93 research outputs found

    Giant deep lobe parotid tumor removal via total parotidectomy without mandibulotomy. A simple and safe technique

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    The transmandibular route is often combined with the transparotid-transcervical approach when extensive surgical field exposure is required, as in the case of deep parotid lobe tumors measuring over 4 cm in size. This procedure implies great morbidity an

    The effect of managing different types of work on open innovation: A micro-organizational perspective

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    [EN] Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the different types of work and to examine how they are related with open innovation, either by carrying out relationships with companies or external agents, or through the outsourcing of qualified and creative work. Design/methodology/approach After the theoretical analysis of the different types of work, the empirical study uses qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to analyze the different variables and their relations which favor open innovation. Findings The combination of the variables in the QCA makes it possible to obtain three paths among the characteristics of the qualified work and open innovation, with a positive empirical result. The general conclusion is that the motivation level of the qualified work is relevant for open innovation. Originality/value The originality and value of this paper consist in relating the internal efficiency in the work management with the effectiveness and success of open innovation.Peris-Ortiz, M.; Rueda Armengot, C.; Estelles Miguel, S. (2020). The effect of managing different types of work on open innovation: A micro-organizational perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 33(1):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-09-2018-0264S115331Andersen, T. J. (2000). Strategic planning, autonomous actions and corporate performance. Long Range Planning, 33(2), 184-200. doi:10.1016/s0024-6301(00)00028-5Andersen, T. J. (2004). Integrating the Strategy Formation Process: European Management Journal, 22(3), 263-272. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2004.04.008Andersen, T. J. (2004). Integrating Decentralized Strategy Making and Strategic Planning Processes in Dynamic Environments. Journal of Management Studies, 41(8), 1271-1299. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2004.00475.xBecker, B. E., & Huselid, M. A. 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    Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis and fungus ball development secondary to a dental root retained for more than 25 years. : a case report

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    The displacement of a dental root fragment into the maxillary sinus is a serious complication of tooth extraction that can give rise to maxillary sinusitis. The condition can become chronic if the intrasinusal foreign body is not promptly removed, and As

    Multivariable Supplier Segmentation in Sustainable Supply Chain Management

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    [EN] Pressure from stakeholders for sustainable development is forcing top management to reconsider its supply chain management. This form of sustainability must consider the risks, insecurities, and lack of proximity caused by any event on the global economy. Organizations must identify and manage the risks of every link in the chain, while pursuing sustainable development. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development must be the result of a deliberate and coordinated response by the entire organization. A suitable segmentation of suppliers allows development strategies to be prioritized. This article presents the steps that should be followed in supply chain management, the identification of risks, and the new leadership of purchasing management to develop a sustainable supply chain. To this end, some of the key industrial actions reported in the literature are outlined, and two case studies are presented to identify the steps for the segmentation and dynamic development of suppliers. This article provides reflections on the responsibilities of senior management in the new era of sustainable development and presents guidance on how to coordinate sustainable development in the supply chain.Rius-Sorolla, G.; Estelles Miguel, S.; Rueda Armengot, C. (2020). Multivariable Supplier Segmentation in Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Sustainability. 12(11):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114556S1161211rabieh, masood, babaee, leila, Fadaei Rafsanjani, abbASS, & Esmaeili, M. (2018). Sustainable Supplier Selection and Order Allocation: An Integrated Delphi Method, Fuzzy TOPSIS and Multi-Objective Programming Model. Scientia Iranica, 0(0), 0-0. doi:10.24200/sci.2018.5254.1176Joyce, A., & Paquin, R. L. (2016). 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    Multicentric recurrent parotid pleomorphic adenoma in a child

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    Mixed tumours of the parotid gland are rare in childhood and recurrence of this tumour is infrequent. Some authors report a higher rate of recurrence with some histological subtypes, like hypocellular variant. Female sex and young age at initial treatment are also risk factor for recurrence. Also the first surgical treatment, tumour enucleation or parotidectomy, has been implicated as a cause for recurrence. We present a case of a multicentric doubly recurrent parotid pleomorphic adenoma, 7 and 14 years after tumour enucleation, in a 9-year-old child. All the nodules resected showed the hypocellular variant of pleomorphic adenoma. We consider the relationships between the choice of treatment, the histologic subtypes of pleomorphic adenomas and multifocal tumours and recurrence. In this case, we believe the recurrence was related to surgical enucleation previously performed and the hypocellular histological subtype. We conclude that tumour enucleation is a risk factor for recurrence and total parotidectomy is the treatment of choice for pleomorphic parotid adenoma also in childhood

    Posterior Lingual Abscess; Report of Two Cases

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    The lingual abscess is rare due to several protective mechanisms against infection in this location. Concretely, the abscess in the base of the tongue (posterior lingual abscess) is even more exceptional. Its prompt detection is crucial to avoid potentially fatal airway complications. To familiarize physicians with this condition, we report 2 cases of posterior lingual abscess. Both were referred to our emergency department due to minor oropharyngeal complaints. Finally, both were diagnosed and required surgical drainage. The clinical evolution was successful: both were discharged in less than 72 hours and follow-up one week later confirmed clinical recover

    Axonemal Symmetry Break, a New Ultrastructural Diagnostic Tool for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia?

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    Diagnosis testing for primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) requires a combination of investigations that includes study of ciliary beat pattern by high-speed video-microscopy, genetic testing and assessment of the ciliary ultrastructure by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Historically, TEM was considered to be the 'gold standard' for the diagnosis of PCD. However, with the advances in molecular genetic techniques, an increasing number of PCD variants show normal ultrastructure and cannot be diagnosed by TEM. During ultrastructural assessment of ciliary biopsies of patients with suspicion of PCD, we observed an axonemal defect not previously described that affects peripheral doublets tilting. To further characterize this defect of unknown significance, we studied the ciliary axonemes by TEM from both PCD-confirmed patients and patients with other sino-pulmonary diseases. We detected peripheral doublets tilting in all the PCD patients, without any significant difference in the distribution of ciliary beat pattern or mutated gene. This defect was also present in those patients with normal ultrastructure PCD subtypes. We believe that the performance of axonemal asymmetry analysis would be helpful to enhance diagnosis of PCD

    Fallopian Canal Meningocele Causing Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhoea

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    Fallopian canal meningocele is an extremely rare cause of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea. Also, due to complex anatomical relations and a lack of experience, its management remains a challenge. Here we report a case focusing on its clinical course, radiological features, and management

    Malignant fibrohistiocytoma of the parotid region : report of a case

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    Most salivary gland tumors are benign, malignant lesions accounting for 15-30% of the total. The most frequent site of salivary gland neoplasms is the parotid gland (80% of all cases). We present a case of malignant fibrohistiocytoma with atypical features due to its location (in the parotid region), size and rapid growth. Generally, this type of tumor arises in the lower limbs and in the abdomen. When located in the parotid gland, these lesions appear as a firm, slow growing and painless mass. Due to the low frequency of such lesions and their clinical behavior, the imaging study and fine-needle aspiration biopsy findings tend to diagnose them as pleomorphic adenoma. The definitive diagnosis requires microscopic study of the resection piece using immunohistochemical techniques. The treatment of choice is surgery, occasionally associated to radiotherapy. The success of treatment is dependent upon complete resection of the tumor - long term follow-up being necessary due to the risk of recurrence or distant metastasis