12 research outputs found


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    The importance of small water bodies for the environment consists in keeping it's biocenotic diversity and affecting the biocycle by damming nutrients and other substances. They also have econonomical and recreational significance. Forming of ponds took place through various different processes, and they are a subject of ever-changing environmnent. Since bottom sedmiments of small water bodies can accumulate contaminating nutrients and heavy metals, they are considered to be a relatively simple indicator of environment pollution. This paper aims to present an overview of small water bodies features and significance with emphasis on bottom sediments and their various classifications


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       INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases and the associated sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) are the main cause of death in Poland and around the world. The immediate reaction of bystanders to the event increases the survivor’s chances of survival. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and declared skills of medical and non-medical students regarding the methods and techniques of first aid. METHODS: During the period April–May 2017 at Collegium Mazovia Innovative University in Siedlce (Poland), a study was carried out using the anonymous questionnaire of author’s design on the principles of first aid. The survey was addressed to 200 part-time students of medical (medical emergency, nursing, physiotherapy) and non-medical (finance and construction) degrees. RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences between the self-assessment of knowledge about first aid and the field of study (p < 0.001). The question “How do you evaluate your knowledge about first aid” by comparing the medical, financial and construction fields of study showed that a level assessed as very good was indicated by: 38% vs. 7% vs. 8% students, respectively. A good level was indicated by 51% vs. 37% vs. 24% of students respectively while an average level was shown by: 11% vs. 49% vs. 64% of students respectively. In addition, a lack of knowledge was displayed by: 0% vs. 7% vs. 4% of students, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicates that: (1) the state of non-medical students’ knowledge concerning first aid was unsatisfactory; (2) it is advisable to promote knowledge about current CPR guidelines in the non-medical student population


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    In the following article, two two-lane expressways were studied: S6 - bypass of Nowogard and S10 - bypass of Stargard, both located in Western Pomerania, Poland. Soil samples were taken from 0-30 cm deep layer from direct surrounding of a roadway (up to 1 meter) - D, aswell as in a 20 meter distance from a roadway - K, in previously set places. In taken samples, the concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn are evaluated. Based on the chemical analysis, it has been shown that analysed soil samples from studied by-passes are characterized by diversified average concentrations of heavy metals, depending on the place of sampling. However, none of the concentrations of chosen heavy metals have exceeded threshold values, according to Regulation of the Minister of Environment dated 09 September 2002 on soil quality standards and quality standards of soil (Journal of Laws 2002 No 165, item 1359) for industrial areas, mining grounds and transportation areas


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      INTRODUCTION: The burnout syndrome is a result of stress on the work situation and most often concerns pro­fessions requiring emotional and direct contact with another human being. The level of empathy is closely related to the phenomenon of occupational burnout. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of socio-demo­graphic factors of emergency services employees on the level of empathy. METHOD: In the period January–March 2018, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire — Emphatic Sensi­tiveness Scale (ESC) and an anonymous author’s questionnaire containing questions regarding sex, age, length of employment, occupation, marital status and number of hours worked per month. The survey was addressed to 81 employees of emergency services: paramedics (n = 17) and firefighters (n = 23). The control group consisted of 16 nurses and 25 people performing non–medical professions. RESULTS: The average number of hours worked per month by the respondents was 189 ± 49. There were 50 fe­males (62%) and 31 males (38%). The questionnaire showed statistically significant differences in perspective taking domain between the control group composed of people working in non-medical professions (25.6 ± 4.3) and emergency services professionals: firefighter (28.7 ± 3.6) vs. paramedic (29.9 ± 3.5) vs. nurse (31.2 ± 3.0), p < 0.001. It has been shown a statistically significant effect of sex on personal distress domain: male (21.4 ± 4.2) vs. female (24.3 ± 4.7), p = 0.005. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, our data indicates that: (1) Nurses were characterised by the highest level of empathy amongst the surveyed professional groups; (2) Females were characterised by a higher level of personal distress; (3) Variables such as sex, age, and length of employment did not affect the level of empathy


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    Several MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) devices have been analysed and simulated. The new proposed model of SiC MPS (Merged PIN-Schottky) diodes is in full agreement with the real MPS devices. The real size DLL (Dynamic Lattice Liquid) simulator as well as the research on modelling and simulation of modern VLSI devices with practical applications have been presented. In the basis of experience in the field of ATCA (Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture) based systems a proof-of-concept DAQ (data acquisition) system for ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) have been proposed

    Level of Anxiety Caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic among Dentists in Poland

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    Background and Objectives: The early information on both the speed and high morbidity rate and, above all, mortality triggered the symptoms of COVID-19-related panic and anxiety. Dentists were listed in the top five professions with the highest risk of transmission of the virus. The aim of the present study was to investigate the correlation between the fear level of COVID-19 and sociodemographic variables in Polish dentists. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted via an online survey questionnaire with seven statements in the COVID-19 Fear Scale (FCV-19S). The online questionnaire was completed by 356 dentists. The SPSS and PQStat were used to analyze, validate, and assess correlations and logistic regression. Results: In the studied population of dentists, the perceived level of anxiety associated with COVID-19 should be considered relatively low. When the respondents had children, lived with the elderly, or looked after them, the observed level of anxiety was higher, and physical symptoms, such as sweating palms and increased heart rate, occurred. Conclusions: Studies concerning the anxiety level related to COVID-19 carried out among Polish dentists ascertained that the tested level of anxiety among dentists was relatively low. The COVID-19 Fear Scale (FCV-19S) adjusted to the Polish language requirements is a reliable tool that can be used effectively for analyzing the impact of any pandemic on the Polish-speaking population

    Original articleSocial support level in relation to metabolic syndrome – results of the SOPKARD study

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    Background: Low level of social support is one of the psychosocial cardiovascular risk factors. Moreover, social support level (SSL) has been reported to be associated with components of metabolic syndrome (MS). Aim: To evaluate the association of SSL with MS in 50- and 60-year-old citizens of Sopot. Methods: The study covered 476 citizens of Sopot (218 males – M; 258 females – F), aged 50-60 years, invited to take part in the screening project SOPKARD aimed at increasing detectability of hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes mellitus in 2002-2003. Patients with MS were diagnosed according to the AHA/NHLBI criteria (2007). The Berkman and Syme’s questionnaire was used for assessment of SSL which was categorised into 3 groups: low, medium and high. Results: Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 34% (W 29%, M 39%, pWstęp: Niski poziom wsparcia społecznego (WS) jest jednym z psychospołecznych czynników ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. W wielu badaniach wykazano jego związek ze zwiększoną częstością chorób układu krążenia. Doniesienia ostatnich lat wskazują na istnienie zależności między poziomem WS a zaburzeniami wchodzącymi w skład zespołu metabolicznego (ZM), będącymi niezależnymi czynnikami ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Cel: Ocena związku pomiędzy poziomem WS a rozpowszechnieniem ZM wśród 50- i 60-letnich mieszkańców Sopotu. Metodyka: Badaniem objęto 476 mieszkańców Sopotu (218 mężczyzn i 258 kobiet) w wieku 50–60 lat, zaproszonych do badań przesiewowych w programie prewencji pierwotnej nadciśnienia tętniczego, cukrzycy i dyslipidemii SOPKARD w latach 2002 i 2003. Rozpowszechnienie ZM oceniono na podstawie wytycznych AHA/NHLBI z 2007 r. Poziom WS oceniano kwestionariuszem Berkmana i Syme’a, wyodrębniając grupy osób z niskim, średnim i wysokim poziomem wsparcia. Wyniki: Zespół metaboliczny występował u 34% badanych (29% kobiet, 39% mężczyzn,

    Orginal articleRelationship between the prevalence of depressive symptoms and metabolic syndrome. Results of the SOPKARD Project

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    Wstęp: Depresja jest nowo poznanym czynnikiem ryzyka choroby niedokrwiennej serca (ChNS). Wyniki wielu badań pokazują, że depresja może przyczyniaæ się do rozwoju zaburzeń związanych z zespołem metabolicznym, takich jak nadciśnienie tętnicze, otyłośæ, zaburzenia glikemii. Tym samym może wpływaæ na rozwój ChNS i pogarszaæ przebieg już istniejącego zaburzenia. Cel: Ocena częstości występowania zespołu metabolicznego i objawów depresji wśród 50- i 60-letnich mieszkańców Sopotu. Metodyka: Badaniem objęto 795 mieszkańców Sopotu (477 kobiet i 318 mężczyzn), którzy w 2003 i 2004 r. zostali zaproszeni na badania przesiewowe w programie prewencji pierwotnej nadciśnienia tętniczego, cukrzycy i dyslipidemii SOPKARD. Zespół metaboliczny rozpoznawano zgodnie z wytycznymi NCEP ATP III. Do oceny objawów depresyjnych posłużono się skalą depresji Becka. Wyniki: Zespół metaboliczny stwierdzono u 32% osób (31% kobiet, 33% mężczyzn). Rozpowszechnienie poszczególnych elementów zespołu metabolicznego było następujące: podwyższone ciśnienie tętnicze występowało u 63% osób (58% kobiet, 70% mężczyzn), nieprawidłowa glikemia na czczo u 24% osób (21% kobiet, 28% mężczyzn), otyłośæ trzewna u 33% osób (38% kobiet, 26% mężczyzn), podwyższony poziom trójglicerydów u 34% osób (28% kobiet, 42% mężczyzn), obniżony poziom HDL u 26% osób (28% kobiet, 23% mężczyzn). Objawy depresyjne występowały u 37% osób (42% kobiet, 28% mężczyzn). Zespół metaboliczny istotnie częściej obserwowano u osób z objawami depresji niż bez tych objawów – w całej badanej grupie (35% vs 28%, pIntroduction: Depression is a newly recognised risk factor for ischaemic heart disease (IHD). The results of many studies show that depression may contribute to the development of components of metabolic syndrome, such as arterial hypertension, obesity and glycaemic abnormalities. Thus it may have a significant impact on IHD development and worsen the course of an already established disorder. Aim: Evaluation of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and depression among Sopot inhabitants aged 50 or 60 years. Methods: This study involved 795 consecutive inhabitants of Sopot (477 female and 318 male) who were invited in 2003 and 2004 to participate in screening examinations in the programme of primary prevention of arterial hypertension, diabetes and lipid abnormalities – SOPKARD. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according to the NCEP ATP III guidelines. Beck’s Depression Inventory was used for the assessment of depressive symptoms. Results: Metabolic syndrome was recognised in 32% of participants (in 31% of women and in 33% of men). The distribution of particular elements of metabolic syndrome was as follows: elevated blood pressure was found in 63% of subjects (female – 58%, male – 70%), abnormal fasting glucose in 24% (female – 21%, male – 28%), visceral (abdominal) obesity in 33% (female – 38%, male – 26%), elevated triglyceride level in 34% (female – 28%, male – 42%) and decreased HDL level in 26% (female – 28%, male – 23%). Symptoms of depression were found in 37% of studied subjects (42% of females, 28% of males). Metabolic syndrome was observed more frequently in subjects with depressive symptoms compared to those without depressive symptoms in the whole group (35% vs 28%,