64 research outputs found

    New symmetries for the Gravitational S-matrix

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    In [15] we proposed a generalization of the BMS group G which is a semidirect product of supertranslations and smooth diffeomorphisms of the conformal sphere. Although an extension of BMS, G is a symmetry group of asymptotically flat space times. By taking G as a candidate symmetry group of the quantum gravity S-matrix, we argued that the Ward identities associated to the generators of Diff(S^2) were equivalent to the Cachazo-Strominger subleading soft graviton theorem. Our argument however was based on a proposed definition of the Diff(S^2) charges which we could not derive from first principles as G does not have a well defined action on the radiative phase space of gravity. Here we fill this gap and provide a first principles derivation of the Diff(S^2) charges. The result of this paper, in conjunction with the results of [4, 15] prove that the leading and subleading soft theorems are equivalent to the Ward identities associated to G.Comment: 19 page

    Asymptotic symmetries of gravity and soft theorems for massive particles

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    The existing equivalence between (generalized) BMS Ward identities with leading and subleading soft graviton theorems is extended to the case where the scattering particles are massive scalars. By extending the action of generalized BMS group off null infinity at late times, we show that there is a natural action of such group not only on the radiative data at null infinity but also on the scattering data of the massive scalar field. This leads to a formulation of Ward identities associated to the generalized BMS group when the scattering states are massive scalars or massless gravitons and we show that these Ward identities are equivalent to the leading and subleading soft graviton theorems.Comment: 30 page

    Sub-subleading soft gravitons: New symmetries of quantum gravity?

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    Due to seminal works of Weinberg, Cachazo and Strominger we know that tree level quantum gravity amplitudes satisfy three factorization constraints. Building on previous works which relate two of these constraints to symmetries of quantum gravity at null infinity, we present rather strong evidence that the third constraint is also equivalent to a new set of symmetries of (perturbative) quantum gravity. Our analysis implies that the symmetry group of quantum gravity may be even richer than the BMS group (or infinite dimensional extension thereof) previously considered.Comment: 5 page

    Asymptotic symmetries of QED and Weinberg's soft photon theorem

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    Various equivalences between so-called soft theorems which constrain scattering amplitudes and Ward identities related to asymptotic symmetries have recently been established in gauge theories and gravity. So far these equivalences have been restricted to the case of massless matter fields, the reason being that the asymptotic symmetries are defined at null infinity. The restriction is however unnatural from the perspective of soft theorems which are insensitive to the masses of the external particles. In this work we remove the aforementioned restriction in the context of scalar QED. Inspired by the radiative phase space description of massless fields at null infinity, we introduce a manifold description of time-like infinity on which the asymptotic phase space for massive fields can be defined. The "angle dependent" large gauge transformations are shown to have a well defined action on this phase space, and the resulting Ward identities are found to be equivalent to Weinberg's soft photon theorem.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Loop Corrected Soft Photon Theorem as a Ward Identity

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    Recently Sahoo and Sen obtained a series of remarkable results concerning sub-leading soft photon and graviton theorems in four dimensions. Even though the S- matrix is infrared divergent, they have shown that the sub-leading soft theorems are well defined and exact statements in QED and perturbative Quantum Gravity. However unlike the well studied Cachazo-Strominger soft theorems in tree-level amplitudes, the new sub-leading soft expansion is at the order ln {\omega} (where {\omega} is the soft frequency) and the corresponding soft factors structurally show completely different properties then their tree-level counterparts. Whence it is natural to ask if these theorems are associated to asymptotic symmetries of the S-matrix. We consider this question in the context of sub-leading soft photon theorem in scalar QED and show that there are indeed an infinity of conservation laws whose Ward identities are equivalent to the loop-corrected soft photon theorem. This shows that in the case of four dimensional QED, the leading and sub-leading soft photon theorems are equivalent to Ward identities of (asymptotic) charges.Comment: 33 pages, no figure

    Asymptotic U(1)U(1) charges at spatial infinity

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    Large gauge symmetries in Minkowski spacetime are often studied in two distinct regimes: either at asymptotic (past or future) times or at spatial infinity. By working in harmonic gauge, we provide a unified description of large gauge symmetries (and their associated charges) that applies to both regimes. At spatial infinity the charges are conserved and interpolate between those defined at the asymptotic past and future. This explains the equality of asymptotic past and future charges, as recently proposed in connection with Weinberg's soft photon theorem.Comment: 23 page