21 research outputs found

    Reverse Logistics as Source of Competitive Advantages and its Relationship with Total Quality Management

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    This paperwork analyze how Reverse Logistics (RL) provides great benefits like reduction of costs, new opportunities of business and facilitates adaptation to new regulations in the matter of environment, this benefits improves performance of the company and favour their growth. We analyze how companies which have Total Quality Management (TQM) and implanting a Reverse Logistics System (RLS) improve their recovery activities and reusability of materials and products, reduce its costs and improve its enterprise performance.Logistic, Reverse Logistics, Total Quality Management

    Innovation and International High Skilled Migration

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    The international mobility of highly skilled employees in the last few decades has become an essential part of an economy. Simultaneously innovation and its' components have a large effect on the migration of skilled people. The goal of this paper is finding out if a greater degree of innovation in a country has a positive impact on the arrival of highly skilled immigrants. In order to achieve the aforementioned goal and following existing literature on the subject, an analysis on an international level was made regarding the effect of relevant innovation factors (number of patents; research and development funding (as % of GDP) and number of articles in scientific and technical journals) on immigration of highly skilled employees. The results of a regression analysis confirmed a significant relation between the number of patents, articles in scientific and technical journals and number of highly skilled immigrants (HQI). This means that countries with a relatively larger amount of the innovation factors have a great incentive that attracts talented people on an international scale, although in order to achieve this there is the need to promote and maintain a favourable institutional, economic and technological environment

    Las carencias de la Unión Monetaria Europea. ¿necesita la UEM una solución?

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    Our study aims to reveal whether there are differences between the Eurozone and non-Eurozone countries in terms of their compliance with the variables established in the Maastricht criteria (inflation, public deficit, and public debt) to which we extend unemployment and the long term bond yields of countries that joined the common currency and those that did not. The results show that, in general terms, the non-compliance has been most hurtful in the Eurozone countries, especially in terms of deficit and unemployment

    Migration Flows in Spain. A Push-pull Factors View

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    The paper studies changes in migration flows from a push-pull approach. It analyses the most relevant multidisciplinary theoretical approaches and the statistical information available since the great recession on those factors that determine economic progress and well-being used by Eurostat based on the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi report. Both local and foreign workers are studied. It was observed that after the great economic recession, foreign workers are one of the most vulnerable groups, for whom wages and employment have not yet recovered. This leads to a precarious living condition and a marginal impact on the economy, and also to greater pressure from this group to migrate

    Impact of the International Trade on the EU Clothing Industry Carbon Emissions

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    <p>Globalization and international trade has strongly affected world's economy in the recent decades. The importance of emissions loads distribution between countries participating in the supply chains is steadily growing. In the highly fragmented global supply chain structure, with the consumption and production separated geographically and politically, it is difficult to capture the distribution of carbon emission burden within the global production processes. Several recent scientific studies have emphasized that CO2 emissions embodied in international trade processes should be addressed. The CO2 emissions up to now are mostly evaluated on the base of domestic emission accounts. To address this research gap, our study applies multi-regional input-output (MRIO) method for the estimation of the CO2 emissions embodied in the EU clothing imports. The study evaluates carbon emissions of the EU clothing imports and provides suggestions for companies and policy makers. Our results show, that the EU has not reduced CO2 emissions t instead has outsourced them. MRIO and triangulation methods were used to evaluate the EU clothing sector embodied carbon emissions in imports from 2000 to 2016. CO2 emission reduction goal can be achieved by implementing the proposed consumption based emission accounting framework additionally to the country's emission inventory. Our results may help businesses and policy makers to establish more efficient strategies towards the EU's carbon emissions.</p&gt

    Why Do Regions Differ in Growth? The Productivity of the Eurozone and Its Contribution to the Added Value of Its European Neighbors

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    <p>Despite the fact that the European integration process has intensified cooperation among European partners, the significant impact on growth represented by the recent lengthy periods of productivity stagnation in European countries still remains unexplained, as are the growing disparities among the more advanced countries of the integrated economy. This paper focuses on long-term economic growth based on productivity and its components, as well as on the effects of integration of EMU and non-EMU member states. The use of spatial econometric models allows us to incorporate the interactions among European countries into growth models. In line with neoclassical growth models, our results contribute to explaining how the growth of a eurozone country is related to the economic growth of its neighbors. Moreover, we confirm the relevance of eurozone countries' interactions in times of crisis (2009–2018), as European countries generate spatial spillover effects that link their economic cycles. Although capital stock (i.e., investment) has a positive effect on the eurozone's growth, its slowdown cannot compensate for the effect of declining labor-force participation, which is proven to be a crucial factor for growth. Likewise, immigration flows affect economic growth, but this differs according to the workers' level of education.</p&gt

    Working poverty and quality of employment: The great refugee crisis in Middle Eastern host countries

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    <p>This paper focuses on the distribution of the working poor by income level across countries and examines how indicators such as the level of unemployment, the labour force, and the number of self-employed, impact that distribution. In addition, it also examines the impact of official development assistance and the massive influx of refugees as a result of the Syrian conflict. Four income levels of the working poor are analysed using the panel data technique. The sample includes the 5 main host countries (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey) for the period from 1991 to 2021. Our results confirm that unemployment is not a significant predictor for developing countries, so we recommend indicators of job quality. Moreover, our results confirm a low impact of refugees on the labour market in host countries. Furthermore, the effect of selfemployment on the income level of the working poor is positive but limited.</p&gt

    A Comparison Analysis between Pre-Departure and Transitioned Expat-preneurs

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    <p>This paper contributes to the understanding on the reasons that lead to entrepreneurship in other countries. We focus on expat-preneurs, those who decided to undertake business opportunities in other countries (before or after settling there). Using comparison analysis and logistic regression, we examine pre-departure and transitioned expat-preneurs' demographic characteristics and push-pull factors that lead them to expatriate. From a survey conducted in 2015-2016 of 5,532 Lithuanians expatriated in 24 countries, a sample of 308 respondents with their own businesses abroad was selected. This research contributes to the literature on expat-preneurs, with empirical evidence on pre-departure and transitioned self-initiated (SI) expat-preneurs. The results revealed that demographic features matter when studying such global entrepreneurs. It is a process experienced differently by males and females and, as such, it can be considered as gender selective. Thus, more pre-departure expat-preneurs are male than female, but there is a growing number of female transitioned expat-preneurs. Pre-departure expat-preneurs are older and less educated than transitioned ones and have been pushed to move abroad by issues such as political corruption or a nonsupportive tax system, and are attracted by a higher possibility of self-realisation as well as the prestige of the host country. Meanwhile, transitioned expat-preneurs have been pushed to emigrate due to family reasons or too few employment opportunities in their home country.</p&gt

    Flaws in the european monetary union. Does the emu need solution?

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    <p>Our study aims to reveal whether there are differences between the Eurozone and non-Eurozone countries in terms of their compliance with the variables established in the Maastricht criteria (inflation, public deficit, and public debt) to which we extend unemployment and the long term bond yields of countries that joined the common currency and those that did not. The results show that, in general terms, the non-compliance has been most hurtful in the Eurozone countries, especially in terms of deficit and unemployment.</p><p> </p><p>Nuestra investigación pretende revelar si existen diferencias entre los países de la zona euro y los de fuera de ella en cuanto al cumplimiento de algunas variables relevantes establecidas en los criterios de Maastricht (inflación, déficit y deuda pública). También examinamos las consecuencias del incumplimiento de uno o varios de estos criterios, incluyéndose el desempleo, relacionándolo con el rendimiento de los bonos a largo plazo de los países que se incorporaron a la moneda común con los que no lo hicieron. Los resultados muestran que, en términos generales, el incumplimiento ha sido más perjudicial en los países de la Eurozona, especialmente en términos de déficit y desempleo.</p&gt

    Studentų emigracijos priežastys : Lietuvos ir Ispanijos palyginamoji analizė

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    Straipsnyje pristatoma palyginamoji lietuvių ir ispanų studentų emigracijos priežasčių analizė. Minimose šalyse nedarbo lygis ir jaunų žmonių migracija yra didžiausia ES. Straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti ispanų ir lietuvių studentų emigracijos priežasčių skirtumus bei pateikti pasiūlymus situacijos gerinimui. Straipsnyje atlikta mokslinės literatūros ir statistinių duomenų analizė nedarbo lygio ir emigracijos klausimais bei empirinis tyrimas, nagrinėjantis studentų emigracijos priežastis Lietuvoje ir Ispanijoje. Empirinis tyrimas parodė, kad pagrindinės emigracijos priežastys abiems tirtosioms grupėms yra ekonominės. Kultūrinės ir socialinės-demografinės priežastys – antroje vietoje. Nežiūrint tam tikrų skirtumų, pasirenkant migracijos šalį, lietuvių ir ispanų studentams patraukliausios yra Jungtinė Karalystė ir Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos. Analizuojant priežastis, dėl kurių pasirenkamos būtent šios šalys, buvo išskirtos šios: didesnis darbo užmokestis, geresnė galimybė gauti darbą bei kalba. Atlikta analizė patvirtino ir papildė ankstesnius šioje srityje atliktus tyrimus. Gautieji rezultatai galėtų pasitarnauti stabdant migracijos, ypač jaunimo, mastus, siekiant pristabdyti senėjančios visuomenės augimą tiek Ispanijoje, tiek Lietuvoje ir užtikrintų šių šalių darnų ekonominį vystymąsi.Comparison analysis of students emigration reasons in Lithuania and Spain is presented in this paper. These two countries face with big problems of unemployment, especially of young population and their emigration, what effects sustainable development of them. The purpose of this paper is to disclose students emigration reasons in Lithuania and Spain and to provide suggestions to improve existing situation. Methods used in this article are scientific literature and statistical data analysis on unemployment and migration in Lithuania and Spain, and empirical study analysing migration‘s reasons of undergraduate students in Lithuania and Spain. Results of data have showed that the economic factors are the most important reasons in the case of academic migration; the main countries for destination are the United Kingdom and the United States of America and the main reasons for selecting countries of migration are bigger salary and better possibility to get a job; presented study confirmed previous studies analysed main reasons of migration for students