5 research outputs found

    The Amsterdam Open MRI Collection, a set of multimodal MRI datasets for individual difference analyses

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    We present the Amsterdam Open MRI Collection (AOMIC): three datasets with multimodal (3 T) MRI data including structural (T1-weighted), diffusion-weighted, and (resting-state and task-based) functional BOLD MRI data, as well as detailed demographics and psychometric variables from a large set of healthy participants (N = 928, N = 226, and N = 216). Notably, task-based fMRI was collected during various robust paradigms (targeting naturalistic vision, emotion perception, working memory, face perception, cognitive conflict and control, and response inhibition) for which extensively annotated event-files are available. For each dataset and data modality, we provide the data in both raw and preprocessed form (both compliant with the Brain Imaging Data Structure), which were subjected to extensive (automated and manual) quality control. All data is publicly available from the OpenNeuro data sharing platform

    Noncoding subgenomic flavivirus RNA is processed by the mosquito RNA interference machinery and determines West Nile virus transmission by Culex pipiens mosquitoes

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    Flaviviruses, such as Zika virus, yellow fever virus, dengue virus, and West Nile virus (WNV), are a serious concern for human health. Flaviviruses produce an abundant noncoding subgenomic flavivirus RNA (sfRNA) in infected cells. sfRNA results from stalling of the host 5=-3= exoribonuclease XRN1/Pacman on conserved RNA structures in the 3= untranslated region (UTR) of the viral genomic RNA. sfRNA production is conserved in insect-specific, mosquito-borne, and tick-borne flaviviruses and flaviviruses with no known vector, suggesting a pivotal role for sfRNA in the flavivirus life cycle. Here, we investigated the function of sfRNA during WNV infection of Culex pipiens mosquitoes and evaluated its role in determining vector competence. An sfRNA1- deficient WNV was generated that displayed growth kinetics similar to those of wild-type WNV in both RNA interference (RNAi)-competent and -compromised mosquito cell lines. Small-RNA deep sequencing of WNV-infected mosquitoes indicated an active small interfering RNA (siRNA)-based antiviral response for both the wild-type and sfRNA1-deficient viruses. Additionally, we provide the first evidence that sfRNA is an RNAi substrate in vivo. Two reproducible small-RNA hot spots within the 3= UTR/sfRNA of the wild-type virus mapped to RNA stem-loops SL-III and 3= SL, which stick out of the three-dimensional (3D) sfRNA structure model. Importantly, we demonstrate that sfRNA-deficient WNV displays significantly decreased infection and transmission rates in vivo when administered via the blood meal. Finally, we show that transmission and infection rates are not affected by sfRNA after intrathoracic injection, thereby identifying sfRNA as a key driver to overcome the mosquito midgut infection barrier. This is the first report to describe a key biological function of sfRNA for flavivirus infection of the arthropod vector, providing an explanation for the strict conservation of sfRNA production

    Wereldstedelingen : bijdragen over burgerschap uit de lectoraten van de Haagse Hogeschool/TH Rijswijk

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    Om de Haagse Hogeschool/TH Rijswijk en haar lectoren middels een boekje te presenteren, is daarom gekozen voor een typisch 'Haags' thema, namelijk 'burgerschap'; de ontwikkelingen, mogelijkheden, vraagstukken en oplossingen in de relatie tussen mensen en hun omgeving, hun overheid, in een grote stad als Den Haag. Alle lectoren is gevraagd een hoofdstuk te schrijven over dit thema. Het resultaat is bijeengebracht in deze bundel. De bijdragen zijn zeer uiteenlopend van karakter: variërend van columns of essays tot begripsmatige en theoretische beschouwingen of empirisch onderzoek. zij zijn geschreven als illustratie voor een breed publiek van datgene waarmee onze lectoren zich bezighouden: een illustratie, hoe sterk de Haagse Hogeschool/TH Rijswijk in open verbinding staat met de ontwikkelingen in haar omgeving