1,018 research outputs found

    Feminists really do count : the complexity of feminist methodologies

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    We are delighted to be presenting this special issue on the topic of feminism and quantitative methods. We believe that such an issue is exceptionally timely. This is not simply because of ongoing debates around quantification within the field of feminism and women‟s studies. It is also because of debates within the wider research community about the development of appropriate methodologies that take account of new technological and philosophical concerns and are fit-for-purpose for researching contemporary social, philosophical, cultural and global issues. Two areas serve as exemplars in this respect and both speak to these combined wider social science and specifically feminist methodological concerns. The first is the increasing concern amongst social scientists with how the complexity of social life can be captured and analysed. Within feminism, this can be seen in debates about intersectionality that recognise the concerns arising from multiple social positions/divisions and associated power issues. As Denis (2008: 688) comments in respect of intersectional analysis „The challenge of integrating multiple, concurrent, yet often contradictory social locations into analyses of power relations has been issued. Theorising to accomplish this end is evolving, and we are struggling to develop effective methodological tools in order to marry theorising with necessary complex analyses of empirical data.‟ Secondly, new techniques and new data sources are now coming on line. This includes work in the UK of the ESRC National Data Strategy which has been setting out the priorities for the development of research data resources both within and across the boundaries of the social sciences. This will facilitate historical, longitudinal, interdisciplinary and mixed methodological research. And it may be the case that these developments facilitate the achievement of a longstanding feminist aim not simply for interdisciplinarity but for transdisciplinarity in epistemological and methodological terms

    Money Demand: Theory, Evidence, Results

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    This article critically reviews the economic literature on money demand, stressing empirical results obtained for Chile. The first part of the paper briefly discusses the main analytical approaches to model the demand for money from a historical perspective. Then the role of money is analyzed from the perspective of macroeconomic general-equilibrium theories. This review focuses on five canonical models: money in the utility function, transaction costs, cash in advance, search, and overlapping generations. Finally the paper surveys applied research on money demand, focusing on the empirical counterpart of theoretical models presented in the analytical section (variable selection, specification, and estimation techniques) and the empirical results of 26 studies on money demand in Chile undertaken between 1960 and 2000.

    Relevansi Kajian Hukum Adat : Kasus Perkawinan Anak dari Masa ke Masa

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    Although the prevalence of child marriage in Indonesia is still high, adat law studies on child marriage have not received as much attention as land-related studies. This research concerning a century of political debate on child marriage proves that child marriage can only be understood if examined from the perspective of the dynamic relationship between national law, religious law, and adat law. A comparison between the results of an antrophological case study on West Java (Sundanese and Islam) and a historical case study on North Sumatra (Toba Batak and Christian) shows that the legal culture of the community and the role of religious leaders are important determinants of the acceptance or rejection of child marriage. IntisariMeskipun prevalensi perkawinan anak di Indonesia masih tinggi, studi hukum adat terhadap perkawinan anak belum mendapat perhatian sebesar studi terkait tanah. Penelitian tentang satu abad debat politik tentang perkawinan anak ini membuktikan bahwa perkawinan anak hanya dapat dipahami bila diteliti dari sudut dinamika antara hukum negara, hukum agama dan hukum adat. Perbandingan studi kasus penelitian antropologi di Jawa Barat (suku Sunda, Islam) dan studi kasus sejarah di Sumatra Utara (suku Batak Toba, Kristen) menunjukkan bahwa budaya hukum masyarakat dan peran pemimpin agama adalah faktor penting penentu penerimaan atau penolakaan perkawinan anak

    Creation and manipulation of Feshbach resonances with radio-frequency radiation

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    We present a simple technique for studying collisions of ultracold atoms in the presence of a magnetic field and radio-frequency radiation (rf). Resonant control of scattering properties can be achieved by using rf to couple a colliding pair of atoms to a bound state. We show, using the example of 6Li, that in some ranges of rf frequency and magnetic field this can be done without giving rise to losses. We also show that halo molecules of large spatial extent require much less rf power than deeply bound states. Another way to exert resonant control is with a set of rf-coupled bound states, linked to the colliding pair through the molecular interactions that give rise to magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances. This was recently demonstrated for 87Rb [Kaufman et al., Phys. Rev. A 80:050701(R), 2009]. We examine the underlying atomic and molecular physics which made this possible. Lastly, we consider the control that may be exerted over atomic collisions by placing atoms in superpositions of Zeeman states, and suggest that it could be useful where small changes in scattering length are required. We suggest other species for which rf and magnetic field control could together provide a useful tuning mechanism.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Observation of Feshbach-like resonances in collisions between ultracold molecules

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    We observe magnetically tuned collision resonances for ultracold Cs2 molecules stored in a CO2-laser trap. By magnetically levitating the molecules against gravity, we precisely measure their magnetic moment. We find an avoided level crossing which allows us to transfer the molecules into another state. In the new state, two Feshbach-like collision resonances show up as strong inelastic loss features. We interpret these resonances as being induced by Cs4 bound states near the molecular scattering continuum. The tunability of the interactions between molecules opens up novel applications such as controlled chemical reactions and synthesis of ultracold complex molecules

    Looking at Chile’s Economic Dvelopment From an International Perspective

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    This paper examines the relative position of Chile through time and compared with other emerging and industrial economies, using various economic development indicators, particularly over the past two decades. It provides a descriptive analysis, without exploring causalities or testing hypotheses on the economic growth of the country, but it reveals the strengths and weaknesses that serve as the base for growth policy discussion. The comparison of economic development indicators shows that Chile is comparatively strong in macroeconomic stability, commercial and financial integration, quality of institutions, and in the progress of other structural reforms that are manifested in its well-developed capital market and private sector involvement in production. However, when it comes to quality of education, technological innovation efforts, infrastructure quality and quantity, and some social indicators, its performance is poor.

    Feshbach spectroscopy and analysis of the interaction potentials of ultracold sodium

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    We have studied magnetic Feshbach resonances in an ultracold sample of Na prepared in the absolute hyperfine ground state. We report on the observation of three s-, eight d-, and three g-wave Feshbach resonances, including a more precise determination of two known s-wave resonances, and one s-wave resonance at a magnetic field exceeding 200mT. Using a coupled-channels calculation we have improved the sodium ground-state potentials by taking into account these new experimental data, and derived values for the scattering lengths. In addition, a description of the molecular states leading to the Feshbach resonances in terms of the asymptotic-bound-state model is presented.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Collisional and molecular spectroscopy in an ultracold Bose-Bose mixture

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    The route toward a Bose-Einstein condensate of dipolar molecules requires the ability to efficiently associate dimers of different chemical species and transfer them to the stable rovibrational ground state. Here, we report on recent spectroscopic measurements of two weakly bound molecular levels and newly observed narrow d-wave Feshbach resonances. The data are used to improve the collisional model for the Bose-Bose mixture 41K87Rb, among the most promising candidates to create a molecular dipolar BEC.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    The Social Origins of the Sexual Division of Labour

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    Since the rise of positivism and functionalism as the dominant school of thought amongst western social scientists in the 1920s, the search for the origins of unequal and hierarchical relationships in society in general, and the asymmetric division of labour between men and women in particular, has been tabooed
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