8 research outputs found
Data on indicators of soil functioning, vegetation attributes and a vegetation index (NDVI) obtained from satellite images of the ASTER sensor using data gathered in Stipa tenacissima steppes from Central Spain
Data on indicators of soil functioning, vegetation attributes and a vegetation index (NDVI) obtained from satellite images of the ASTER sensor using data gathered in Stipa tenacissima steppes from Central Spai
Quero et al 2013 Ecosystems
Quero et al 2013 Ecosystem
N availability in soils from Stipa tenacissima grasslands along an aridity gradient in the Mediterranean
Data on N availability in soils from Stipa tenacissima grasslands along a Mediterranean aridity gradient (from Spain to Tunisia). The database also includes information about other soil, plant and abiotic variables of the sites surveyed. All the units and information about the variables are included in the "Metadata" spreadsheet
Top eight best-fitting regression models, ranked according to their AICc value, are presented.
<p>AICc measures the relative goodness of fit of a given model; the lower its value, the more likely the model to be correct. Aridity, pH, plant-ax1 and organic C were included in these models. Bare = data from bare ground soils only, and Stipa = data from <i>Stipa tenacissima</i> soils only.</p
Relationships between total nitrogen (N) availability and aridity, pH, plant-ax1 (first component of a PCA including the cover of bare and plant microsites, average plant patch interdistance, area of plant patches and number of plant patches per 10 m of transect) and organic carbon for both <i>Stipa tenassicima</i> (STIPA) and Bare ground (BS) microsites.
<p>Every data point is the average of five replicated soil samples. Significance levels are as follows: *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001.</p
Relative importance of aridity, pH, organic C, and plant-ax1 (first component of a PCA including the cover of bare and plant microsites, average plant patch interdistance, area of plant patches and number of plant patches per 10 m of transect) variables as drivers of variations in N availability.
<p>Results are shown for: i) bare ground microsites, and ii) <i>Stipa tenacissima</i> microsites. The height of each bar is the sum of the Akaike weights of all models that included the predictor of interest, taking into account the number of models in which each predictor appears.</p
Structural equation models showing the direct and indirect effects of aridity and organic carbon on the total nitrogen availability for the <i>Stipa tenacissima</i> (STIPA) and bare ground (BARE SOIL) microsites.
<p>Continuous and dashed arrows indicate positive and negative relationships, respectively. Width of arrows is proportional to the strength of path coefficients. The proportion of variance explained (R<sup>2</sup>) appears above every response variable in the model. Goodness-of-fit statistics for each model are shown in the lower right corner. Significance levels are as follows: *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001.</p
Data and R code from "Grazing and ecosystem service delivery in global drylands"
There are two zip files with the data and R scripts used in the article "Grazing and ecosystem service delivery in global drylands".
The file "Main_Data_code.zip" contains the data and R code used in the main analyses of the paper. These data also include the location and major environmental characteristics of the plots surveyed.
The file "Livestock_data_code.zip" contains the data and R code used in the characterization and validation of grazing pressure levels (see Methods). Readme and metadata files including a description of the files, variables and units are provided.
All the methodological details can be found in the article.
Additional authors from the BIODESERT consortium not included in the author list (we reached the maximum number of authors allowed by figshare) include: Víctor Rolo, Juan G. Rubalcaba, Jan C. Ruppert, Ayman Salah, Max A. Schuchardt, Sedona Spann, Ilan Stavi, Colton R. A.Stephens, Anthony M. Swemmer, Alberto L. Teixido, Andrew D. Thomas, Heather L. Throop, Katja Tielbörger, Samantha Travers, James Val, Orsolya Valkó, Liesbeth van den Brink, Sergio Velasco Ayuso, Frederike Velbert, Wanyoike Wamiti, Deli Wang, Lixin Wang, Glenda M. Wardle, Laura Yahdjian, Eli Zaady, Yuanming Zhang and Xiaobing Zhou </p