39 research outputs found

    Nanoscale design of the local density of optical states

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    We propose a design concept for tailoring the local density of optical states (LDOS) in dielectric nanostructures, based on the phase distribution of the scattered optical fields induced by point-like emitters. First we demonstrate that the LDOS can be expressed in terms of a coherent summation of constructive and destructive contributions. By using an iterative approach, dielectric nanostructures can be designed to effectively remove the destructive terms. In this way, dielectric Mie resonators, featuring low LDOS for electric dipoles, can be reshaped to enable enhancements of 3 orders of magnitude. To demonstrate the generality of the method, we also design nanocavities that enhance the radiated power of a circular dipole, a quadrupole, and an arbitrary collection of coherent dipoles. Our concept provides a powerful tool for high-performance dielectric resonators and affords fundamental insights into lightmatter coupling at the nanoscale

    Dielectric nano-antennas for strain engineering in atomically thin two-dimensional semiconductors

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    Atomically thin two-dimensional semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) can withstand large levels of strain before their irreversible damage occurs. This unique property offers a promising route for control of the optical and electronic properties of TMDs, for instance by depositing them on nano-structured surfaces, where position-dependent strain can be produced on the nano-scale. Here, we demonstrate strain-induced modifications of the optical properties of mono- and bilayer TMD WSe2_2 placed on photonic nano-antennas made from gallium phosphide (GaP). Photoluminescence (PL) from the strained areas of the TMD layer is enhanced owing to the efficient coupling with the confined optical mode of the nano-antenna. Thus, by following the shift of the PL peak, we deduce the changes in the strain in WSe2_2 deposited on the nano-antennas of different radii. In agreement with the presented theory, strain up to ≈1.4%\approx 1.4 \% is observed for WSe2_2 monolayers. We also estimate that >3%>3\% strain is achieved in bilayers, accompanied with the emergence of a direct bandgap in this normally indirect-bandgap semiconductor. At cryogenic temperatures, we find evidence of the exciton confinement in the most strained nano-scale parts of the WSe2_2 layers, as also predicted by our theoretical model. Our results, of direct relevance for both dielectric and plasmonic nano-antennas, show that strain in atomically thin semiconductors can be used as an additional parameter for engineering light-matter interaction in nano-photonic devices

    Enhanced light-matter interaction in an atomically thin semiconductor coupled with dielectric nano-antennas

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    Unique structural and optical properties of atomically thin two-dimensional semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides enable in principle their efficient coupling to photonic cavities having the optical mode volume close to or below the diffraction limit. Recently, it has become possible to make all-dielectric nano-cavities with reduced mode volumes and negligible non-radiative losses. Here, we realise low-loss high-refractive-index dielectric gallium phosphide (GaP) nano-antennas with small mode volumes coupled to atomic mono- and bilayers of WSe2. We observe a photoluminescence enhancement exceeding 10(4) compared with WSe2 placed on planar GaP, and trace its origin to a combination of enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate, favourable modification of the photoluminescence directionality and enhanced optical excitation efficiency. A further effect of the coupling is observed in the photoluminescence polarisation dependence and in the Raman scattering signal enhancement exceeding 10(3). Our findings reveal dielectric nano-antennas as a promising platform for engineering light-matter coupling in two-dimensional semiconductors

    Graphene-black phosphorus printed photodetectors

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    Layered materials (LMs) produced by liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) can be used as building blocks for optoelectronic applications. However, when compared with mechanically exfoliated flakes, or films prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), LPE-based printed optoelectronic devices are limited by mobility, defects and trap states. Here, we present a scalable fabrication technique combining CVD with LPE LMs to overcome such limitations. We use black phosphorus inks, inkjet-printed on graphene on Si/SiO2, patterned by inkjet printing based lithography, and source and drain electrodes printed with an Ag ink, to prepare photodetectors (PDs). These have an external responsivity (R ext)∼337 A W−1 at 488 nm, and operate from visible (∼488 nm) to short-wave infrared (∼2.7 µm, R ext ∼ 48 mA W−1). We also use this approach to fabricate flexible PDs on polyester fabric, one of the most common used in textiles, achieving R ext ∼ 6 mA W−1 at 488 nm for an operating voltage of 1 V. Thus, our combination of scalable CVD and LPE techniques via inkjet printing is promising for wearable and flexible applications

    Graphene-perovskite fibre photodetectors

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    The integration of optoelectronic devices, such as transistors and photodetectors (PDs), into wearables and textiles is of great interest for applications such as healthcare and physiological monitoring. These require flexible/wearable systems adaptable to body motions, thus materials conformable to non-planar surfaces, and able to maintain performance under mechanical distortions. Here, we prepare fibre PDs combining rolled graphene layers and photoactive perovskites. Conductive fibres (∼\sim500Ω\Omega/cm) are made by rolling single layer graphene (SLG) around silica fibres, followed by deposition of a dielectric layer (Al2_{2}O3_{3} and parylene C), another rolled SLG as channel, and perovskite as photoactive component. The resulting gate-tunable PDs have response time∼\sim5ms, with an external responsivity∼\sim22kA/W at 488nm for 1V bias. The external responsivity is two orders of magnitude higher and the response time one order of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art wearable fibre based PDs. Under bending at 4mm radius, up to∼\sim80\% photocurrent is maintained. Washability tests show∼\sim72\% of initial photocurrent after 30 cycles, promising for wearable applications

    All-dielectric silicon nanoslots for Er3+ photoluminescence enhancement

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    We study, both experimentally and theoretically, the modification of Er 3 + photoluminescence properties in Si dielectric nanoslots. The ultrathin nanoslot (down to 5-nm thickness), filled with Er in Si O 2 , boosts the electric and magnetic local density of states via coherent near-field interaction. We report an experimental 20-fold enhancement of the radiative decay rate with negligible losses. Moreover, via modifying the geometry of the all-dielectric nanoslot, the outcoupling of the emitted radiation to the far field can be strongly improved, without affecting the strong decay-rate enhancement given by the nanoslot structure. Indeed, for a periodic square array of slotted nanopillars an almost one-order-of-magnitude-higher Er 3 + PL intensity is measured with respect to the unpatterned structures. This has a direct impact on the design of more efficient CMOS-compatible light sources operating at telecom wavelengths

    A Simultaneous Equation Model of Globalization, Corruption, Democracy, Human Development and Social Progress

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    This study builds a simultaneous equation model that establishes inter-connections among the measures of globalization, measures of democracy, human development, corruption perception index and per capita income, which in turn jointly influence social progress. The model has eleven equations in which the response variables and the predictor variables are log-linearly related. The empirical data used for estimation of the model pertain to the period 2006-2016 for 116 countries distributed over all the continents. The model has been estimated by the conventional Two-Stage Least Squares (2-SLS) and alternatively by a modified 2-SLS in which, at the second stage, Shapley value regression has been used to ameliorate the detrimental effects of collinearity among the predictor variables. It has been found that the modified 2-SLS outperforms the conventional 2-SLS. Empirically, it has been established that globalization, democracy, human development and low level of corruption are reinforcing each other and they together explain social progress quite well

    Intervalley scattering by acoustic phonons in two-dimensional MoS2 revealed by double-resonance Raman spectroscopy

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    Double-resonance Raman scattering is a sensitive probe to study the electron-phonon scattering pathways in crystals. For semiconducting two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides, the double-resonance Raman process involves different valleys and phonons in the Brillouin zone, and it has not yet been fully understood. Here we present a multiple energy excitation Raman study in conjunction with density functional theory calculations that unveil the double-resonance Raman scattering process in monolayer and bulk MoS2. Results show that the frequency of some Raman features shifts when changing the excitation energy, and first-principle simulations confirm that such bands arise from distinct acoustic phonons, connecting different valley states. The double-resonance Raman process is affected by the indirect-to-direct bandgap transition, and a comparison of results in monolayer and bulk allows the assignment of each Raman feature near the M or K points of the Brillouin zone. Our work highlights the underlying physics of intervalley scattering of electrons by acoustic phonons, which is essential for valley depolarization in MoS2

    Probing individual point defects in graphene via near-field Raman scattering

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    We demonstrate the capability of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy to probe individual point defects in graphene.</p