16 research outputs found

    Creaci贸 art铆stica mitjan莽ant t猫cniques de vida artificial

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    En el context del 25猫 aniversari d'Ars Electronica, Christa Sommerer i Laurent Mignonneau donen un cop d'ull als darrers vint-i-cinc anys de desenvolupament del Media Art, i aprofiten l'oportunitat per a valorar com ha evolucionat el Media Art i cap a on hauria de dirigir-se en el futur. Les seves reflexions desvetllen interrogants i preocupacions pel que fa al futur de la nostra privadesa, els nostres sentiments i la nostra relaci贸 amb la natura en l'evoluci贸 de la tecnologia i l'art en la societat. En les seves investigacions, Christa i Laurent experimenten amb noves maneres de comunicaci贸 de la informaci贸 i comunicaci贸 de sentiments entre persones. En les seves obres d'art apliquen principis cient铆fics en instal路lacions interactives i creen interf铆cies intu茂tives i naturals. Entrevistats per Pau Alsina, professor dels Estudis d'Humanitats de la UOC, a Ars Electronica 2004. Enregistrat per Pau Waelder (Artactiva). Vull veure el v铆deo de l'entrevista [YouTube - 13 min

    Creaci贸 art铆stica mitjan莽ant t猫cniques de vida artificial

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    Life Spacies y Life Spacies II : modelar sistemas complejos para arte interactivo

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    Peer reviewedBas谩ndonos en la idea de que la interacci贸n y la comunicaci贸n entre entidades de un sistema son las fuerzas que impulsan la aparici贸n de estructuras m谩s complejas y elevadas en la vida, proponemos aplicar principios de la teor铆a de sistemas complejos a la creaci贸n de obras de arte interactivas, generadas por ordenador y basadas en la participaci贸n del p煤blico, y comprobar si la complejidad puede surgir en un sistema artificial generado por ordenador.Basant-nos en la idea que la interacci贸 i la comunicaci贸 entre entitats d'un sistema s贸n les forces que impulsen l'aparici贸 d'estructures m茅s complexes i elevades en la vida, proposem aplicar principis de la teoria de sistemes complexos a la creaci贸 d'obres d'art interactives, generades per ordinador i basades en la participaci贸 del p煤blic, i comprovar si la complexitat pot sorgir en un sistema artificial generat per ordinador.Based on the idea that interaction and communication between entities of a system are the driving forces behind the emergence of higher and more complex structures in life, we propose applying the principles of complex system theory to the creation of interactive, computer-generated and audience-participatory artwork and testing whether complexity within an artificial computer-generated system can emerge

    Life Spacies i Life Spacies II: modelar sistemes complexos per a art interactiu

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    Basant-nos en la idea que la interacci贸 i la comunicaci贸 entre entitats d'un sistema s贸n les forces que impulsen l'aparici贸 d'estructures m茅s complexes i elevades en la vida, proposem aplicar principis de la teoria de sistemes complexos a la creaci贸 d'obres d'art interactives, generades per ordinador i basades en la participaci贸 del p煤blic, i comprovar si la complexitat pot sorgir en un sistema artificial generat per ordinador

    Living Poetry

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    Living Poetry

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    We introduce three of our interactive artworks that translate text into artificial creatures or creatures into text by means of user interaction. These installations make use of experimental literature, media archaeology, surrealism, artificial life, and algorithmic methods. </jats:p

    Dance and Not Dance

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    PICO_SCAN - using body data to create artificial life forms

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    Artificial Life as a field of research attempts to synthesize life in silico by using computers to create virtual life. By definition life and artificial life should display the following characteristics: self-organization, metabolization, self-reproduction, and adaptive evolution. Until now, most Artificial Life inspired artworks have created artificial characters or creatures that display some kind of behavior but do not really feature all of the above characteristics. The modeling of artificial evolution is a major challenge in Artificial Life research as well as for Artificial Life artworks. In the past we have developed several interactive computer art systems that use artificial life principles in combination with user-machine interaction. [1] The underlying aim of these systems is to study the application of Artificial Life principles to the creation of selfsustaining and evolving interactive artworks. The interaction of the audience with these works has a significant impact on the evolution of the works; by linking the interaction parameters of the users&apos; interactions to the evolutionary software structure of the system, we aim to create artworks that can interpret and visualize the users&apos; interaction with these works and furthermore enable adaptive evolution within the works