133 research outputs found

    3D ultrasound and HD live of an ovarian mucinous cystadenoma

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    Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma is a benign tumor that arises from the surface epithelium of the ovary. We present a case of a bilateral mucinous adenoma in a 19 years old patient. The 2D ultrasound was used in combination with 3D and HD live images. The preoperative diagnosis according to ultrasound images was mucinous adenoma and the pathological report after surgery confirmed it. HD live is a novative ultrasound software which can improve the diagnosis

    The role of inner border sign and ridge sign in detecting high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

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    Background: The objectives of the study were to evaluate the role of two pathognomonic colposcopic signs (inner border sign and ridge sign) in detecting high-grade cervical lesions.Methods: A total of 122 patients with abnormal Pap smear who had colposcopy and biopsy or loop electrosurgical excision procedure were included. The correlations between the two signs pathognomonic signs (inner border, ridge sign) and pathological results were established. We also compared the two signs with Reid colposcopic index (RCI) in detecting high-grade cervical lesions.Results: Both pathognomonic signs proved to have a good accuracy in detecting high-grade lesions of the cervix. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for the inner border sign and ridge sign were: 15%, 98%, 92%, 44%, respectively, and 30%, 94%, 88%, 47%, respectively. RCI has a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) for predicting high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesions as follows: 86.3%, 83.6%, 88.7%, and 80.3%, respectively. The simultaneous presence of both signs increased the specificity and PPV to 100%, while sensitivity and NPV were 4% and 55%.Conclusions: Pathognomonic signs - inner sign and ridge sign- have a good specificity in predicting high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesions, but they are present in only 9.8%, respectively 20.5% of cases with high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesions

    Monitorizarea neurofiziologică intraoperatorie – Prima experienţă în Republica Moldova

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    Acest articol descrie o varietate de tehnici de monitorizare neurofi ziologică utilizate intraoperator în Institutul de Neurologie şi Neurochirurgie, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, din decembrie 2008. Pentru a efectua Monitorizare Neurofi ziologică Intraoperatorie (IOM) se utilizează sistemul ISIS, Stimulator Osiris (Inomed Co. Teningen, Germany). Monitorizarea neurofi ziologică intraoperatorie (Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring IOM) este utillizată pentru a minimaliza morbiditatea neurologică în urma manipulaţiilor neurochirurgicale. Scopul monitoringului este de a identifi ca modifi cările cerebrale, medulare şi a funcţiei nervilor periferice înainte ca aceste structuri să sufere leziuni ireversibile. IOM este, de asemenea, efi cientă în localizarea structurilor anatomice, inclusiv nervi periferici şi cortex senzoromotor, ceea ce va ghida neurochirurgul în timpul intervenţiei neurochirurgicale. Utilizarea monitorizării electrofi ziologice în sala de operaţii este destul de difi cilă, din cauza interferenţelor electromagnetice (provocate de prezenţa anumitor utilaje cum ar fi aparatele pentru monitorizarea funcţiilor vitale folosite în anestezie, coagulare bipolară etc.) şi utilizarea anestezicelor, care infl uenţează considerabil înregistrarea

    Efectul sinergic al obezității asupra sistemului limfatic

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    Catedra Histologie, citologie și embriologie , USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” Chișinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere Sistemul limfatic - deține un rol important în homeostazia fluidelor, transportarea macromoleculelor, reglarea și modelarea răspunsului imun. Scopul lucrării Studierea literaturii de specialitate referitoare la morfologie și modificări ale sistemului limfatic în obezitate. Materiale și metode Au fost analizate 20 articole din bazele de date Pubmed, CrossRef, folosind cuvintele de căutare „lymphatic vessels in obesity”, „lymphatics in adipose tissue”. Rezultate Examenul histopatologic al șoarecelui normostenic și a celui obez a pus în evidență faptul că disfuncția limfatică cauzată de obezitate sporește inflamația și depozitele de Adipocite. Concluzii Actualmente este demonstrată relația de interdependență între obezitate și disfuncție limfatică

    Effect of Dietary Extruded Linseed and Walnut Meal Mixture (8:1) on Performance and Plasma Protein Profile in Weaned Piglets

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    The effects of dietary extruded linseed (ELS):walnut meal (WM) mixture (8:1) on performance and plasma protein profile in weaned piglets was evaluated for 21 d. Topigs piglets (n=40; BW=8.02±0.82 kg), age 30±3 days, were allotted into 2 groups and fed 2 diets: control [C, based on corn-triticale-soybean meal (SBM)] and experimental (ELS:WM, where the ELS:WM mixture (8:1) partially replace SBM). Blood samples were collected at 7d and 21d after weaning. The plasma protein profile (total protein, total bilirubin, albumin, creatinine, uric acid, urea nitrogen-BUN) were determined by a chemistry analyser. Dietary ELS:WM mixture improve the BW (P=0.047) and ADG (P=0.036) of piglets at 21d after weaning vs C, whereas ADFI and F:G ratio were increase (P>0.05). The plasma protein profile of piglets fed dietary mixture was not affected at 7d and 21d after weaning, except plasma BUN concentration that was decrease (P=0.027) at 21d after weaning. Lower BUN concentration indicated higher availability of dietary nitrogen reflected in a higher deposition of protein. We concluded that dietary ELS:WM mixture improve piglets performance and positively afect plasma protein profile, especially BUN in weaning period

    Design and Development of a Remote-Control Test Bench for Remote Piloted Aircraft\u27s Brushless Motors

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    The present paper is focused on designing and manufacturing a remote-control test bench for RPA\u27s brushless motors. The main components of the testing bench (structural, mechanical and electric components) are presented, how they are coupled, and the operating principle. The test bench is characterized by five emergency systems, one manual and four automated emergency systems that can stop the test under different conditions to avoid damaging the motor. To validate the testing bench, a SK3-5045 660 kV electric motor was selected along with a carbon fibre reinforced composite propeller. It was experimentally demonstrated that the test bench was fully automated, there were measured the propulsion force, current intensity, voltage, but also the consumed power of a motor intended for an RPA. The test results were used to determine the motorization performance and power consumption of an RPA designed with four electric motors (quadcopter type)

    National guidelines for management of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesion : A survey of European Federation for Colposcopy members

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    Acknowledgements: Austria: Olaf Reich: Belgium: Wiebrin Tjalma; Croatia: Drazan Butorac; Cyprus: Dinos Mavromoustakis; Estonia: Terje Raud, Liis Kriisa; Finland: Maija Jakobsson;bFrance: Xavier Carcopino; Georgia: Tamar Alibegashvili; Germany: Jens Quaas Volkmar Kuppers, Greece: Georgios Michail; Hungary: Robert Koiss; Iceland: Kristjan Oddsson; Ireland: Grainne Flannelly; Israel: Efraim Siegler; Italy: Andrea Ciavattini; Kosovo: Mazllom Smajli; Latvia: Kristine Pcolkina; Lithuania: Kristina Jariene; Macedonia: Goran Dimitrov; Moldova: Uliana Tabuica; Norway: Amelie Tropé; Poland: Robert Jach; Portugal: Amélia Pedro; Romania: Mihaela Grigore Russia: Vera Prilepskaya; Serbia: Vesna Kesic; Slovenia: Spela Smrkolj ; Spain: Marta del Pino; Sweden: Björn Strander; Switzerland: André Kind, Brigitte Frey Tirri; The Netherlands: A.M.L.D. van Haaften-de Jong; Turkey: Murat Gultekin; U.K.: Pierre Martin-Hirsch; Ukraine: Nataliya VolodkoPeer reviewedPostprin

    Effects of the dietary millet (Panicum Miliaceum) on some quality characteristics of liver, Longissimus dorsi and Semitendinosus muscle on pigs

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of 25% millet (Panicum miliaceum) as replacement of triticale on some quality characteristics of pig meat. Forty pigs Topigs hybrid (initial body weight 13.58 ± 0.37 kg) used in the trial for 30 days were assigned into two dietary treatments: control diet (M) and experimental diet (E, with 25% millet that replaces triticale from M diet). The pigs were slaughtered (n=3/group) at 81 ± 3 days (final body weight 32 ± 4.5 kg). The samples were taken from the liver, Longissimus dorsi (LD) and Semitendinosus (ST) muscle and analyzed for: pH, colour and texture profile. The pH value of the liver and texture profile of all the tissue samples from E diet were not statistically different comparing to the M diet. Pigs fed E diet had a significantly increased value of redness a* in the liver (>17%) and in the ST (>45.5%) compared to M group. The liver yellowness b* was significantly higher (>53%) in the E group compared to the M group. For all tissue samples, the shear force was significantly affected in group E compared to the M group. In conclusion, the replacement of triticale with millet could be recommended for inclusion in pigs diets, without affecting pig meat quality

    Pediatric radiofrequency catheter ablation for supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias: a single center retrospective analysis

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    Cardiovascular Diseases Institute “Prof. Dr. George I. M. Georgescu”, Iasi, Romania, Pediatric Cardiology Clinic, “Saint Maria” University Hospital, Iasi, RomaniaIntroduction. In recent years radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) has become a standard of care treatment for children and young adults with supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias. The aim of this study is to evaluate the short-term follow-up of RFCA for ventricular and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias in the pediatric age group. Materials and methods. A total of 63 pediatric patients (mean age at the time of the procedure 12.9±6.7 years, weight 47.98±13.2 Kg), were referred for electrophysiologic study (EPS) and RFCA between April 2004 and April 2018. The electrophysiologic study was performed in a tertiary center using a modified simple technique with the right femoral approach and 2 catheters 5 and 6 French one for stimulation and one for mapping. Referral for the RFCA procedure was done according to the recent guidelines: Class I: WPW syndrome and recurrent and/or symptomatic SVT and age >5 years; WPW syndrome and palpitations with inducible sustained SVT during EPS, age >5 years; Class IIb: WPW syndrome and recurrent and/or symptomatic SVT and age <5 years. Results. A total of 68 EPS procedures were performed in 63 patients. Referral for WPW syndrome in 22 patients (34.9%), atrioventricular node reentry in 20 patients (31.7%), concealed accessory pathways in 8 patients (12.7%), atrial tachycardia in 3 patients (4.8%), atrial flutter in 1 patient (1.6%), permanent ventricular tachycardia was the reason RF ablation in 1 patient (1.6%), premature ventricular beats in 2 patients (3.2%). RFCA was performed under general sedation in 5 patients (7.9%), the rest of the procedures were under exclusively local anesthesia. RFCA success rate was 97.1%, with an arrhythmia recurrence rate of 5.9%. No complications occurred during procedures. In 1 patient (1.6%) with WPW syndrome the mechanical induced atrial fibrillation with hemodynamical compromise needed electrical shock therapy for rhythm control. Mean duration of RFCA was 103.7 min, with a mean radiation exposure time of about 10.5 min and a mean dose of about 1582 μGy/m². A three-dimensional mapping system was needed in 3 RFCA procedures. Conclusion. Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a safe and highly successful option of treatment for the supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias in pediatric patients. The use of the modified simple technique reduces the risk for major complications