132 research outputs found

    Evidence of Vortex Jamming in Abrikosov Vortex Flux Flow Regime

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    We report on dynamics of non-local Abrikosov vortex flow in mesoscopic superconducting Nb channels. Magnetic field dependence of the non-local voltage induced by the flux flow shows that vortices form ordered vortex chains. Voltage asymmetry (rectification) with respect to the direction of vortex flow is evidence that vortex jamming strongly moderates vortex dynamics in mesoscopic geometries. The findings can be applied to superconducting devices exploiting vortex dynamics and vortex manipulation, including superconducting wires with engineered pinning centers.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Autorité et comment l’obtenir: Pausanias, Description de la Grèce et les fouilles archéologiques d’Olympie

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    Teren i tekst, naročito na polju klasične arheologije, uvek su u dijalektičkom odnosu: terenska praksa i tekstovi (kako oni koji prethode, tako i oni koji proističu iz iskopavanja) se međusobno prožimaju, potvrđuju i preoblikuju. Stoga, osim ključnih ličnosti ili institucija i tekstovi mogu imati autoritet koji se vremenom stiče, potvrđuje ili pak gubi. Pausanijin Opis Helade jedno je od dela koje je upisano u disciplinarne temelje klasične arheologije. Ovo delo uticalo je na pravce istaživanja na polju klasične arheologije Grčke, njihov obim i metodologiju, kao i konačnu interpretaciju. O uzajamnom prožimanju arheologije i Pausanijinog Opisa Helade najbolje govore iskopavanja u Olimpiji, koja su u ovome radu uzeta kao studija slučaja. S jedne strane, iz višegodišnjih temeljnih istraživanja, kojima je prethodila višedecenijska diplomatska borba za dozvolu za iskopavanja, proisteklo je bolje razumevanje Pausanijinog dela, dok je s druge, preoblikovana ne samo terenska praksa, nego i epistemološke osnove klasične arheologije. Cilj ovoga rada jeste da još jednom podseti na neodvojivost praktičnog i interpretativnog, odnosno na neodvojivost terenskog i kabinetskog rada u arheologiji.One of the key products of archaeological work, the clear disciplinary distinction separating it from amateur curiosity or lucrative treasure hunt, is the text. Not only it stands at the end of almost every archaeological endeavour, text in its various forms often presents the source of fieldwork: archaeological excavations are preceded by (repeated) reading of previously written landscape, either represented through old travelogues, or through recent reports from archaeological surveys. In short, fieldwork and text are dialectically linked: fieldwork practice and texts mutually intertwine, confirm and (re)shape one another. Therefore, along with “founding fathers” of the discipline, some texts may also posses authority – achieved over time, confirmed, or lost. Opposed to the authors and works of the classical canon, Pausanias and his Description of Greece were not of noble origins, that would secure the position of indisputable authority in the field of classical archaeology. Therefore the reputation of the author and his work was built – through confirmations and refutations – in the very landscape of Greece, primarily through archaeological fieldwork. During the 19th century Description of Greece served as a kind of travel guide for researchers to the long-abandoned sites and grand archaeological discoveries, such as Schliemann in Mycenae. The Erechteion in Athens is today known by the name given to the temple by Pausanias. His authority, built in the field of classical archaeology, spread out of the domain of the discipline: on the grounds of the data from the Description of Greece and the esteem of its author, the administration of the new independent Greek kingdom started changing the Slovene, Albanian, Turkish or Italian toponyms in its territory. The excavations at Olympia – the case-study presented here, speak most eloquently about the mutual intertwining of archaeology and Description of Greece. On the one side, the years-long excavations, enabled by the decades-long diplomatic struggle for the licence, deepened the understanding of the work of Pausanias, but on the other side, the fieldwork practice has also changed, as well as the epistemological foundations of classical archaeology. The aim of this paper is to point once more to the inseparable ties linking practical and interpretive aspects, i.e. fieldwork and study in archaeology

    Les antiquaires entre nature et culture

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    Uzеvši u оbzir znаtаn dоprinоs аntikvаrа u uspоstаvlјаnju disciplinаrnih оsnоvа аrhеоlоgiје, оvај rаd – krоz оsvrt nа оvо znаčајnо rаzdоblје u rаzvојu nаukе uоpštе, tе kоnkrеtnо nа rаd аntikvаrа – imа zа cilј dа ukаžе nа drugаčiје mоgućnоsti sаglеdаvаnjа prоšlоsti – prе svеgа vаn оkvirа pоpulаrnе dihоtоmiје аrtеfаkti-еkоfаkti – tо јеst dа pоnudi nаčin(е) prеvаzilаžеnjа јоš uvеk аktuеlnih pоdеlа unutаr disciplinе

    Biographies of Landscape through Marsigli's Biography

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    How to Write an Encyclopedia: L. F. Marsigli and his Network

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    L. F. Marsigli (1658–1730), a soldier, diplomat, and man of letters, spent the final decades of the 17th century in the lands of South-East Europe. Marsigli was a colonel of the Austrian troops in the Great Turkish War and the imperial commissioner in establishing the border after the Treaty of Karlowitz, but also the author of the most comprehensive book on South-East Europe of the time: it’s lands, people, history, flora and fauna, rivers etc. The aim of this paper is to show the ramified network L. F. Marsigli established in order to create his encyclopediac master-piece – Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus. The network which included people of all classes and faiths, of all ethnicities and positions: from members of Europe’s most renowned learned societies to local fishermen and shepherds

    Adnan Kaljanac. 2014. Historija arheologije. U potrazi za prošlošću. Sarajevo: Univerzitet u Sarajevu. 316 str.

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