44 research outputs found
Pendidikan, Globalisasi, dan Akhlak
Globali ation has started. People all over the worlddepend on each other in allaspects, such as cultural, economic,and political aspects. In the cultural aspect, inparticular, the cultural boundaries have blurred. This era is a challenge for the fieldof education. For that reason, this article tries to emphasi e the importance of moralvalues as the main concern in the educational process. To preparehuman beingswho possess moral values in the globali ation era, educational institutions still playimportant roles although they are not the ones. All segments in society, mainlyfamilies,must prepare human sources with moral integrity. In reality, educationalinstitutions have double roles; on the one hand, theymust prepare learners withgood personality, and on the other, they must prepare learners to be competitive inthe dynamics ofthe global world s challeng
Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di Pesantren Krapyak YOGYAKARTA
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pengajaran akhlak dalam pembentukan karakter siswa (santri) dan cara penanaman ajaran Islam yang diduga sesuai dengan budaya dan nilai-nilai yang ingin dikembangkan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah Pesantren Krapyak Yogyakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, interviu, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola pengajaran di Pesantren Krapyak ini, baik secara formal maupun non-formal, semua mengarah kepada pembekalan santri atau siswa untuk memiliki akhlak Islami sesuai dengan nilai-nilai budaya yang pada dasarnya ingin dikembangkan di Indonesia. Materi yang terdapat dalam kitab kuning yang digunakan sebagai rujukan diketahui penuh dengan ajaran akhlak yang mulia atau karakter yang baik. Karakter disiplin, kerja keras, kebersamaan, kesederhanaan, kesabaran, toleransi, dan moderat adalah bagian dari ajaran kitab kuning dan tradisi yang telah berkembang di Pesantren Krapya
Integrasi Dan Interkoneksi Studi Hukum Islam Dengan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
Integrasi dan interkoneksi merupakan solusi atas problem tekstualitas studi hukum Islam karenanya perlu diarahkan pada pengembangan metode penemuan dan penyimpulan hukum Islam berbasis analisis normative-cum-empiris. Artinya, analisis tekstual metode penemuan hukum Islam klasik harus dihubungkan sedemikian rupa dengan analisis faktual historis, baik itu mencakup sosiologi, politik, ekonomi, antropologi, psikologi dan sebagainya. Integrasi dan interkoneksi studi hukum Islam dan ilmu-imu sosial berupaya merekonstruksi suatu cara pemahaman baru pada wilayah yang sama sekali belum terdapat nash-hukumnya. Integrasi dan interkoneksi studi hukum Islam dan ilmu-ilmu sosial mengandaikan pengakuan epistemologi hukum Islam sehingga hukum Islam tidak hanya dapat diderivasi atas dasar-dasar analisis tekstual semata
The Education of the National Character of Pancasila in Secondary School Based on Pesantren
This study is aimed at describing (1) Pancasila-based character education in pesantren-based secondary schools, (2) the strategy employed by teachers in developing Pancasila-based character education, and (3) the obstacles faced by teachers in developing Pancasila-based character education. This research was descriptive in natureby employing qualitative approach. Research subjects were principals and teachers of Civic Education in several pesantren-based secondary schoolsin Yogyakarta Special Region. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The collected data were analysed inductively.The results show that (1) the Pancasila-based character education is developed through the policy made by the principals and the teachers who developed the learning program, (2) the teacher's strategy in developing Pancasila-based character educationis conducted by integrating intra and extracurricular programs, and (3) the obstacles faced by teachers in developing Pancasila-based character education are related to the fact that not all teachers are able to integrate Islamic values developed in pesantrento the values embodied in Pancasila in teaching and learning process
This study aims to (1) determine the level of academic procrastination in students at SMA Negeri 5 Makassar (2) to determine the learning outcomes of students at SMA Negeri 5 Makassar (3) to determine the effect of academic procrastination on student learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 5 Makassar. This type of research uses the expost facto method where academic procrastination is the independent variable and learning outcomes are the dependent variable. The total population in this study was 936 students and the sample taken was 91 students. The research instrument used in this research is a questionnaire (questionnaire) and documentation. The processing and analysis techniques used are descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Based on the results of processing academic procrastination variables, it can be concluded that academic procrastination has a significant effect on student learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education and Budi Pekerti lessons. For students at SMA Negeri 5 Makassar in order to improve learning outcomes by reducing the habit of academic procrastination (the habit of procrastinating), and increasing achievement motivation so that they dare to face tasks with full responsibility
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis mplementasiĀ kebijakan retribusi persampahan/kebersihanĀ diĀ Kota Tanjungbalai dan mengetahui tanggapan masyarakat terhadap implementasi kebijakan pemungutan retribusi persampahan/kebersihanĀ diĀ Kota Tanjungbalai. Sampel diambil sebanyak 43 orang pegawai pada Dinas Kebersihan dan Pasar Kota Tanjungbalai dan 50 orang masyarakat wajib retribusi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriftif dengan tabel tunggal dan frekuensi.Ā Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kota Tanjungbalai Nomor 7 Tahun 2009 Tentang Retribusi Pelayanan Persampahan/Kebersihan pada Dinas Kebersihan dan Pasar Kota Tanjungbalai yang dilihat dari aspek komunikasi, sumber-sumber, kecenderungan-kecenderungan dan struktur birokrasi belum berjalan secara efektif. Belum efektifnya implementasi kebijakan tersebut disebabkan karena keterbatasan sumber-sumber yang ada baik sumberdaya manusia, keuangan maupun sarana dan prasarana yang ada. Sistem pengelolaan sampah di Kota Tanjungbalai masih mempunyai kelemahan-kelemahan yaitu : peraturan hukum yang belum terlaksana dengan baik, organisasi dan SDM pengelolaan sampah masih perlu dibenahi, teknik dan Operasional masih dijalankan dengan model lama/tradisonal sehingga perlu dikembangkan model yang lebih maju dan pembiayaan/dana yang berasal dari masyarakat masih belum optimal sehinggga perlu digalakkan kembali partisipasi masyarakat dalam membayar retribusi kebersihan. Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan hukum pada masyarakat melalui media yang lebih menarik untuk mensosialisasikan mengenai hak dan kewajiban warga, larangan, sanksi dan lain sebagainya. Untuk penegakan hukum, Dinas terkait dapat membuat satuan tugas untuk melakukan tindakan penegakan hukum (law enforcement) dalam masalah persampahan, sehingga masyarakat akan mendapat contoh dan patuh pada apa yang telah diatur dalam peraturan.</p
The Quality of Physic Nut(jatropha Curcas L.) Seeds Packed in Plastic Material During Storage
The effect of storage duration on fungal population, moisture content, lipid and free fatty acid contents, lipase activity, viability and vigor of physic nut seeds was investigated. Physic nut seeds with initial moisture content of 7.9% were stored in plastic bags under warehouse conditions. Samples of physic nut were collected before storage, and subsequently after one to six months of storage. The results showed that the moisture contents increased after one month of storage, and became relatively constant up to six months of storage. The range of moisture contents (7.9 ā 8.4%) was safe for storage of physic nut seeds. Sixteen fungal species were isolated from physic nut seeds during six months of storage. Fungal population decreased with the increase of storage duration. At the beginning of storage, most of the fungi that infected the seeds were classified as field fungi, such as Colletotrichum sp., Cladosporium spp., and Fusarium spp.. Their populations decreased with the increase of storage duration. After three months of storage, the existence of field fungi was generally replaced by storage fungi, such as Aspergillus spp., and Penicillium spp. dominate the population. Lipid contents, viabilities and vigors decreased with the increase of storage duration, while free fatty acids and lipase activities increased. Under uncontrolled condiĀtions, physic nut seeds packed in plastic material can be stored up to one month for seeds to be planted, while it can be stored up to five months for producing oil
Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi dan Latar Belakang Sosial terhadap Kewirausahaan Dikalangan Mahasiswa (Studi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto)
Berdasarkan temuan dari Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi (P2E) LIPI, angkapengangguran di Indonesia pada 2009 mencapai 9 persen atau berkisar 10 juta orang.Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran dari lingkungan perguruan tinggi adalah dengan memberikan kewirausahaan bagi para mahasiswa. Baumaseppe (2001) menyatakan bahwa sangat masuk akal bagi mahasiswa dengan berbagai atribut yang dimilikinya untuk berpola pikir sebagai seorang wirausahawan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kecerdasan emosi dan latar belakang sosial terhadap kewirausahaan pada mahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. Pengambilan sample dengan cara purposive sampling dengan kriteria sampel adalah mahasiswa aktifis organisasi. Hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa variabel kecerdasan emosi serta latar belakang sosial mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan kewirausahaan yang ditunjukkan dengan koefisien korelasi yang masingmasingsebesar 0,656 dan 0,433 dengan level significan (P)= 0.000 (P<0.001).Kata Kunci: Kecerdasan Emosi, Latar Belakang Sosial, Kewirausahaa
Bioprospecting of Bacterial Symbiont of Tunicate Didemnum Molle From Sambangan, Karimunjawa Islands
Coral reef is a productive ecosystem with high biodiversity in the sea and being targeted to find a useful bioactive compound. However, the serious problem in development of bioactive compounds from marine invertebrate is the supply problem, because to get a small amounts of active compounds a massive numbers of sea organisms are needed. Tunicate is an animal in coral reef ecosystem that produces many bioactive compounds with pharmacological activities, such as, antibacterial, antitumor, and anticancer compounds. It has been reported that bacterial symbionts of coral reef invertebrates may synthesize the same compounds as the host. The purposes of this research are to isolate and to identify microbes which have antibacterial activity against MDR bacteria based PCR 16S rRNA and to detect the existence of PKS and NRPS biosynthetic gene fragments from tunicate bacteria of Didemnum molle. Out of 15 bacterial isolates, one isolate showed antibacterial potential against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. Molecular identification result showed that TS2A5 bacterium has a homology of 99 % with Virgibacillus sp. strain GSP17 16S ribosomal RNA gene. This isolate was also capable of amplifying NRPS gene fragment