122 research outputs found

    Phase polymorphism of [Ni(DMSO)6](CIO4)2[Ni(DMSO)_{6}](CIO_{4})_{2} studied by differential scanning calorimetry

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    Six solid phases of [Ni(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 have been detected by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The five phase transitions were detected between the following solid phases: metastable KIII ↔ undercooled K0 at TC5 = 326 K, stable KIb → stable KIa at TC4 = 350 K, metastable KII ↔ undercooled KI at TC3 = 353 K, stable KIa → stable KI at TC2 = 365 K and stable KI → stable K0 at TC1 = 380 K. At Tm2 = 459 K the title compound partially dissolves in DMSO, which arises from the decomposition of [Ni(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 to [Ni(DMSO)5](ClO4)2, and at Tm1 = 526 K created in this way a substance which completely melts. From the entropy changes at the melting point and at phase transitions it can be concluded that the phases K0 and undercooled K0 are orientationally dynamically disordered crystals. The stable phases KI, KIa, KIb and the metastable phases KII and KIII are more or less ordered solids.</jats:p

    Phase polymorphism of [Mn(DMSO)6](ClO4)2[Mn(DMSO)_6](ClO_4)_2 studied by differential scanning calorimetry

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    Six solid phases of [Mn(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 have been detected by differential scanning calorimetry. The phase transitions were found between the following solid phases: stable KIc ↔ stable KIb at TC5 = 225 K, metastable KIII ↔ metastable KII at TC4 = 322 K, stable KIb → stable KIa at TC3 = 365 K, metastable KII↔overcooled K0 at TC2 = 376 K and stable KIa→stable K0 at TC1 = 379 K. The title compound melts at Tm = 488 K

    Warsztaty przyrodnicze i ich rola w rozbudzaniu zainteresowań przyrodniczych dzieci i uczniów

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    Development of science interests is one of many elements of the daily teachers' work at school. Finding out interesting forms of working with school students and their proper application at school allows for increasing science interests and to achieve many didactic aims. One of many of such proposals is an informal teaching which can be carried out while students participate in the various workshops, out of school meetings or science fairs.Rozwijanie zainteresowań przyrodniczych ucznia jest jednym z podstawowych elementów codziennej pracy nauczyciela. Poszukiwanie interesujących rozwiązań dydaktycznych i ich umiejętne oraz właściwe zastosowanie w procesie nauczania-uczenia się pozwala pobudzać i rozwijać te zainteresowania, jak również osiągnąć wiele celów dydaktycznych tego procesu. Jedną z takich propozycji jest nieformalne nauczanie w trakcie różnorodnych spotkań warsztatowych, zajęć pozalekcyjnych czy też aktywnego uczestnictwa w festiwalach nauki

    Thermal properties of polycrystalline [Mn(NH3)6](ClO4)2[Mn(NH_{3})_{6}](ClO_{4})_{2} : crystal structure and phase transitions

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    The X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) pattern of [Mn(NH 3 ) 6 ](ClO 4 ) 2 at room temperature can be indexed in the regular (cubic) system (Fm 3m space group) with lattice cell parameter a = 11.5729 A ̊ and with four mole- cules per unit cell. The XRPD pattern at 100 K is evidently different, and it indicates lowering of the crystal structure. One phase transition at T h C1 = 143.5 K (on heating) and at T c C1 = 137.6 K (on cooling) was detected by DSC for [Mn(NH 3 ) 6 ](ClO 4 ) 2 in the range of 120–300 K. The fol- lowing thermodynamic parameters for phase I $ phase II transition were obtained: D H = 3.1 ± 0.2 kJ mol - 1 and D S = 21.6 ± 0.3 J mol - 1 K - 1 . The large value of entropy changes ( D S ) indicates considerable configurational disor- der in the high temperature phase. The presence of 5.9 K hysteresis of the phase transition temperature at T C and sharpness of the heat flow anomaly attest that the detected phase transition is of the first-order type. Appearing of the two new bands (splitting of d s (HNH) F 1u mode) in FT-MIR spectra at the vicinity of 1200 cm - 1 suggests that the phase transition undergoes a change of the crystal structure

    Phase Polymorphism of [Mn(DMSO) 6 ](ClO 4 ) 2 Studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry

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    Six solid phases of [Mn(DMSO) 6 ](ClO 4 ) 2 have been detected by differential scanning calorimetry. The phase transitions were found between the following solid phases: stable KIc ↔ stable KIb at T C5 = 225 K, metastable KIII ↔ metastable KII at T C4 = 322 K, stable KIb → stable KIa at T C3 = 365 K, metastable KII ↔ overcooled K0 at T C2 = 376 K and stable KIa → stable K0 at T C1 = 379 K. The title compound melts at T m = 488 K

    Influence of sulpiride treatment on the level of prolactin and immunoglobulins in the peripheral blood of mares during the postpartum period

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of increased levels of prolactin (PRL) on the concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood, colostrum and milk of mares. The study was conducted on 12 mares of the Polish Pony breed (6 in the control and 6 in the experimental group). To induce hyperprolactinaemia in mares of the experimental group, 750 mg sulpiride was administered orally once a day. The initial PRL concentration was 52.22 ± 11.21 ng/ml in the control group and 49.39 ± 10.12 ng/ml in the experimental group. In the subsequent days, the concentration of PRL dynamically changed. Statistical analysis showed highly significant differences (P < 0.01) between the groups. The concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood plasma was at the same level during the experimental period (32.97–29.08 mg/ml in the experimental group and 28.60–18.11 mg/ml in the control group). Statistical analysis showed highly significant differences between the groups in blood plasma immunoglobulin level (P < 0.01). The highest immunoglobulin concentration was obtained within 12 h after parturition in the control and the experimental group (23.49 ± 2.12 mg/ml and 26.94 ±1.72 mg/ml, respectively). The lowest values were obtained on day 12 after parturition in the experimental group (10.15 mg/ml ± 1.47 mg/ml) and on day 7 after parturition in the control group (14.30 mg/ml ± 2.48 mg/ml). In conclusion, this study did not provide evidence that the lactogenic hormone prolactin is involved in the transfer of immunoglobulins into the colostrum in horses