27 research outputs found


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    A New Global Energy Economy is emerging, in which energy demand and supply issues will make regions of the world much more dependent upon each other. International extensive energetic interdependence on energy resources and networks grows in the global economy. Some $22 trillion of investment in supply infrastructure is needed to meet projected global demand until 2030. Mobilising all this investment will be challenging. Adherence to these policies will ensure that the global energy investments materializes, the necessary infrastructure is built, and the lengthening worldwide energy supply chain operates in security. Strong global energy policy is needed to move the world into a more sustainable energy path.energy security, extensive energetic interdependency, global energy consumption, supply infrastructure

    Brief presentation of the wordl fossil energy market

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    The beginning of the third millennium brought the globalization of the worldwide energy market. The fossil fuels, especially petroleum resources are, generally, limited and concentrated in few regions and the world energy market becomes more and more dependent of some “key regions”: the Middle East, the Caspian Sea Region, Russian Federation-Siberia. The great consumers try to consolidate their position in the regions reach in energy resources. And this is happening while growing economies, such as China and India begin to dominate the global demand for energy and push higher the oil prices worldwide. World market energy consumption is projected to increase by 57 percent from 2004 to 2030. China and India together account for 45 percent of the increase of the energy demand.fossil fuels, reserves-to-production (r/p) ratio, producers, suppliers, consumption


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    A New Global Energy Economy is emerging, in which energy demand and supply issues will make regions of the world much more dependent upon each other. International extensive energetic interdependence on energy resources and networks grows in the global economy. Some $22 trillion of investment in supply infrastructure is needed to meet projected global demand until 2030. Mobilising all this investment will be challenging. Adherence to these policies will ensure that the global energy investments materializes, the necessary infrastructure is built, and the lengthening worldwide energy supply chain operates in security. Strong global energy policy is needed to move the world into a more sustainable energy path

    Brief presentation of the wordl fossil energy market

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    The beginning of the third millennium brought the globalization of the worldwide energy market. The fossil fuels, especially petroleum resources are, generally, limited and concentrated in few regions and the world energy market becomes more and more dependent of some “key regions”: the Middle East, the Caspian Sea Region, Russian Federation-Siberia. The great consumers try to consolidate their position in the regions reach in energy resources. And this is happening while growing economies, such as China and India begin to dominate the global demand for energy and push higher the oil prices worldwide. World market energy consumption is projected to increase by 57 percent from 2004 to 2030. China and India together account for 45 percent of the increase of the energy demand


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    The economic environment includes all factors that influence the economic capability of the company to compete and perform in its activity field. In this paper we analyzed, on a real company, the economic evolution correlated with the technical up-grade over the time and sales. A company does not function on its own, but in an environment, whether local, national or international. Competitiveness, from a profit viewpoint, is only a small part of what it really means and does not offer the certainty of a good long term evolution. There are other aspects that need to be taken into consideration. For that reason, we have taken a look over the context and the international trend in that particularly activity field. Our purpose has been to conclude whether the company has a general context approach or only a local one, baring that fact that the world trend affects local evolutions.technology, analysis, company, market, competitiveness

    Lymphopenia: A predictive marker of disease severity in COVID-19 infection

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    Background. With the latest COVID-19 deaths reported to WHO now exceeding 3.3 million, COVID-19 has developed into a milestone of our medical generation, causing disruption in communities and hospital services. With complications raging from respiratory failure to inflammatory complication and even thrombotic events, we wanted to establish if lymphopenia is a predictive marker of disease severity in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. Material and methods. 152 patients were included from 4 different departments of Colentina Clinical Hospital in this retrospective observational study beginning with July 2020 to March 2021. All of these patients were confirmed with COVID-19 by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction test for nasal and pharyngeal swab samples. As including criteria we have set the patients hospitalized confirmed with COVID-19, with at least 10 days of hospitalization. The data in demographic, basic clinical and laboratory characteristics and particular evolution was obtained from electronical medical records from each department involved in the study, by maintaining personal data confidentially. We set up criteria for lymphopenia as absolute lymphocyte count below 1.5 x 1000/µl, based on the laboratory reference values. The study group was divided into several groups: male and female, ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and non-ICU, deceased and released, lymphopenia at day 1 (day of admission to hospital) , lymphopenia at day 10 (10 days after hospital admission). Results. The age of the patients ranged from 17 to 92, with the median age of 57.62. Enrolled were 73 (47.4%) female patients and 79 (52.6%) male patients, with an ICU admission rate of 35.71% (55 patients), and a mortality rate of 21.43% (33 patients). Patients who have a severe form of COVID-19 and are admitted to the ICU for mechanical ventilation did not recover and died (p < 0.001). Male patients may have higher risk of requiring admission in ICU (p value = 0.357) and higher risk of death (p value = 0.241). Even in our small group of 152 patients, the elderly patients suffered a more severe form of the disease, which was reflected on the number of admission days (p = 0.07). In our specific population, based on the statistics, if we take the number of lymphocytes on the day of admission as the dependent factor, we can safely say that there is a statistically significant correlation between lymphopenia at day 1 and the ICU admission (p < 0.001) or death (p = 0.014). The number of lymphocytes following 10 days of admission is another prognostic marker as we can see from the results of statistic tests: there is a statistically significant correlation between lymphopenia at day 10 and the ICU admission (p < 0.001) or death (p < 0.001). Age is another predictive factor regarding the number of lymphocytes following 10 days of admission (r = -0.078 and p = 0.356). Conclusion. Lymphopenia is an easy-to-determine, efficient and reliable biomarker to establish the disease evolution in patients with COVID-19

    Breef overview of gestational diabetes mellitus

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    As obesity increases worldwide, so do the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and the related perinatal complications. Pancreatic β-cell secretion is altered by hormonal changes during pregnancy. It appears, however, that patients who develop gestational diabetes have pre-existing insulin resistance. However, there are other risk factors to be considered, such as obesity, age, ethnicity, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Screening for gestational diabetes is very important to avoid maternal and fetal complications. For most pregnant women, glycemic control is achieved through dietary and lifestyle changes, although a small percentage requires pharmacological treatment

    Pregnancy in the context of Multiple Sclerosis

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    Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune neurodegenerative disorder which affects brain, spinal cord and optic nerve. During last years the perception over the disease changed dramatically, now being considered a handleable disease. The particularity of this subject is that Multiple Sclerosis is a disease which affects mostly young women, many of them not having any children at the moment of diagnosis. This article highlights the fact that women diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis are allowed to get pregnant, and, moreover, they are encouraged to live a normal life. In most cases, disease activity freezes during pregnancy, only a small percentage of women will continue to have clinically and radiologically active disease. For those women, IFN-β and Glatiramer Acetate are the first-choice therapies that should be given. In cases when the disease is not responding to common medication, refractory to treatment forms may be successfully treated with Natalizuab, during the first and the second trimester. Breastfeeding is also encouraged, as it has a protective effect on disease progression. The main purpose of this article is to make a literature review in which to summarize the updates regarding pregnancy and postpartum management, relapses management and, also, the impact of pregnancy on Multiple Sclerosis course. The analysis was limited to articles written in English and published between August 2019 - October 2022 on PubMed, NCBI and Medical Journals

    Managing intrauterine growth restriction

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    The fetal growth normally depends on sufficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients mainly via the placenta. Inadequate fetal nutrition may result in poor development and adaptation that permanently alter the fetus' metabolism and physiology. Intrauterine Growth Restriction is defined as a deviation on the fetal growth pattern. An estimated fetal weight (EFW) that is below the 10th percentile for gestational age is commonly used to describe fetal growth restriction. Usually obtained sonographically, there is evidence that ultrasound imaging of the uterine artery, middle cerebral artery, and fetal umbilical artery during the late third-trimester (approximately 35-37 weeks) significantly improves the detection and diagnosis of IUGR. In obstetrics, an increased risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity is associated with the diagnosis of IUGR

    Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012

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