93 research outputs found

    Impact of alternative air exhaustion in housing for poultry on concentration of harmful gases in the air

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    The main aim of the paper is to assess an alternative way of disposal of pollutants from housing area, where the air is sucked from spaces below the animals. Measurements were taken in experimental conditions of enriched cage for 10 hens. Pipe for suction was located under the floor of the cage. Gas concentration was determined by the device 1412 Photoacoustic Multi-gas Monitor. Air samples were collected at the animal's head level. Air temperature was continuously registered by the device COMMETER D3120, and air velocity was measured by the anemometer ALMEMO 3290. Measurements were conducted for 6 consecutive days in each season of the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter). The obtained results were compared with the concentration of harmful gases obtained without the use of the exhausting device. Average values of harmful gases concentrations obtained with utilisation of air suction device placed under the floor of the cage were almost in all cases lower. According to season of the year they varied without air suction device in CO2 832.06 to 1000.75 mg.m-3 versus 813.405 to 957.59 mg.m-3 with the device exhausting air from the space under the floor. In N2O it was 0.951 to 1.076 mg.m-3 compared with 0.972 to 1.055 mg .m-3, in NH3 from 0.013 to 0.092 mg.m-3 compared with 0.007 to 0.069 mg.m-3, in H2S from 0.171 to 0.579 mg.m-3 compared with 0.17 to 0.436 mg.m-3 and in CH4 2.076 to 7.211 mg.m-3 compared with 1.516 to 5.018 mg.m-3. Change of the way of housing ventilation significantly reduced the rate of air flow at the level of laying hens’ heads, too. In winter, it was on average 0.6 compared with 0.11 meters per second and in summer 1.2 compared with 0.15 meters per second. While the temperature at the level of birds’ heads was in winter season higher at the alternative way of ventilation, it had slightly opposite effect during the other seasons in this experiment. This would need additional research

    Theories on Limb Bud Morphogenesis

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    There are several different ideas regarding pattern formation in the vertebrate limb. In this paper I will do a comparative study of several of the ideas and present mathematical models which describe three of the theories. A brief history of morphogenetic modeling will be presented, along with a summary of the biology involved. Then, the three models will be presented and proven using the method of stability analysis. Following the mathematical analysis of the models, I will talk about the possible types of patterns that can be produced, and compare the three models. Finally, I will discuss a recent discovery related to limb bud pattern formation

    The impact of ventilation type on the heat load of dairy cows

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    Received: January 31st, 2021 ; Accepted: March 27th, 2021 ; Published: November 26th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] load in cattle causes deterioration of health and reduced production of milk. Therefore, it is necessary to protect cows by appropriate passive and active means and monitor the air quality in barns. Based on several indicators of environmental quality, is possible to make a more comprehensive assessment of the microclimate and more precise conclusions. This study, was monitoring the values of air temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity in two barns with the same volume and layout with floor dimensions of 26.6 m × 62.1 m. In barn 1, roof ridge of which had underwent only partial reconstruction, there were installed fourteen basket fans with a total fan performance Q(1)fans = 218,400 m3 h -1 . In barn 2, there were twelve panel fans with a total fan performance Q(2)fans = 289,320 m3 h -1 . The resulting THI, HLI and ETIC values were compared in relation to each other and in relation to the recommended values. Despite the operating ventilation technology and enlargement of wall openings, the above-limit values of climatic characteristics were observed in both barns during tropical days. There were no differences between the barns (p ˃ 0.05), in barn 1: THI(1) = 83.10 ± 0.51; HLI(1) = 85.62 ± 1.42; ETIC(1) = 27.24 ± 0.31, and in barn 2: THI(2) = 83.12 ± 0.34; HLI(2) = 85.77 ± 1.50; ETIC(2) = 27.29 ± 0.28, however, there were found significant differences in values of temperature indices obtained in the detailed measurements at points arranged perpendicularly, as well as parallelly, to the direction of air velocity in the animal zone (p < 0.05)


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    The aim of the experiment was to determine the concentrations of harmful gases production in the dairy housing and to compare the difference of measured data in terms of frequency of manure removal. Measuring the concentration of ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide was carried out in summer in three-day cycles when produced excrements were removed every day at 19:00 o\u27clock, and in three-day cycles when removing of excreta was carried out twice a day, in the morning and evening at 5:00 and 19:00 o\u27clock. Microclimatic conditions during the experiment were at a comparable level, ambient temperature was maintained at about 29 °C and relative humidity was 64 %. By comparing the obtained values of production in terms of frequency of waste removal, it has been shown that for removing twice a day, the production of ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane was higher than under manure removal only once a day

    Экономические аспекты природопользования и охраны труда: учебное пособие

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    Учебное пособие посвящено актуальным экономическим проблемам жизнедеятельности человека – использованию природных ресурсов и охране труда. В работе представлены основные моменты эволюции понятия природных факторов в экономической науке, раскрыто понятие экологического равновесия, приведены методы расчета экологической емкости территории. В пособии уделяется внимание экономическим аспектам климатических изменений и особенностям устойчивого развития крупных городов. Приведены численные значения индикаторов ценности политики устойчивого развития мегаполисов. В разделе «Экономические аспекты охраны труда» основное внимание уделяется экономическим механизмам управления профессиональными рисками с целью сохранения здоровья работающих и снижения издержек и потерь, связанных с производственным травматизмом, профессиональной заболеваемостью и вредными и (или) опасными условиями труда

    Floor temperature as a risk factor for the quality of the environment in the chickens

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    ArticleThe aim of the work is to analyze the environmental risk factors in chicken breeding in relation to the heat load of animals in summer. The research was carried out at a breeding hall with a capacity of 20,000 ROSS 308 broiler chickens for two summer period, with a breeding time of 39 days each. The indoor air temperature and relative humidity were continuously measured at two locations at a height of 0.8 m above the floor, using PT 100 temperature sensors and RS 800 humidity sensors. Data were recorded via a PLC unit at 10-minute intervals. The surface temperatures of the floors were measured by DS 80 sensors connected to dataloggers in two locations. It was observed that the floor temperature had an increasing tendency – due to heating, heat produced by animals and anaerobic biological processes – even during the second half of the breeding period. During the period from day 26 to day 39, the surface temperature of the concrete floor, as well as the temperature of the straw bedding rise to above 30 °C. The indoor air temperature in the hall was predominantly decreasing from the 26th day with rising floor temperature tendency. Between the day 26 and day 39 of the breeding period, the average litter temperature elevation over the air temperature exceeded 7 °C. Regression analysis showed negative dependence of floor temperatures on air temperature; for a 1 K unit air temperature reduction, an average floor temperature increase of 0.75 and 1.16 K was found, respectively


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    The aim of the experiment was to determine the concentrations of harmful gases production in the dairy housing and to compare the difference of measured data in terms of frequency of manure removal. Measuring the concentration of ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide was carried out in summer in three-day cycles when produced excrements were removed every day at 19:00 o\u27clock, and in three-day cycles when removing of excreta was carried out twice a day, in the morning and evening at 5:00 and 19:00 o\u27clock. Microclimatic conditions during the experiment were at a comparable level, ambient temperature was maintained at about 29 °C and relative humidity was 64 %. By comparing the obtained values of production in terms of frequency of waste removal, it has been shown that for removing twice a day, the production of ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane was higher than under manure removal only once a day


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    Experiment bol zameraný na stanovenie množstva emisií skleníkových plynov z chovnej haly brojlerových kurčiat počas jedného výkrmového turnusu (t. j. 40 dní). Najvyššie hodnoty koncentrácií vodnej pary (H2O), oxidu uhličitého (CO2), oxidu dusného (N2O) a metánu (CH4) boli zistené v prvej dekáde. Zvyšovanie emisií všetkých skleníkových plynov bolo dôsledkom stúpajúcej intenzity vetrania, aj napriek klesajúcej tendencii ich koncentrácií. Za celé obdobie výkrmu sa odviedlo 83.8 . 106 m3 znečisteného vzduchu obsahujúceho 211 314 kg CO2, 5 kg N2O, 1 323 kg CH4 a 178 914 kg H2O.An experiment was carried out to determine emissions of greenhouse gases from broiler chicken house during one fattening period (i.e. 40 days). The greatest concentrations of water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) were observed in the first ten days. Increasing emissions of all greenhouse gases were as a consequence of increasing ventilation rate, although their concentrations were decreasing. It was released 83.8 . 106 m3 polluted air containing 211 314 kg CO2, 5 kg N2O, 1 323 kg CH4 and 178 914 kg H2O over a period of whole fattening time

    IgG/IgA-пузырчатка — редкий аутоиммунный буллезный дерматоз

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    Purpose. To present a clinical case of IgG/IgA pemphigus in a 32-year-old woman. Material and methods. Clinical and laboratory examinations were performed to diagnose the disease: cytological examination of an impression smear from the bottom of the erosion, histological examination of a skin biopsy sample from the lesion, immunofluorescent examination of a biopsy sample of visually accessible unaffected skin. Results. Clinical manifestations of the disease were similar to Duhring's dermatitis herpetiformis, morphological ones to pemphigus vulgaris, but immunofluorescent examination of the skin biopsy sample in equal measure revealed deposits of both IgG and IgA in the epidermis, which allowed to determine a diagnosis of IgG/IgA pemphigus. Dapsone therapy at a dose of 100 mg per day led to a significant improvement in the patient's condition. Conclusion. Diagnosis of bullous dermatoses requires immunofluorescent examination of a biopsy sample of visually accessible unaffected skin. Dapsone was an effective medication for the patient with IgG/IgA pemphigus.Цель. Представить клинический случай IgG/IgA-пузырчатки у женщины 32 лет. Материал и методы. Для диагностики заболевания было проведено клиническое и лабораторное обследование: цитологическое исследование мазка-отпечатка со дна эрозии, гистологическое исследование биоптата кожи из очага поражения, иммунофлюоресцентное исследование биоптата видимо непораженной кожи. Результаты. Клинические проявления заболевания имели сходство с герпетиформным дерматитом Дюринга, морфологические с вульгарной пузырчаткой, однако при иммунофлюоресцентном исследовании биоптата кожи в эпидермисе были в равной степени выявлены депозиты как IgG, так и IgA, что позволило установить диагноз IgG/IgA-пузырчатки. Терапия дапсоном в дозе 100 мг в сутки привела к значительному улучшению состояния больной. Заключение. Диагностика пузырных дерматозов требует проведения иммунофлюоресцентного исследования биоптата видимо непораженной кожи. Эффективным препаратом терапии больной IgG/IgA пузырчаткой явился дапсон


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    The title compound C6H12N4, is one of a few known tetra­zoles with an alkyl chain in the 5-position. The asymmetric unit contains two independent mol­ecules. The mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯N inter­actions into chains with graph-set notation D(2) and C 2 2(8) along [010]. The two independent mol­ecules form a layered structure, the layers being composed of inter­digitating strands of alternatingly oriented and nearly identical mol­ecules