439 research outputs found

    Criteria for the selection of ERP software

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    The implementation of an ERP software package is an important investment for an organization, which is characterized also by a high degree of risk. Selecting the most appropriate software is a necessary condition for a successful implementation. This paper is describing the major aspects of software selection in general and the relevant criteria in the case of ERP software.ERP, software, selection


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    Dysfunctions of drinking water supply systems and sewerage systems in the Land of Dorna. The aim of the present article is to study the drinking water supply systems and sewerage systems in the Land of Dorna. Following the analysis I noticed the uneven distribution of drinking water supply systems and sewerage systems, so the most developed axis of this view is the main axis that is oriented V-E. This axis connects the Land of Dorna with the neighboring regions, those of Transylvania, Maramureş and Moldova. The final part of the study consists of a series of proposed measures for the revitalization of the existing dysfunctions in the territory and to revive the repulsive areas (the north of the Land of Dorna and the northern part of the Călimani Mountains)

    The factorial structure and validity of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in Polish adolescents

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    Aim. The present study aimed to explore the factorial structure, validity and stability of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in chronically ill and healthy Polish adolescents. Methods. 146 chronically ill (girls: 57.6%) and 309 healthy (girls: 45.9%) adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.03; SD = 1.3) filled in an adapted version of HADS (HADS-Teen) in hospital or school settings. The one-week test-retest reliability and construct validity was analyzed in two sub-samples of healthy adolescents. Results. HADS-Teen showed a two-factor structure in the chronically ill sample and a three-factor structure in the healthy sample. The Anxiety scale had high internal reliability and stability and adequate correlation with another measure for generalized anxiety. Still, the Depression scale had good stability, but poor internal reliability in both samples. In the healthy sample, the Depression items split into two factors: depressed mood together with psychomotor retardation/agitation and anhedonia. Conclusions. The issues concerned with the factorial structure of HADS are replicated in Polish adolescents as well. HADS-Teen shows different structures in chronically ill versus healthy adolescents. Results indicate that a special attention must be paid when assessing depression symptoms in healthy adolescents using this instrument

    Object Oriented Approach for developing of a Tutorial System Work Security and Health in SMEs

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    This paper presents the authors' research for developing a tutorial system which enables the delivery of proper training to specialized personnel in Small and Middle Enterprises (SMEs), in order to eliminate or reduce the health and safety risks of these enterprises to an acceptable level, according to the European Union directives. During the analysis phase, the requirements of the tutorial system were described using UML use case diagrams, the activity flow was modeled with an activity diagram, and the relevant classes were identified and described in a class diagram.Tutorial system, training, the health and safety risks, UML

    Knowledge Management in E-Learning Systems

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    Current knowledge management systems focus on knowledge acquisition, storage, retrieval and maintenance. Yet, for that knowledge to be operational, to become knowledge rather than information, requires internalization and learning. E- learning systems and courseware, on the other hand, are all too often monolithic and inert and fail to facilitate the development and sharing of knowledge. In this paper we discuss some aspects about knowledge providing and present our research in this field through an e-learning system for major risks management.Knowledge, management, e-learning, information, data, simulation, case study


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    The Land of Dorna represents a region with a climate specific to intermountain depressions and mountain areas by its geographic position, the characteristics of active subjacent surfaces and of dominant air-masses,. Climatic factors and phenomena play an important part in outlining the whole features of the territorial system and development of some particular tourist activities in this geographic region. The Land of Dorna has a lot of natural and anthropic resources that have taken many different shapes under the influence of some internal and external elements over the time. Therefore, our main goal is to identify and analyze the way in which climate and weather work on tourist activities in this part of the country


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    The agricultural potential of the Clujului and Dejului Hills. This article outlines the features of a geographic area with significant agricultural potential and proposed measures for its proper exploitation. The 15 commune analyzed are located between Nadăşului Valley and Vadului Valley, being almost entirely overlapping on the unit of Clujului and Dejului Hills

    Prozessdatenintegration und -transformation für die systemübergreifende Visualisierung von Arbeitsabläufen

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    Die integrierte Visualisierung systemübergreifender Prozesse wird für Unternehmen immer wichtiger. Voraussetzung ist, dass die Informationen zu Prozessen von allen Systemen einheitlich und in integrierter Form vorliegen. Aufgrund der Verteilung von Prozessdaten auf mehrere Systeme ergeben sich zumeist syntaktische und semantische Heterogenitäten, weshalb sich für die Prozessdatenintegration zahlreiche Herausforderungen stellen. Diese Arbeit identifiziert und kategorisiert auftretende Probleme und zeigt Lösungsansätze auf. Darauf basierend wird eine Architektur für eine Komponente entwickelt, die die Lösungen umsetzt und es wird an einem konkreten Beispiel die Transformation eines Prozessmodells demonstriert. Ausgangspunkt für die Zusammenführung der Prozessdaten, an der sich die Problemidentifikation und -kategorisierung orientiert, sind heterogene Datenquellen. Deren Daten müssen zunächst angepasst werden, bevor die Prozesse der einzelnen Systeme auf ein vorgegebenes Metamodell abgebildet und die so entstandenen Prozessfragmente in einen Gesamtprozess eingegliedert werden. Nachdem das statische Prozessmodell erstellt ist, müssen noch Laufzeitdaten integriert werden. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass sich durch die vorangegangenen Schritte das Prozessmodell geändert haben kann. Nach Identifizierung der wesentlichen Probleme und Aufgaben wird eine Architektur entwickelt, die berücksichtigt, dass nicht alle Systeme gleich viele Daten bereitstellen und somit mehrere Vorgehensweisen für die Abbildung der Prozessfragmente auf das vorgegebene Metamodell nötig sind. Zum Schluss werden als Beispiel zwei Modelle des ARIS-Toolsets auf ein vorgegebenes Metamodell abgebildet und es wird gezeigt, wie man die Modelle automatisch mit Hilfe impliziter Informationen aus dem Prozessmodell semantisch anreichern kann