5 research outputs found

    The Dynamic Relationship between Globalization and Economic Growth: Its Implication on Business Policy

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between globalization and economic growth in Indonesia. Three globalization indices, economic globalization index, social globalization index and political globalization index, are used to measure the globalization. Johansen’s (1988) cointegration approach is used to estimate the model by using annual data from 1980 to 2014. The results indicate that there is a long-run cointegration relationship between globalization and economic growth in Indonesia. Globalization stimulates Indonesian economic growth in the long run. Meanwhile, political globalization implies short-run effect on the economic growth in Indonesia. From the policy perspective, this results support the argument that the government should take the international integration policy to sustain long-run economic growth


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    UPT BLK is an institution formed by the Government of Garut Regency with the main task of improving the quality and quantity of the workforce. The implementation of operational activities at UPT BLK is supported by physical assets and facilities that support the implementation of training activities for participants. Physical assets and facilities that are generally in the training center include buildings, classrooms, staff rooms, practice rooms, health rooms and others. The purpose of this study was to measure the manager's perception of the performance of physical assets and facilities of the UPT BLK of the Garut Regency Government. The indicator used is a checklist of physical assets and facilities indicators which have been translated into Indonesian. This study uses a qualitative and quantitative approach with an explanatory descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are scientific observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation studies. The results of the study indicate that the quality of physical assets and facilities in general is still relatively low. Therefore, the UPT BLK manager must pay attention to the development of physical assets and institutional facilities that are safe, clean and conducive so as to improve the training environment towards a more effective process

    Penerapan Manajemen Fasilitas dan Smart Mobility di PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan manajemen fasilitas dan smart mobility di PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) dengan eksplorasi kejadian atau fenomena yang dapat dijadikan pelajaran berharga bagi pengembangan teori dan kondisi eksisting penerapan tersebut. Penerapan manajemen fasilitas diukur dengan peningkatan kualitas layanan dan peningkatan inovasi layanan. Indikator pengukuran untuk penerapan smart mobility yakni penambahan kapasitas layanan, pengaplikasikan teknologi, dan peningkatan fasilitas operasional. Dari penelitian ini diketahui pengembangan fasilitas-fasilitas layanan terbaru yang diberikan PT. Kereta Api Indonesia sudah menerapkan konsep manajemen fasilitas dan smart mobility sehingga memberikan pelayanan yang memudahkan pengguna layanan jasa transportasi kereta


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    Pasar Anyar is an A class people’s market managed by PD. Pasar Bermartabat Bandung. The land of this market has an area of 10,190 m2 and the building has an area of 9,350 m2. In 2017, the trading area for meat and vegetables was constructed, in 2019 the roof was repaired, and in 2021 the management office was repaired. The building of Pasar Anyar has exceeded its economic age and has unorganized trading zones. The facilities and infrastructures are dirty and damaged, also some infrastructure has not available yet. The purpose of this research is to find out the performance of Pasar Anyar’s facilities and infrastructure. This evaluation of Pasar Anyar uses performance indicators of facilities and infrastructure, namely accessibility, facilities, convenient, and spacial and building layout. The research methods used are descriptive with qualitative and quantitative approaches, data analysis techniques with building and technical statistical requirements, and data collection techniques using observations, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation studies. The results showed that the facilities and infrastructure of Pasar Anyar are not in accordance with people’s market standards. Therefore, redeveloping the damaged facilities and infrastructures is needed to be done. Additionally, build infrastructures that has yet to be available is required

    Analisis Kinerja Aset Pasar Rakyat Kabupaten Bandung Berdasarkan SNI (Studi Kasus Pasar Rakyat Ciwidey)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja aset Pasar Ciwidey di Kabupaten Bandung. Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 8152:2015 mengenai pasar rakyat digunakan sebagai tolak ukur dalam menggali kesesuaian antara fasilitas yang ada (existing) dengan kondisi standar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan didukung dengan data kualitatif untuk mendapatkan sumber informasi yang valid agar dapat menjawab kebutuhan mengenai Pasar Ciwidey. Pengukuran kinerja aset pasar didasarkan pada aspek fisik, task and equipment, environmental, keselamatan dan kesehatan. Hasil dari penelitian menemukan ketidaksesuaian fasilitas-fasilitas yang digunakan di Pasar Ciwidey dengan SNI 8152:2015 yang digunakan sebagai tolak ukur penelitian. Pasar Ciwidey belum bias memenuhi kesesuaian aset yang dilihat dari aspek fisik, task and equipment, environmental, keselamatan dan kesehatan. Maka dengan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja aset di Pasar Ciwidey kurang baik