25 research outputs found

    Tehnică alternativă de cosmetizare a grupului de dinți frontal superior (studiu pilot)

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    Background. A current topic in aesthetic dentistry is the cosmeticisation of aesthetic issues of the upper frontal teeth. Numerous solutions and methods have been proposed in this regard, exhibiting varying efficacy and prognosis while being inapplicable for every single clinical situation. Objective of the study. To develop an alternative technique for the cosmeticisation of the upper frontal dento-gingival composition in patients with aesthetic complaints. Material and Methods. The technique was developed on dental models, recreating the similarity in appearance and chromatic concordance of homologous teeth (shade guide, shade map). It was applied by direct technique (composites) in 16 patients with aesthetic complaints, assessing their self-perception of orofacial aesthetics (OES questionnaire) pre- (T1) and post-treatment (T2). Results. The impact of using the proposed technique in aesthetic rehabilitation was positively evaluated by the patients, with the following statistically significant improvements (p<0.01) in the the mean of the OES questionnaire items (T2 vs. T1): facial appearance from the frontal view (+15.7%), tooth alignment (+10.9%), tooth contour (+21.2%), tooth color (+26.7%), overall impression (+23.6%), total score (+30.4%). Conclusion. The proposed technique has demonstrated viability in cosmeticising aesthetic complaints of the upper frontal group of teeth, with potential for expansion and adaptation for complex clinical situations.Introducere. În stomatologia estetică este actuală cosmetizarea problemelor estetice la nivel de grup frontal superior, fiind propuse numeroase scheme și metode, însă cu eficacitate, pronostic variabil și neaplicabile pentru fiecare situație clinică. Scopul lucrării. Elaborarea unei tehnici alternative de cosmetizare a compoziției dento-gingivale frontale superioare la pacienții cu acuze estetice. Material și Metode. Tehnica a fost dezvoltată pe modele dentare, recreându- se similitudinea aspectului și concordanța cromatică a dinților omologi (cheia de culori, harta cromatică). La 16 pacienți cu acuze estetice, s-a aplicat tehnica prin metoda directă (compozite), cu evaluarea autopercepției esteticii orofaciale (chestionarul OES) pre- (T1) și post-tratament (T2). Rezultate. Impactul utilizării tehnicii propuse în reabilitarea estetică a fost evaluată pozitiv de către pacienți, fiind atestate următoarele ameliorări statistic semnificative (p<0.01) ale mediei itemilor chestionarului OES (T2 vs. T1): aspectul feței în plan frontal (+15.7 %), alinierea dinților (+10.9%), conturul dinților (+21.2%), culoarea (26.7%), impresia generală (+23.6%), scor total (+30.4%). Concluzii. Tehnica propusă a demonstrat viabilitatea în cosmetizarea acuzelor estetice a grupului frontal superior de dinți, având un potențial de extindere și adaptare pentru situații clinice complexe


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. În stomatologia estetică este actuală cosmetizarea problemelor estetice la nivel de grup frontal superior, fiind propuse numeroase scheme și metode, însă cu eficacitate, pronostic variabil și neaplicabile pentru fiecare situație clinică. Scopul lucrării. Elaborarea unei tehnici alternative de cosmetizare a compoziției dento-gingivale frontale superioare la pacienții cu acuze estetice. Material și Metode. Tehnica a fost dezvoltată pe modele dentare, recreându-se similitudinea aspectului și concordanța cromatică a dinților omologi (cheia de culori, harta cromatică). La 16 pacienți cu acuze estetice, s-a aplicat tehnica prin metoda directă (compozite), cu evaluarea autopercepției esteticii orofaciale (chestionarul OES) pre- (T1) și post-tratament (T2). Rezultate. Impactul utilizării tehnicii propuse în reabilitarea estetică a fost evaluată pozitiv de către pacienți, fiind atestate următoarele ameliorări statistic semnificative (p<0.01) ale mediei itemilor chestionarului OES (T2 vs. T1): aspectul feței în plan frontal (+15.7 %), alinierea dinților (+10.9%), conturul dinților (+21.2%), culoarea (26.7%), impresia generală (+23.6%), scor total (+30.4%). Concluzii. Tehnica propusă a demonstrat viabilitatea în cosmetizarea acuzelor estetice a grupului frontal superior de dinți, având un potențial de extindere și adaptare pentru situații clinice complexe.Background. A current topic in aesthetic dentistry is the cosmeticisation of aesthetic issues of the upper frontal teeth. Numerous solutions and methods have been proposed in this regard, exhibiting varying efficacy and prognosis while being inapplicable for every single clinical situation. Objective of the study. To develop an alternative technique for the cosmeticisation of the upper frontal dento-gingival composition in patients with aesthetic complaints. Material and Methods. The technique was developed on dental models, recreating the similarity in appearance and chromatic concordance of homologous teeth (shade guide, shade map). It was applied by direct technique (composites) in 16 patients with aesthetic complaints, assessing their self-perception of orofacial aesthetics (OES questionnaire) pre- (T1) and post-treatment (T2). Results. The impact of using the proposed technique in aesthetic rehabilitation was positively evaluated by the patients, with the following statistically significant improvements (p<0.01) in the the mean of the OES questionnaire items (T2 vs. T1): facial appearance from the frontal view (+15.7%), tooth alignment (+10.9%), tooth contour (+21.2%), tooth color (+26.7%), overall impression (+23.6%), total score (+30.4%). Conclusion. The proposed technique has demonstrated viability in cosmeticising aesthetic complaints of the upper frontal group of teeth, with potential for expansion and adaptation for complex clinical situations

    Teaching methods and tools used in the adults’ education

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    The conception concerning the adults' education, even also in defining the term, was always tributary to the social and individual needs during one period or another. Due to the rapid changes which have occurred on the labour market in the last decades, the adults' education has become an interest of the society, first due to the fact that the principle, „I learn today, I produce tomorrow”, has turned into „I learn today, I produce today”. These continuous changes have led to modifying the school position within the society, the school being forced to direct its attention not only upon the students but also upon the adults' education. In the adults' education, the main role is held by the capacity of learning achieved before, the type and reasons of learning and not the age as such. For the adults, school is correlated with work. The modernizing of the adults' educational activities has been made with practical-demonstrative methods which got a particular importance due to the use of the heuristics principles, the discovery of new ideas, significances or skills of major interest. The active participation in the one's own education represents the main course of these methods, this explains the strong extent they knew in the last years and the desire of those who organize courses for adults to know and use mainly such methods. The diversity of the methods used is very large, a part of them being used successfully also in the students' education, the most frequent being: debate, symposium, test and grids, examination, round-table, project, sharing of experience, industrial training, team-work, work with computer. The evaluation tools of the acquirements the adults gathered from their former experience, formally or informally, used successfully are: portfolio, teaching practice notebook, case study. The courses of training organized and the international projects carried on this theme in our school allowed us to apply successfully these methods and promulgate them

    A digital workflow in aesthetic crown lengthening procedures

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Erupția pasivă alterată apare din cauza suprapunerii gingiei peste smalțul dintelui. Aceste dizarmonii pot fi corectate printr-o operație de alungire coronară. Tehnologiile digitale care permit gingivectomia ghidată, cu sau fără îndepărtarea osului subiacent, pot ajuta clinicianul să obțină rezultatele predictibile. Scopul lucrării. Demonstrarea, prin intermediul unui caz clinic, a unui posibil flux de lucru digital în procedurile estetice de alungire a coroanelor clinice. Material și metode. Examenul pacientului a depistat coroane clinic scurte. A fost planificată o procedură de alungire coronară cu rezecție osoasă. Tomografia computerizată cu fascicul conic (CBCT), scanarea intraorală și imprimarea 3D au fost utilizate pentru a proiecta și imprima un ghid chirurgical, care a servit drept referință atât pentru gingivectomie, cât și pentru osteoectomie în timpul procedurii de alungire coronară ghidată. Rezultate. După 6 luni, pacientul a apreciat rezultatul estetic obținut drept satisfăcător, cu absența excesului gingival vizibil, o înălțime adecvată a coroanei și fără recurență a dizarmoniei. Concluzii. Fluxul de lucru digital propus poate fi implementat cu succes în cazul procedurilor estetice parodontale. Rezultatele previzibile, cu relații armonioase între formele și dimensiunile dentare și gingivale pot fi obținute cu ajutorul tehnologiilor digitale moderne.Background. Altered passive eruption occurs due to excessive gum overlapping the enamel. These cases can be handled with a crown lengthening surgery. Modern digital technologies enabling guided gingivectomy with or without removing the underlying supporting bone can help the clinician in achieving predictable and desired results. Objective of the study. To demonstrate a possible digital workflow in aesthetic crown lengthening procedures through a clinical case. Material and methods. The patient examination revealed the presence of short clinical crowns. A crown lengthening procedure with bone resection was planned. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), intraoral scanning, and 3D printing were used to design and print a single surgical guide that provided a reference for both gingivectomy and osteoectomy during the guided aesthetic crown lengthening procedure. Results. After 6 months, the patient assessed the aesthetic result as satisfactory, presenting with an absence of visible gingival excess, and adequate crown height, with no recurrence of disease. Conclusion. The proposed digital workflow can be successfully implemented in case of periodontal aesthetic procedures. Predictable results, harmonious relationship between dental and gingival shapes and dimensions can be achieved using modern digital technologies


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Aprecierea directă a plăcii dentare prezintă dificultăți, astfel se utilizează diferite metode adiționale pentru evidențierea depunerilor dentare (instrumentale, chimice, optice) cu diferit grad de utilitate clinică. De perspectivă în domeniu este investigarea acestei probleme prin intermediul aprecierii indirecte a fluorescenței emise de biofilmul dentar. Scopul lucrării. Compararea diferitor metode de apreciere cantitativă a plăcii bacteriene de diferită maturitate și grosime la pacienți stomatologici. Materiale și metode. În cadrul studiului au fost înrolați 16 voluntari cu placă dentară de diferită maturitate si grosime. În cadrul studiului pe serii de cazuri am evaluat comparativ 3 metode de apreciere a nivelului plăcii bacteriene: 1) metoda vizuală instrumentală; 2) relevatorii de placă; 3) cuantificarea fluorescenței plăcii dentare (QLF). Rezultate. Toate metodele analizate permit cuantificarea plăcii dentare, însă capacitatea de relevare la grosime/maturitate redusă diferă (relevatori > QLF > instrumental). Concluzii. Rezultatele studiului relevă că metodele QLF și relevatorii de placă sunt cele mai informative pentru aprecierea stării de igienă orală (plăcii bacteriene de diferită grosime și maturitate), QLF prezentând un avantaj adițional prin non-invazivitatea sa.Background. The direct assessment of dental plaque presents difficulties, so different additional methods are currently employed to highlight dental deposits (instrumental, chemical, optical) with varying degrees of clinical utility. Of potential utility is the investigation of this issue by means of the indirect assessment of the fluorescence emitted by the dental biofilm. Objective of the study. Comparison of different methods of quantitative assessment of bacterial plaque of different maturity and thickness in dental patients. Materials and methods. 16 volunteers with dental plaque of different maturity and thickness were enrolled in the study. In the case series study, we compared 3 methods of assessing the bacterial plaque level: 1) the visual instrumental method; 2) plaque disclosing agents; 3) quantification of dental plaque fluorescence (QLF). Results. All the analyzed methods can quantify the dental plaque, but the detection capacity in cases with reduced thickness/maturity differs (detectors > QLF > instrumental). Conclusion. The results of the study reveal that QLF technology and plaque disclosing agents are the most informative in assessing oral hygiene status (bacterial plaques of different thickness and maturity), QLF presenting an additional advantage through its non-invasiveness

    The effect of the treatments application of some bioactive substances on the productions obtained at the eggplants aubergines

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    Among the modern methods of the vegetable plants growing which take into account the production the production increase both regarding the quantitative aspect and the quality aspect one can find those of use of different chemical factors, among which the growth phytoregulators have great importance. This bioactive substance (matters) has a favorable effect as what concerns the vital processes of the vegetal organism .Within the experience one took into account view the investigated amino-acids are without exception at all the used substances and in all the used substances and in all stages of organo-genesis. For the proposed research, we have chosen two species, respectively Long Purple and Pana Corbului. The experience was divided into four variants and we applied the following treatments with bioactive substance: V!- reference sample untreated; V2- Atonik 0.05%; -V3- Revital 0.05%; - V4 Gibereline GA0.001%. During the experience we made observation and biometrical determinations concerning the fruits harvest at the technological maturity. The average of the early and total production obtained makes evident the benefic effect of the treatments applied with different bioactive substances through very significant differences and respectively significant at two between the experimental variants V2 (Atonik 0,05%) and V3(Revital 0,05%) in comparison with the reference sample variant both to Long Purple species and to Pana Corbului species. At the two species, the differences of production achieved at V4(Gibereline 0,001%) in comparison to the reference sample untreated were negative. We (Gibereline ( 0,001%) in comparison to the reference sample untread were negative. We must mention too the fact that the plants treated with the two bioactive substances, respectively Atonik0,05% and Revital 0,05% have become more resistant to illnesses and the climate conditions


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    Liver disease is an early complication in children with cystic fi brosis (CF).The clinical manifestations in hepatobiliary disease of CF include neonatal cholestasis, liver steatosis, liver fi brosis, biliary lithiasis, focal biliary cirrhosis and multilobular cirrhosis, with or without portal hypertension. Changes in the tests evaluating the liver function are inconsistent and are not correlated with the severity of the liver lesions. The diagnosis of liver disease in CF requires the presence of at least two of the following four diagnosis criteria:clinical manifestations, pathologic liver function tests, ultrasound and histologic changes.The annual follow-up to evaluate the liver function is s recommended for diagnosis of asymptomatic liver disease and early initiation of treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid.The improvement of the liver function infl uences life quality and increases the survival rate in patients with CF

    Researches regarding the minitubers production from potato lines

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    In this study was done researches about minitubers production from 14 potato lines studied: TS 12-1488-1574, TS 12- 1489-1574, TS 12-1497-1573, TS 11-1475-1633, TS 12-1502-1675, TS 11-1472-1633, TS 11-1468-1633, TS 09-1441- 1525, TS 11-1486-1642, TS 12-1501-1582, TS 11-1480-1633, TS 96 -1207-169, TS 11-1467-1633, TS 09-1442-1525. The experience was monofactorial, in which the analyzed factor was the genotype, consisted of 14 variants, divided into 3 repetitions. As a control, the average of the determined values was determined for each parameter taken in the study. The parameters analyzed were: minitubers number / plant and minitubers weight minitubers / pl. TS 12-1489-1574 potato line was the most representative, being a productive line, which was distinguished by a number of 11.83 minitubers / plant and a significantly positive difference of + 4.21 comparative with control taken in the study. Weight of minitubers / plant was influenced by genotype, proving superiority TS11-1468-1633 potato line which had a good capacity to produce minitubers with high weight (295.17 g) (and a distinct significant difference, positive, to control +114,83). Thus, this potato line has a high potential for producing high yields

    The Stigma of the Medical Personnel in Psychiatry

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    This research was structured as a descriptive study based on a questionnaire with seven questions, addressed to the medical personnel involved in the medical assistance of the patient with mental disorders (psychiatrists, family doctors, physicians from other specialties, psychologists). This study refers to the relationship medical team – psychiatric patient from the point of view of the health professionals. The main appreciation criteria refer to the lack of knowledge or minimizing the importance of patients’ rights, aspect that can influence the voluntary addressability of psychiatric patients to treatment and therapeutic success.The lot of this study had a number of 217 subjects from which are part psychiatrists, family doctors, physicians from other specialties and psychologists, who work in therapy centers and hospitals from the following counties: Iaşi, Botoşani, Suceava, Vaslui.</p