28 research outputs found

    Many-body localization caused by temporal disorder

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    The many-body localization (MBL) is commonly related to a strong spatial disorder. We show that MBL may alternatively be generated by adding a temporal disorder to periodically driven many-body systems. We reach this conclusion by mapping the evolution of such systems on the dynamics of the time-independent, disordered, Hubbard-like models. Our result opens the way to experimental studies of MBL in systems that reveal crystalline structures in the time domain. In particular, we discuss two relevant setups which can be implemented in experiments on ultra-cold atomic gases.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B as a Rapid Communicatio

    Diurnal Blood Pressure Profile after the First Dose of Peryndopryl in Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Wstęp Niewiele jest danych dotyczących wpływu pierwszej dawki inhibitora konwertazy angiotensyny na dobowy profil ciśnienia tętniczego krwi i częstość akcji serca we wczesnym okresie zawału serca. Celem badania była ocena wpływu peryndoprylu, inhibitora ACE o przedłużonym działaniu na dobowy profil ciśnienia tętniczego krwi u chorych we wczesnej fazie ostrego zawału serca. Materiał i metody Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 58 chorych hospitalizowanych w I Klinice Chorób Serca AM w Gdańsku z powodu ostrego zawału serca. Grupa I obejmowała 28 chorych z zawałem serca w wieku 60 ± 14 lat, leczonych peryndoprylem. Grupę II stanowiło 30 pacjentów z ostrym zawałem serca w wieku 58 ± 12 lat, u których dobowe monitorowanie ciśnienia przeprowadzono przed podaniem pierwszej dawki inhibitora ACE. Pacjenci w obu grupach nie byli wcześniej leczeni inhibitorami konwertazy angiotensyny. Wykonano 24-godzinny pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego krwi skurczowego (SBP) i rozkurczowego (DBP) oraz częstości akcji serca (HR) w 1., 2. lub 3. dobie zawału serca u pacjentów obu grup. Wyniki Średnie 24-godzinne SBP w grupie I było niższe (na granicy znamienności statystycznej) w porównaniu z grupą II (grupa I 110 ± 13 mm Hg vs grupa II 119 ± 15 mm Hg, p = 0,057). Wartości 24-godzinnego DBP było niemal identyczne w obu grupach (grupa I 70 ± 10 mm Hg vs grupa II 71 ± 10 mm Hg, p = 0,8). Podobnie jak średnie 24-godzinne HR (grupa I 76 ± 11/min vs grupa II 77 ± 12/min, p = 0,8). Wartość dobowa podwójnego iloczynu SBP ´ HR była znamiennie niższa w grupie I. Wnioski Monitorowanie skurczowego i rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego krwi nie wykazało istotnego obniżenia ciśnienia w 1. dobie stosowania peryndoprylu w dawce 4 mg, podawanego doustnie we wczesnej fazie ostrego zawału serca. Dobowa wartość podwójnego iloczynu skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego i akcji serca jest znamiennie zmniejszona u osób z grupy przyjmującej peryndopryl.Background There is lack of data on 24-hour blood pressure after the first dose of ACE inhibitor in acute myocardial infarction. Because potentially serious consequences of hypotension after the first dose of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors may occur the aim of our study was to evaluate the hypotensive effects of early treatment with ACE inhibitor — peryndopryl in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Material and methods The study was performed in 58 consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction. On the first, second or third day of acute myocardial infarction 28 patients from group I (age 60 ± 14 years, EF 52% ± 8%) received one dose of 4 mg of peryndopryl per os. Group II, not treated with ACE inhibitor, consisted of 30 patients with acute myocardial infarction (age 58 ± 12 years, EF 54% ± ± 9%). Non-invasive 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was programed to measure blood pressure every 20 minutes during a day and every 30 minutes at night. Results Mean 24-hour systolic blood pressure was lower in group I but not significant (110 ± 13 mm Hg vs. 119 ± ± 15 mm Hg, p = 0.057), similar there was no significant differences in diurnal mean diastolic blood pressure (70 ± ± 10 mm Hg vs. 71 ± 10 mm Hg, p = 0.8) and mean diurnal heart rate (76 ± 11/min vs. 77 ± 12/min, p = 0.8). There was significant difference in mean 24-hour SBP x HR between group I and II (8140 ± 613 vs. 8740 ± ± 637 mm Hg/min, p = 0.03). Conclusions 24-hour blood pressure profile analysis in patients with acute myocardial infarction after the first 4 mg dose of peryndopryl (1–3 day) did not produce exacerbated hypotension. Mean diurnal double product SBP ´ HR was significantly lower in patients treated with peryndopryl

    Early recanalisation of middle cerebral artery in thrombolytic therapy of cardiogenic stroke - a case study

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    Udary niedokrwienne stanowią 85–90% udarów mózgu, większość z nich to rezultat niedrożności tętnic mózgowych lub szyjnych. Wysoka śmiertelność oraz znaczny odsetek chorych obarczonych trwałym inwalidztwem wskazują na konieczność poszukiwania skuteczniejszych form terapii. Tromboliza mózgowa pozwala na istotne zmniejszenie deficytu neurologicznego. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 54-letniego mężczyzny, u którego zastosowano leczenie trombolityczne w przebiegu kardiogennego ogniska niedokrwiennego mózgu w dorzeczu tętnicy mózgu środkowej. Poprawa stanu neurologicznego (regresja objawów ogniskowych) nastąpiła już w pierwszej godzinie leczenia i.v. rekombinowanym tkankowym aktywatorem plazminogenu (rt-PA). Rekanalizację tętnicy mózgu środkowej potwierdzono badaniem przezczaszkowej ultrasonografii dopplerowskiej.Acute ischaemic stroke constitutes 85–90% of all stroke subtypes. Majority of brain ischaemia results from cerebral or carotid arteries occlusion. High mortality and invalidity due to stroke are still unsatisfactory. Thrombolytic therapy enables recovery improvement and significant reduction of neurological deficits. In this report we present a case of 54-year-old male with ischaemic stroke of cardiogenic origin in territory of middle cerebral artery. Significant neurological recovery was observed during the first hour of i.v. rt-PA infusion. Recanalisation of middle cerebral artrery was confirmed with Transcranial Doppler examination

    Diurnal Blood Pressure Profile after the First Dose of Perindopril in Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with a History of Hypertension

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    Wstęp Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań klinicznych wskazują na dobrą tolerancję inhibitorów konwertazy angiotensyny stosowanych u pacjentów z ostrym zawałem serca. Istnieją jednak doniesienia o możliwości wystąpienia nadmiernej reakcji hipotensyjnej po podaniu pierwszej dawki inhibitora ACE w tej grupie chorych. Celem badania autorów była ocena dobowego profilu ciśnienia tętniczego po podaniu pierwszej dawki peryndoprylu u pacjentów z ostrym zawałem serca obciążonych w wywiadzie nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Materiał i metody Badaniem objęto 72 kolejnych pacjentów hospitalizowanych w I Klinice Chorób Serca AMG z powodu ostrego zawału serca. Wyodrębniono grupę kontrolną 20 pacjentów obciążonych nadciśnieniem tętniczym, u których monitorowanie ciśnienia tętniczego wykonano w 1., 2. lub 3. dobie zawału serca, poprzedzającej rozpoczęcie terapii inhibitorem ACE. Drugą grupę stanowiło 12 pacjentów z ostrym zawałem serca obciążonych nadciśnieniem tętniczym, u których monitorowanie ciśnienia wykonano w 1., 2. lub 3. dobie zawału serca po podaniu pierwszej dawki 4 mg peryndoprylu. Całodobowe, nieinwazyjne monitorowanie ciśnienia tętniczego skurczowego (SBP), rozkurczowego (DBP) oraz częstości akcji serca (HR) przeprowadzono za pomocą aparatu Spacelabs 90207. Wyniki Średnie wartości 24-godzinnego SBP były znamiennie niższe w grupie leczonej peryndoprylem niż w grupie kontrolnej (121,5 &plusmn; 11,1 mm Hg vs. 111,5 &plusmn; 9,4 mm Hg, p < 0,02). Podobne różnice wykazano w przypadku dziennego SBP (123,3 &plusmn; 11,5 mm Hg vs. 112,6 &plusmn; 9,2 mm Hg, p < 0,01) i nocnego SBP (116,4 &plusmn; 12,5 mm Hg vs. 106,8 &plusmn; 8,5 mm Hg, p < 0,03). Ocena średnich wartości DBP i HR nie wykazała znamiennych różnic między badanymi grupami chorych. Wartości średnie podwójnego iloczynu SBP i HR były znamiennie mniejsze w grupie pacjentów leczonych peryndoprylem, obciążonych w wywiadzie nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Największą różnicę między wartościami średnimi jednogodzinnymi SBP a średnimi wartościami wyjściowymi w przypadku grupy leczonej peryndoprylem wykazano w 9. godzinie monitorowania (14,8 &plusmn; 14,3 mm Hg vs. 4,4 &plusmn; 11,6 mm Hg w grupie P vs. K, p < 0,01).Background Indications for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are well established. Clinical trials revealed good tolerability of ACE inhibitors in patients with acute myocardial infarction, but there are data showing that selected groups of patients may be at risk of hypotension after the first dose of ACE inhibitor. The aim of our study was to evaluate blood pressure profile in early treatment with ACE inhibitor - perindopril in hypertensive patients with acute myocardial infarction. Material and methods The study was performed in 72 consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), from which were selected patients with a history of hypertension. In a group of 20 hypertensive patients in control group blood pressure monitoring was performed in 1 or 2, or 3rd day of AMI, day before the beginning of ACE inhibitor therapy. In a group of 12 patients with hypertension in history perindopril was given in 1 or 2, or 3rd day of AMI, and blood pressure monitoring was performed. Non-invasive 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was programmed to measure blood pressure every 20 minutes during a day and every 30 minutes at night. Results Mean 24-hours systolic blood pressure was significantly lower in a group of patients with acute myocardial infarction and hypertension history after the first dose of 4 mg of perindopril (121,5 &plusmn; 11,1 mm Hg vs. 111,5 &plusmn; 9,4 mm Hg, p < 0,02). There was also significantly lower day SBP (123,3 &plusmn; 11,5 mm Hg vs. 112,6 &plusmn; 9,2 mm Hg, p < 0,01) and night SBP (116,4 &plusmn; 12,5 mm Hg vs. 106,8 &plusmn; 8,5 mm Hg, p < 0,03) in a group of patients treated with perindopril. There was no significant difference in diastolic blood pressure and heart rate between control group and group of patients treated with perindopril. In the perindopril group, the maximum decrease of mean one hour SBP compared to the first mean one hour SBP occurred 9 hours after the dose (14,2 &plusmn; 3,7 mm Hg vs. 7,0 &plusmn; 3,3 mm Hg, p < 0,001, in perindopril and control group respectively). Similarly estimated decrease in DBP was also lower in the perindopril group (8,9 &plusmn; 8,7 mm Hg) in comparison to control group (3,5 &plusmn; 3,1 mm Hg) (p < 0,001). Conclusions Perindopril may cause significant blood pressure decrease after the first dose in patients with acute myocardial infarction and with a history of hypertension

    The 3020insC Allele of NOD2 Predisposes to Cancers of Multiple Organs

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    The NOD2 gene has been associated with susceptibility to Crohn's disease and individuals with Crohn's disease are at increased risk for cancer at a number of organ sites. We studied the association between the 3020insC allele of the NOD2 gene and cancer among 2604 cancer patients and 1910 controls from Poland. Patients were diagnosed with one of twelve types of cancer in the Szczecin region between 1994 and 2004. Significant associations were found for colon cancer (OR = 1.8; 95% CI 1.2 to 2.6), for lung cancer (OR = 1.7; 95% CI = 1.1 to 2.5) and for ovarian cancer (OR = 1.6; 95% CI 1.1 to 2.3). In addition, a significant association was found for early-onset laryngeal cancer (OR = 2.9; 95% CI 1.4 to 6.2) and for breast cancer in the presence of DCIS (OR = 2.1 95% CI = 1.2 to 3.6). The NOD2 3020insC allele is relatively common (in Poland 7.3% of individuals) and may be responsible for an important fraction of cancer cases. We estimate that the lifetime cancer risk among carriers of this allele is 30% higher than that of individuals with two wild-type alleles

    The Influence of Anorexia (a Psychological Eating Disorder) on the Ability of a Person to Contract Marriage

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    In clinical practice, one can notice the increasing number of people (mostly girls and young women) who come to receive treatment on account of their anorexia. This is the result of an increasing number of patients who come for treatment and better medical knowledge of this subject. A psychological eating disorder can often be difficult to recognize. Very often this disorder is accompanied by depression, fear, or a disorder of the patient’s personality. In addition, anorexia is often a symptom of a developing state of neurosis, or a very serious somatic illness which leads the body to destroy itself.This article concerns the problem of the ability of a person who has succumbed to anorexia to contract a canonical marriage. The study begins with a consideration of Canon 1095 n. 3 of the code of Canon Law. Special attention has been given to the problem of entering into relations within the personal marital community, and also the welfare of any children and the spouses in the context of anorexia. This article is intended to help in the legal processes undertaken by the Church’s tribunals, to which comes the person who is suffering from psychological anorexia

    Workaholism as a cause for incapability to contract marriage

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    This article shows that addiction to work (workaholism) can be a potential cause of person’s inability to contract marriage in the light of canon law. Workahlism is one of contemporary addictions, in which an individual gets addicted to certain actions and not substances. Nevertheless, addiction in consideration causes particular effects, also mental, and it strongly influences person’s functioning. It mainly causes damages to interpersonal bonds, personal life disruptions, health deterioration, reduction of happiness and even the loss of life. This paper describes the phenomenon of workaholism (a concept, diagnostic criteria, stages of development, causes and consequences of addiction to work). Next it presents how workaholism affects ability to take upon significant marriage duties. Presented analysis is based on Canon 1095 of The Code of Canon Law. This article might be of use for Church courts employees, in terms of interpretation of The Code of Canon Law: Canon 1095 in the context of addictions. It may also have scientific application

    The concept of „the good of offspring” as a source of marital rights and duties in the light of Canon Law

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    Ustanowiony przez Boga wyłączny i nierozerwalny związek pomiędzy mężczyzną i kobietą, realizuje się we wspólnocie całego życia, skierowanej ze swej natury do dobra małżonków oraz do zrodzenia i wychowania potomstwa. Niezmienna od stuleci nauka Kościoła o celu prokreacyjnym małżeństwa, wzbogacona przesłaniem Soboru Watykańskiego II, stanowi wykładnię prawa naturalnego. Ukierunkowanie owej wspólnoty życia, jaką jest małżeństwo ku zrodzeniu potomstwa należy do istoty małżeństwa. Nowy Kodeks prawa kanonicznego odstąpił od wyszczególniania pierwszorzędnego i drugorzędnego celu małżeństwa oraz przyjął w kan. 1055 §1 formułę o skierowaniu tego związku ku dobru małżonków i ku zrodzeniu i wychowaniu potomstwa. Wypływające ze skierowania małżeństwa do zrodzenia potomstwa prawa-obowiązki małżonków pozostają wyrazem wzajemnego oddania się i przekazania małżeńskiego stron w wymiarze ich własnej męskości i kobiecości. Artykuł bazuje przede wszystkim na Kodeksie prawa kanonicznego z 1917 i 1983 r., dokumentach Kościoła, wyrokach Roty Rzymskiej oraz nauczaniu św. Augustyna.An exclusive and indissoluble relation between a man and a woman, established by God, accomplishes in the community of a whole life, which is directed by nature at the good of the spouses, and at the procreation and children upbringing. Unchanged for ages, Ecclesial science about the spouses procreative aim, enriched by the Second Vatican Council message, is the exposition of the natural law. A direction of the life community, which is the marriage for the children procreation, belongs to the essence of marriage. A new Canonical Law Code departed from the specification of the first and second aim of the marriage, and assumed in Can 1055 §1 a form to direct this relationship at the good of the spouses and at the procreation and children upbringing. Rights and duties of the spouses, which come from directing the marriage to children procreation, are the expression of the mutual devotion and marital transmission of the sides in the dimension of their own masculinity and feminity. The article relies mostly on Canonical Law Code from 1917 and 1983, Ecclesial acts, judgments of the Roman Rota, and St. Augustine Teaching

    The obligation to be present at Mass on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation

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    This article concerns the legal obligation to attend the celebration of Mass on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation. This work will define the nature and the subject of this obligation, the issues that arise and are linked to the liturgical action and the time allotted for the fulfilment of this legal duty. This article also addresses the question of who may rightly dispense from the requirement to be present at Mass on these days.     The obligation to be present at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is grounded in Divine Law. The manner of realizing the obligation is defined in positive Divine Law. The obligation to celebrate Mass is the duty of priests, and these in normal circumstances thus fulfil their duty to be present at Mass.  All the faithful are required to be present at Mass on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation.

    The Search for the Objective Truth and Moral Certainty of the Judge In the Canonical Process of Marriage

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    The legal proceeding which also contains the canonical process concerning the statement of an annulment of marriage aims to establish the objective truth. The Judge should have the moral certainty which is necessary and sufficient at the same time to establish the truth. This article aims to show the connection between these notions, the difference between moral certainty, probability and absolute certainty. This article also discusses those elements in Canon Law which help one to gain moral certainty, as well as revealing the objective truth.            This article is intended as a help in a scholarly investigation of the canonical processes concerning marriage.