23 research outputs found

    Fundamental Motor Skills in Identifying Differences in Performance level between Students and Athletes Ages 10-12 years

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    Fundamental motor skills that are developed during childhood are considered to be the building blocks for sport-specific movement patterns and are typically the focus of physical development programs for children, to develop gross motor skills from early childhood. Specifically, it has been shown that within a sport-specific environment, fundamental motor skills can separate children with potential for sport success. This is because gross motor skills underpin the development of the more specific sport skills that will likely be required for future sport success.The study aimed to assess fundamental motor skills in identifying differences in performance levels between students and athletes aged 10-12 years living in Albania, and further examine the indicators obtained in order to study how these two groups of children compare to each other. The data gathered through this study are indispensable in revealing the level of obesity, physical and technical capacities and identifying talented athletes. 641 students coming from the primary and secondary school systems and 410 athletes were subjected to standard anthropometric measurements (weight/height/BMI), standard physical fitness tests (push-up, abdominal press high jump, long jump, horizontal stretch, 30m dash, shuttle run 112 m) and technical measurements (Bridling, passing boll, Moving in defence and shooting) Based on BMI standards for students and athletes of this age group, it can be observed that athletes demonstrate a growth in body mass, even the physical fitness and technical indicators tested  speak for a bigger development of athletes . Therefore, testing procedures should be expanded from only subjective measures of players’ abilities and objective tests of specific conditioning capacities to the objective assessments of technical capacities connected to the motor skills of individuals. This could then be used to select children at an age when the goal is to identify those talented in basketball

    Managerial Culture in Sports Organizations in Kosovo as a Factor in the Integration in International Sports Associations

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    This topic is relevant due to the lack of systematic research and knowledge about leadership, management and the organizational culture in sport organizations in Kosovo after their integration in international sport organizations. The interest in studying organizational structures resides in the relationship between organizational design and other organizational phenomena like performance, distribution of power, or control systems. While there is plenty of literature on organizational structure studying different types of organizations, little is written in books and journals on the specific field of sport organizations in Kosovo. The object of research is the organizational culture and management of sport institutions in Kosovo. The subject of research is the impact of integration processes in the international sport organisations in the, regulatory and administrative changes on the organizational culture of the sport institutions environment in Kosovo. Tasks of the study: • To analyze the existing knowledge on the subject which is completely missing and to formulate questions that should be given a scientifically sound answer; • To adapt the method of measuring and evaluating the type of organizational culture (Cameron and Quinn) to the conditions of sport organizations in Kosovo; • To develop and implement the methodology for diagnosing organizational culture in the sport organizations in Kosovo; • To conduct empirical research and to obtain new knowledge of the organizational culture in the sport organizations in Kosovo. • To assess the state of the organizational environment in the sport organizations in Kosovo and its influence on organizational culture; • To formulate conclusions and recommendations for forming and maintaining the desired profile of organizational culture that is necessary for the successful functioning of the Universities in Prishtina. The working hypothesis of the study is that there is still enough space to implement a new leadership style in sports organizations in Kosovo in order to achieve a higher efficiency within those institutions. The methodology of the study is based on the known method of evaluating and measuring organizational culture given by Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn and which has proved effective. The main methods used are: questionnaires, interviews, study of documents, observation and statistical processing of data obtained and provide reliable scientific results. Besides these methods, cultural anthropological interpretations, systematic description, expert analysis and benchmarking are also used. The final research product is new knowledge about the sport organizations environment in Kosovo and a profile of their organizational culture that can serve as a basis for management decisions

    Comparative analysis of motoric abilities between two groups of football referees from Kosovo

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    The aim of this research is to define the difference between two groups of football referees from Kosovo; 15 referees from Super league and 15 referees from First league, based on some motoric abilities. Referees have been tested on these motor abilities; 6x40m running, 7x150m running and 7x50m walking. Equipment and standard procedures are used during the test. In each of these motor abilities are counted central, basic and distribution parameters; arithmetical average, standard deviation, minimal rate, maximal rate, and distribution parameters (Skewness, Kortosis). In order to prove the difference between those two groups of referees is applied T-test analysis. The level of significance was set (


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    The working-experimentation, treats young basketball players aged 15-16 years (boys and girls), who in addition to attending classes, physical education and sport in schools they practice basketball in Pristina. The working-experiment contains a total of 7 morphological variables and four tests of basic motor skills and seven variables are situational motor abilities. In this research, it applied methods of t-test between morphological variables and basic motor skills and specific. Experimentation in question includes the number of 70 entities of both sexes; the group of 35 boys and the other group consist of 35 girls who have undergone the tests provided for this experiment.  Article visualizations

    The impact of kineziological treatment of plyometric type in the development of motor and specific motor skills in handball

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    The survey includes a total of 30 young- junior handball players from the Municipality of Gjilan, Kosovo. Handball Club "Drita" is used as an experimental group and the Handball Club "Zhegra" as a controlling group. The assessment of basic and specific motoric skills of the experimental group was done in two time periods, first one before kinesiological treatment and after the kinesiological treatment with plyometric exercises as an additional program with 2 exercises per week. The purpose of this research was to validate the impact of the 3 months training process with plyometric exercises, on some motoric and specific motoric variables responsible for achieving success in the handball game. The sample of variables is composed of 9 basic motoric variables and 2 specific motoric variables. The t-test for the dependent variable shows that the differences gained in all motoric and specific variables after kinezoiologic treatment with plyometric exercises (besides variables running at 30 meters from the high start and foot taping) are statistically significant. The results obtained after their processing show that kineziologic treatment with additional plyometric exercises has influenced the increase of basic and specific motoric skills

    The differences in motoric basic and situational motoric tests to young basketball players

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    In this study-experiment are treated 14-15 years old young basketball players includes 66 entities of males (33 are active while 33 are not active), who are subjected to certain tests from the trainer, who besides learning process exercise basketball in different basketball schools in the city of Prishtina. The experiment includes 10 variables, 5 from those variables are from the basic motor performance and 5 other variables are from situational skills. The data was analyzed by mathematical statistical package, SPPS program, version 23.0 for windows. Scientific research is done in the composition of the motoric basic and motoric situational tests. The processing of results is done by T-test for independent entities. First purpose of this study- experimentation, is to conclude the presentation of changes in some features and basic and situational motor skills at basketball players aged 14-15 years. The second purpose of this study will be defined, certification of variables on some basic and situational motor skills at young basketball players. Through this experiment are observed changes in motor space, movements in situational tests which are in favor of the group with active basketball players


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the anthropometric measurement to the professional players of the three different disciplines of basketball, handball and volleyball. . For each player anthropometric measurements such as weight, body height, waist circumference, BMI and skinfold calculation on different sports are performed. Differences in terms of anthropometric measurements were assessed by independent static tests and the differences for each variable for each sport were evaluated with the ANOVA method with the Post Hoc test. As a conclusion in this study, the results of this study showed that the anthropometric measurements of professional players of the three main sports varied among them, while there were no significant differences between sports for the measurement of biceps and suprailliac fat. According to this study, sports have different demands on anthropometric attributes, which are specific to each professional player of three basketball, volleyball and handball sports. Therefore, for this variety of outcomes, coaches need to create training programs according to the sport's specifications and every sportsman in the field.  Article visualizations

    Stature and Its Estimation Utilizing Arm Span Measurements of both gender Adolescents from Ferizaj Region in Kosovo

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    This study is based on measurements of Ferizaj region Kosovan adolescents. The aim of this study was to examine the stature of adolescents from Ferizaj region as well relationship between arm span and stature in both genders. A total measured subject participated in this research was 174 out of which (79 girls and 95 boys), females average of age is 18.36±0.50 years old (range 18-20 years) and for male 18.40±0.55 years old (range 18-20 years).The anthropometric measurements were done by trained people and were taken according to the ISAK manual. Relationship between stature and arm span has been analyzed by the simple correlation coefficient at a 95% confidence interval. The linear regression analysis was carried out to examine extent to which arm span can reliably predict of stature. Statistical importance was placed at level

    Impact of physicial activity with programmed intensity in body composition

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    Physical activity is a very important regulator of body mass, a more natural way of consuming energy which, according to the lifestyle of today, has become very limited. Due to this fact, this research was intended to validate the influence of cyclically-programmed intensity physical activity on some body components. The sample for the purpose of this research included 25 women aged 20-30 who willingly admitted to be part of this research. These variables of body components have been applied: Body weight (WEIG), Body fat (BOFA), Muscle mass (MUMA), Body mass index (BMI) and Visceral fat level (VIFA).For the evaluation of body components, the bioelectric device Tanita BC-60 (Segmental Body Composition Monitor) was used. The women's group included in the research as an experimental group has undergone a 3-month training program with physical activity with programmed intensity of 50-70% of the heart rate. For the assessment of the difference between two dependent groups in arithmetical averages, the t-testing (Paired Sample T-Test) has been applied. Results obtained after statistical processing show that cyclic physical activity with programmed intensity (50-70%) three times a week for one hour had a positive effect on body fat tissue reduction for 17.79%,

    Effect of the cardio respirator activity in the frame of the benefit in some biochemical parameters

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    The study was intended to determine changes in lipid and blood glucose levels prior to and after the application of the cardio-respiratory program. Twenty-five 20-30 year old women have been tested and willingly admitted to be part of this research. At the beginning and after the completion of the cardiovascular program these biochemical parameters were determined in the sample of the testes: Glucose in the blood (GLBL), Lipoproteins High-density lipoprotein in the blood (HDLBL), Lipoproteins Low-density lipoprotein in the blood (LDLBL) , Triglycerides in the blood (TGBL). After determining the biochemical values at the beginning of the survey, the subjects were subjected to a quarterly cardio-respiratory program with a total of 36 sessions of 60 minutes. The cardio-respiratory program has included running at 50-70% intensity. For the calculation of the results obtained from the measurements of biochemical values, the basic statistical parameters have been calculated. For the assessment of the difference between two dependent groups in arithmetical means, the t-testing (Paired Sample T-Test) has been applied. The results obtained after statistical processing show that the 50-70% intensity quarterly cardio-respiratory program has had a significant effect on the normalization of lipid and blood glucose levels