4 research outputs found

    First Record: a Stem and Bulb Plant Parasitic Nematode at Garlic Area Centre Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia with Species Reference to Ditylenchus Dipsaci

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    A survey to investigate the stem and bulb plant parasitic nematode at one of garlic area centre, in Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia was conducted from Januaryto February 2018. Infected plant with specific symptoms, morphological and morphometric characters both of female and male of adult nematodes were used to describe a A1 quarantine plant parasitic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci. Seven from nine observed locations were postively infected with population in average 2.67 nematodes per 100 g of soil and 2.67–189.33 per bulb. This is the first report of D. dipsaci from Indonesia and consequently further investigations were needed to know their distribution and also to confirm the origin of the nematode. IntisariSurvei keberadaan nematoda parasit batang dan umbi dilakukan pada bulan Januari–Februari 2018 pada satu sentra penangkaran bawang putih di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Tanaman terinfeksi dengan gejala serangan yang spesifik, karakter morfologi dan morfometri nematoda betina dan jantan dewasa dipergunakan dalam identifikasi Ditylenchus dipsaci yang merupakan nematoda parasit tanaman yang termasuk OPTK A1 (Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Karantina A1) di Indonesia. Sebanyak tujuh dari sembilan lokasi yang diamati mengindikasikan positif sebagai daerah sebaran nematoda tersebut dengan populasi rata-rata 2,67 ekor per 100 gram tanah dan 2,67–189,33 nematoda per umbi. Laporan pertama tentang nematoda D. dipsaci ini membawa konsekuensi perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui daerah sebaran dan juga konfirmasi dari mana nematoda tersebut berasal

    First Record: A Stem and Bulb Plant Parasitic Nematode at Garlic Area Centre Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia with Species Reference to Ditylenchus dipsaci

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    A survey to investigate the stem and bulb plant parasitic nematode at one of garlic area centre, in Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia was conducted  from Januaryto February 2018. Infected plant with specific symptoms, morphological and morphometric characters both of female and male of adult nematodes were used  to describe  a A1 quarantine plant parasitic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci. Seven from nine observed locations were postively infected with population in average 2.67 nematodes per 100 g of soil and 2.67–189.33 per bulb. This is the first report of D. dipsaci from Indonesia and  consequently further investigations were needed to know their distribution and also to confirm the origin of the nematode.   Intisari Survei keberadaan nematoda parasit batang dan umbi dilakukan pada bulan Januari–Februari 2018 pada satu sentra penangkaran bawang putih di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Tanaman terinfeksi dengan gejala serangan yang spesifik, karakter morfologi dan morfometri nematoda betina dan jantan dewasa dipergunakan dalam identifikasi Ditylenchus dipsaci yang merupakan nematoda parasit tanaman yang termasuk OPTK A1 (Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Karantina A1) di Indonesia. Sebanyak tujuh dari sembilan lokasi yang diamati mengindikasikan positif sebagai daerah sebaran nematoda tersebut dengan populasi rata-rata 2,67 ekor per 100 gram tanah dan 2,67–189,33 nematoda per umbi. Laporan pertama tentang nematoda D. dipsaci ini membawa konsekuensi perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui daerah sebaran dan juga konfirmasi dari mana nematoda tersebut berasal

    Pengembangan Desa Jomboran sebagai Desa Agrowisata Mandiri Melalui Model Pembanguna Karakter, Model Tetrapreneur, dan Pemetaan Potensi Desa Berbasis Pertanian

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    ABSTRACT Jomboran, one of the villages located in Klaten Tengah, Klaten, Central Java. Jomboran Village is an economical strategic area as it is close to the administrative center of Klaten. Jomboran Village with its potentials can be developed as a tourist village based on agriculture combined with the uniqueness of environmental conditions and cultural wealth of the community.The Jomboran village development method is carried out through three stages: identification of potential and mapping of areas, especially agricultural land; institutional programs and village financial institutions; and village tourism branding program.The programs that have been implemented are the improvement of community motivation through workshop with the theme "Building Powerful Character Towards Jomboran Tourist Village"; training the basics of business to potential community groups to improve the village economy; agricultural extension and technical guidance to farmer group members; Exhibition of the Creative Economy of Featured Products Jomboran, and the initiation of tropical fruit garden as an educational park.Through the UGM Guided Village Program, the potentials of Jomboran village can be synergized into attractive village tour package and have market opportunities.  Keywords: agrotourism; community quality; institutional; tetrapreneur; village

    Exploration of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Organic Rice Field in Sleman Regency

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    Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), consisting of genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis are biological agents proven effective in killing insect pests. Organic rice fields and sandy soil textures are potential areas for exploring the presence of EPNs. This research aims to determine the diversity of genera and populations of entomopathogenic nematodes in organic rice fields in Sleman Regency. The study was conducted on organic rice fields and the UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Plant Protection Laboratory from July – August 2023. EPNs were obtained from Prambanan Sleman and Ngemplak Sleman, with six plots as sample units in every location. EPNs were isolated from soil samples by using Tenebri molitor larvae. The Whitehead tray method was used to isolate EPNs from the dead larvae, and the population of EPNs was counted. EPNs were identified based on the symptoms of color changes on the cuticle and morphological characters. The result showed that the cuticles of T. molitor larvae that died were blackish brown in Prambanan and Ngaliyan isolates, referred to Steinernema genera. EPNs were found in Prambanan_6, Ngaliyan_1, and Ngaliyan_2. The highest population of EPNs was on Ngaliyan_1 (38,00 EPNs/ml), and the lowest was on Prambanan_6 (2,13 EPNs/ml). Based on the morphological characters of EPNs, on the Prambanan_4, Ngaliyan_1, and Ngaliyan_2, EPNs were identified as Steinernema spp. The characteristics of Steinernema in the infective juvenile stage found are: slender body, anterior end slightly rounded and fused with the body, cylindrical stoma, no second cuticular sheath, not annulated, and conoid tail