduction, introduction pathway to Croatia, impact in the introduced range, including any known impacts in Croatia, are presented. Furthermore, their distribution in Croatia, based on the available data, is shown on the distribution maps.Uredba 1143/2014 o sprječavanju i upravljanju unošenja i širenja invazivnih stranih vrsta određuje okvir za sprječavanje, svođenje na najmanju moguću mjeru i ublažavanje štetnih učinaka invazivnih stranih vrsta na bioraznolikost u Europskoj uniji. Provedbenim uredbama Komisije 2016/1141 i 2017/1263 donesen je popis invazivnih stranih vrsta koje izazivaju zabrinutost u Uniji (“Unijin popis”). Od ukupno 49 vrsta na Unijinom popisu, 17 vrsta je prisutno u Hrvatskoj. One uključuju pet biljaka (Plantae), tri raka (Crustacea), dvije slatkovodne ribe (Actinopterygii), jednog gmaza (Reptilia), jednu pticu (Aves) i pet sisavaca (Mammalia). Ovdje predstavljamo njihovu sistematiku i biologiju, prirodno područje rasprostranjenosti i područje unosa, povijest unosa, putove unosa u Hrvatsku, utjecaj u području unosa, uključujući i poznate utjecaje u Hrvatskoj. Također, njihova rasprostranjenost u Hrvatskoj, temeljem dostupnih podataka, prikazana je kartama rasprostranjenosti
PRVI NALAZ KOLJUŠKE (Gasterosteus aculeatus Linneaeus, 1758) U DUNAVSKOM SLIJEVU U HRVATSKOJ
One specimen of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) was
found in a puddle near the Mura River in October 2014 near the town
of Mursko Središće. This is the first record of this species in the Danube
Basin of Croatia.Jedna jedinka koljuške (Gasterosteus aculeatus) pronađena je u privremenoj lokvi pokraj rijeke Mure u listopadu 2014. godine pokraj mjesta Mursko Središće. Ovo je prvi nalaz koljuške u dunavskom slijevu u Hrvatskoj
Estructura genética poblacional e historia demográfica de Aphanius fasciatus (Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontiformes) en hábitats hipersalinos del Adriático oriental
In order to investigate the phylogeography and population genetic structure of the South European toothcarp (Aphanius fasciatus), we analysed gene sequences of two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome b and mtDNA control region) in samples from eight localities along the eastern Adriatic coast and combined them with sequences from other Mediterranean localities. Since the South European toothcarp primarily inhabits hypersaline water bodies, it is a good model species for understanding patterns of colonization and dispersal of species adapted to variable conditions. The eastern Adriatic populations are separated into two groups of genetically related populations. The Northern group contains the populations from Sečovlje, Pag, Dinjiška, Nin and Pantan, whereas the Southern group contains the populations from Ston, Ulcinj and Narta. The majority of divergence events date back to the Pleistocene epoch and it is likely that sea level changes during glacial cycles played a significant role in shaping the recent genetic structure of this species. Our results imply pronounced intraspecific structuring of this species, whereas great environmental variations resulted in a smaller intrapopulational genetic diversity of A. fasciatus than seen in other Mediterranean fishes.Con el objetivo de analizar la estructura genética y filogeografía de las poblaciones del fartet oriental (Aphanius fasciatus), se analizaron secuencias de genes de dos regiones mitocondriales (citocromo b y región de control del ADNmt) en individuos de ocho localidades a lo largo de la costa oriental del Adriático y de otras localidades mediterráneas. El fartet oriental habita principalmente masas de agua hipersalinas, y es una buena especie modelo para el estudio de los patrones de colonización y dispersión de especies adaptadas a condiciones variables. Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que las poblaciones del Adriático oriental se separan en dos grupos genéticamente relacionados. El grupo del Norte contiene las poblaciones de Sečovlje, Pag, Dinjiška, Nin y Pantan, mientras que el grupo del Sur contiene las poblaciones de Ston, Ulcinj y Narta. La mayoría de los eventos de divergencia pudiera ser que se remontaran a la época del Pleistoceno, y es probable que los cambios del nivel del mar durante los ciclos glaciales jugasen un papel importante en la estructura genética reciente de esta especie. Nuestros resultados revelan diferencias intraespecíficas pronunciadas en el fartet oriental, y por otro lado menor diversidad genética intrapoblacional como resultado de grandes variaciones ambientales en comparación con otros estudios de peces del Mediterráneo