55 research outputs found

    Hipnoza w psychoterapii

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    Letter to Editor : possession-unraveled

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    Applicability of Polish adaptation of MMPI-2 questionnaire in diagnosis and monitoring of psychotherapy effectiveness of patients with neurotic and personality disorders

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    Artykuł opisuje przeprowadzenie pionierskiego w Polsce badania z zastosowaniem nowej polskiej wersji Minnesockiego Wielowymiarowego Kwestionariusza Osobowości. Okazał się on użytecznym narzędziem w monitorowaniu procesu psychoterapii pacjentów cierpiących z powodu zaburzeń nerwicowych i zaburzeń osobowości, co wydaje się szczególnie istotne z punktu widzenia planowania follow-up i badań międzyośrodkowych.Development by the Psychological Test Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association the first fully standardized version of the questionnaire MMPI-2 has opened the possibility of conducting with its use pioneering research in the clinical context in Polish population of patients with neurotic and personality disorders. The conducted research has shown that in the majority of patients eligible for treatment for neurotic and personality disorders in measurement obtained at the beginning of therapy the results indicating neurotic symptoms and disturbance of personality functioning are significantly higher than in the healthy population. Polish version of the MMPI-2 proved to be in this respect a useful tool in the diagnosis of neurotic and personality disorders. As a result of group psychotherapy with elements of individual psychotherapy in most patients profound reduction in the level of neurotic symptoms as well as deep positive change in personality functioning have been observed. Application of the new Polish version of MMPI-2 proved to be useful in monitoring the psychotherapy process of patients suffering from neurotic disorders and personality disorders, which seems to be particularly important from the point of view of planning the follow-up and multi-center research

    The intensity of anxiety, neurotic symptoms and perceived control among patients with neurotic and personality disorders

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    Aims: The study aimed to determine the relationship between the intensity of anxiety, neurotic symptoms and perceived control using Bryant’s Four-Factor Model of Perceived Control. The goal of the study was also to describe the structure of perceived control among patients with neurotic and personality disorders. Materials and methods: The study included 49 patients with neurotic disorders, personality disorders or comorbid neurotic and personality disorders from a psychotherapy hospital department. We used the following tools: the KO "O" Symptom Checklist, the KON-2006 Neurotic Personality Questionnaire, a Polish adaptation of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and Bryant’s Questionnaire of Perceived Control. Results: The intensity of neurotic personality and anxiety-trait is significantly negatively correlated with most indicators of perceived control. Discussion: Some studies in the literature have found an association between perceived control and anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and even psychotic states. To date, Rotter’s one-dimensional scale has been used in most studies (internal vs. external locus of control). The present study enables researchers to broaden the perspective on perceived control, adding cognitive control and emotional control over positive as well as negative events. Conclusions: Most of the various factors of perceived control are related to some extent to the personality structure, which is responsible for the occurrence of neurotic disorders, and to some extent to anxiety trait - an important predictor for neurotic disorders. The results presented are relevant to patients suffering from neurotic symptoms and diagnosed with neurotic disorders and personality disorders according to ICD-10 criteria

    Choice of medical specialty and personality traits measured with the EPQ-R(S) in medical students and specialist doctors

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    Objective: The study was conducted to examine the differences between personality traits of medical students choosing future specialties and among specialist doctors. Methods: Two groups were tested: students and specialist doctors, totaling 87 people. The former consisted of 5th and 6th year medical students (48 people), and the latter included doctors of various specialties (39 people). All statistical analyses were performed using Statistica 10 software. Statistical significance was set at p <0.05. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised Short form (EPQ-R(S)) was used to conduct personality assessments. Results: In the student group, there were no differences in the personality traits measured with the EPQ-R(S) depending on their preferred specialty (surgical, non-surgical, pediatric, internal medicine specialties or areas which do not require contact with the patient). In the group of doctors, there were no differences in personality traits measured with the EPQ-R(S) pediatric and surgical specialists. Internal medicine specialists had a significantly higher level of extraversion. Conclusion: Personality traits are not the most important factor influencing the choice of the professional path in young Polish doctors. Contrary to the stereotypes prevailing in the medical environment, also among specialist doctors, the personality-related differences are not so obvious. The results of this study can be used in medical career counseling, in order to help young medical students to choose their future career paths

    Trait and state anxiety in patients treated with intensive short-term group psychotherapy for neurotic and personality disorders

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    Aim. The study aimed to determine the severity of trait and state anxiety in patients treated for neurotic and personality disorders with intensive, short-term group psychotherapy and to analyse the change of anxiety intensity in the course of treatment. Methods. 116 patients (81 females and 35 males) participated in the study. The measurement of anxiety intensity was conducted with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) at the beginning and at the end of treatment. Results. The majority of patients (69% of the study group) demonstrated a high intensity of state anxiety at the beginning of the treatment with 47.4% being classified as very high. High intensity of trait anxiety was observed in 64.7% of participants (50.9% – very high). RCI (Reliable Change Index) and RCV (Reliable Change Value) indicated a significant change in state anxiety intensity in 62.1% of participants (48.3% – significant decrease, 13.8% increase). At the end of treatment more than a half of patients manifested medium and low intensity of both trait and state anxiety. Conclusions. At the beginning of psychotherapy the majority of patients demonstrated high intensity of both trait and state anxiety. In the course of therapy a considerable reduction of intensity of trait and state anxiety is observed. Significant deterioration in trait anxiety is observed in one out of every thirteen treated patients. Polish adaptation of STAI questionnaire is a useful tool for monitoring effectiveness of psychotherapy and may be successfully applied for screening and detailed diagnosis of neurotic and personality disorders

    The crossroads of gastroenterology and psychiatry : what benefits can psychiatry provide for the treatment of patients suffering from gastrointestinal symptoms

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    Introduction: Gastrointestinal symptoms are very common in the general population. Many of them coincide with mental disorders (especially with neuroses, stress-related disorders, somatisation disorders, autonomic dysfunction, and anxiety) that are associated with psychological trauma, conflicts, and difficulties with interpersonal relationships. Aim: Assessment of the association between gastrointestinal complaints and stressful situations in relationships, among patients admitted to day hospital for neurotic and behavioural disorders. Material and methods: Analysis of the likelihood of co-occurrence of abdominal symptoms and stressful situations, reported by patients before admission, in a large group of subjects treated with psychotherapy. Results: Gastrointestinal symptoms were highly prevalent in the studied group (they were reported by 40-50% of patients). The most common complaints in women were: loss of appetite (52%), nausea (49%), and constipation and flatulence (45%). In men the most prevalent symptoms were: loss of appetite (47%), heartburn (44%), and flatulence (43%). Functional gastrointestinal symptoms (especially vomiting in cases of nervousness in females or heartburn in males) were significantly associated with greater likelihood of current difficulties in interpersonal relationships, such as conflicts with partner/spouse or parent. Conclusions: The results suggest that in many cases symptoms of anxiety disorders or somatisation disorders coexisted with irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia