545 research outputs found

    Effective rate equations for the over-damped motion in fluctuating potentials

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    We discuss physical and mathematical aspects of the over-damped motion of a Brownian particle in fluctuating potentials. It is shown that such a system can be described quantitatively by fluctuating rates if the potential fluctuations are slow compared to relaxation within the minima of the potential, and if the position of the minima does not fluctuate. Effective rates can be calculated; they describe the long-time dynamics of the system. Furthermore, we show the existence of a stationary solution of the Fokker-Planck equation that describes the motion within the fluctuating potential under some general conditions. We also show that a stationary solution of the rate equations with fluctuating rates exists.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, standard LaTeX2

    Antiferromagnetism in the Exact Ground State of the Half Filled Hubbard Model on the Complete-Bipartite Graph

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    As a prototype model of antiferromagnetism, we propose a repulsive Hubbard Hamiltonian defined on a graph \L={\cal A}\cup{\cal B} with AB={\cal A}\cap {\cal B}=\emptyset and bonds connecting any element of A{\cal A} with all the elements of B{\cal B}. Since all the hopping matrix elements associated with each bond are equal, the model is invariant under an arbitrary permutation of the A{\cal A}-sites and/or of the B{\cal B}-sites. This is the Hubbard model defined on the so called (NA,NB)(N_{A},N_{B})-complete-bipartite graph, NAN_{A} (NBN_{B}) being the number of elements in A{\cal A} (B{\cal B}). In this paper we analytically find the {\it exact} ground state for NA=NB=NN_{A}=N_{B}=N at half filling for any NN; the repulsion has a maximum at a critical NN-dependent value of the on-site Hubbard UU. The wave function and the energy of the unique, singlet ground state assume a particularly elegant form for N \ra \inf. We also calculate the spin-spin correlation function and show that the ground state exhibits an antiferromagnetic order for any non-zero UU even in the thermodynamic limit. We are aware of no previous explicit analytic example of an antiferromagnetic ground state in a Hubbard-like model of itinerant electrons. The kinetic term induces non-trivial correlations among the particles and an antiparallel spin configuration in the two sublattices comes to be energetically favoured at zero Temperature. On the other hand, if the thermodynamic limit is taken and then zero Temperature is approached, a paramagnetic behavior results. The thermodynamic limit does not commute with the zero-Temperature limit, and this fact can be made explicit by the analytic solutions.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures .ep

    Symmetry breaking in (gravitating) scalar field models describing interacting boson stars and Q-balls

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    We investigate the properties of interacting Q-balls and boson stars that sit on top of each other in great detail. The model that describes these solutions is essentially a (gravitating) two-scalar field model where both scalar fields are complex. We construct interacting Q-balls or boson stars with arbitrarily small charges but finite mass. We observe that in the interacting case - where the interaction can be either due to the potential or due to gravity - two types of solutions exist for equal frequencies: one for which the two scalar fields are equal, but also one for which the two scalar fields differ. This constitutes a symmetry breaking in the model. While for Q-balls asymmetric solutions have always corresponding symmetric solutions and are thus likely unstable to decay to symmetric solutions with lower energy, there exists a parameter regime for interacting boson stars, where only asymmetric solutions exist. We present the domain of existence for two interacting non-rotating solutions as well as for solutions describing the interaction between rotating and non-rotating Q-balls and boson stars, respectively.Comment: 33 pages including 21 figures; v2: version considerably extended: 6 new figures added, equations of motion added, discussion on varying gravitational coupling added, references adde

    Rotating Boson Stars and Q-Balls

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    We consider axially symmetric, rotating boson stars. Their flat space limits represent spinning Q-balls. We discuss their properties and determine their domain of existence. Q-balls and boson stars are stationary solutions and exist only in a limited frequency range. The coupling to gravity gives rise to a spiral-like frequency dependence of the boson stars. We address the flat space limit and the limit of strong gravitational coupling. For comparison we also determine the properties of spherically symmetric Q-balls and boson stars.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure

    Passing to the Limit in a Wasserstein Gradient Flow: From Diffusion to Reaction

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    We study a singular-limit problem arising in the modelling of chemical reactions. At finite {\epsilon} > 0, the system is described by a Fokker-Planck convection-diffusion equation with a double-well convection potential. This potential is scaled by 1/{\epsilon}, and in the limit {\epsilon} -> 0, the solution concentrates onto the two wells, resulting into a limiting system that is a pair of ordinary differential equations for the density at the two wells. This convergence has been proved in Peletier, Savar\'e, and Veneroni, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 42(4):1805-1825, 2010, using the linear structure of the equation. In this paper we re-prove the result by using solely the Wasserstein gradient-flow structure of the system. In particular we make no use of the linearity, nor of the fact that it is a second-order system. The first key step in this approach is a reformulation of the equation as the minimization of an action functional that captures the property of being a curve of maximal slope in an integrated form. The second important step is a rescaling of space. Using only the Wasserstein gradient-flow structure, we prove that the sequence of rescaled solutions is pre-compact in an appropriate topology. We then prove a Gamma-convergence result for the functional in this topology, and we identify the limiting functional and the differential equation that it represents. A consequence of these results is that solutions of the {\epsilon}-problem converge to a solution of the limiting problem.Comment: Added two sections, corrected minor typos, updated reference

    On a class of invariant coframe operators with application to gravity

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    Let a differential 4D-manifold with a smooth coframe field be given. Consider the operators on it that are linear in the second order derivatives or quadratic in the first order derivatives of the coframe, both with coefficients that depend on the coframe variables. The paper exhibits the class of operators that are invariant under a general change of coordinates, and, also, invariant under the global SO(1,3)-transformation of the coframe. A general class of field equations is constructed. We display two subclasses in it. The subclass of field equations that are derivable from action principles by free variations and the subclass of field equations for which spherical-symmetric solutions, Minkowskian at infinity exist. Then, for the spherical-symmetric solutions, the resulting metric is computed. Invoking the Geodesic Postulate, we find all the equations that are experimentally (by the 3 classical tests) indistinguishable from Einstein field equations. This family includes, of course, also Einstein equations. Moreover, it is shown, explicitly, how to exhibit it. The basic tool employed in the paper is an invariant formulation reminiscent of Cartan's structural equations. The article sheds light on the possibilities and limitations of the coframe gravity. It may also serve as a general procedure to derive covariant field equations

    Deriving effective models for multiscale systems via evolutionary GammaGamma-convergence

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    We discuss possible extensions of the recently established theory of evolutionary Gamma convergence for gradient systems to nonlinear dynamical systems obtained by perturbation of a gradient systems. Thus, it is possible to derive effective equations for pattern forming systems with multiple scales. Our applications include homogenization of reaction-diffusion systems, the justification of amplitude equations for Turing instabilities, and the limit from pure diffusion to reaction-diffusion. This is achieved by generalizing the Gamma-limit approaches based on the energy-dissipation principle or the evolutionary variational estimate

    Renormalization approach to many-particle systems

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    This paper presents a renormalization approach to many-particle systems. By starting from a bare Hamiltonian H=H0+H1{\cal H}= {\cal H}_0 +{\cal H}_1 with an unperturbed part H0{\cal H}_0 and a perturbation H1{\cal H}_1,we define an effective Hamiltonian which has a band-diagonal shape with respect to the eigenbasis of H0{\cal H}_0. This means that all transition matrix elements are suppressed which have energy differences larger than a given cutoff λ\lambda that is smaller than the cutoff Λ\Lambda of the original Hamiltonian. This property resembles a recent flow equation approach on the basis of continuous unitary transformations. For demonstration of the method we discuss an exact solvable model, as well as the Anderson-lattice model where the well-known quasiparticle behavior of heavy fermions is derived.Comment: 11 pages, final version, to be published in Phys. Rev.